tv [untitled] August 18, 2010 1:00am-1:30am PST
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when we park in a zone that is labeled two hours, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and we park there after 4:00 p.m. we get a citation on the car. that happened once in late 2008. we sought to have that reversed. we encountered run-around for our efforts and it never got resolved. the treasurer of san francisco wants to confiscate the property. now maybe this would appear to be just an unfortunate occurrence if it only happened once. but it happened repeatedly.
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i am hoping there is a referee or somebody that can run spreerns on this. thank you. >> thank you. >> ok. next speaker. >> jamie whitaker followed by mark gleason. >> good afternoon. >> my name is jamie whitaker. i am speaking to you. i would like to thank you for the additional bike racks in the neighborhood. we appreciate them. anything to mitigate the air toxins is wonderful. main reason i came today is that we are excited to see the temporary terminal opening this week. excited to have the opportunity on the street.
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many of us walk. some additional eyes and ears to help keep the neighborhood safe is wonderful. if you could turn to the laptop image. one thing we are not excited to see is an additional left-hand turn at main street. because a lot of us moved here in order to walk to work, we are very sensitive to traffic changes and anything that might increase the probability of dustin pedroia injuries or deaths. and we believe the second left-hand turn is increasing the likelihood of pedestrian injuries. there are about 800 kids that are in the rankin hill neighborhood on a workday basis primarily in the day care centers connected to the office buildings. so is it important for all of
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us that live in the condominiums, thousands of people who do enjoy walking. hopefully we get more of our neighbors walking if conditions are safe. please pay attention to pedestrian safety. can i use this opportunity for the temporary terminal to pay close attention to how to improve pedestrian safety. thank you. >> coming to you today to inform you and not just asking you to take a side in this. to inform you of a group of workers who work on muni yards, tire installers who work for a subcontractor, the bridge stone tire group. obviously there will be union issues involved there.
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i am not asking you to directly be involved in that. i did want to alert you to conditions and concerns that these workers have brought to us. they are responsible for physically inspecting and visually inspecting and installing 20,000 tires on the muni fleet annually. they are describing to us conditions that are, in my view, subpar. they are working for $14 an hour, just on that note would be below what i believe to be market rate for commercial tire installers. they are also talking about a lack of access to the medical benefits that most san franciscoians enjoy. in addition to access and knowledge of the sick pay for instance that workers in san francisco in the public and private sector enjoy. oftentimes service workers in
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my view are like the canaries. you know what is going on. i would say someone in authority could look at what is going on here. i know with the tow yard things have improved. as we all work together with these workers who are maintaining the tire fleet, we can find the same type of improvement for those workers and for the muni riding public as well. i thank you for your thoughts on it. >> the bus line has been rerouted to 14th avenue in clement street with 15th avenue being a passage point for this run. the noise level has disrupted a
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formerly peaceful street, caused traffic problems and is difficult for buses to navigate. i do not live on this street but i am a concerned resident of the richmond district. as i noted last year, whatever street in the richmond district you place a terminal point, there will be an out cry from residents. since the inception of the transit effectiveness project and with zero increase of services by tradeoff with bus runs and ultimately human beings, the two clement has been targeted for change. the proposal is senseless, especially since it provided services to all residents. you never consulted with medical personnel about the frail and physically ill who would have to walk a longer distance to catch the 1 california bus line.
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in essence you have been foolish and unrealistic as to the impact of this ateration of the two clement. if you want to tie up m.t.a. meetings with protest from the richmond, go right ahead. a more realistic solution would be to restore the previous run in its entirity i might protest about the money required to do this. it is difficult to believe that with seven deputy managers at m.t.a. on six-digit salaries that the money is unavailable. what is unavailable is the realism of this board which will hopefully listen to the public and not the mayor or the controllers office and other political hacks who have compromised and damaged public transportation.
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>> good afternoon again. i wanted to call your attention to the fact that the taxi advisory council has been appointed with participation of the deputy director and that there is not a single representative of united taxicab workers appointed to this board. united taxicab workers have been involved in every major taxi issue for more than 20 years. it is the only organized group that is predominantly composed of non-medallion holding drivers. the two other cabdriver groups in the industry, which are dominated by medallion holders have appointees. they are representatives of
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this group. this is not personal. i did not apply to be on the committee. i do not believe that there is a single driver in this industry with better credentials. united taxicab workers has opposeded on principle and fully within our rights the medallion sales program. i have already protested before that this committee is structurely imbalanced towards cab companies and medallion holders which have a total of nine votes aas opposed to six. i think this latest slap in the
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we are requested -- we request to you to represent his name in this advisory committee so that they will have the best representatives in this committee. finally we hope that there will be something good in this direction. thank you. >> 21 years now driving a cab. native san franciscoian. based on board members, taxi service, based on hearsay, she said without any debate, numbers or current facts is
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another government blunder too big to fail. like the iraq war. and weapons of mass destruction. enron, aig, j.p. morgan, country wide fan and he freddie were no accidents. based on good faith, they were not accountable. it was just a effort prone to fail. board members in 2003 bruce shaller, the now president of the taxi and limo commission in new york city was hired by the taxi commission and recommended a customer survey be done. in 2006 they produced one. in 2007 the taxi commission produced one which was generated by 42 responses. they refused the taxi commission's offer to do
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another survey. hardly that is what was recommended, a 42-response survey. i know the response rate and margin of error is far better than the barts, but i am sorry i am not a team player. you know, maybe you think you need a college degree to produce a valid survey. but they don't teach taxi driving in college. they don't teach common sense. i have known a few graduates from college that do not seem to have it. it is just like muni. you have a mandate on time. where is it? >> good afternoon directors.
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i was waiting to speak about the taxi advisory committee. drivers could not afford to spend $60 lots over here and want to get the agenda item moved back and forth. this is a paper and they were distributing it to the drivers, the people that wanted to buy these medallions. she is a friend of mine and said they charge $500 for application fees. she said it in a town hall meeting. that is a conflict of interest. she forced a new york lender not to be part of this entire process. that is a conflict of interest. she planned to be out. she talked to several people
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beforehand. we need an inquiry committee on that. i don't know how they approved all of these names. question mark. nobody knows them. not even three or five people. i have been out there for 7,000 drivers. i meet them day and night. i don't know where they came from. she could not stand my criticism. i said do it correctly. i will support you. if you do the backdoor games, there are a lot of things she is doing that i would question. i would like to know how this advisory committee could be represented. don't have even three people now in this industry. my question. so you don't want to answer this question in other words. thank you. >> mr. chairman, that is the last person to submit a speaker card.
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>> every member of the public is given the same amount of time. >> ok. next item. next item. >> ok. i'm sorry. >> you can't come back twice to the public comment. >> actually there was an instruction that the chief operatoring officer john haley to speak with you. >> ok. thank you. >> moving on to the consent calendar. these items are considered to be routine unless an item is asked to be considered separately. we have one member of the public who has requested that item 10.2k be severed. this has to do with establishing a bus zone to 75 feet easterly. other than that, there have been no requests by the public.
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>> 10.1 also as well. so that leaves the remaining consent calendar. >> 10.2 minus k and then the rest of the consent calendar. >> is there a motion? >> move to approve. >> all in favor say aye. ok. let's go to the other two. >> 10.1. >> i don't know how much of this we can discuss publically but it concerns the safety-discipline report we get on a few of these items is incomplete. we just ushered mr. haley out. >> let's do the other one first. >> 10.2k has to do with traffic modification to establish a bus
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zone on 24th street 75 feet easterly. this was severed by a member of the public, charles riggs. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon board members. i am charles riggs. my opportunity to address your item k. the specific issue -- that's all right. i will wait. >> start again, sir. >> once again, i am charles
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riggs. i am speaking on behalf of my neighbors and residents in the east mission area in the boundaries of the neighborhood that i gave to you. i believe item k is a proper item for me to speak k. i have been advised that the special issue of the number 10 bus using the 25th street hampshire location is what we have been trying to resolve. she advises me there is in the works a possibility for actually doing that. a cheeky fellow once observed that it is only to those without hope that hope is actually given. we do have some hope to resolve this very serious problem, new sanlses and hazards that have been created by that number 10 town's end bus. if you go forward as planned and remove that, that will be much appreciated by our neighbors. there are two issues that we
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have not yet heard addressed. one is the deadline for removal of that number 10 townsend bus from the term nuss, an the area is an assurance that no other buses or muni equipment will be placed in that term nuss -- terminus, for reasons set forth in two different letters to your organization and the city attorney's office. so we would ask that you move to provide assurance for those two issues, a deadline and no additional buses. in my last few seconds, i may offer advice, completely undangerous since no one takes it anyway. but you have installed at that location, a port a potty, which has created a perm-a-potty and
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creates bad smells. >> thank you. we are talking to staff. can you do that? the two issues raised and the other service provided in that area? >> yes. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, mr. chair, members of the board. i am with the streets division. this proposal currently before you on the consent calendar is to exactly what the gentleman has asked for. right now the terminal is on 25th between portrero and hampshire. it is shared by the number 10 and the 33. the proposal is to relocate it to a one-bus zone/terminal on
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24th street on the east side of the street. that will separate the two buses from intermingling with each other and also shorten the turnaround time at the southern terminus of the route by three blocks. it will make the run more efficient and minimize the impacts that were just mentioned. i was asked by staff to expedite this item and put it on today's calendar, and sure they want to implement it as soon as approved. >> one of the questions is about additional service that might be provided there. do you have any thoughts on that? >> in terms of additional service or changes, there are no plans for that. >> but just to be clear, other than the port-a--pointy, this change is what he and his names are asking us for. >> a motion?
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>> move. >> second. >> all in favor say aye? >> carried. >> actually, mr. chairman, you do have a member of the public here who didn't have an opportunity to address you on 10.2 j. with members consent. let's hear from them. >> bill slatkin. >> members of the board, hello. i am bill slatkin. i am a resident of 1325 street -- which is emerging from industrial to residential. tennessee street is two blocks from my house. it is an unaccepted street. it is not signed. it is not cleaned.
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much of it does not have sidewalk, and there have been advance and mobile homes parking there. i thought it was people looking for a place to live. someone said no, these were convicted felons who were stealing copper, cooking meth and other stuff. they are messing up the neighborhood. they leave their garbage all over. how do we get rid of them? she said get a parking prohibition between 10 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., and we will be able to toe them, and that will discourage them. i talked to tom at the m.t.a., and he said the way to do that is get a petition from people in the area. i went to every business on that street. they all signed it. i sent that to tom, and we are
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asking to prohibit parking -- overnight parking on that street to discourage those people from hanging out there. >> you are in support of this? >> yes. >> thank you for being here. we appreciate it. >> we have already approved it, just so you know. >> ok. >> 10.1. i don't think we can get into this on the public record for reasons discussed before. what i would ask -- i won't slow these settlements down today. but in our next meeting when we have one of these reports, if i could ask that a more wholesome report. we have half the distinction.
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with that, and asking that that be provided next time, i would move 10.1. >> all in favor, say aye. we have been asked to have a recess for five minutes or so. is that right? >> there is nothing on labor negotiations. it is just the closed session item. i think it is only one item of potential litigation. >> ok. are you ready to go? >> chairman nolan directors, as
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i am sure you are aware, the central subway program -- >> if i can call the items. >> sorry about that. >> item 12, author riding the executive director to execute contract cs 156, agency capital program controls systems procurement and related services with hill international for an amount not to exceed $22,268,541. number 13, approving the re-election impact study. no members have expressed an interested in addressing you. >> as you are well aware, the central subway program is moving at an extremely fast pace, and the project continues to receive support on all levels locally and at the
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federal level. there are two key items on the agenda today. item 12 which is seeking your authorization to execute contract cs-156 for control and related services. item 13 is going to request a relocation impact study as a result of the project. i thought it would be a beneficial that you get a general update of the overall activities of the central subway project, and then carter rohan will ask for your approving. >> thank you. good afternoon, chairman and directors. carter rohan, director of
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