tv [untitled] July 27, 2010 3:03pm-3:33pm PST
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. such changes -- should not be subject to the redevelopment plans regarding the city regulations. they agree to make changes to make it consistent with this section 4.2. as everybody knows here, this board of supervisors, many of you, colleagues, are making great leaps in leadership in fortifying the work force roles, with supervisors campos, mar, and others. i think we should also be very
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careful lining of the law and the conditions with what we are hoping is advanced and implemented by and development. in truth, the redo a lemon law, as is required by project labor agreements, -- in truth, the redevelopment law, as is required by a project laboring agreements. what i am worried about is in the private sector. what i am worried about it this job industry, what are we going to do in order to usher in as many people as we possibly can and may not want the construction jobs, which is pretty much been a company strategy of redevelopment over years, and because this is having an ebb and flow, reports of 2 million square foot commercial development, i am hoping that the people there get
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the jobs, and i think that is the intention of the people here, but there are some loopholes but i hope are opened up. president chiu: supervisor mirkarimi has made another motion. is there a second? supervisor mirkarimi: this is also an easy one, and ending knee ceqa findings -- amending them. it is further resolved to add that the project is entirely within the yosemite creek watershed, whose headwaters are on the north side, but the. known as the south side -- the area known as the south side. we won a wetlands and watershed
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study. that is all. we're asking for opportunities for this extremely important ecological area note be enhanced by this project. restoration or relocation, as the next issue, the bridge, may require. the possibility of restoring the shoreline. the production and the establishment of criteria for this purpose. the study could be provided by the board of supervisors and made available for the public comment, so we are just asking for a study on this. and as a footnote, we have not had a discussion on the bridge yet. doing stuff like this will actually help in that process. i think this is a good move for the proponents of that project. that is my motion. president chiu: supervisor
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mirkarimi has made a motion for the watershed. is there a second? seconded by supervisor campos. supervisor mirkarimi: the next one is about removing the bridge completely. whether there is a stadium or not a stadium, the project should go forward. there should be, i think, additional evaluation of the project bridge, because it is such a clear-cut substantial feature of this development plan. there has been a great in attention and energy to it. i think it is unresolved on so many levels, and i agree that ultimately, a bridge may prevail, but i see that this does not handicap this plan. that may not be agreed upon strenuously by project
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opponents, but the net this bridge is essentials as a collective unit. i would like us to move forward without the bridge in holding back that the bridge be removed from the eir. i have a motion for this. president chiu: supervisor mirkarimi, circulated an amendment certifying that the bridge stay. >> -- supervisor mirkarimi: the following amendment is before you. president chiu: supervisor mirkarimi is motioning that the bridge be removed. is there a second to that? seconded by supervisor daly. supervisor mirkarimi note: it may be used for bicycles, buses, emergency vehicles only and
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should not be used for private automobiles. i understand, based on the city attorney's legal advisor, it is also a possibility here. i have great concerns about this. hawpe a stadium conducted -- a stadium conducted on the shipyards, it opens it up for private automobiles. this would have to go back to the board of supervisors. .that is all this amendment does. president chiu: supervisor mirkarimi has made a motion. is there a second? seconded by supervisor mar. supervisor campos? supervisor campos: i appreciate some of the amendments that he will be talking about. i have two amendments. the first has to do with the
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issue of minimum wage, to the extent at the pump that a living wage would apply to those jobs, in my understanding is that there is actually language that has been developed by our friends from labor and the project sponsor, that i would like to make a motion to incorporate that language, and i guess i have a question actually for the city attorney. my understanding is, is that living wage provision, is that something that would amend the dda, which, as i understand it, we cannot amend today? >> i think the appropriate place for these living wage amendment would be in living notedda, but you can condition -- would be in the dda, but you can condition
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it. the other option is just to stick in the ica. supervisor campos: so i would -- that is correct, so i would make that motion. president chiu: supervisor campos is making a motion for the living wage, seconded by supervisor mirkarimi, and, supervisor campos, we would like to see that before we vote on it. supervisor campos: under the current dda, there is a provision, section 16.3 0.2, which limits damages -- 16.3.2,
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and i would simply make a motion that we condition approval of the ica on a non waiver of damages, including a non waiver of special damages, punitive damages, or any other claim that the city could have.vis a vis the developer. if i may simply add something to that motion? i think if you asked staff, they would tell you that if there is a correlation between the actions of the developer in terms of its failure to do or not do something related to this project that liability would exist.
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i think that having that language in their confuses the issue. i do not think that in the and, -- end, the practical consequence of the language changes anything with respect to the developer, but i think it just clarify as that the city -- clarifies that the city would enforce all of its legal rights under the common law, and that is why i am making that motion, that the approval is contingent upon a non waiver of monetary damages, special damages, punitive damages, or any other claim that the city may have vis a vis the developer. president chiu: supervisor campos has made a motion with regard to the damages. do you have language?
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i think that would be great. i think there are some questions around punitive damages versus incremental damages. we want to be korea wrote -- clear on those. i have a couple of amendments to make. thank you, colleagues. i want to thank you for the many, many meetings we have had on this. as i have said before, i have probably were totter on this project than anything else here at city hall, and i also want to thank the many members of the public for the many years that you've worked on this. you have worked on this far, far longer than many of us on the board, with the exception of supervisor maxwell, and, supervisor maxwell, want to thank you for your leadership. i made a number of amendments. from my perspective, we have a
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solid thing in front of us, in my intention was to make it better. it dealt with a number of areas, including the clean-up, requiring the city to take a much more active role in enforcing federal government cleanup. secondly, i had the amendments dealing with the bridge over yosemite sleuths, focusing attention on a bridge that was half the size originally proposed, and third, i had amendments regarding the need to ensure health-care access for residents and the southeast part of the city, and in particular, articulating a plan to move forward with expanding the health center. fourthly, i had some amendments with regard to work force development, to ensure that not just those residents but the employable, low-income residents from throughout the city would be able to benefit from what we are doing here. during the hearing, two weeks ago, i believe, on june 13,
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there were a number of issues raised by a number of our colleagues, but chetry supervisor mirkarimi and supervisor campos, and i wanted to address those issues with the proposed amendments i have made, so, colleagues, i have circulated the language, first of all with the amendments i made for parcel pit e2. there was a discussion about whether to ask them to not expect profit 8 vote or the was a distinction koran language that supervisor campos raised, and i am confident that we have the strongest language there, which says that the redevelopment agency shall not accept, i.e., the parcel e2, unless the highest level of cleanup is provided, as stated in the cooperative agreement between the region of an agency
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and the city, so that is my first amendment. -- between the korea develop an agency. -- the redevelopment agency. the second language i have concerns the southeast health center. it was raised during the debate to the release ago. we have done numerous studies for the need of an expanded health center in those neighborhoods in our city, so i want to amend the language to essentially eliminate the need to do a need assessments study. this language provided that the developer would contribute accordingly to do pre- development expenses associated with the expansion of the southeast health center, and i want to clarify we do not need that study, but we do need programmatic needs for the center so that we ensure that what we are doing dovetails with
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other resources better in that part of the city, assuming we move forward with that. it is conflict -- contemplated in the language from a few weeks ago that the capital costs would be funded through increments generated by the redevelopment project. but a portion of the $2 million contribution provided by the developer, and, thirdly, through the city's ability to finance savings that our department of public health would accrue by moving from leased space to owned space, so my amendment specifically fis that money that the developer is going to be contributing would go to prevent and expenses. supervisor campos: we have the amendment by a supervisor chiu and seconded by supervisor mar. president chiu: that concludes
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my remarks. supervisor dailly? supervisor cook daly: -- supervisor daily: -- supervisor daly: this is about the proposed capping of e2 2 other parcels within the project. purchased -- proposed be it resolved laws to amend the findings, item 27 on the calendar, page 5, lines 9 through 25, the following, which would be for the result to be
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concerned about the navy's final cleanup strategy for the project, workers, visitors, and wildlife, the board of supervisors -- it hit show not in any way imply support for a cap for parcel e2 4 and 850 uses for housing to be built -- or any final uses for housing to be built. adopted by the voters in 2000, wrote the informal code -- in 2000, the informal code. the san francisco board of supervisors, legally binding regarding the clean yard --
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clean up to transfer the shipyard. proposition p. the epa, the california protection agency, and the navy shoppers to the highest level of cleanup. organic food growing standards. a shot except such property unless it be satisfied. -- except such property be satisfied. the dangers posed by the sea level rise of one to four meters. by the national academy of sciences, haute potential complex interactions between sea level rise hazards in urges that
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the epa and the navy -- regarding potential cleanup strategies before final remedies are selected. there shall be a separate hearing prior. the san francisco region of an agency. president chiu: supervise daly has made a motion, seconded by supervisor mirkarimi. e2 and all of the other parcels. supervisor daly, i would also ask if you could soon -- circulate that information to us. >> yes, my staff, copies. one other amendment to item 27, adding an additional further
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resolved clause, page 5, but before the resolve for a fossil fuel -- be it further resolved for fossil fuel. achieving things at comparable costs. no such fossil fuel power plant, district heating and cooling system should be included. i believe that is one reflected in the document. president chiu: so supervise daly has made a motion dealing with keating including in fossil fuels. seconded by supervisor mirkarimi -- dealing with keynote and cooling and fossil fuels. supervisor mirkarimi:
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colleagues, i have an amendment which i think is rather benign. it is on for the result that the board of supervisors recommends that the eir study -- it is further resolved. air quality impacts, the city of san francisco would like to be further studied. this is only asking, the report would be complete by 2013, as it begins the early stages of implementation of this project in the eastern area of san francisco. in the line of questioning, two weeks ago, when the eir was before us, we have articulating these particular concerns, but and we did not see what any
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recourse was not well documented in terms of air quality impacts. this is requires that in the findings in the clause. president chiu: is there a second? colleagues, at this time, i can eight amendments from supervisor mirkarimi, two from myself, and supervisors daly and campos. we have a number of people who have been waiting for our commendations. if anyone has amendments, if you can please get them to mr. cohen, and, hopefully, they will have time. i suggest we move to our commendations, and if at that time we are ready to proceed, we will. we obviously have a lot of business on our calendar, so if
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not, we will come back to this business as soon as the mayor's office can give us their feedback. at this time, why do we not move to our special accommodations for 3:30? this is going to be, i think, the most favorite part of the meeting note for me today. i want to thank supervisor cook dufty, so, supervisor dufty. supervisor dufty: we are welcoming people to the board. if they could come up to the roster here? i want to take a moment just to think a summer intern with me, and she helped to play in today's ceremony and drafted in the resolution. hopefully, she is catching up on sfgtv. both mike and dwane.
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i am proud the border supervisors is recommending them. thank goodness they are not doing the play-by-play they a been broadcasting for the past 20 years, and over that time, they have brought a tremendous amount of history and knowledge of the game, a pure joy of the game to each of their broadcasts, whether on a tv comedy radio, or on the post- game show with their colleagues. they have been awarded a mes for the broadcasting work -- they have been awarded an mes -- emmys. they provide something new on a
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nightly basis. i have to thank my staff member, who is truly a baseball aficionada, and i would say that this is probably his best day working at the board of supervisors. if i did not say how much she expanded our lexicon, wearing dodger blue, or calling a person a gamer, and without the epic home run calls, giants baseball would not be the same, so on behalf of the board, we want to thank you for being here, part of what we get to do a lot here, and there are certainly big issues today, but this is something all of us look forward to. we are very exciting to have you do tonight's game and hopefully for the next 20 years and beyond, so i would like to call of my colleague, supervisor elsbernd, who is wearing a
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great tie today. supervisor elsbernd: i was reluctant to sign on to this resolution, particularly with you and another, because there is something here that said, "to sean, a future giant." they got the autograph, and they have been waiting and waiting, and i am still waiting. it is great to have you here. for so many giants fans. i hope you are around for another two decades. think you for all you do for the city and for all of our giants fans -- thank you. [applause] >> we would like to bring our families up, if we could? my wife, my son, and his son.
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[applause] first of all, supervisor dufty, thank you for your support, and all supervisors, i thank you for your votes. you have your colors on today. i appreciate that. this is a great honor for my partner and i because we of all been as players first and broadcasters for the last 20 years together. this really is not a job. it is a gift. i think a lot of you and politics feel the same way. we truly are honored by this. it is not often than i am without words, but this is one of those times, so, partner, once again. >> i know a lot of people were behind this, but the gentleman that we have spent the most time with what everybody here was taking care of some very important matters, is bo, so
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this is bo. he hits a high note. he hit it deep. and he hits this one out of here. that is for you, bo. [applause] we had one for the mayor, but the ball was just going to fall of the short of the offense. so being as he is not here, we can handle that -- fall short of the fence. we never know where our fans are coming from, and people come up to was all of the time, and they tell us stories about the giants and the history in their family of what it was like, but this is such an unusual place for us to come to to see that it is filled
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with giants fans, it is just unusual, ekg's think this is being the place where major decisions are made, and they are, you just do not expect to see all the hard core giants fans here, and we really do appreciate it. our families appreciate it. there is nothing more we like to do that come into your homes every night and tell a great story and to know that you are watching, know that you are listening. we are very, very thankful for that. keep watching, i keep listening. this year is going to be a great story to tell. the last 2.5 months are going to be a lot of fun. >> and, sean, you have become a giant, a giant supervisor. >> we only have one supervisor to take a picture, but all of the convicts, if you can join
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