tv [untitled] August 27, 2010 7:00am-7:30am PST
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southern waterfront as a place that is industrial, which meant in the past always toxic and other things, so there is pretty much a - idea -- negative idea about the cleanliness of waters in the southern waterfront, and that is one of the things you have to look at. using swimming as a good example, we have decided, sort of, to look at where good swimming places are, where water is perhaps too toxic for swimming, which is hardly anywhere. that would lead to the next step, which we are not here, which is getting people from, say, other parts of san francisco, say, downtown other than the waterfront. right now, we think about all
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the systems from down along the waterfront, and bikes and things moving that way. we have to start putting in bikes from over near the ocean. we want to come to candlestick park in the summertime because it is sunny there and body there, and they wanted beach. so those are going along the beach. -- is the sunny there andfoggy there. >> any other public comment? >> yes, as an open space advocate, [inaudible] that is a terrific idea. the only thing i have is just one question -- where is the county line? i'm not sure about the. the other thing is when the gentleman talked about skateboarding, a red flag went up with me because this is a question of pedestrian safety,
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and we have to be very serious about this when considering that on the waterfront. as far as the art is concerned, i hope that will be a temporary are thing. when we have the latest installation, the mayor said that all art would be temporary, so thank you very much. >> any other public comment? >> i also would like to commend the staff on all the amazing work that has been down on the blue greenway and southern waterfront project. the workshop on may 25 was a really good workshop. it was heavily attended. there was a lot of interaction, and everybody was impressed with all the work and all the design and everything that had gone into the planning for these projects, and these silos, i
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just love them. i cannot wait until we do some type of art or something. that is one of my favorite parts, but thank you again for all the work you have done. >> thank you. okay, next item. >> item 10b, request award a contract in an amount not to exceed $81,593, and environmental sciences as its. >> good afternoon, the planning development staff. this project again, as any mention, is regards to pier 27. part of a team that anddpw -- port and dpw project team, but it needs environmental review under ceqa, and staff will need help to analyze the
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environmental impacts of the proposed project. i voted to do this, on behalf of the court, a r issues andfq -- of the port, issues an rfq, and dpw received responses from four qualified teams. in june, the panel composed of two staff members from the port to planning and one from dpw evaluate proposals, it to be the teams, and unanimously rank environmental sciences as its as the highest. accordingly, staff seeks to -- seeks authorization from the port commission to award a contract for environmental review services in the amount not to exceed $851,000 -- $851,543. esa would be the lead consultant of the team. they have worked on a number projects, such as the bryan st.
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pier project, so they know about cruise terminals, and they also worked on the mills project so they know the site. from our perspective, these people are perfect for this particular project. as part of their team, there are sub consultants, which include environ, and they will be looking at air quality impacts, as well as consulting on consent -- the sensitive areas around transportation and traffic analysis. there are other areas of consultants as well. esa has made a commitment to achieve a subparticipation bowl. their work will principal a look at the impact of 27 cruise terminal project, particularly traffic, air quality, water quality, cultural resources, and
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other issues. this comprehensive analysis will support all entitlement and approval requirements for the project. the ceqa analysis will also look at the cumulative impact from nearby or adjacent projects such as the exploratory and project and include a program level analysis for the proposed renovation appear 19 or 23, which has been slated as a candidate for possible revenue bond financing or funding. the process may take as long as 18 months to complete, and before this can commence, the board of supervisors will need to consider fiscal feasibility of the project. that report, as i mentioned last month, had been submitted to the clerk of the board, and the finance subcommittee is scheduled to hold a hearing on this on september 8. then, it will be considered by the full board later on that
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mound, later in september, and determine the fiscal feasibility is needed prior to any -- prior to starting the ceqa review process. the process remains to be the critical path on this project's schedule. we hope to start schematics this fall. we want to complete schematics by early 2001 and complete design engineering by early 2012 to allow construction and hopefully completion of the entitlements and the ceqa process by early 2012 so that we can start construction and half the terminal operational by early to mid 2014. anyway, to meet the product schedule, staff recommends that the port commission approved the contract award to begin the ceqa review process. that concludes my report. any questions?
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>> is there any public comment on this item? ok, any questions? >> i say full speed ahead on this. i want to see that go up very quickly. thank you. >> any other public comment? ok, we have a motion and second. resolution 10-61 is approved. >> item 11a, requests approval of lease l 818 for the base of san francisco sound problem for a three-year office lease for premises of approximately 2707 square feet and two parking stalls located at pier 9. >> good afternoon. in seeking your approval for the item as read by the commission secretary. the pilot commission was founded
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-- was created in 1850 by the first legislative session of the state of california, and they have been active ever since. pilot commission is the oversight body for the 64 pilots who make up the san francisco bar pilots. the pilot commission has been in office tenant at pier 9 since 2002. as a sub-tenet of the marine yacht charters. the pilot commission is a trust- consistent and it. following the termination of pacific greens, the ports that engaged negotiations with the california state department of real estate on behalf of the pilot commission. these discussions have led to the development of a proposed lease for a term of three years for 2356 square feet of office space and 460 square feet of back from space and parking stalls. the initial rate is $6,712.50 per month or $91,350 annualized.
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this rent is consistent with the port commission approved rental rates for the current fiscal year and for the monthly parking stall rates for the current fiscal year. the lease provides for an annual rate of 3%. parking stalls will be adjusted annually in line with the port commission approved parking stall rates. this lease requires port commission approval for a couple of reasons -- there is a payment and rich for november 25, 2009, through july 31, 2010, in the amount of $72,436.92. the pilot commission has made this payment, and they are a tenant in good standing. in recognition of the restrictions on state operations, the court has agreed to make other changes, as i have indicated -- payment in arrears, waiver of security
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deposits, late charges, and a fall interest. these charges to require port commission approval. there are no other concessions required by the lease. i ask that you approve the resolution you are approving, lease # l-14 818. i would be happy to answer any questions. >> comment on this item? all those in favor? opposed? resolution 10-62 is approved. thank you. >> item11b, request approval of lease l471 for a four-year
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office lease for promises of approximately 8451 square feet, located at pier 9. >> seeking your approval of the item as read by the commission secretary. it was founded in san francisco in 2005 to provide genetic expertise and guidance in the health-care field. in january 2010, dna direct became in subsidiariesmetco -- subsidiary of metco. dna has occupied two offices at pier 9 since march 2006. they now wish to expand and consolidate operations at one location. there are a tenant in good standing. lease negotiations have led to the proposed lease with the term of four years.
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900 square feet of unimproved office storage space at 414 square feet of non-exclusive bathroom space. the initial monthly rent is $19,487 per month, or $233 with $820 annualized, and is consistent with the current commission-approved parameters. there is an annual increase in monthly rent of 2%. it will receive a 60-day construction time where no man is charged for space preparation. there are no other credits allowed under the lease, and the court has agreed to make one change in our leased to section 26, which is the hold over language. currently, with consent, the port can increase the rent by 50%. without consent, up to 200%. we have agreed that -- to an increase of 25% and 50% upon the
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natural expiration of the lease, but we always have the option to bring the tenant to the then current market so it is approved by the port commissions. this change does require port commission approval. we agreed to this change for a few reasons. the difficult real-estate market, the new lease represents a 40% increase over the existing leases, and dna stands in the process of submitting a building permit and will make 10 to approve it -- improvements of approximately $10,000 into the property. staff recommends that the commission approved the lease for premises located at pier 9 for a term of four years. >> public comment on this item? all those in favor?
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any opposed? the resolution is approved. >> item 12, new business. any new business? >> i would like to delegate peter daily to represent the port at the apa annual conference in september of this year. >> second. >> any discussion? all those in favor? >> this is not a calendar item, so is it something to be dealt with at the next commission meeting?
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>> we're just asking peter daly to represent the poor. so it is not a voting item. -- represent the port. >> we are a form in thepa -- we are informing the apa, which requires the governing body to inform who represents us. and that is there any public comment on new business? any other new business? >> item 13, public comment. >> i do have a bunch of speaker cards here. i will call them in the order that we received them. they all seem to be on the same topic, so will go through them. >> good afternoon.
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i'm here representing members of the family of a man who was murdered a few weeks ago. by way of introduction, let me say that i was a resident of the city and county of san francisco from mid-1979 through almost the rest of the century. i worked for southern pacific transportation right across the street for 14 years. in fact, i was on the seventh floor of october 17, 1989, when i was hanging on my desk, making sure i would not fall into the bay, when i watched our flag pole on top of this building bend over. i'm not so fond of the president of the board of directors of the calgary united for the directors. let me say at the outset that i'm not against people having fun. in my 20 years of residence in the city and county of san francisco, i kept more than one
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liquor emporium from insolvency. i'm also not against the free enterprise system. i believe very strongly in the rights of anyone to the pursuit of happiness, and that often includes the acquisition of lots of money. i support that for all of my adult years, and i think that is probably one of the main stage of the united states system of city government, but with irresponsible profit-taking coming in equal measure of civil and social responsibility, which includes or should providing a safe and peaceful environment, when the public is involved, it is my belief, and this is strongly supported by the facts on the record, that the venue has repeatedly failed to do so. they have obviously put profits above people, with disastrous and painful consequences. let me try to put a human face on one of those tragedies. i knew him personally for nearly
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a decade. we had many conversations. he told me on more than one occasion that he appreciated my intelligence. but he may have overestimated. i'm not sure. i know that he was a family man, and very good provider and was dutiful in his duties as a father and did the best that he could, life permitting. he was dedicated and loyal to his children at a time when absentee father hood is seemingly epidemic. he was loved and respected by his wife and brothers and sisters, most of whom reside here in the bay area. his eldest brother and their mother are here with me today. i understand that the owners of the lease and license are contesting their pending eviction from lease of space owned by the san francisco for the authority, and i personally find that reprehensible and unconscionable. to allow them to continue to do
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business as usual would be a slap in the face of each and every family member and would reward insensitive and irresponsible business practices. i strongly urge the commission to deny the attempt an edict this public nuisance. thank you. >> i want to start by saying i came here today after reading something on the internet about the fight against eviction. i find it too egregious that they would, after my brother's death, and the death of another victim, and the four other incidents that i know what involving shootings, that they
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would fight the eviction under the guise that they are fighting a under. i, too, know that every employer i have ever worked for, safety was always first, and i any business they are in, they have to provide safety to their patients, and they failed -- in the business they are in. they not only failed my brother, they failed multiple other people. four other victims shot and dead. my brother's death is forever. cannot take that back. they have more than ample opportunity to pull it together, and they failed again. they continue to fail. they continue in this effort to
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not take on their responsibility. in my opinion, there actions are almost criminal, to have continued to allow what happened -- i mean, they acted in a way that is almost like it is an extension to the o.k. corral. and they did not call the police when the incident initiated, when the police could have come out and done what they are paid to do, and that is break up the situation. instead, they allow my brothers lifeless body to lie in the street as a result of their negligence and inaction.
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>> i'm an attorney. with me is one of the owners of the club. we are here today to talk to you about what we think is something that you may not understand what has been happening here, which is, one, we mourn the loss of the victim who was shot outside of the club, and it is a tragedy, but what happened that night is not the owners' fault. then everything asked of them -- they have done everything asked of them since they opened 16 years ago. they installed a security system. they employed security cards inside. when this incident arose, when it began -- when they became aware of it, they called the police.
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after the incident occurred, they met with the police. they have done everything in their power to prevent incidents like this from happening. the problem is that incidents do happen outside of business establishments. it is not their fault. the reason that we are here today is because they're being terminated for the least. what you may not know is that a month before the shooting occurred, they were informed that there was raw sewage from the port's sewage pipes leaking into the bay. when they became aware of that, they spent over $20,000 of their own money to replace rusted and corroded pipes of the port's that were dumping sewage into the bay. in the course of these proceedings, they realized that the ports sewage pipes are broken, that the port's sewage
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pipes underneath here 50 are right now as we speak leaking sewage into the bay. when they told the court this, the port did not take responsibility, and within two to three weeks, terminated the leases. we believe that this shooting, while tragic, is not the real reason that they are being terminated here. we believe that because there have been other violent incidents in other for establishments. even inside for establishments. those establishments were not shut down. this occurred outside, not in the club. police confirmed that it did not arrive because of an altercation that occurred inside. the san francisco entertainment
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commission has agreed this is not the club's fall. this death, while tragic, is not their fault, and we ask you, as commissioners, that this is the time that your role can play a role. you can look at what your staff is saying and say, "is this just? is this the real reason they are being terminated? and look at why they are being retaliated against, singled out, of all the other establishments on the port. why they are being singled out. other establishments have had incidents of violence. they are not being terminated. >> thank you very much. next speaker, stephanie dalton. >> good afternoon. i write the urban music newsletter, and i manage several working musicians in the city,
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and many of the musicians that i book and manage perform at jelly's, and i want to talk about the devastating loss of income that will bring to the music community because they regularly higher than and put on some great shows that never in my 16 years of me attending personally, have i ever had a problem or felt concerned. the outgoing commissioner talked about a family, and what you have is a community of people that will be definitely displaced. it will be a tragedy to see another venue fall. i believe shelley's is the victim of
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