tv [untitled] September 2, 2010 12:00am-12:30am PST
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time. >> ok. next item. next item. >> ok. i'm sorry. >> you can't come back twice to the public comment. >> actually there was an instruction that the chief operatoring officer john haley to speak with you. >> ok. thank you. >> moving on to the consent calendar. these items are considered to be routine unless an item is asked to be considered separately. we have one member of the public who has requested that item 10.2k be severed. this has to do with establishing a bus zone to 75 feet easterly. other than that, there have been no requests by the public.
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>> 10.1 also as well. so that leaves the remaining consent calendar. >> 10.2 minus k and then the rest of the consent calendar. >> is there a motion? >> move to approve. >> all in favor say aye. ok. let's go to the other two. >> 10.1. >> i don't know how much of this we can discuss publically but it concerns the safety-discipline report we get on a few of these items is incomplete. we just ushered mr. haley out. >> let's do the other one first. >> 10.2k has to do with traffic modification to establish a bus zone on 24th street 75 feet easterly. this was severed by a member of
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the public, charles riggs. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon board members. i am charles riggs. my opportunity to address your item k. the specific issue -- that's all right. i will wait. >> start again, sir. >> once again, i am charles riggs. i am speaking on behalf of my neighbors and residents in the east mission area in the boundaries of the neighborhood that i gave to you. i believe item k is a proper
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item for me to speak k. i have been advised that the special issue of the number 10 bus using the 25th street hampshire location is what we have been trying to resolve. she advises me there is in the works a possibility for actually doing that. a cheeky fellow once observed that it is only to those without hope that hope is actually given. we do have some hope to resolve this very serious problem, new sanlses and hazards that have been created by that number 10 town's end bus. if you go forward as planned and remove that, that will be much appreciated by our neighbors. there are two issues that we have not yet heard addressed. one is the deadline for removal of that number 10 townsend bus
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from the term nuss, an the area is an assurance that no other buses or muni equipment will be placed in that term nuss -- terminus, for reasons set forth in two different letters to your organization and the city attorney's office. so we would ask that you move to provide assurance for those two issues, a deadline and no additional buses. in my last few seconds, i may offer advice, completely undangerous since no one takes it anyway. but you have installed at that location, a port a potty, which has created a perm-a-potty and creates bad smells. >> thank you. we are talking to staff. can you do that? the two issues raised and the
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other service provided in that area? >> yes. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, mr. chair, members of the board. i am with the streets division. this proposal currently before you on the consent calendar is to exactly what the gentleman has asked for. right now the terminal is on 25th between portrero and hampshire. it is shared by the number 10 and the 33. the proposal is to relocate it to a one-bus zone/terminal on 24th street on the east side of the street. that will separate the two buses from intermingling with
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each other and also shorten the turnaround time at the southern terminus of the route by three blocks. it will make the run more efficient and minimize the impacts that were just mentioned. i was asked by staff to expedite this item and put it on today's calendar, and sure they want to implement it as soon as approved. >> one of the questions is about additional service that might be provided there. do you have any thoughts on that? >> in terms of additional service or changes, there are no plans for that. >> but just to be clear, other than the port-a--pointy, this change is what he and his names are asking us for. >> a motion? >> move. >> second. >> all in favor say aye? >> carried. >> actually, mr. chairman, you do have a member of the public here who didn't have an
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opportunity to address you on 10.2 j. with members consent. let's hear from them. >> bill slatkin. >> members of the board, hello. i am bill slatkin. i am a resident of 1325 street -- which is emerging from industrial to residential. tennessee street is two blocks from my house. it is an unaccepted street. it is not signed. it is not cleaned. much of it does not have sidewalk, and there have been
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advance and mobile homes parking there. i thought it was people looking for a place to live. someone said no, these were convicted felons who were stealing copper, cooking meth and other stuff. they are messing up the neighborhood. they leave their garbage all over. how do we get rid of them? she said get a parking prohibition between 10 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., and we will be able to toe them, and that will discourage them. i talked to tom at the m.t.a., and he said the way to do that is get a petition from people in the area. i went to every business on that street. they all signed it. i sent that to tom, and we are asking to prohibit parking -- overnight parking on that street to discourage those
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people from hanging out there. >> you are in support of this? >> yes. >> thank you for being here. we appreciate it. >> we have already approved it, just so you know. >> ok. >> 10.1. i don't think we can get into this on the public record for reasons discussed before. what i would ask -- i won't slow these settlements down today. but in our next meeting when we have one of these reports, if i could ask that a more wholesome report. we have half the distinction. with that, and asking that that be provided next time, i would move 10.1. >> all in favor, say aye.
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we have been asked to have a recess for five minutes or so. is that right? >> there is nothing on labor negotiations. it is just the closed session item. i think it is only one item of potential litigation. >> ok. are you ready to go? >> chairman nolan directors, as i am sure you are aware, the central subway program -- >> if i can call the items.
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>> sorry about that. >> item 12, author riding the executive director to execute contract cs 156, agency capital program controls systems procurement and related services with hill international for an amount not to exceed $22,268,541. number 13, approving the re-election impact study. no members have expressed an interested in addressing you. >> as you are well aware, the central subway program is moving at an extremely fast pace, and the project continues to receive support on all levels locally and at the federal level. there are two key items on the agenda today. item 12 which is seeking your
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authorization to execute contract cs-156 for control and related services. item 13 is going to request a relocation impact study as a result of the project. i thought it would be a beneficial that you get a general update of the overall activities of the central subway project, and then carter rohan will ask for your approving. >> thank you. good afternoon, chairman and directors. carter rohan, director of capital programs and construction. thank you for allowing me the opportunity today to give you a brief on central subway. the central subway program is phase two of the third street
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light rail program. phase one was completed in 2007 and the completion cost of phase one was $648 million. phase two, central subway, is 1.7 miles of new track way, three stations below ground and one surface station to a projected cost of $1.6 billion. once completed, both phases, the total projected cost for central subway will be $2.2 billion. the federal share on this program is going to be totally 48%, and the federal sharing on phase two alone is 60%. the central subway schedule, we've completed conceptual and preliminary engineering. we have completed and seen our way through the supplemental environmental process, and in late 2008 we received a record of decision from the f.t.a. to
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allow us to move into the final design stage. our new starts rating we have achieved on this program is medium-high, a very, very good rating. we have had that rating now for three years in a row, so we have done very well. currently we are in the final design stage, and we are working diligently on real estate acquisitions to allow our program to advance. and we've also started construction this year. earlier this year we have our utilities contractor that has been to go work on 4th street -- doing work on 4th street. as of may this year, the program had expended $39.5 million. this is slightly under the baseline expenditure projection that we originally had at roughly $70 million at this stage of the project. the primary read for the lag is the agency attempt and
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experiences we have gone through to unbundle are our service contracts to offer greater ability to have small businesses, local disadvantaged businesses participate in a program like this. it did society us back a bit, but we now have all three final designers on board with contract, and we are analyzing solutions to regain the design schedule. just of note on this, on the budget, we actually are doing very well cash-wise. we currently have an obligation of $155.9 million. earlier this year we completed the contracting actions for the three final designs. in january we issued a notice to preed to p.b. telemont. they are world renowned for tunnel designed. they had joint ventured with a
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local coal. the contract value on this contract is $6.5 million. this contract has a 31.6% s.b.e. participation. in april we issued notification to proceed for the second final design exact. that is the stations. they brought on board a joint venture. p.b. once again well known in design. the other two are local establishments. of note, one of them graduated from the city's program. the contract design package number two for stations is at a value of $39.9 million. the small businesses percentage , it looks like we are going to achieve 36.6%.
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we are doing well on our contracts for local inclusion. in april we also issued a notice to proceed for our final design contract for track way and systems. the joint venture that we awarded that contract to is hntb. that is a well-known engineering service provider, and they are joined by b and c transit, a local firm that specializes in train control and transit systems. that contract value is 32.2 million, and it looks like we are going to reach 30% f.b.e. achievement on that contract. each team has mobilized resources and final design is underway. the program controls package, this is the last services contracting package on the central subway. it is for the provision of design and implementation of a
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program control system that will integrate the existing legacy systems. this contractor will perform all services to procure the system, integrate and implement the system as well as supply project control services such as construction and design scheduling, cost control, and contract claims administration services. for this contract we reached an agreement with a very strong team for an amount of $22.2 million. of note in the calendar item, we are asking to certain fight -- certify the $13.4 million. $10 million is funded from the central subway program, but the enterprise part of the agency that will benefit from most of the program control systems are using capital projects to
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support that part of the contract. right now we've got eight contracts listed that are supplying a percentage of the funding to support what is certified. ultimately the deelt will be certified as -- the delta will be certified as needed when we have other projects come on board. program staffing on central subway, currently there are 140 staff members dedicated to the project. this is slightly under our project need of 143 at this time. if you look at the chart, we had planned 124 in this period, but i spoke about a lag due to contracting strategy. so we need about 143 at this time to start regaining some schedule. we are close, not far off from that. staffing are primarily located in two offices.
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the project office which houses the administration. construction management is located at 821 howard street, which is very near the alignment. the design team is located at 651 brannon street. there are 31 staff members at the project office and 63 at the design office. the remainder of staff that are dedicated to the project are city resources and other sister departments, the city attorney's office. those resources that are supporting the program that we had intended to use city resources for, they are staffed and located in their city offices. just a quick recall of the alignment. if you take a look at the top map and start from right to left, the alignment starts at 4th and king, connecting to the
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3rd street tracks. the red line runs along 4th street in surface configuration and enters a portal at other near the i-80 overpass and goes underground. the green lines shows it proceeds along 4 hth street, and proceeds all the way for columbus where it will have an extraction shaft at washington square. the lower portion of the graphic is in section, and it gives you a graphic depiction of what the elevations of the track will look like and what the stations will look like. proceeding from right to left, you see s.p.f. then on to the bart muni tubes.
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the tunneling will proceed under those tubes, and then there will be a u.m.s. station at that location joining with the metro at pal station. it then proceeds on to chinatown station and then on out where we extract it. mosconi station will be the first undergration station traveling north. it will have a -- an entrance. we are acquiring the property. that property is in this area right here. this is where the surface entrance to the station is going to be. the station will be designed to have a concourse and a center platform designed to
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accommodate both two-car trains and the mosconi station will be located on 4th between howard and folsom. the union square market street station will be the second underground station traveling north. it will be the deepest station because of the bart tunnels that we will be closing. this station will be two entrances at the surface. one entrance will be near the existing apple store -- i am sorry. i am struggling with the mouse here but it is at the far left of your screen. but the other service entrance will be at the union square plaza. there will be direct entrances at the union square grand jury
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at the north end. our third station of course will be the chinatown station. the inset picture you see is the property we are acquiring to build the station. that hogan-vest property is in that location right here. this is where the station entrance been llt. >> that is at stockton and what? >> it is at stockton between clay and jackson. i believe hogan-vest may be at jackson, but i will have to verify that. >> ok. >> it is washington. >> ok. >> the final design activities, as i said earlier, we have one construction contract underway, and the design teams are providing construction support and submital and request for
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information review. those two pictures of of that 1250 utilities contract. one is of piling at 4th street and the other looks like an interceptor vault for communications. that contract is about 50% complete, and we expect to complete that contract in april of next year. the other activities underway by the designers as priorities are three main contracts. the first being the contract for the raineder of the utilities, major ilets up near the market street connection and up along stockton. that contract, 1251, will be advertised in september. we just received approval on the drawings and signed the drawings. we will be putting those packages out in september. we've completed all the work to obtain agreements on sewer
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relocations and property owners. contract 1252 is the tunnel contract. that contract is scheduled to be advertised at the end of this year. the designer has completed the 65% submital in may, and he has performed most of the required goh technical -- joey technical investigations. >> the next contract is also under way. it has gotten the latest start and getting geared up. the team has performed some final design strategic planning to coordinate the timing of the other construction contracts, and quantities are being prepared. just a snapshot at the future construction contract we have on our plate for central subway. one is under way, and we have six more planned, starting with
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the advertisement in september, which will be the utility relocation. then the tunnels, which we plan to advertise by the end of the year. then the three stations in succession, union square to advertise by the end of 2011 and chinatown and mosconi advertised in the spring of 2012. the final contract will be the track works systems and the contract that integrates all of the other contracts. coordination, i wouldn't say it is going smoothly. i would say it has been going at a very rapid pace and making positive progress. we negotiated one agreement with bart, the cost sharing agreement. that was to be on the calendar today, but bart wanted to revisit some of the cost agreements, and they are going to get back with us so we
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pulled it from today's calendar. you can expect to see that at your next board meeting. we have got enunder way of the fworkses of the operations and maintenance agreement between bart and the m.t.a. the subsan joaquin basement up dates. we have held hearings for market. things are moving well. we have finalized barney's. it didn't want to move and was going to cause trouble. the central subway team did a very good job of negotiating their way through that with the tenant and owner. caltrans, we are negotiating agreements with them for encroachment as well as lay-down for construction, staging leases and a coop agreement. and then forecast, we have nuisance hearings and
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encroachments can go up for two locations. we expect those to be beginning in september. financial capacity assessment. staff has completed a state of good repair analysis in april. they have completed a state of good repair training, made a submission to the f.t.a. and an interim report. the f.t.a. is very pleased in the direction we are moving with the agency to focus the plan towards a state of good repair and less enhancements. the county transportation authority has revised their modeling, and with the new numbers, that ridership will be used in our numbers this year. we started a mind the gap committee. the mind the gap committee was established to add
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