tv [untitled] September 5, 2010 5:00am-5:30am PST
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san francisco. supervisor chu: supervisor avalos? supervisor avalos: thank you for bringing this forward. i want to acknowledge the public comment today, especially those of you who live with tremendous pain about your family members on a daily basis or not been able to see them again. my family has similar pain that my closest family members live with of that sort. i have some reservations about this resolution and laura's law, whether it is something we really need to have here in san francisco. i look at the system of mental
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health services we have in san francisco working on multiple levels and for different types of populations. it is a rich array of services that i do not necessarily see that we have to implement another service to be able to assure that people that need mental health services and support can get that service. i think there are a lot of ways that people can access the system we have. i do not think we have a need to do anything more. if we are only a holding on to our mental health services by the skin of our teeth, there has been discussion about restoration's we have made to our mental health services. i am not fully clear that we have made full restoration to those services. we could only enact laura's law
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if it would not replace outpatient services -- voluntary outpatient services in the city. i am not sure we have the ability to enact laura's law without doing that in the city. that is a big concern i have. city-wide mental health services received a $1.4 million cut. the mayor restored part of that. the board may be able to restore the rest of that. that is a major service in the city. it is something i know will be on the chopping block again next year. i hope it is not, but i suspect it will be on the chopping block next year along with other mental health services in the city. it does not seem like we have the ability to implement it without replacing existing services for patients in the city.
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i do see the need for people to have greater access to mental health services and have strong treatment and the best the san francisco can provide for services. sentences spoken meet the needs of people on the streets or living in isolation. -- san francisco can meet the needs of people on the streets or living in isolation. i cannot feel comfortable this. i think we could have a discussion with the full board. i think that would be a better way to go. i do not necessarily want to keep it in committee. we might go forward with a recommendation. supervisor chu: the item is before us. i believe we will need a roll call. before we do that, i want to thank supervisor alioto-pier for her leadership in bringing this item forward and bringing
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people together today in this room. i also want to take a minute to thank people on both sides have come here to share your experiences. it has been very educational to hear about your experiences. i want to say thank you for that. the other thing that is very interesting in this room is as i listened to testimony on both sides, i think both of you are right. i do think in terms of voluntary services and treatment programs that those are probably the most effective programs when people do want and are part of the solution and believe they have a say in their treatment. i also agree with the other side in the sense that sometimes there is a need for a bit more. there is a need for some additional help. what has been compelling to me is the testimony from ms. lacey, a professional in this
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industry for many years who has worked in the behavioral courts who has seen firsthand what the court system looks like. voluntary programs and services are probably the best and very effective. but there's also a recognition that there is a need for additional help sometimes. i also appreciate that this would provide a truly a civil process for early intervention before a crime is committed. currently we have to wait for a crime to be committed before someone goes into the community behavioral health court. a crime must be something that is not reversible forever like a loss of life. it is compelling to be able to intervene before that to help an individual prevent that through treatment. that is compelling to me. i do want to move the item
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forward with recommendations today. supervisor alioto-pier? supervisor alioto-pier: thank you for singe -- your support. i am sitting in for supervisor dufty. unfortunately, he had to go to a funeral today. i wanted to thank him for that publicly. i also want to thank the wilcox es for being here today. i do not even want to begin to imagine how difficult going to hearings like this must be. i think it is truly a gift that you are giving us. i want to thank you for that. supervisor chu: if we could do roll call on the motion. >> on the motion to recommend the item to the full board as amended. supervisor avalos? no.
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supervisor dufty: captioned by the national captioning institute supervisor chu: good morning. welcome to city operations and neighborhood services committee. victor, are there any announcements today? [no audio] supervisor chu: thank you, please call item no. 1. >> i did not have it on. ordinance authorizing the department of the environment to expend a grant in the amount of e department of public library to
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accept and expend a grant in the amount of $80,000 from the california state library as part of the federal library services and technology act for the out- of-school-time online homework help program. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is toni bernardi. this program is serviced under my direction. i wanted to say a couple of important things about the program. the assistance is provided in two different ways. worksheets are provided, with tutorials and study guides with said proxy components. more important and more heavily used, the program connects students to a tutor that will provide them with one of one help.
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students enter their subject and grade level and the tudor provides expertise at that level and within that subject. in tabling these students to access homework assistance outside of school hours. and to receive assistance from trained tutors i ever. grade level subject expertise, enabling the expansion of fun assistance that a parent might provide, which might be limited to education, language, subject matter, expertise, or the need for that parent to be at work in the hours that the student needs help. it also enables the students to seek assistance at any location that has internet access to connect to the library website. 20,951 students used this program at the library. that was in 2009.
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students may enter an evaluation of the program that are consistently positive and grateful for the help, the only complaint being that the tudor will not do the homework for them. it is my earnest hope that you will approve this resolution and that these funds will assist us in continuing to provide the service that we need. supervisor chu: you mentioned locations where services were provided. were there any locations where there was public access for computers? how many of them have that connection? >> all of our branch libraries allow this. offsite is allowed, fine with us. online libraries also allow for access. supervisor chu: services are
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also online? >> correct. supervisor avalos: do you have any data as to how often the students back to the program? are there ongoing users of the system? >> we do not have hard data. it is important that we do not provide anything for specific students and their privacy. i can tell that a substantial number of them repeat. they talk about using it again. as far as hard data, we do not have that particular information. supervisor avalos: in terms of outreach to specific populations in san francisco? >> we provide fliers to the
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students, posters, and for the last few years we have hosted a meeting of the school principal at the library, and that both of those we have highlighted this program that teachers can access and use. supervisor avalos: this is something that trickles down for teacher knowledge as well? >> we have provided training. some of them have allowed us to go in to their schools to demonstrate the program. almost all the schools in the city are visited at least once per year. they talk about the online program and what it can do for the students and how they can use it. supervisor avalos: every school has a library as well, hookups for computer technology.
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it seems like the librarians and the schools could find a good place for those as well? >> yes. supervisor avalos: great. supervisor chu: are there any members of the public that wish to speak on item number one? >> good morning. my name is douglas shepard and i have lived in san francisco for 15 years. i would like to speak in support of this. i think it is something that is noteworthy and i would like to make a suggestion that four students who are kind of close to dropping out of school, i think that this sort of program should be offered in writing to the parents of students and that the school should get a written reply as to whether that student is going to accept the help or
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reject it. something like this, rather than simply being suggested, should be done in writing in order to basically make the student and parents aware that they need to use the process. i would also like to pose two questions to the department public library. the first is if they have ever investigated allegations made by a public comment her that comes up to make presentations on video regarding friends of the library. i have always wondered if these allegations are true or false and i think that they should be publicly taking care of. i would also like to pose a question to the public library about whether they have adequate safeguards against child pornography. since there has been so much publicity about the front -- planning department passing pornography, i would like to
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make sure that the public library has adequate protection for children against child pornography, especially as there was a police department investigation into alleged child for being viewed at the san francisco general hospital. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. are there any other members of the public? seeing no one, public comment disclosed. we can move this item forward with recommendations. >> item #one will be recommended to the board of supervisors on august 23. supervisor chu: item number two, please. >> item #2 ordinance authorizing the department of the environment to expend a grant in the amount of $74,500 from the california department of toxic substances control to coordinate the green business tracking and measurement tool and amending ordinance no. 183-09 to reflect the addition of one (1) grant funded position at the department of the environment. supervisor chu: thank you.
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>> good morning, supervisors. mark west, department of the environment. the city operates a mottled green business program with the department of toxic substance control. shared with other cities that have business programs. supervisor chu: thank you. i know that there are a couple of amendments to the legislation. can you explain it briefly? >> we are asking that 2009- 2010, 2011, and on page three, line 11, we are asking that the grant fund reflect 0.50. going into the new fiscal year. the position is a grant funded
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position. the balance of the funding will be coming from an epa grant. supervisor chu: to clarify, the position is for one year's work for the upcoming fiscal year, half of an fte >> correct. supervisor chu: let's go to public comment. any members of the public debt would wish to speak on item number two. seeing no one, public comment is closed. colleagues, the changes are on the first page, on the title, we want to change the fiscal year to read 2010-2011. on page three, line one, the fiscal year 2009-2010 should also read 2010 through 2011.
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page three, line 11, it should reflect 0.5. correct? >> correct. >> will be ordinanceo. change also? supervisor chu: i do not believe so. the file number? >> yes. i am not sure if there is a new ordinance no. 42010-2011? supervisor chu: i do not believe i have received changes to that number. supervisor avalos: it should work from one year to the next. supervisor chu: there is a motion to make those amendments without objection.
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i believe that these changes are not substantive, so the city attorney could move forward today? >> correct. supervisor chu: we have a motion to move forward on the amended version. are there any other items today? >> item #two will be recommended to the april 13, 2010 meeting. supervisor chu: thank you. we are adjourned.
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supervisor chu: good morning. welcome to the regular meeting of the city operations and neighborhood services committee. i'm joined by supervisors avalos and dufty. are there any announcements, victor? >> yes, please turn off all cell phones and pagers. if you wish to speak during public comment, please fill out a speaker card and turn them in to myself. if you are presenting documents, please provide a copy to the clerk for inclusion in the file. items acted upon today will appear before the board of supervisors again on september 7, 2010, unless otherwise stated. supervisor chu: thank you. item one, please. >> item 1, hearing to consider that the transfer of a tight 21 off-sale general license from 605 kearny street for david's food store will serve the convenience of the people of the
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city and county of san francisco. >> good morning, madame chair, supervisors. what is before you today is a store that is currently licensed as a type 20, which means it currently sells beer and wine. the store across the street recently went out of business. he took that as a type 21, which allowed it to sell distilled spirits as well. individual to the opportunity to buy that led and transferred directly across the street. i wanted to point out to you that there is no net gain in licenses, and he will be sending his current type 20 when he gets through the whole process -- he will be suspending his card to play. we recommend with the following conditions. i would point out that the current type 20 at his business is and condition, so we are allowing more opportunity by enhancing the license with the 21, but we are coming up with some labor conditions -- the current 20 at his business is unconditioned. our -- sales shall be permitted
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only between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. each day of the week except for december 21 from 9:00 a.m. to january 1 until 2:00 a.m. sunday years, he will be able to go until 2:00 a.m., which was important to him. -- so on new year's, he will be able to go until 2:00 a.m. again, this primary a food store. next is that no distilled spirits shall be sold in bottles or containers smaller than 375 millimeters, basically a half point -- a half pint. we're trying to avoid airline bottles usually consumed on the streets. they shall not be concerned -- sold in bottles smaller than 355 millimeters x up for a prepackaged multiple unit quantities of four or more. shall be sold in alcohol content is of for dinner one man in a court bottle. next, no mall beverage shall be sold with alcoholic content greater than -- no malt beverage
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shall be sold with alcoholic content greater than -- i'm sorry, i'm just trying to make sure that is correct. 5.7 by volume. this condition -- no beer or malt beverage shall be sold in quantity smaller than remanufactured six packs per sale with the exception of wine coolers, beer coolers, which must be sold and manufactured prepackage multi unit quantities of four or more. there shall be no cuts, glasses, or similar receptacles commonly used for drinking at the premises quantities of less than 24 in the original multi- container package. next condition, all eyes shall be sold at or above prevailing price and quantity is not less than 3 pounds for sale and shall not be given away. next condition, no person under the age of 21 shells sell or deliver alcoholic beverages. no alcohol beverage shall be
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consumed on any property adjacent to the premises under the control licensee. the conditioner shoulder responsible for keeping free of litter the area over which they have control. loitering, defined as standing idly about, lingering aimlessly without lawful businesses, so inhibited on a sidewalk or property adjacent to the licensed premises. next conditions are graffiti conditions. graffiti shall be removed from the premises and parking lots within 72 hours of application. if it occurs on friday or weaken day or holiday, the licensee shall remove it within 72 hours following the beginning of the next week day. the exterior of the premises shall be equipped with lighting and power. additionally, the petitions, disturb the normal privacy of any neighboring. we would recommend the application for approval. the applicant does concur with these conditions. supervisor chu: this is a
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situation where the existing business that will be acquiring the tide 21 already does have a tight 20 license. >> that will get surrendered once it goes through our process. >> so they are simply taking over the tight 21 license from across the street, during their existing type 20. >> correct, and i would point out that the current tight 20 has no conditions -- the current type 20. supervisor chu: ok, are there any members of the public that wish to speak on item 1? seeing none, the item is closed. we have a motion to move this item forward with a recommendation with conditions that were stipulated. i shall move this forward on the committee report. okay, without objection. >> [inaudible] sen forward as committee report to the board meeting of august 10, 2010. supervisor chu: thank you. item two. >> item two, hearing to consider
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the transfer of a type 20 off sale beer and wine liberalizes from 880 harrison street to 690 stanyah streen for whole foods market california will serve the convenience of the people of the city and county of san francisco. >> this is an application for a type 20 license, which would allow beer and wine only, and this was previously a different store. that stores currently shut down, and whole foods is now trying to acquire that space and operate it. we are recommending this license for approval with conditions, as follows. condition one -- sale, service, and consumption of alcohol beverage shall be permitted only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. each day of the week. the condition references consumption. many wholefoods eventually do wine tasting.
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this license will not currently allow that, but anticipating that possibility, we are trying to allow that down the road. they still have to go through due process. they shall be responsible for maintaining the area free of litter over the premises over which they have control. exterior premises shall be given lighting and addition of power additionally, the condition of such lighting shall not disturb the privacy of use of any neighboring residents, and graffiti shall be removed from the premises and a parking lot under the control licensee within 72 hours of application. if it occurs on a friday or weekend or holiday, within 72 hours of the beginning of the next week day. with these conditions, we are recommending the license for approval. supervisor chu: thank you. members of the public who wish to speak on item two? seeing none, public comment is closed. is that a motion to approve the item, and we send this out as a
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committee report? without objection. >> item two, compared to the committee with resolution and set out as committee report would date of august 10, 2010. supervisor chu: thank you very much. item three. >> item 3, resolution authorizing the recreation and park department to retroactively accept and expend a given place valued at $164,760 from the san francisco conservation corps to rehabilitate trails and retaining walls at buena vista park. >> good morning share and supervisors. the item we have before you is an accept and expend of it in place valued at $164,760, stated in the resolution, and this is for work done by the san francisco conservation corps on the southeast slow. the work actually is rehabilitation trails and retaining wall
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