tv [untitled] August 17, 2010 2:30am-3:00am PST
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horace mann is moving to metro. we only get the second and third floor. i know we are in school that is small. we have to wonder kids. we had to justify that big building. when you talk about sixth, seventh, and eighth graders confined to a upper floor and the bus turns are on the first floor, how did the kids use the bathroom? these are things we do not have time to talk about. we have not had a chance to talk about it. the first day of school, imagine the news. people come down. what is going to look like? consider that? [applause] president kim: >i was hoping to talk about the process. >> i think folks need some clarification. the principal did not make that decision.
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mark had nothing to do with that. i did not make that decision, just so that you know for the record. i knew this -- had i known this decision was going to take place, i would not have allowed it to take place. just so you know. i have people that work in a district. i do not oversee every single thing that every single person does. just for the record, we have been working on this item. our attorney can address a little bit of that issue. it is something that, just for the record, you ought to know that i understand your frustration. i equally am frustrated with that issue, just so you know. as far as i am concerned, we have had many discussions on this issue. we continue to have many discussions on this issue. president kim: we do take the time to listen to everyone. if you can also take time to
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listen to our staff in response to your concerns, we would appreciate that. >> i can give a brief explanation. if you like, we can agenda is the item for some meeting so we can have staff here. we can have a representative from our charter office and dick golden from our facilities of this semiconductor explain the proposed division of facilities at that site. under prop 39, we are legally required to allow co-locations of torture schools at our sites. the court -- of charter schools at our sites. we did not invite all the individuals who should have taken part in that conversation, but there were conversations with members of the school community. it would be helpful to hear some of the history of those meetings and specifically how we
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propose to allocate some classrooms on the site but not the entire first floor. we can agendize that. president kim: can you explain a little bit about prop. 39 and the process? my understanding is that this was a ruling or a decision that was not made by the district. i only found out about this on friday. i do not think most members of the board knew about this. this is the first time i have even heard about this issue. if you could talk a little bit more about that. >> prop. 39 requires that a school district provide facilities -- reasonably equipped facilities when a charter school requests them. previously, metro was located at burton. this year, a couple of months ago, conversation started taking place between some of the members of the horace mann
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community and the metro individuals. an offer was made to co-locate metro at horace mann. a written offer was made by a district staff representative. metro accepted that offer. we then had what was known as a legally binding offer and acceptance. when we received all the information, that offer had already been received by the district. unfortunately, certain members of the executive team were not necessarily involved in all the conversations and negotiations between the two sides. >> thanks a lot. president kim: i want to keep the court at the meeting. many of us are hearing about this for the first time. we will agendize this. i am not sure win, since this is the last meeting of the school
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year. >> i am sure we cannot discuss this item, but i think it is appropriate to ask questions we could get answers to, which the board could get and the public could get before the meeting. it should also go on the agenda. however, the questions i would like to have answered -- i would like to know if there has been some change to the prop 39 process within the district, because in previous years the board members have known -- have been consulted about what offers were made, so there was not any offer we did not know about. that is the first thing. second, i want to know about -- i want to know how decisions are being made about splitting the building. i am a little surprised about the first floor. in the case of burton, there were on the ground floor.
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but it is not the main floor of the school. it is before the could easily be separated when we got to the location. i would like to know from the facility's staff or whoever is involved in these negotiations have that is being done. i hope we could get that information. [applause] also, if possible, we can maybe have this by monday -- have this agenda by monday. commissioner norton: i just wanted to ask president kim -- is that acceptable that the board can request to put this on the agenda for the meeting? president kim: we will be hearing this on monday. [applause] thank you to the horace mann community per coming out. i am sorry. this is not agendized.
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we cannot do question and answer. what time is closed session? >> closed session is at 5:00. we could probably start around 5:30, 5:45. president kim: we will start the meeting at 5:45. that will be agendized. we will publicly notice it. we have one more public comment, charlie walker. >> i am here today because i was amused but not amazed at the fact that racial profiling came up on yawls agenda. we have been suffering from that so long in america we have become immune to it. iman to give you the definition of racial profiling.
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racial profiling to us is when there is a school out in middle. where the board has refused to fix the toilet in the malcolm x school. they have been asked to do it, asked to do it. the only thing -- the only reply they get, "you guys do not have a contract. the hunters park community does not have a contract." all of a sudden, they do not have it. to us, racial profiling is when white people can get a toilet and we cannot. that is racial profiling, for those of you who do not know. [applause] i am asking ya'll, would you get somebody that is on your staff to go out to 200 middle point road and fix the toilet? we're going to be happy with
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you. it is not a laughing matter. i might make it seem humorous, but when i listen to the people that just got to talking, i say i do not even want to tell you my problem. y'all really got a problem from that. however, i brought one of the volunteers with me. this young lady, because there is no summer school, has volunteered her time with several other people to help try to keep the kids out of trouble. but they do not have a toilet. would y'all please get someone on your staff to go out there and fix the toilet and get them a lease for another year, because you do not have a summer school and you only charge them $1 for the building? if they do not have the dollar, i will give them the dollar. given the building back. it's the toilet. then you can go do the thing at that other school that sounds
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like an involved process. [laughter] [applause] president kim: thank you, mr. walker. at this time, we are at item k, advisory committee reports and appointment of members. are there any appointments? vice president mendoza: i would like to appoint matthew kaney to the committee. he is a stanford law student doing an internship at forrester and forester. he has a deep commitment to education. i would like to point him to our committee. president kim: seen none, we are moving to items l, a special item of business. i call a public hearing on adoption of the public disclosure does german -- document. superintendent garcia, may we
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have been reading of the recommendation? mr. ruiz? >> thank you, madam president, superintendent. this special order of business request that the board approved, subject to union approval, is a tentative agreement between the district and the united administrators of san francisco. this agreement, which is based on economic issues for the 2010 through 2012 school years -- president kim: if you would like to have conversations, please do so outside. we are on to our next item. >> this economic agreement, as listed in your agenda, has a number of issues and points,
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including the negotiation of furlough days for the bargaining units, as well as the agreement to suspend sabbaticals for the next two years. the requested action is that the board conduct a public hearing and adopt the tentative agreement, subject to union approval, similar to uesf. we are doing this a little vice- versa to take advantage of the last board meeting of the year. we would like to have them rectify it. we expect they will. we have a speaker. >> i have no speaker cards for this item. president kim: if you do not have a speaker card, you cannot speak, but i want mrs. murphy to speak. a few minutes. >> you are recognizing me? good evening, madame president and members of the board, mr.
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superintendent, members of the public. the united administrators of san francisco executive board has approved the tentative agreement that was finalized last friday. and we are now going to be joining the ranks of everyone else and taking furlough days. we will be taking five the first year and for the second year. we will be returning to the year 2003 and salaries for site administrators in our district. we understand we need to share the pain along with everyone else. however, i would ask you to ratify this agreement as we move forward. as has been said earlier this evening, we are much better off in san francisco than in many places in the state of california. we should be counting our blessings in that regard.
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your field administrators will be out there doing their jobs as they do all times, making sure that places are safe, kids are happy and teaching, and that we are meeting the needs of the public. thank you very much. have a good summer. >> dennis kelly, the united educators of san francisco. what we are pleased that all of this is coming to closure, we also are looking to see that the proportion of the teachers -- the proportion that teachers have given back is matched by the administrative staff. i do not see that in this document. jim tells us the numbers are not accurate, it is critically important to the teachers and para-professionals to see that with the large amount that has
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been given back to our contracts, the $39 million over two years, that not the same dollar amount from the administrators but the same proportional sharing of the burden is there for the administrators. we would like to also see that for the non uaff administrators. congratulations to the district and the administrators on concluding their parks. thank you. president kim: are there any comments or questions? student delegate rose. >> did you say you're going to suspend all sabbaticals for next year? >> this agreement with united administrators suspense sabbaticals for the upcoming two years. the agreement with united educators suspended them for one year. i neglected to mention my thanks to both bargaining teams for
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reaching this agreement in the two bargaining sessions. president kim: roll call, please. [roll is called] president kim: are one of the priorities of the school board this year and the school district was an implementation of restorative justice, reforming our student discipline process. as we work to implement this policy, which we passed in october, we really want to learn from the best practices from other programs both here in the city and here in the state of california. we could learn from that in terms of how they were able to
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successfully implement restorative justice and also what the outcomes were and some of the highlights of the program. we have three presenters tonight. we have the director of the sentence is the county jail program. she is also the author of, "dreams from the monster factory." we also have a member of the sheriff's department here to talk about the restorative justice program at our county and at five city charter schools. we have a third presenter tonight. she is a school administrator from a city where the implemented restorative justice in the entire district. beatrice ramirez drove all the way up from fresno. we want to thank you for taking
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the track so we could learn more about the discipline system you have there. i am going to cause sunny and chris first. thank you for being here. >> thank you, president kim and commissioners, superintendent garcia. i had the good fortune of working with mike county for 30 years. -- with the country for 30 years. i know time is of the essence, but i want to give you a good overview and context of what we are talking about. fresno is amazing. i am looking forward to that presentation. we have a lot to learn from them as well. i had the good fortune of working with mike hennesy for 30
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years. we have seen the best of humanity and the underbelly and struggle as well. the context of i think everybody really understands. locking people up, in and of itself, does not work. 90% plus come back. we are committed, thanks to share of tennessee -- thanks to the shareriff, who knows how to implement security, accountability, and underscoring people's humanity. instead of locking people up where they do their time and spend all day playing cards and dominoes, we say enough is enough. we as a community deserve better. the offender and their victims deserve better. we have been doing rehabilitation programs for the last 20 or 30 years. we found there were some missing links.
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restorative justice, as you know, but it is important to underscore those principles, is engaging everyone affected by crime -- offender, a victim, and community. the principles are straightforward. doing it in the context of the jail, when you talk about 150 years doing business as usual and suddenly having men and women who are up and ready to emulate the standards and practices of pro-social living -- it was revolutionary. it is a common principle, biblical if i may. but in the context of doing traditional incarceration, it was a big stretch. we fought. it really is not a big stretch. there is a hunger in all of us, including those who have committed crimes over and over, to do the right thing. there is a hunger with students and with our parents. when we heard about restorative justice -- we recognize crime hurts everyone.
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we created an obligation to make things right. i heard about this initiative in minnesota. we gathered -- i want to for a minute tell you how we started our program. in 1995, we heard about this concept. if i may show a video that really underscores the heart and soul of it -- we gathered some strange bedfellows. what i mean by strange bedfellows -- we had republicans and democrats, becomes of horrific violence sitting next to offenders who have hurt people badly. we have had housewives and feminists, former gang members, deputy sheriffs, all working together for 18 months with one objective -- how to stop violence. for 18 months, we said, "we have these violent offenders. in san francisco, we book over
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50,000 people in our county jails." the average out these days is a little lower, but it is about 2200. what are the demographics of those who are incarcerated? it begs the response. 90% are addicts, alcoholics, or both. 80% report they are victims of crimes. 75% are high-school dropouts. they have a fourth to sixth grade reading level. it is stunning. thanks to support, we have a charter high-school that will address that. all of those issues and struggles been a response. we resolve to stop the violence. that underscored and presented a curriculum of about 12 hours a day at that time. now because of budget constraints is about eight hours a day that brokers on accountability and how to stop
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violence, but the restoration, as well as servicing our program and investing in the people's success. is it easy? no. is it doable? 100%. we can do it in the jail and it is mandated. we feel the taxpayers want us to release people more responsibly. the sheriff's believe they deserve better and our community deserves better. instead of saying more, because of time, i would like to show this 3 minute video that captures the heart and soul of our restorative justice initiative. it is a heavy video. i will set it up to you. the speaker is a survivor of violence who came in to tell their story. it is a way of developing and but it. criminal justice does not lead itself to introspection. most of the time, offenders do
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it is a mac. president kim: i am sorry. i did not know if you're going to be able to make it today. thank you for coming. >> do you want us to -- if we cannot do it, i will certainly describe it. president kim: we will definitely get it up. >> elisse is our director of operations at our charter high- school. that has been amazing, in a word. thanks to the board and the under sheriff, we are interested in integrating more restorative justice into the curriculum. >> good evening, commissioners. i want to talk a little bit about how we have implemented restorative justice in the last year. it is one of the founding principles of our school. we were motivated and driven in
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large part by some of the gains and successes in the rsvp program. it has taken a long time to get to the place where we are implementing it. doing restorative justice from the principal place means taking into account everybody at the table. it has been a long process to change the climate. it has been a culture shift. since the beginning, we have been teaching a restorative justice course, a keynote course record for all students to graduate. we found that was not getting at the core of what it is. we want to feel that culture shipped. we want to feel that you know this is a school that is based on principles of restorative justice. this year, which convened the commission -- a committee made up of teachers, board members to support staff, administration,
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everybody across the board. how do we want to do this? we need to move this out in a way where all members are fully present, so it is not something we are forcing on folks. it is something we are inviting them to enjoy it -- to join us on. everyone has different levels of comfort and experience. we were fortunate to bring on a consultant who helped us roll this out. we began having professional development in all of our teacher professional development. this year we have also been including -- using restorative justice practices in the classroom to address issues, conflicts between students, even conflicts between teachers and students using restored to the justice circles, coming up with solutions in mediation, and korea also been doing it when there is issued between staff and staff -- and we have also been doing it then. our belief is we want to walk the walk as well as talk the
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talk, that it is a bad administrators, educators maudlin for our students, modeling for our community how restorative justice can work, and so, we have all been in a community way growing and learning about how to do this together. we descended our day with a full day on restored to justice, and our first two days coming back in the fall will also be restored to justice, so it has been quite a big investment in time and effort, but we have had a tremendous amount of support in this, and i am excited. thank you. >> they are setting up. i am curious. how do you measure success of the program? >> and restorative justice and the five keys? can you hear me?
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at this point, i would say it is small steps. it is really about seeing that it is when we have students who would otherwise have been removed from the class who are now we integrated into the class in a comprehensive way, and, obviously, in a jail setting, we have those challenges. our students are there for 45 days. one of the key principles of restorative justice is establishing communities, said that is one of the challenges. if we have a student that causes harm in the classroom, we can address that right then and there. reducing fights, reducing conflicts that come to blows, or students to say, i do not care. a lot of that is very small scale. moving forward, that is something we really want to do,
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