tv [untitled] August 21, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm PST
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of school capacities in order to make a nice, neat map in order to make a school so perfectly, and every child going to the nearest school. >> just a follow-up to the question, and then i do want to go public comment. my only follow-up is for example, with king andrew, where they are the complete extreme of surplus and deficit -- with keen and drew. did you think about making drew's space a little but small- lot and notkin -- a little bit smaller and king a little bit larger? the have the complete opposite spectrum of number of seats available. >> one is the bayview and one is about potrero hill, so it is
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clear that they are very geographically separated. i have a few questions. one, i want to suggest that we need to make clear that attendance area tiebreakers do not apply to city-wide seats or to see the white schools, so we all know that we are going to get their "i live near clarendon" or "are want to be in the area," so that is one thing i think we need to clarify for ourselves or for the public. i am kind of wondering, and i will ask -- i do not anticipate any of these questions take a long time to answer. we can take a long time, but i want to know whether we tried to take into account kids in thek-8
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schools when we will try to do the middle school feeder patterns. all of the house to be stark, but it seems to me -- i'm afraid that what we have looked at is the presumption that everyone that is inan a k-8 school or elementary schools days in that school, and that is not true. >> i did look at what if there were no k-eight schools, and children went to a k-five school? i did that kind of sensitivity analysis and found that it did not make a whole lot of difference, so that as part of it. another thing is that i did take four years worth of student data, and there is some switching between k-five and k- eight schools in the data so that the children in the database i used that moved in
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and out. >> and then, when we do the planning for the expansion of the pathways, i just think that we need to take into account that historically -- and i am understand that we have not had capacity, but we do have a long history of kids being in language programs in elementary school and not going into that in middle school. so we need to consider that and be talking about it more as we discussed this, these proposals for middle school, i think. then, i have a specific question -- i noted that you said that there is some process for interdistrict transfer. they are assigned i presume not very different from what we have now, that they cannot go to schools that are oversubscribed, etc., but what about kids who live in san francisco but do not s go tofusd schools and then
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apply to the one -- but do not go to sfusd schools but then apply to? >> you would use the same process. it would be the same tie breaker, so if there's any attendance area, they get the attendance area, and that is one of the beauties of the new system, back we are not going to have different rules. >> what if they are applying to middle school? >> it would be the same process. what will happen is for middle school children, they will get their initial offer in november. >> the feeder patterns are based on where they go to school, not where they live. >> yes, they will get an offer -- everyone will get an offer, but obviously, if you are not in our system, you will not. then, anyone who wants to apply to go a fixed rate, whether they are a current or new student,
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will apply, and all of those applications will be processed at the same time the deadline will be. they will not have an initial offer. >> i just wanted to say one last thing, and that is when you gave the example, you could go into the website and look at all the schools that start at a certain time, and i am not -- i just want to put on the table that, especially with the transportation policy before us, that seems to me to presume that we are not going to change any start times, and since we know that in the past, a lot of our start times have been driven by transportation, we may want to do that, so we certainly need some footnote for parents that says that that could be subject to change. >> we will actually put it on for all of it because it is all subject to change, and that is the duty of doing it web-based, so it will be current whenever they are looking at it. >> ok, thank you. i have two cards, but you do not have to fill out a card, so if
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anyone wants to -- excuse me, commissioner. >> i know in this new student assignment process that we have a connection from the child development site to the new school, so i do not see that in here, and i'm wondering, did we do an analysis of child development centers and capacities and also how that affects the capacities for available seats for the schools, that they will be transitioning into. and we have heard from child development center sites that the enrollment process for those sites is different than our enrollment process for elementary schools -- for kindergarten. i'm wondering, since we have such disconnection now, is the plan for alignment within this two indolent processes -- is there a plan for alignment within those two enrollment processes?
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and then, also, a round child development site centers, sort of -- i would just like to know what the plan is to help support sort of the enrollment process with this, meaning what kind of outreach are we doing? who goes to the schools? how are people assigned to child development centers? now that they have a preference into the schools, i would like to see which schools actually have child development centers, some asking of it so we can get some idea of where those schools that have those centers, because they will be feeding into others. the other thing i wanted to know, i'm looking at the feeder patterns, and i was recently out there, and i know they are very crowded for space, and i'm looking at schools like longfellow, which is already 600 kids, 100 kids over capacity for the school. it shows the highest
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concentration was exactly in that district, right? so now that we have closed the middle school from their t -- here -- and f-- from there, so those kids are now entering middle school, so how will we bit the capacity from all those schools feeding in their -- in there? my other question is, this valley, there is a huge development starting their. it is really the only elementary school sort of within proximity of that development, and it is slated for thousands of units. did we take that into consideration? also, what are our plans to accommodate those students that will be entering our school from those sites? those are just some of the
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questions that you do not have the answer now. we just thought we would follow- up on it. >> the package just do one follow-up to the first question. -- if i could just do one follow-up to the first question -- if we do the data run that tells us how many pre-k kids we have, just to know so that we know who lives in the attendance areas of the schools that we are proposing because i'm hoping that as we are better at aligning the program, that we will have a way to make sure that more students who live in the attendance area are assigned to or go to the child development centers in the area, and i think we need that information about how many there are now. ok. >> i just wanted to follow-up on the discussion about the emerging programs in the language pathways.
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my understanding is that traditionally, there has been some fall-off in the immersion from elementary to middle schools because there has not been sufficient capacity in our pathway, so i'm just wondering, that may be a fine point, but i would not want to cut down our transfer for expanding pathways because i think there will be demand. >> i agree, but i think it will be where they are. it is not so much that we did not have capacity -- we do not for everybody, but we have had capacity in some schools, but parents may want a certain school with that capacity, so that is what we are going to have to be aware of. we are going to take public testimony. as i said, i have two cards. we will start with these two. you do not really need to sign up to speak at this meeting. just line up, come to the podium.
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please identify yourself. for the record, you will have two minutes to speak. i do not know how many people want to speak, but we will start with two minutes, and besides, we have a recording of this so we will be making sure we have all the testimony documented. thank you. so that the microphone comes on. >> i just want to make a disclaimer that i actually worked for san francisco unified and half for two years. i worked at mckinley, so it is really hard for me. i do not want to be in anyone else's place making these decisions because i can see a. i have the educator had and i have my karen hat. -- the parent hat.
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it is clear that many schools in this district are set up for failure. the main question i had was we talk about individuals still having some choice about where their children will go to elementary school, but how much choice does a school community have of which school they feed into? right now, i would like to see a show of hands of parents hear from mckinley schools. i think we are 18, 19, and at what point does a school -- which, really, mckinley is one of those schools that has pulled itself up from its bootstraps, and then, how do we choose as a community if we decide we do not want our feeder school? how much choice do we have in that? as a community, not just as individuals, and its schools really are communities and families, 1/3 of this meeting
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here is all parents from one specific school, and all we know is we have done so much recruitment that when you choose a kindergarten, you are also choosing a middle school, so i'm not sure if that is a clear question that is asked. and maybe die and could ask it in the same way. >> this is not going to be a dialogue, so you will not get an answer to that. by if there is something the community wants to discuss, there may be an opportunity to help the staff come out of figure out a way to do that. >> i am a parent at mckinley school. my son is in fifth grade, so this is an important moment for me because of an impending decision, so i would like to opt out of choosing based on what i know about the school and based on things that i have heard
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about the school. so what is the realistic choice, is my question to you, if i thought to select a different school like hoover or roosevelt or any other school for that matter? what is the realistic -- i know the five choices, the sibling, the seat tips, the -- what is the other one? unlike, the five things, and the fourth one is attendance area, so what is my realistic choice if i wanted to get into hoover or someplace else? realistically, can i get in -- i mean, my son. or is it that all the feeder schools kids, when they go in, they will get preference? it sounds like it will be true. then, basically, i will be doing with other parents who are trying to select out, so that is
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my question. my additional question as i do not understand at the moment how -- if i would like to opt out of the feeder school, can i apply to back? what are my realistic choices -- chances of getting my child in? so that is it. >> this might answer some of those questions. i just want to know whether it is possible -- first of all, i recommend that we probably use some kind of staff conversation, and possibly answering those questions might be helpful if there were some modeling that you could do. presumably, you guys know more about the question of what is likely to happen without us discussing it here. it is something you might want to talk, be able to tell them what you have investigated. i just wanted to last say, remember, part of the idea which
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is why it was widely supported is that the feeder pattern would give the opportunity for a school committee you are referring to to continue. if all the fifth graders at mckinley would to everett, effort would be mckinley -- everett would be mckinley. [laughter] >> i was interested in the factors that were used in considering the maps, and we noted -- i think we noted -- interesting bit. with the diversity, we are assuming that it was based on racial diversity, but my question to the good tonight is, to one extent whyses factored in -- to what extent was ses
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factored in? when i look at the map and think about some of the differences in incomes, and how, if you would map that onto the speeder patterns, i was interested in how that conversation possibly could shift some of this as well. thank you. >> said davis. i have a daughter going to kindergarten who is a free range child and has not been located yet. i was raised in mission bay, which actually looks like i am out of all of -- attendance areas. so i wanted to mention that the cdc is such an amazing program. with my family, i spend a lot of time talking about what those are, because it will be a really important key, and i do not want families and kindergartners to walk in your door and say that there was this other insurance plan. the other thing is the low-cost
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and free food program. when i filled out my application, i was asked to check a box, and it is not verified until the first day of school, and if that is a criteria for sorting or sending us, that process should have something similar to verify in your address. the last inning is you have gone through this huge process, and it is hard to talk about how the guidelines need to change, by yesterday, treasure island got mine over to the city of san francisco. the pier 70 master plan is in process. pier 48 is going to be online. with the economic situation, it is not going to be for a long time, but it will happen. new development is coming, and you should set up a system so this is not the only guideline in the future. >> we do not verify the free and
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reduced lunch. the qualified by federal guidelines. that is the only way we do that. we are not permitted to look at -- what people through based on what their income is. >> [inaudible] >> for other purposes, yes, but not for this. >> thank you for your time. i'm here with a group called students first. i know i've met a couple of you in the past. what our organization does is we draft and push legislation here in san francisco advocating for education and students only. this is a non-partisan group. i'm also a full-time, single mother. one of my two children is
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currently at lafayette, and the other has not been assigned a school yet. just to give you a little bit of context on what we have been doing, we have proposed a piece of legislation. we have collected 13,000 signatures from san francisco residents -- teachers, former school board members, parents, non-parents as well. we have a tremendous amount of support from the community. over 300 volunteers, some of which are in this room as well. i'm here with two of my other colleagues as well, and our piece of legislation focuses on taking san francisco to a neighborhood-school-based system. there's nothing we have to speak with any of you about. one very important question that i would like to pose to you, and i'm sure this could have many answers, and i know it has been in the past -- in your mind, is
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this new system focusing on enforcing and achieving academic excellence here in san francisco, which is clearly a huge issue, and we clearly have a shortfall in that area -- is it your priority to be more concerned about the city, which is clearly not where it was 20 or 30 years ago. is it more important to you to focus on diversity in our city now or to take us where we need to be as far as academic excellence is concerned? i know there are quite a few other people in the room that would like to have their question address. >> good evening, school board members and public. i was at a lot of student assignments since i redesigned -- since they redesigned meetings, and after the new system was adopted in march, and i thought about it for a while -- the more i think about it, the less i like it because there
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is no certain percentage set aside for neighborhood preference, and i think whenever factor you put after siblings is what the system is going to be, so this is ctip system, not a neighborhood school system, and based on my observation of the way parents act, what you have done is to incentivize people to get addresses, and i think you are going to see a lot more than 20% of your applicants coming from there, and it is another way to game the system and actually says less about the socio-economic status of a family and the old system did, which had section 8 housing and food stamps, among other things, so i think it is actually a step backward. i'm very disappointed. i'm also here with students first, advocating quality neighborhood schools for all, and i think the district should focus on improving underperforming schools by
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sending good teachers to those schools and dedicating resources to those schools so you do not have the disparity among schools that forces you to create this system of dispersing everybody throughout the system and leaving the underperforming schools underperforming. thank you for your time. >> good evening. i'm here with students first, and i just wanted to say a couple of things. i do not think that the student is an ideal system. i got over 5000 signatures for this myself. i talked to a lot of people, and we are losing a lot of very good people. dr. couples talk to me and said it would love to raise their kids in the city, but where would they move? we should want doctors raising kids to raise kids in the city and the republic schools. that would make the schools better, but we are driving doctors and entrepreneurs and a lot of other people out of our city by telling them that there
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the last priority. that they cannot buy or rent a house and know where their kids were told the school. we need to provide the same certainty that the surrounding communities of san francisco do. that is the biggest issue that i have found, is you should take into account all the people that want to go public school. probably 1000 people told me when i was getting signatures, they would love to raise kids in the city and go public school, but the look in a private school or into moving because they cannot move into a neighborhood and know where their kids will go into elementary school, and you need to provide certainty for people to keep them in san francisco. i know newsom has complained that we are becoming a city of not enough families. we have a lower percentage of children, and to get that up, we need to let people know how to raise their children and be able to move to a community and plan their futures. thank you. >> i am a parent of a
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kindergartner an third grader. i'm not associated with the previous three speakers. i just had a clarifying question. my question is about middle school, and it came off looking at the language pathways. the feeder schools going into a middle school -- is there a surplus deficit in that for that as well? it seems that some of the middle schools have a huge deficit. they will not be able to accommodate all of the feeder elementary schools. that is just my question, and that is all. thank you. >> are we doing that analysis? >> yes, we did that analysis. the proposal that we put forth has enough space to accommodate
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all of the students, and if you look at four-year enrollment trends, larger, more popular schools will see a decrease in enrollment based on this pattern. >> you would have to go someplace else, but there is an easy way if you are looking at the website for assignment that you could see the capacities of the schools. when you look at this map, it looks like there are huge areas assigned to some schools and small areas assigned to others. some of it has to do population density, but mostly, it looks to me like it is about the size of the school. if people do that, it would be useful information, i would think. thank you. >> i am also from mckinley elementary school. i am a parent of a kindergartner and the first grade. my question is twofold -- the first part is one of the aims of mill school feeder paton's is
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to decrease the gaf in academic diversity. it seems to me that could be achieved better if there is -- for example, in a given middle school, you have combined very well-performing elementary schools, and it seems the way the list is laid out is that you have some middle schools where the schools that feed into them are the majority very high performing, and then you have, for example, average where you have two not very good performance goals and then two schools that are sort of middle of the road, so i do not think this addresses the achievement gap very well. the second part of the question is -- has the committee considered the negative impact that feeding into a 4 middle school has on a given elementary school -- into a poor middle school. i think it would have a very negative impact on a school that
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has strived to transition into a private -- into a better performing school. [applause] >> good evening. i am a parent in the manner in immersion program, and one of my concerns -- in the mandarin immersion programs. one of my concerns is that the programs have been split up. middle schools they are feeding into, and with mandarin as one of the smaller immersion programs, it feels particularly important for those programs to be together, in order to have a critical mass, and i would assume, perhaps, to have teaching schedules that work. so that is one point. in terms of additional information that would be helpful as a parent, on page 11
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of the print out of your powerpoint, you have a slide that is entitled "draft middle school feeder pattern" and you talk about the range between highest and lowest cst scores, and how it is going to go down from 81% to 46%, and i think it would be helpful for parents and perhaps the board as well if you could share with us the information for each of the middle schools as to what your -- you are projecting those scores to be, and also, if you could share with us what you are anticipating, and of course, you are making projections -- what you are anticipating the demographic breakdown to be. i'm not affiliated with the two previous speakers
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