tv [untitled] August 3, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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hard time dealing with the overload of banning plastic bags. this law closes the loop of what we set out several years ago in trying to rid ourselves of that. we now move towards 9% of the population of plastic bags and differences go, with a 5% remaining to be under exemption, such as bags needed for what food, -- wet food, specialty retail bags, but this would be the strongest, as i understand it, in the united states. san francisco is poor is to do this at any moment. -- is poised to do this. i am troubled by the language in sacramento, which sounded familiar to us that they will co op to the ability of local governments from wanting to strengthen these laws later on, and so this is why this lot is timely that we are acting in
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municipally and while other cities are also moving in the same direction, as well. what the language does that was brokered through the plastics and grocery industry, while it launches a very strong movement, because it will be the first state to ban in march rose restores and convenience stores around california, it also stops right there, and, therefore, there would be no recourse in order to strengthen laws later on. this is a welcome problem, because right now, i think we can help move this state and the rest of the united states, who feel, i think, very frustrated that little has come out of climate-change talks in washington or any meaningful energy policy, so people want to rub their hands around something that gets them to able to tangibly contribute, i think, to the larger gault caught -- goal. i would like to think the board of supervisors in the past to have worked with us to develop this kind of law, with
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discussions and deliberations that were very interesting and very fruitful, and they actually served as really a pulpit to help many other cities in the state of california at. the department of environment, and i just saw, even before we had a discussion, mayor newsom had already endorsed the law itself, so we appreciate his support, too. we expect blowback from the plastics industry and the grocer industry, the very same people that tried to oppose us four years ago, had run to sacramento to make sure that the municipalities do not try this again. now, and they are literally in support of the law that they opposed a for your years ago, hoping that it goes away. we look forward to be very, very, i think, robust debate. next, i am submitting an ordinance on street frontages.
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i was proud to be one of the sponsors of the market batavia plant later this year. -- market octavia plan this year. now, with this ordinance that we introducing, street frontage controls for the city residential districts. this is sizable, so a woman go over what the controls are, but i look forward to that discussion in land use. next, i would just remind everybody, and i also embarrassed supervisor campos at the best of the bay, that we are celebrating a victory, which we have not had a chance to. san francisco lead in resolution that ended up in literally 58 city councils and boards of supervisors in the state of california that joined hands in
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beating back pg&e. we were outspent. it was 55 million to over -- rallying other governments against the proposition. this is more than was ever seen in the last 20 years. we had practically no money to fight this campaign, but we try to take it to the street, and this is through the media. pg&e was certainly well subsidized. this
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and i certainly hope that you will be there so we can celebrate and talk about the next steps, but we will not be alone. representatives from around the state will also be there, from otherness a puttees and other regions, cities that aspire to be community choice segregators -- from other communities and other regions. what we were able to demonstrate was some unity and the ability to see something more collectively on how we move our interest in alternative energy, clean-power energy, not as an isolated movements city by city but as a collective movement. that is what are part of the celebration would be, and we look forward to seeing you on thursday, august 5. next, just in the on public safety, we asked -- just ending on public safety, the kind of
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part-one crimes, comstat. there has been an overhaul in the categorizing by the police department. these part two crimes and quality of life crimes. there seems to be a deficiency in being able to get this information. 3-d board of supervisors and the clerk, submitting a formal level -- letter, once again -- through the board of supervisors and the clerk. we hope that the police department will do that. the rest, i will submit. clerk calvillo: thank you, supervisor mirkarimi. president chiu? president chiu: thank you. i have two in memoriams. one was a significant community
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leader in her own right and was recognized as a mother of the year several years ago. she is the mother of roger, and she is someone who has set a wonderful record of being a personal model to many within the community. the next in memoriam is a little more difficult. i just found out that several of us want to give an in memorian to joanie chang. she is a personal friend and was my age. we cochaired something few years ago. she was an amazing champion. she is someone who kept us all incredibly accountable for the work that we do. she worked at a number of public interest law firms in the city, the equal rights advocates, and most recently, she came into the
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city government, where she worked to ensure that are many laws that affect particularly low-income workers are in force. she left us tragically a few days ago, after giving birth a few weeks ago to twins, and her life was cut short by cancer. i know that there are a number of people who came here today to speak to her with comments on her behalf, but i think that her loss is one that many of us who knew her, and amazing extended family around the country, we will sorely field. so, without, i want to think supervisor mar and supervisor campos for joanie. clerk calvillo: thank you, supervisor chiu. supervisor campos? supervisor campos: thank you, madam clerk. before they take time to mention -- before i take time to
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mention joanie, i want to welcome these others here to the chambers of the board of supervisors. think you for visiting. as present -- president chiu mentioned, we are mourning the loss of a very special person, joanie chang. there are many words that you can use to describe her. she was a relentless advocate for security and a staff member in the office of labor standards. as a fierce defender of low-wage workers dropped san francisco, in korea a picture of -- and we have a picture of joanie, and we ask sfgtv to make sure that is shown.
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this saturday morning in new york. she was diagnosed with cancer seven weeks ago, and she went with a combination of grace and grit that many of us of come to know what about her. she continued to give to in here for those around her. joanie leaves behind her parents, siblings, her partner, and their two newborn beautiful girls. many of those close to joanie have shown memories and the last few days, and i want to votshow these, about what an incredible person she was. there was this song, "do not stop believing," which was
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shown -- sung by elton john and lady gaga. she said that she loved it, and she asked why it made her so happy to sing that song, and i know why. joanie never stopped believing, for immigrants, social justice, and for people of color. the power of a bicycle ride and the quest for the perfect oatmeal cookie recipe -- she found it -- and the notion that she could smuggle her dog jack into any venue and get away with it, and she did, and if you ask a famous person to have a picture with you, they would say yes. i knew she never stopped believing and fighting all the way until saturday morning when she passed away nearly seven weeks after being diagnosed with cancer. i know she is at peace now. i also knew she has a karaoke mic in one hand.
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another friendj wrote, another -- another friend wrote, "no joanie will always be the feisty one, and to know that there are two girls who will carry this forward, my sadness and feelings of devastating loss of britain by thoughts of her children -- brightened by thoughts of her children. i am grateful to have had a chance to witness it and to be a part of her life. if i may, i would like to ask two individuals who are in the audience to please come forward. donna, the director of the office of labor standards and enforcement, and joanie's friend and former boss, the deputy director at the asian law
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caucus, where she worked prior to joining the city and county of san francisco. i would like to respectfully ask them to say a few words, and if i may, just a final note, there is a memorial service for joanie which will be held this friday, actress 6, 6:00 p.m. -- on august 6, 6:00 p.m. in memorial service is being planned for later this month, and my office can provide all of this information, but if you would like to make a contribution and support her family, we can go to , so with that, let me turn c it over turn chris -- let me turn it over to chris and donna.
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>> that needed a few moments to speak to -- let me take a few moments to speak to joanie's memory. i just wanted to share some of the amazing accomplishments while she was at the asian law caucus, where she was a director. earlier, in this past decade. one of the most key accomplishments, into a dozen three, she helped to pest -- in 2003, she helped to pass the most nation's most comprehensive paid family leave program, impacting many workers, who now receive income replacement when they take leave to care for an ill family member or a new baby. she was involved in monitoring in may and march settlement, $20 million, or 30,000 been exploited garment workers
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against major u.s. clothing manufacturers that committed sweatshop abuses in the u.s., not in northern marriott island inside pan. what -- in northern mayor young island inside pan -- northern mariana island in saipan. there was when california had a more vibrant garment manufacturing industry. she represented workers. this includes such brands as jessica mcclintock, and some
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were not paid the wages she -- they urge. she also passed in the legislature what insured that the immigrant workers, regardless of immigration status, can recover damages against employers in about -- violate civil rights and employment laws. she'd assisted many modeling will workers, and she helped countless others through her caseworker and bi monthly clinics. we will deeply miss her. words cannot express it.
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president chiu: thank you, chris. donna? >> thank you, supervisors, for allowing me to say few words about joanie chang. along with the rest of the city family, we are devastated. she worked for the city for about three years, and she was very much single-handedly responsible for the enforcement of the employer spending requirements of the health-care security organs.
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when she applied for the job here, we knew that she was a renowned and accomplish civil rights attorney. i was so thrilled that she would consider coming to work in the public sector. i do not think she realized she was coming to an office where she would be doing the job of at least four people and would be challenging. she handled the job with such grace, and she was so super capable, and this is a complex law. it was controversial. but it had a potential to have a huge impact for an insured worker in san francisco, 82,000 at the time of san franciscans
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who were uninsured, a majority of whom had jobs. she on her own did hundreds of presentations, usually to hostile audiences with employers and employee groups, insurance brokers, the chamber, the golden gate restaurant association. i cannot count the number of emails that i remember reading that came with appreciating her work from the fiercest critics of the law. appreciating how clearly she explained what was complex that they could not possibly comply. i appreciate the time that she took one on one with each individual. she answered thousands of emails.
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she still lead the enactment of the legislation and frequently asked questions in solving the stakeholders in the process and creating rules and regulations that relied upon the success in beating back the challenge that we were on the way to the u.s. supreme court. she began enforcing the law. she laid the groundwork for the work that we do now and will do for many years to come to make this law meaningful for workers in san francisco. not only do i want to speak to her capabilities but also to her leadership, the role she played in our office.
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we all know that it is not all that unusual for someone, especially someone doing the job of many people, to come in with a positive avenue -- added to every day, but that is what joanie did. she was the one organized the pot lucks and sometimes would not share their recipes. joanie was taken much too early. life is so fleeting.
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her spirit will live for a long time, her family, her spirit, the community. and the citizens of san francisco are mitch.-- much better off because of the work that she did. president chiu: chithank you. thank you, donna. the city and county of san francisco have lost a great servant, and the interim community and other communities feel that they have lost a great advocate. so i would respectfully ask that we adjourn the meeting today, and i have asked the clerk to send a letter on behalf of the board to joanie's partner in new york and to the two little girls. i have another item, but i do not know if my other colleagues
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want to add anything to what has been said. supervisor mar? supervisor mar: thank you, supervisor campos and chiu. i met joanie when she was a fairly new lawyer, and she had finished nyu a few years earlier, but i think she really understood how community organizing plays a role. community activists can really do not all. this is connected with the activist lawyers, and i always appreciated that about her. what she has worked on and helped to lead, workers, immigrants, and for health care
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just as, as well, but i think one of the points that supervisor campos made is that her babies need support right now, and her partner, who i also knew through her work in the community, they really need people's support, so the website that supervisor campos gave out is so critical right now, and as donna said, joanie's life of struggle will be carried on by her two babies. president chiu: before we go to the next event, if we can take this in memoriam? [gavel] and there will be those who wish to remember her who can come together. supervisor campos? supervisor campos: i also want
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to think the numbers of people and the audience came to show their support for joanie, who are many. the next item that i am introducing is a piece of legislation that we have been working on for quite some time, and i would like to begin by thanking my colleagues who have sponsored the legislation, supervisors mar, maxwell, avalos, president chiu, and daly. on march 23 of this year, president obama signed into law the patient protection and affordable care act. initiating what is essentially the most significant change to help-care delivery in this country for more 40 years. it is within the context of this
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monumental change that had been proposed by president obama that we signed into law that i am proud now to introduce legislation that from our perspective will improve the ability of the city and county of san francisco to plan for the equitable access and distribution of health-care services in san francisco. the legislation that i introducing will require that the department of public health, in consultation with the planning department, create the health-care services master plan, but which would frequently, periodically analyze all of the health-care services available to the people in the city and county of san francisco, look at the distribution of those services throughout the city, look at trends in terms of the delivery of health care services, as well as looking at the need and the gaps in access to services throughout the city. the plan will also include
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recommendations as to how the city can promote health care access efficiently and equitably. in addition, the legislation would require the planning department review future land use applications by medical institutions for the purpose of determining consistency with the health care services master plan goals and priorities, thereby allowing the planning department to take into account the health care access need for all san franciscans when deciding whether to grant land use entitlements. this, in my view, is work that builds on the work that has been done by many of my colleagues, and i see supervisor maxwell has been led away on this very important issue, and people believe this is building upon some of that pretty impressive work. the fact is, when land use
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decisions affecting the entire community, we need to look at the implications of those decisions. those decisions should not be evaluated simply by looking at them as building projects. we need to have sufficient tools to look comprehensively at how different projects have health care implications, and we at the board of supervisors will be hearing about a pretty complicated project, where there will be an environmental impact report that will come before the board, and the project will be asked to consider without any of the merits of the project, affects by the emergency rooms, and yet come to my knowledge, we do not have sufficient data to
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know how many emergency rooms we actually need. the city will be asked to consider note closing the only note certain type of unit, and yet we do not have enough of a tub of an idea to know what will happen to the agents here in san francisco meeting those services in the future. the city will also be considered to can -- to consider a plan that reduces the institutions' inpatient services by a pretty significant percent, but we also have sufficient data to know the impact of that reduction. we believe that all of those issues have to be considered when looking at specific projects. and we need more information about the needs of all san franciscans. we need to do a better job of asseg
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