tv [untitled] August 27, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm PST
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if we move the date back, that is fine, but we do want -- we just ask them for their report on the first because they thought we were going to have it anyway. >> i would just as maybe the chair could inquire with lt. reilly, and maybe if some flights are not prepaid, we could possibly hold the on the 18th, i would appreciate that. >> we will ask. only because -- i think we should put the retreat also because if we do not put the retreat, we will never get to this. let's try to put that one on. anything else you want to work on tonight? >> 3, the human rights commission [inaudible] >> mr. president, a point of clarification -- what we are doing in terms of the entertainment commission -- are
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we calendar ring that for the agenda for public hearing for next week? >> we have to ask them if they want to hold one. we were requesting them to hold a joint meeting because they may not want to do it. to make a request. >> ok, thank you for that. >> as the human rights commission said, they do not want to do it, so we have to ask them, and if they say yes, i would assume we would move to saturday. but they have to agree to do that. >> and then, we set a mutual aid. would that be a wednesday night for another night? >> probably -- we would have to figure that out as well. we have had joint meetings on other commissions. we did with the housing commission on different days, so it does not necessarily have to
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be on a wednesday. it could be. >> so the objective in terms of calendar in it, what are we aiming for in terms of notice for everyone involved? it is not going to be a wednesday night. >> they may agree to a win. we do not know what they are going to do. >> i'm sorry, the boat is one? is it tonight? we are voting tonight? -- the vote is when? >> let's extend an invitation. >> would you like to make a motion? >> i move that we invite the entertainment commission to a joint meeting with the police commission. >> a second. >> without objection, so ordered. ok. any other priorities you want to work on tonight? >> mr. president, the retreat. a point of clarification are
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round that -- is that going to constitute a special meeting of the commission where we meet in our usual location? is that required? >> it has to be noticed, and the public is invited. this is a quorum. i doubt that we will do it on wednesday night. we just have to figure it out. >> [inaudible] different times or different locations. >> i think we need to vote to have a retreat first. am i move that we set a date for a retreat -- >> i move that we set a date for a retreat for the police commission. >> without objection, so ordered. do we want to try to pick a date now? >> it depends how soon you want to have it. bamut is the chief can attend
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that, i'm really hoping he will be able to. >> it is our retreat. we can invite anyone we want to. >> i guess i would stress that because our work is all tied together, that we invite the chief to coordinate his calendar with us, so if he is interested in attending, we can make sure that it is a date that he is available. >> we need to see what the agenda items are. >> one of them will be the priority list. >> i would second commissioner kingsley's idea that i'm not sure we have to time out the entire day. i think a chunk of that, i think it would be helpful for him to be with us. he is the person who runs the department on a daily basis, and we are here both to give guidance, but also to support
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his efforts, so i think it would be good to have a chunk of time where he candidly tells us what his priorities are so we can give direction and also listen for his concerns, so i think it is important that he be there for part of it. >> do we want to aim for when we circulate a calendar to the lieutenant in terms of when we are available, a date that we are available? do we want to do this, aim for a particular month? >> i think we should aim for six months. sometime in september. not on wednesday. i'm assuming on a regular day, saturday morning is probably going to be it. >> two ideas to kick around for a moment in terms of the agenda or are we going to talk about -- >> any other item. we had three. >> here is what i would suggest, and i would like to get other comments in. the dna issue, let's say sexual
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assault. i have done some more of line. i think it would be helpful if we had a date in october so we have a month to work on a, so we have a date that we as a commission can consider. it does not have to be in the next couple of weeks. i think it would be helpful to have a date so we know what that is. i would suggest the first one in october, or i'm really open to other ideas. >> we have talked about dgo 8.10, and i was going to bring it to you. it was the first amendment activity dgo, and we talked about it many months, and i would like to bring it to you for some changes to 8.10. i would like to add it to the
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list, yes. >> we have two items we have actually decided on for calendar. >> the other very brief one that we have talked about as a group before, and i have asked the city attorney's office for the rule to be changed, but it is item number four, and it would probably be a brief issue for the commission, and that is to tighten the rules around as using outside hearing officers, so we tighten the time that flows between their appointment at the end, getting their report in, i would be happy to work with others to be a very short agenda item. i would like that to be heard in some timber. i think it would take all of 10 minutes of commission time, but i think it is important. >> and i would like to get a date. what do you think? early october maybe? >> i have not been working that much. whatever works for you.
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>> end of september/early october would be good. >> may be september 29? >> that is a community meeting. >> october 6 to then? >> hopefully, we will have this retreat in september, and we will have parcelled all of this out. >> yes, i totally agree that we should prioritize. we should go into detail prioritizing this at the retreat, and we should take commissioner kingsley's very good suggestion of having overarching principles, values, plans, and priorities when we plan that. we have september 8 for the brady policy. was that right? ok, so that is on there. >> the other thing i do want to put a caveat on as i do not mind is a priority list, but i think we need to discuss it. if things come up that are critical and that need to be
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added, that we have the flexibility to add them. i do not want to say that we are bound by this entire list for the year. i think that is not really realistic. we need to be conscious of that, so we need to make it very clear this is a priority list of things we're interested in at this moment, but there may be other issues that may be a priority at that time. >> so that will be a topic of discussion. i'm sure we will decide how we proceed with the agenda. >> i would just ask my fellow commissioners if there is a consensus that we pick some date certain that we could work towards in terms of an overarching discussion, possible action on the issue of dna testing, sexual assault, and what not. i would suggest october 6. that gives plenty of time. >> two dgo discussions then on
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october 6? >> probably, yes. >> i do not quite understand what you are asking for with that. >> again, i'm asking for an agenda item for discussion and possible action on updating a revision of any dgo's covering the department's procedures regarding sexual assault, testing of dna, or other biological samples in this case. >> commissioner, what would that require -- what would you anticipate that would require coming from the department in terms of preparation? >> i think it sounds like commander -- sounds like he is point personnel for the department on that -- have a conversation going forward about how there are some diligence that we are perhaps not all aware of to look at the general
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order to make sure it is the most up-to-date best practices in the country, and i think it is five weeks out to work on that issue. >> do we had a dgo on that? >> there is a dgo on sexual assault. >> we will take a look at that. >> the idea would be we would look at possible revisions or issuance of a new one. we cannot get ready at that time, we can talk about moving, but i think having a date that we could aim for would help us focus some effort on that. i would ask for october 6 as a target date. >> [inaudible] dgo 8.10 should be an action item, not just discussion. we already have discussion, and i said there were some things that needed to be changed. -- we already had discussions. >> i'm talking discussion and possible action. i would like to calendar
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discussion and possible action. >> commissioner hammer, i'm sorry to ask you again, but could you repeat specifically what the objective is for examination and discussion and possible action? >> i would like again for october 6 that we have discussion and possible action on revisions or if need be issuance of department general orders that deal with how we investigate and handle sexual assault, specifically dealing with dna samples, obtaining the course list, clearing the work that i have done so far tonight, the certainly needed some update, and there may be holes in our orders in terms of prioritizing and also expectations about turnaround, that sort of thing, how we are dealing with victims of sexual assault. again, i think having a date would help us focus to bring something to the commission.
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i think having a date to have that in front of the commission and have worked on a round it would help get that done. >> yes, essentially what is going to happen is that there will be presentation of prior dgo's -- of the prior dgo and discuss changes of any changes we need to make to it. i could do two of those in an evening. >> i hope to bring proposed revisions to the department and hopefully, we can act on them. the other i would have, and part of it, this is complicated stuff that we would have to study well in advance so we can have a good discussion about it, but if people want more time, we can take more time. >> it is not just then. we have a proxy as well.
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i know we need to put a dgo or amend a dgo, that is a process that has to be confirmed. i'm just trying to figure out what we will be doing that night. i'm just trying to get this one out of the way. >> we went to pick triage and pick some very important ones we have done in terms of our next calendar until we have our retreat, and after the retreat, we will follow a solid schedule, so i think we do have enough for our agenda, and i think that we should probably save the rest of our conversation for the retreat. it sounds like we do have some very important dgo's that we want to look at, but our plate is full for now. >> [inaudible] >> i agree. i think the same date we will put it on at the october 6 --
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let's put both of them there. there is an issue that arises before that, if the department needs more time, i think we are in a good spot right now. >> so we are in agreement. sounds like october 6 for discussion and possible action. like anything else, some things require more tweaking, or commissioners, do you have questions? >> i would agree to that. >> hearing officer rules, it just going back to the beginning. what dates? >> we could do it on the 15th, the 22nd. >> september 15 or 22? >> remember, we have to move -- >> if i could answer, that one would be just for discussion. there probably will be a need and confirm requirement, but we should look and see if we feel as a group that these minor
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additions are good. that would be a short discussion item. >> i am open to whatever the other commissioners what. -- want. >> we are pretty open. we have a disciplinary matter that we set for the 22nd. the plan was to break into our meeting unless something critical was coming to our commission. >> hearing that, i want to stay away from anything but discipline on the 22nd. >> the 15th will be for discussion and possible slight amendments to the rules regarding hearing officers. commissioner murphy, you agree october 6 for discussion and possible action on any revisions? regarding testing of dna and sexual assault cases. ok, thank you. >> ok, thank you, everyone.
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>> sounds like our plate is full. what's move on to the next item. >> i was ready to go. -- let's move on to the next item. >> i was ready to go. >> commissioners, if there is no public comment on item four. >> public comment on item four? thank you. hearing none, we move to item five. thank you, commissioners, for thatn[ubg:;3rçó >> item 5 is public comment on all matters pertaining to the closed session. ladies and gentlemen, we have a very brief closed session this evening. very brief. so public comment on all matters pertaining to closed session. that is pursuant to a government code 54997 and it is an action item on personnel exception, which is a discussion and possible action to accept or reject stipulated agreement of
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disciplinary charges filed in case numbers jwa co9-015 and jct d06-179. commissioner marshall: any public comment on the matter in closed session? hearing none, commissioners, item six please. >> bringing us to item six, commissioner, we need a motion to hold a closed session and a second. >> so moved. >> second. >> we do have a small room we can retire to if commissioners do not mind standing for a few minutes. we can take care of this. thank you. commissioner marshall: you stay in here, we will go in there. in here, we will go in there.
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