tv [untitled] July 31, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am PST
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infrastructure? not technology -- not capital infrastructure, really is a matter of being able to manage the assets. >> is actually both, not the whole picture. looking at the assets that we have now, the condition and expected remaining life, the history on that, the repair history that we can get from our electronic databases, tracking the work orders, failure of history, all of that would go in for any given asset. even for things we are running out and in the future. for a new facility would be given unique components, each component would be given
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identifier numbers that would require regular inspections, tests, and life associated with each office bill. it is intended to be everything. it would affect our practices as to how we inspect, maintain, and track assets. lewis, am i missing a thing else? >> does it include recommendations? >> for replacement for extension of life. in the discussion we will connect to the outfall. we have existing big investments in these types and we must do inspections with major capital programs to extend the useful life. feeding into the asset management system.
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we are trying to integrate the systems so that we know the history and failure of capital planning so that it is linked together, planning the program we would know from our asset management system that these lines are hybrid. based on but two years that are left. the history of breaks, repairs, and sinkholes starting to integrate to make this a lot more transparent, coming to you on a regular basis, looking for annual appropriations. >> we have had several discussions on this that had been very helpful. i have started to think for ssip that we have -- for r&r, we have a common-sense obligation that keeps things in good running order. engineers will tell us what that
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will take. it needs to meet two other tests. there's a value engineering process where we make sure that this is not just a wish list, but the most cost-effective way of keeping it running. it also needs to fit into our vision of how we think about rates. that is the discussion that i think we need to have as well. it starts as engineering activities and quickly from their gets into value engineering. >> section 3 is going to take you back to april, when we were talking about the types of projects that might be included in the program and the few remaining projects that we have to go through. we do have bigger copies of this in the handouts that i passed out. on april 27 workshop we
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discussed the projects highlighted in green. with treatment front order control we spent a lot of time on channel tunnel and flood control. today we have a section later in the day on flood control as well. i will briefly be going over the other projects, including treatment plant upgrades, outfall, treasure island, and i want you to notice that we have upgraded this chart. you have seen it before. it is the cost chart. it includes dollars for building the project the day or tomorrow. we also included estimates on the time of construction with a preliminary schedule time for environmental reviews, design,
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and construction. those are the escalated dollars that are the midpoint. when the project meets a goal and level service, there is an x in that column. i will be using this chart throughout the presentation as an interactive tool. now we are looking at levels of service and the related projects. we will start with some treatment projects. once again, refreshing about the treatment plant that we got from the city, just to refresh you on the location, urban side on the west side of town with outfall
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on the pacific ocean, north of the city and southeast here, we cannot forget treasure island. i think you have a better copy in front of you. talking about treatment plans and out fall. the problem we are solving when we are looking at treatments, we want to make sure that we maintain permit compliance. meaning that all of our equipment has to be able to be fully operable during wet weather, we have to be able to turn everything on and operate at max. we can also not have any dry weather violations. remember we talked before about the wet weather season being effectively october through april? have i given you too many pieces of paper?
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do you need a replacement? >> [unintelligible] >> as the commissioner pointed out, the permit also requires placing equipment on a regular basis with a capital program so that it works well. replacing the inefficient and undependable processes that are breaking or troublesome, we need to upgrade the order control an institution to electrical. everything is in service, 24/7, constantly running. we have talked a lot about risk
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and removal. we have seismic, structural, and erosion upgrades with perimeter improvements that will have to be made into facilities to be a better neighbor. starting with chicken plant upgrades, we have in-city treatment plant upgrades looking at seismic upgrade works, electrical, mechanical, structural, new structures, processes, implementation and energy conservation. while we have expected these outfalls we need an extensive inspection. we know that there is damage and that some of the l. falls are old, reaching the end of their useful life. treasure island, and development begins as an unreliable asset
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with close the current violations. let's start stepping into the southeast plant upgrades as approximately $660 million across the board doing lots of different things, replacing the wet weather had winds, which is where they enter the plant. i think that many of you have done the walk through and no that area. a rebuilding of primary tanks, coverings, rebuilding the secondary clarify years, order control, major seismic upgrades to route, electrical implementation upgrades. with the commissioner we took a walk through the oxygen plant. that has a major upgrade coming up that will be linked to the left -- regulatory changes in the future. we have energy and water reduction projects so that we
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can use storm water, recycled water, or ground water. the plant was built in 1952. this treatment plant is the heart of the city and it is important that we have this working as best as possible. to the north -- >> fired chart? there is a lot of stuff that talks about rebuilding. can you help us with this distinction between what you would consider r&r and what is ssip? >> we can go back to the page definition. r&r is intended to extend the life of an existing asset. you are replacing a portion, reappointing within a brick. the treatment plant, this is a major demolish on full
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structures with new processes using new technology, different equipment, new switches, gears, and controls with entirely new structure is the need managed and programs. we are not doing this just as a roof repair. this is full-scale demolishing, replacing, and having worked around during the year. the entire plant needs so much work that it makes an extended process complex, as we will have to maintain permit compliance and have everything run at 100% during the wet weather. i keep the definition 1 foot from my office. it really is an extension of the
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life of capital assets. that is how i try to keep that distinction. >> the amount includes the change in location? >> no. as discussed at the last meeting, i do not have that on the picture, but it is a major improvement. because it is a large capital program, it may be se or at 94, listed as a separate project. that is another $1.4 billion to $2 billion depending on the location and timing. >> in terms of contacts, the saudis plan as related to others in the city, how much waste? what is the percentage being dealt with with regards to waste? >> on a dry weather basis is
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about 65. oceanside is about 15. the wet weather is 250 million gallons per day. oceanside, because of the boxes and all, it is the work force. built in 1952. it still needs a little bit of work. north point, they are also looking at a variety of improvements, specifically seismic, looking at doing a better job with water usage and primary treatment itself. that is offered just during wet weather. at the oceanside we have challenges with grips, there are times when there are tiles. upgrades are needed for
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cogeneration and top class eight vayo fallout. upgrading of process that we have their, corrosion systems and outfall repairs. i have got a chart on the next slide, page 27, i hope it is page 27, the water out false to be inspected and repaired. 7 -- several of them are cast- iron, sitting in the salt water bay, it has been major repairs needed to the tune of having to replace users allowing the water to exit the pipes and large, structural projects with
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seismic constraint particularly for se and north point. southeast is one that had been damaged as a shipping area that had the top of the outfall. on the west side, it is concrete. being in saltwater and concrete, the concrete apparently gets stronger. this is a wonderful thing. we will also be taking a look at that. periodically we have to go out to inspect that, and it is a short period of time to do work. we do not anticipate it being a lot of work, but there will be a lot of work ahead of north point of your e.f. at some point there would be replacement required. >> [inaudible]
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>> we also have the treasure island treatment plant. we are now the operator responsible for maintenance. in the near future we will be the permit holders for the treasure island treatment plant as that island begins to develop. it is in court condition right now. on a regular basis in experience is failure of equipment. the new plant would be planned and built with development, looking at several different alternatives. that would be the type of thing on a project by project basis where the commission could have proposals for that plant. >> [inaudible] >> yes. including the capital programs.
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the overall benefits -- >> what will happen on treasure island? there is a lack of clarity sfgov.or[unintelligible] >> we know that we will need two mgd plants. we are trying to time it with the development schedules so that there are people on the island and the corrections system has challenges. those are being addressed through the smaller ones included this year, we are likely to see more. the treatment plant on the island would look to use a natural system. we will look at the different alternatives available and comparisons in the long term. >> what we have discussed here
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before is the collection system being primarily replaced by the developer, who will be responsible for the new treatment plant. >> will that be a dual system? >> the discussion has been that we would be looking [unintelligible] >> i can see, shaking his head. >> currently is a separated system. we have no intention to go into a combined system. it is very costly. with the mayor's office involved as a developer, that is not the intent. >> the climate change activities for treasure island is designed around the reuse of storm water
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and things on the island so it is a different view of the world. >> we are hoping to have a recycled water source from that plan on the island. the other benefits of the treatment plant upgrades, there will be a seismic upgrade to the system. we will also reduce adverse impacts that our treatment plants cause to neighbors. for instance, odors that go past the fence line and can affect people that live adjacent. the biggest thing is making sure that we maintain permit compliance. we have always been proud of our waste water system and we want to maintain it so that it stays in high regard with the state. i have asked humphrey to come up
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to talk about the technology sector and that fit best with the workshop. this would give to the question of the new technology that we are looking at. he will spend a couple of moments going through this with you. >> good morning, commissioners. this is a brief overview of the innovative technologies we have considered in the recommendation. typically agencies look at innovative technologies but when there is a regulatory driver probabl. also when we need to repay -- replace our aging facilities. in addition to these drivers,
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there are other reasons to have innovative technologies. this table summarizes the potential benefits that these technologies can give us. they are more or less in line with the bottom line criteria position to to giving us better treatment quality for reliable operation. reducing the capital in treatment costs, reducing the chemicals, changing some of the pollutant discharge. it can also provide social or community benefits, like reducing the footprint of the facility or going to a treatment process that would generate less odor.
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i will give you some interesting examples of these technologies we have considered. first is called thermal hydrolysis, pretreatment process that would make the biomass much more combustible and hazard free, satisfying the class a requirement. bringing the temperature up to 320 degrees fahrenheit, 90 psa. coating it for a few moments, then releasing it into the atmosphere, you cause cells director, making the sludge easily digestible and much less viscous, reducing the volume
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requirements. we can have fewer and smaller digests. this technology has been in the industry for about 15 years. the enterprise that extensive pilot tests from 2001 through 2003. over the last decade this process has continued to improve. now it has over 20 worldwide with a big presence in the uk. the united states, washington, d.c. will be the first to build this fence and are designed to have the contracts out next week. that is something that is several times bigger.
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a novel drying technology, nothing new -- it has been practiced for over 100 years, but the purpose is to reduce the volume of bio-solids so that it changes the consistency to make it more suitable for the production of commercial fertilizer or use it as fuel. in recent years there have been more developments in terms of looking at alternatives to high temperature and low temperature drying out and solar energy. this is an example in the bay area. the city has been operating this for about five years. basically it is like a large green house, relying on solar energy to drive out the solids. a simple, mechanical structure with the baez's that automatically turn the solids.
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this is what is called the electronic mold. an automatic recall. you can achieve good dryness of the 90% solids and if you satisfied that the class say this advantage has been realized as it has a large footprint with a large enough space in the city. waste water, my colleague came up with this idea to use a variation.
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the pilot has at oceanside has shown good performance. but blacks [inaudible] -- >> [inaudible] >> there is, but not as much as thermal driving. in a city like this where you have odor control it goes along with that. >> the footprint as far as the size that we are talking about that would be required? >> the footprint, it would be about 3 1/4 times larger than the footprint for thermal drying. anywhere from 8 acres to 10 acres.
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next? he well injection, a process whereby the proposal in the petrochemical industry, this is considered as a permanent disposal for by all solids. it involves drilling a well down with a location relative to your geological formation with a good sediment layers at that depth. with another layer of clay or rock formations. preventing a this version of words. so, you would slurry the bio solids down the well.
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over time the water with the spurs out into the sediment -- would dispersed out into the 7 layer. -- sediment layer. temperatures down there will be [unintelligible] compared to digestion, so the solids would continue to degrade, generating methane and carbon dioxide. carbon dioxide under pressure remains dissolved in water. methane can be harvested for renewable energy. each well can operate from 10 to 20 years. a pilot study that is ongoing,
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sponsored by the epa, the plan is to bring about 400 tons of wet cake from the larger plan to, digesting the sludge and injected down the well. the process would monitor performance, reliability, and how much is covered. the project does not seem to be going very well but they are in the process of bringing a third well. they also need to inject the brine from reverse osmosis. unfortunately, we talked to this company a couple of times to get a preliminary look at the geological formation. we could not find it feasible location.
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