tv [untitled] August 28, 2010 9:30am-10:00am PST
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city. because people can purchase their catering anywhere. and they bring it in. so regulating that, you know, i'm not really satisfied that the tax collector and treasurer's office can regulate that or collect the appropriate tax for those kinds of sales. also, the tax collector -- the treasurer's office, you know, again, i think it was glossed over a little bit, how difficult this collection or how fine it's going to be. executive director dick-endrizzi: right. and so -- and also going to, like, so to focus on the microbrewries, what has been said to us is that there are micro breweries that are outside the city that bars or even some of the other micro breweries purchase their product and so they're concerned that these micro breweries are going to be less likely to want to sell their
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product need the city. because of having to track and calculate that cost may not be worth it. so, again, the sort of product and this can also go with wineries, the availability of the product can be diminished in terms of an offering for the consumer and the fact that the city seems to pride itself in terms of, you know, supporting local farmers, that kind of thing, those business models that are based upon that product either in wine or in beer may -- there' chance that they're going to have to
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big big -- executive director dick-endrizzi: that was a different bullet point that i was speaking to. and then the other factor that we actually have not talked about, commissioners, or you have not talked about, is the job sector loss. and i don't know if you want to make any particular comment in relationship to that. right now it's being calculated at 80 private sector jobs lost each year. and without the added increase cost calculated into the formula, what does that mean? vice president clyde: i'd like to add that job loss is not calculating lost hours. it is not calculating letting people go home two hours early, having them show up and letting them go home one day a week or closing an additional day of
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the week. people still show up as employed on the employment rolls but their incomes drop and we have seen this, i call it the slow drain, for the last several years. in fact, i think i pointed it out when i first started to come to the commission, that businesses were increasingly shortening their hours, closing for lunch, and closing on additional days. and this turns our little retail corridors, you know, we get these vacuums, we get these little geltos, these time of day ghettos and so i would like the record to reflect that, you know, businesses have been dealing with the accumulating costs by reducing hours, you know, and reducing employment. i did the math and, you know, letting somebody go two hours a
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day, $30 a day, five days a week, you know, and it's significant, you know, it is very significant. president riley: so should we -- any more questions or discussion? can we move to the next item? >> sorry. there was something about the budget and the thing that's been ask missing in the discussion with me is the contribution to the tax base. and we're getting a few preliminary numbers now. so i'd like to just hold that on. i mean, our industry, you know, food, beverage and entertainment, contributes, according to betty yee, over $500 million a year. and i think that somewhere that needs to be, you know, that
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these tax -- the tax-plus side, i guess, the contribution of the industry, needs to be calculated and accounted for the public. executive director dick-endrizzi: is that a direct request that you would like to have a report provided to the commission on that? or is that just a -- i'm just trying to understand if, i mean, do you want that phrased? vice president clyde: can it be done in a timely manner? can we find out how many businesses are paying, for instance, payroll tax who also hold a.b.c. licenses so we can get an idea of the employment contribution of the industry?
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is it possible to find out, i mean, like i said, betty yee said the industry as a whole is contributing $8 billion in economic activity, with approximately $500 million in sales tax revenues. but -- executive director dick-endrizzi: and the figure you just quoted, is that san francisco businesss? vice president clyde: yes. it is san francisco businesses. executive director dick-endrizzi: so you're just interested in -- when you're saying the contribution, apart from the information that betty yee has provided, and the
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number of businesses in the entertainment industry with -- i mean, the number of a.b.c. license businesses that have employees that pay payroll tax. vice president clyde: yes. if we could find out what that is and just what that contribution is. because, you know, i'd like to address the unreimbursed cost as expect and -- aspect and, you know, why is it being associated here, it sounds like an allocation issue. are we really paying in, you know, our industry's contributions, you know, our significant -- are significant. so how it's being allocated in city hall, the health department, you know, is a separate issue. do you get where i'm going?
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i'm just addressing this, kind of we're not paying our fair share, which is the message that is coming down to the industry, is you're not paying your fair share. but i'm not sure that that's true. i don't have data that says that what we're paying into as far as tax revenues and, you know, economic contributions, i'm not really sure that that's accurate. at the same time i'm not sure it's given the job creation component, the business development, you know, that we do, the work that we do is really sufficiently weighted in the discussions and that gets back to my concern that we will do more economic damage with this proposal, again, than the small amount of revenue collection that it really represents in the bigger
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picture. president riley: do you want this to be a separate request or to add that on to what we just discussed? that might delay our -- i don't know. vice president clyde: do you think it would be helpful information? president riley: i had think it would be helpful information but do we want to lump it with the concern that we are going to submit to the supervisor? vice president clyde: they're separate issues. i think. >> can we go ahead and request this information provided to the commission during the legislation and policy committee? but where we could go ahead and complete the -- executive director dick-endrizzi: i think that this is more matter of the outreach and economic committee -- part of the outreach and economic committee because we're looking at the economics of small business in relationship to -- vice president clyde: ok, all right. ok. executive director dick-endrizzi: to the citi. vice president clyde: ok.
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i'll be back. president riley: ok. so. no more discussion. do you have enough to work on? executive director dick-endrizzi: i think we have a very good idea in terms of the final draft. i mean, the final statement from the small business commission to the board of supervisors. president riley: great. next item, please. >> thank you. commissioners, we are on eye indemnify number seven, discussion of possible actions to make recommendations to the board of supervisors on board of supervisors file number 100963, healthy nail salon recognition program. this is an ordinance admitting the code fighting chapter 27, sections 27.1 through sections 27.6, to create a program to recognize nail salons that use nail polishes free of toxic chemicals. commissioners, the legislation and policy committee met on august 2 and recommended that
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the small business commission recommend approval to the board of supervisors. i believe the director has some description and presentation on this. executive director dick-endrizzi: just to follow up with what the legislation and policy committee heard for their remainder of the commissioners is that there is -- our office in conjunction with the department of environment and the healthy nail collaboratetive have been in discussion about doing something. supervisor chiu has decided to introduce this legislation where this is a recognition program. i think that this is a good step as opposed to doing -- implementing legislation that would have administrative penalties, to noncompliance. so, it's a recognition program, the department of environment will be working out the criteria of what's involved in achieving what a nail salon
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will need to achieve to be considered a healthy nail salon but most of it centers around what they call the three p's or something along that line. and those are outlined on page two, line 20, the three items that are the toxic items that are in nail polish. so this is going to be an outreach program to the nail salons through the workers and the businesses to begin to educate them to provide a healthier environment, to encourage businesses to move towards a healthier environment towards the workers and then for the workers to understand what they -- you know, what can be done to provide a healthier environment. the healthy -- the california
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healthy nail collaboratetive works mostly through the workers. we're being added to the legislation so that we can assist the department of environment to do outreach and education to the nail salons and provide any sort of business technical assistance that they may need in making the transition. so if it means, you know, helping them find a microloan to purchase the new inventory, are there any tax credits that could be taken advantage of, that type of thing. so we will be working with them and we're not in the current piece of legislation that you see here, but supervisor chiu has said that he's adding our office with the department of environment and the california healthy nails salon to bo work with the businesses in this area -- to work with the businesses in this area. are there any questions?
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president riley: any questions? commissioner kasselman: will we be senting -- sending out a flier or notice? executive director dick-endrizzi: we will be doing outreach so one of the -- and i'll be providing an update as those details get slidified, but we will be working with the southeast asian community center who does a lot -- who already are doing some work with some of the business owners in this area. because we will be needing to do outreach and education in languages other than english. so, part of -- we will have the inventory of who the nail salons are and then begin outreach. the department of environment will also be putting some resources behind the outreach. we don't have the specific program outline now, but yes.
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so it will be individualized. president riley: any more questions or discussion? if not, should we take a motion? >> commissioners, can we recognize for the record that there's no members of the public who wish to speak on this? president riley: thank you for the -- thank you for the reminder. i see nobody. >> just for the record. but thank you. commissioner dooley: i'd like to make a motion that we recommend approval of this ordinance. i think it's a great idea. i think it should move forward. >> does your motion include the -- do you want to reference the committee that president chiu made to include the office of small business? commissioner dooley: yes. we look forward to the -- the office of small business looks forward to working with the supervisor's office and in
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implementing this ordinance. president riley: ok. and commissioner clyde seconded it. so now we take a vote. those in favor. seeing none, the motion carries. >> thank you, commissioners. president riley: next item, please. >> commissioners, we're returning to item number eight, director's report. executive director dick-endrizzi: commissioners, well, again, welcome, and we're glad that you're here and, so i'm going to be providing you information on the small business assistance center. i do have one correction in the report. it says 2009 july and then it says 2010 may. that should say july. so, july last year we had 355 cases of small business counselors. this year we had 227.
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so this is the first time that we've actually seen a decrease in the number of cases year over year. the jobs now program, just to keep you updated, there's no change. if the senate does not take any action between now and the end of september then this program will be ending september 30, 2010. the mayor and the health and human services hosted a reception recognizing the employers and the employees participating in the jobs now program. as the means to provide an opportunity to really emphasize the importance of this program and how this program is creating jobs. and that that is a good thing and a much better thing to do than to put more people on unemployment and so to really
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emphasize the need for continuing this program. on this wednesday, august 11rks i will be immediating with -- 11, i will be meeting with 15 of the merchants associations and you should have the agenda of that meeting in your pack elt and -- packet and what we will be discussing is, i'm going to be reviewing the programs that the city currently has that involve purchase engagement. so as you -- merchant engagement. so as you had heard the presentation earlier from christine on the mayor working to reduce truancy, we have our shop local program. i did meet with both the san francisco locally owned merchants association and to talk about both those entities
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really market and promote shopping, shopping buying locally but in very different ways. s.f. made is about products made in san francisco and so we talked about what is shopping local, what can we do to work together, how to best position the city in this -- to -- how can the city best position supporting that concept? and so what we came away with that we will be devicing the details of this down the road, but that what they saw was an important role for the office, for the city, is to really drive home the economic message. so, not so much who -- dealing with the database, you know, who are the locally owned merchants, who are the s.f. made merchants, not to say we can't work to identify those,
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but that our role was really to drive home the economic message, to really educate and promote that. so, i'll be discussing this with the merchants and then at a future date i'll also be coming to you with what that's going it look like. the shop s.f. get more campaign is designed for the holidays. this is again another place where merchants can become engaged and help drive business to their businesses by participating in this campaign. we are going to be doing it again. and we'd like to bring in more businesses to participate in the shop s.f. get more that are out in the neighborhood commercial corridors. so i will be talking to them about that. small business week,small busino events that are really targeted at towards the merchants.
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there was the sidewalk sale, but now, the shop your neighborhood, i do want to of a discussion about how we can create a cohesive program for that day that really benefits the merchants. and at one of the briefings, commissioner dooley had the idea of having these identified by the neighborhoods, so we did do that this year, and that idea went over really well and was very well-received. people liked it. the merchant corridors that participated really liked it, and so, again, just reemphasize the, this is another area where the merchants can come together and promote their commercial corridors. we also have i bike sf.
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we have not received a formal presentation on this, but it is one with the bicycle coalition. we have targeted two areas and are now moving into some other areas, like castro, where businesses can be high laid it on the -- highlighted on the sfmta page, so i want to present all of the programs that the city is doing that merchants can be involved in to help promote their direct -- business, dry business, and that sort, so that meeting is being held. as i said, your welcome to attend, and then i do also what do talk about our office working with them.
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they will let an opportunity to respond. legislative matters. the two proposed matters that the commission heard last month regarding the progressive payroll tax and a parking tax increase on parking grosz's and valet parking, -- garages and valet parking, those two word table, so they will not be on the ballot. the others passed out of the board of supervisors that you heard were the transfers from the fire department to the police department.
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that has passed out of the board of supervisors as well as the zoning regarding child care facilities. that concludes my report unless you have any questions. president yee riley: any questions for the director? seeing none, next item, please. >> commissioners, you are now on item number nine, the legislative and policy committee report, which allows the chair to report on recent committee activities and make announcements. vice president clyde: we have already reviewed two items, the alcohol mitigation and the nail salon, but i do want to speak about another. we heard an informational
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presentation about a proposal that is not really in legislative form yet about restricting pet stores from selling any type of small animals except for fish. we heard a presentation from animal care and control. we heard one from the animal welfare commission, and we also heard from several of the merchants that deuce else -- still sell small animals. i was particularly taken by the fact that there are only five businesses in san francisco that do so small animals, formula retail, and we asked some questions about some of the animals that show up at animal error -- care control better actually being purchased from life than the markets,
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