tv [untitled] August 18, 2010 11:30am-12:00pm PST
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commissioner fong: let's go ahead and call this meeting to order. >> roll call. commissioner fong. commissioner fong: here. commissioner brandon. commissioner brandon: here. commissioner lazarus. commissioner lazarus:. approval of the meetings in june 10, 2010. commissioner fong: approve. >> public comment on executive session. executive session. commissioner fong: all those in favor?
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commissioner fong: good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> i move that we reconvene in open session. >> second. commissioner fong: any discussion? all those in favor? >> i move that we not discuss anything discussed in executive session. >> -- commissioner fong: any discussion? all those in favor? >> aye. >> please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones and pagers and it similar electronic sound producing devices are prohibited at this meeting.
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please be advised that a chairman or the removal from a meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound producing device. please be advised that a member of the public has up to three minutes to make appurtenant public comment for each agenda item unless the port commission adopts a shorter time on any item. item seven a -- a city -- i'm sorry, election of port commission vice-president. resolution 10-53 -- were arrested port commission's rules of order, article one, section 2, states that among the commissioners, a president and vice president will be elected. they will serve a one-year term or until a successor is elected. the elections will be held every year of the first calendar meeting in january and whereas the term of the court commissioner elected vice
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president has expired july 1, 2010, leaving a vacancy in the position of vice president, now, therefore be it resolved, that as port commission hereby approves, the holding of a special election for a new vice president at its regularly scheduled meeting of july 13, 2010. >> mr. president, before you set the motion on the resolution, i just wanted to explain that the resolution is necessary because the rules for the board calls for the election in january, but under these circumstances, the commission now needs to lead -- the commission vice- president and president can effectively amend the rules of order. >> seeking a motion for resolution 10. >> mr. president, if i may explain for the benefit of the public and anyone watching on tv, for those of you in the room, you will notice there are only three of five commissioners sitting at the dais today, and
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that is because two of the commissioners' terms expired and there 60-day holdover has also expired, so we are waiting for the seats to go through the process. one of the seats was the commission vice-president, and as a result, we need to replace that officer position. hopefully, that has clarity. commissioner fong: thank you very much. there is a motion and a second. any other discussion? any other public comment on this resolution? ok, calling for the question then. all those in favor? any opposed? ok, resolution 10-53 is approved. ok, so then we are able now to actually have an officer election. >> i would like to nominate commissioner brandon as vice
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president. do you want to second that? [laughter] >> i second that nomination, and i believe i have to ask three times. is that correct? let's do that. let me clarify, is there any other nomination for vice president role of the then commissioner brandon? -- other than commissioner brandon? ok, then, colleagues, for the question. any opposed? ok, congratulations. [applause] commissioner brandon: thank you. i look forward to working with president fong and commissioner lazarus and our new commissioners whenever they arrive. >> greater than7b, executive directors report -- item 7b.
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>> welcome to the public and all the staff here today. i do have a fairly long list of items on the executive director's report. i would like to congratulate commission of branded for helping us how. thanks for your willingness to do that and not allow the nomination to go forward. i would also like to introduce our new deputy director for administration. elaine is a longtime member of the city and county of san francisco. the department of finance and administration is the second- largest division out of six at the port. it oversees the regular finance functions, which john and i
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cannot wait to pass back. tina olson left in november 2009, and in the interim nine months, we have a five-year financial forecasts, our first- ever two-year budget, our 10- year capital plan, etc., etc. thank you so much for coming back and joining us. elaine has worked for many different from a tiny city, including the san francisco airport finance division, the board of supervisors has a legislative and budget analyst, and most recently, she was the chief financial officer for the department of city planning, so we are extraordinarily lucky to have recruited her to the port, and i wish you a tremendous term, and there's plenty of work still to do, so i did not want to think we did adopt want you to think we did it all in your absence -- i did not want you to think we did it all in your absence. please welcome elaine.
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next, the project manager in the mayor's office was hoping to be here today to talk about the port of san francisco being able to be the only city in defense of the america's cup, but she is out wooing potential suitors to enhance our bid, so i am going to do my best to give that report. there is not really much to add other than what has already been in the press, but after quite a few weeks and months of careful consideration, the bmw/oracle team, which is based here in san francisco out of the golden gate yacht club, determined there's only going to be one candidate for the america's cup in the united states, and that would be san francisco. [applause] thank you. we are up against, we believe, three other locations. we are not quite sure who they are. they have not been named publicly, but we know that they
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are countries, so this is going to be a very interesting process. it is a somewhat informal process, as best we can tell, and i can assure you that the bmw/oracle team has committed a lot of resources to studying the opportunity to be here in the san francisco bay. for those of you who know racing well, america's cup is governed by a two-page deed of trust dating back to the 1830's, which says quite clearly that it will be erased in open waters without headlines, which makes you wonder how come san francisco is being considered, but the challenger, which is a club out of italy, has agreed to do a race that is not under the terms of the deed of trust precisely, and therefore, san francisco is a great opportunity. it will be, shall i say, a novel approach to house that race, and to that end, most of the
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property of the port that is under consideration would be our larger facilities going south. i did not know this, so i do not know how many of you know this, but the america's cup is the third-grossing economic event behind the olympics and the world cup, so it would obviously be a huge coup to the san francisco region if it would be here as well as to the united states as a whole. the bmw/oracle team has stated that they hope to make a selection on the location by the end of this calendar year, 2010, and from there on, they can move forward with when the race would be held, and they are considering 2013 or 2014, in their ideal world, they would pigeonhole it between the 2012 olympics and the 2014 world cup, so we are keeping our fingers crossed.
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the court and the city have been generously assisted -- the port in the city have been generously assisted by numerous individuals and companies who have been working tirelessly on this. the team has done an amazing amount of due diligence. as i mentioned, they brought in a renowned group of professionals from all around the world, and we hope to make a very competitive offer. i just think having been port director for several weeks now, as well as the visits by the queen mary and queen victoria, this is a region that is a team they receptive to sailing. will come out and populate all around the bay, including bridges, and it would just be a tremendously great place to showcase what is the world's oldest port, so unless you have questions, i will move on. thank you. i would also like to report on an event that happened a couple weeks ago on june 21, 2010. the san francisco convention and visitors bureau has been hosting
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events that they coined as tourism matters -- everybody okay? what they do there is to connect with different businesses and industries within san francisco who are affiliated with and/or profit from the tourism business here in san francisco and in the region. as part of that, they make a very special experience by bringing members of different groups to see an aspect of the tourist business, so on june 21, they brought a group of people on board since this cruises a ship that is in port. the audience, which included members from the marina merchants association, the mission merchants association, the outer sunset merchants association, san francisco african-american chamber of commerce, small business network, the university of san from cisco, san francisco
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business times, and seven by seven magazines were treated to lunch, and some speeches, not least of which were by our own peter bailey, who i cannot find in the crowd. well, no wonder. he talked quite a bit about what cruising means to san francisco in particular and how it can work now and in the future at the port of san francisco, and then, they got a behind-the- scenes tour of the ship. so it was a great experience. this said that there were really like to do it again, and, of course, one of the ongoing elements of the san francisco convention and visitors plan for enhancing tourism here in santa disco, and we're very grateful for all of the help and support. -- here in san francisco, and we are grateful for the help and support. next, i would like to report what is happening at once -- wharfs j8 and j7.
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the four has recently had to barricade areas around them. it is comprised of a central rock hill breakwater, constructed in 1917, with two dwarfs twowharfs -- two wharfs. what happened is that we had planned through our budget process to do repairs in this area, and when our maintenance team began to do the repairs, they found that the damage was more severe than anticipated, so we are having to rethink of those repairs. we are having to seek permits from bcdc. we are going through the process appropriately, and we are making accommodations for the
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public parking that occurs on that here as well as for the fisherman, so so far, we have only had to relocate five vessels, and as we do the work, we hope to be able to rotate, but if necessary, we will make sure they are versed for anyone that is impacted. said the extent of the repair is still under development and still needs to be fermented. we are mobilizing in making that a very high priority. next, we are pleased to talk about a new itinerary for 2011. i know that we have talked before about all the changes in cruising that are going to occur in 2011. for example, we're going to have two calls from disney cruises, which we have never had on this coast, as well as crystal cruises and others. princess cruises has also made some changes to its itinerary. they are going to experiment, for lack of a better word, with a seven-day cruise on the west
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coast. most of the cruises out of san francisco on 10-day cruises, which means it is attractive to a very small segment of the market. the seven-day are in fact the most popular, so they are going to be a total of four. a terrorist in 2011, the first is a five-day trip from vancouver to los angeles, and the other three are seven-day, which starts in l.a., go to santa barbara, san francisco, sonata, and then l.a., so we are hoping this is a very popular cruise. we hope it will be of the 10 million cruise passengers around world, i believe 80% are americans. i know that san francisco is still a very desirable destination, so we're looking forward to seeing how that works and hoping it can continue in the following year. i'm sure you'll be seeing more of it as 2011 evolves. next, on august 6, 2010, on pier
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14 at 3:00, we will have the ribbon cutting ceremony, which you heard all about at the last commission meeting. it is, as you know, a piece of art owned and managed by the black rock arts foundation, and it will be installed at here 14. the rocket ship itself will be 40 feet high, some very similar to the last black rock arts foundation peace we had, which was called passage. the rocket ship will be there for 14 months. artists are a team of bay area artists, and the rocket ship first landed, so to speak -- very cute, dan. where is dan? first landed at the dam in to us tonight and has subsequently appeared at nasa and subsequently in san mateo and the makers fare, so i did hear from a lot of members of the public when it came for with
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that the rocket man was going to be coming here, that they are quite thrilled about that. the piece is comprised of a single rocket ship for a typical run to a nearby stellar destination, also written by dan. i could read you more of this beautiful prose, but i will move on in the interest of time. we're looking forward to that. we expect it to be a lot of public debate, which is the whole point. if you can come out in -- what? 10 days before that? when will they bring it in? yrah, so what -- yeah, so when they brought the passage, and it was quite amazing, so if you can come, it will be quite a treat, but most importantly, please come friday at 3:00 for the ribbon cutting. no permit necessary. next day, dpw, the port of san
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francisco, mizzle transportation authority and other agencies kicked off summer sweet at the wharf. the department of public works has had a program going this summer where they go for a week long clean up in different neighborhoods of the city. i believe fishermans wharf will represent their fourth neighborhood that they are doing, and that got kicked off today with graffiti removal as we speak, and tomorrowspeakdpw will beat -- tomorrow, dpw will be steam cleaning trash cans, painting receptacles, and the court will be out repainting treatises making sure they are filled with granite, doing graffiti removal, and if they pick up, and the public is encouraged to join all of us this saturday at 9:00 a.m. to help sweep pick up and unify the neighborhood. we're doing this in concert with the fisherman's wharf community benefit district, said that is just phenomenal for us, and we thank everyone for volunteering to help make this an attractive aspect of the port's portfolio and of our city, so that is
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exciting news, and we thank dpw for choosing us as one of their sites. also, we have the 26th annual regatta of the plastic classic in the baby book club, which is effectively across from the old navy -- the bayview boat club, which is effectively across from the old navy building. there will be a kind word to elegance as well as a race. they will have jazz in the afternoon, and you can watch the race from their great debt, so i encourage anyone who has a little free time to go out there, and while you are out there, think america's cup, what a great vantage point that might be. at least you can start to get a taste of it starting this saturday. next, i wanted to announce that we will have to cancel our regular meeting of august 10 and rescheduled for august 19, which is, i believe, a thursday. is that right? so i hope that can work for
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everyone. thank you, commissioners, for making yourself available for that. almost done. two more to go. the director of climate protection initiative in the mayor's office was hoping to be here to talk about the next item, but she also had another commitment. that is the announcement that the port of san francisco run an award, our first ever award for our work on our climate action plan. so just to give a little background, as you know, approximately two years ago -- maybe a little more than that -- the mayor put out a directive asking that each of the department's create a climate action plan. so this year, rich and many members of the ports that an environmental team spent a lot of time updating our action plan, and we have quite a number of great projects, which the
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port ken lay credit to. one is a terrific storm water management plan. another is the short side power project that we are almost completing, and, of course, all those different recycling and composting measures that the port and our various tenants have under way, among many other things. johanna explained that the panelists look at giving out these various awards. there were six awards total given, and they had a long debate whether to give the award in the name of a department or an individual, and they determined that they really wanted to name the individual, so rich berman is the individual named on behalf of the port, and we just want to thank you for your tireless work. and that of many others. from carter in the maintenance team, etc., for the great work.
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very proud of this, and it is very critical to our mission. thank you all for that. so i'm going to applaud him. you can help. do you want to add anything? excellent. ok, so there we get to the part i'm not so enamored with. all of you know our esteemed jennifer, our senior project manager in the planning and development commission. she had abandoned us for the glory of retirement, and she had left us with an amazing legacy of worked in the 18 years she has been with the port. it is incredible what all the she has done for this city and the port in her time. she joined in december of 1992. looks like a few days before christmas. i still wonder who does that, but jennifer did, and she came
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in the real estate division where she spent approximately six years, and then, she moved over to the planning and development commission where she spent the remaining 12 years. i'm 18 years she has been here, she has been promoted six times, so that is a great batting average. jennifer, congratulations. jennifer, as you know, is responsible on the port side for the project at 1.5, 3, and 5, which is spectacular. simon, wherever you are, we're taking all the credit for that project, so congratulations, wherever you are. also for the exploratory project that is coming to us at pier 15 and eventually 17, says she has as two great projects under her belt as well as numerous other tendencies and projects under the way. it is unimaginable that she would consider abandoning us in this way, but she has, and so, we will look hard and high and
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low into all of you in the room to try to replace her if we can, so with that, i would just like to say a heartfelt thank you, jennifer, so much. god bless for all you have done, and good luck to you in the next chapter of your travels. [applause] >> jennifer, the commission has a plaque here for you, and i will read it. i accretion for your 18 + years of hard work and dedication at the port of seven -- an appreciation for your 18 + years of hard work and dedication at the port of san francisco. in addition, there is something i want to present to you, and is kind of a pictorial resume of your work at the port, signed by all your friends here, and if you get chance to take a look at it, and has a little piano keyboard of here for your love of music. i will present this to you, and i know probably some folks from
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privilege for the last three years of working with jennifer. senior project manager in the 333 batting average, six promotions in 18 years, quite do it justice. in some ways, you could say she is batting 500 being involved with the six major development ports done. i would personally say that my experience with jennifer not only has to do with my term at the port, but i believe we started work together in 2004 on the exploratory project, and i have to say that's personally, i would like to thank jennifer since she not only is the embodiment of implementation of the plan, but i think she has done more than any single staff person to try to make that happen, but i feel that personally, i have learned so much from her, not just as a
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colleague, but a mentor and a friend. i would like to say that not only is she professional and thorough being on schedule and on task on a project, by is always done with a recollection of what we're doing the project and in good humor, that it is a fun thing to do, and always keep our eyes on the prize one we are with jennifer. with that, i would like to congratulate you on moving on, and i'm sure you will find challenges in other endeavors in the future. thank you. [applause] >> planning and development director. we worked with jennifer 10 years now and working on the various developments, but i just want to say briefly about the exploratory and
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