tv [untitled] September 6, 2010 1:00am-1:30am PST
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those areas. but i think if you also look at the document here, someone brought the issue about global warming and the issues of global warming and tides and next 100 years or so how many feet it will go up, or you look at 100-year flood area, i think the document address that is adequately. the seismic issue, if you look at the density of the north part of treasure island, has the least development on north knot side regarding density, i thinkle' have some soccer or field there. i think we need to focus here, people say, well, this is a very tough document. well, part of the issue is our planning code is the most comprehensive planning code in the world at this time because people have voted it in and the board and certain sections. you can't make it any simpler than it is now because the way the rules and regulations are set up. if you look at the adequacy, i want to turn specifically with the comments about is this
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considered adequate. does it address all the alternatives? i didn't hear any public comment at this time that leads me to believe we haven't addressed or the alternatives or adequacy of this. for disclosure i serve on the restoration advisory board back in 1986 to about 1989. dianne feinstein appointed me to that r.a.b. then serve under the navy, i guess, in the city along with hunters point, also the presidio. it is the environmental issues here with hazardous waste, i am not worried about. the underground tanks have been removed. we have the oversight of the water resources control board and state toxic along bcdc also controls the tide, the 100 feet where it comes in and out. i think the question for us to look at here, if you want to add another two weeks to cover public comment, what is dimp with this e.i.r. versus other e.i.r.'s we have done in the city? i didn't hear any public testimony that has led me to believe that we need to -- any
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additional information. whether board member ebber ling -- e -- elberling is right or not with the church, i don't remember any time that we have to address the-sably issues in any other e.i.r.'s. i don't disagree maybe we should look at faith-based facilities being there, but that's -- the treasure island plan itself, they can negotiate some sort of rental there, that's a separate document. regarding the e.i.r. with the transportation and the environment and some of the alternatives, again i'm going back to the role of the e.i.r., have we looked at the alternatives? if we looked -- i think we have adequately looked at the alternatives. we know we have -- there's mitigation issues. but going back again, the public should understand, this is a document to look. how do we look at the alternatives?
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>> a couple of things. >> i forgot you were sharing a mike here. >> i also got the shortest seat. anyway. i'm a little taller than i really am here. in any case, i'd like to support the two-week extension. i would like to make a motion to do that. i can't remember how we do this -- >> i was about to say that one of the few prerogatives of the chair. i have discussed it with board chair owen and we have two weeks additional until, if my check of the calendar is correct, september 8. >> thank you. i have additional comments i'll submit in writing and not take
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up more time. i thank mr. elberling with his observation with respect to the navy's evaluation. and since my area of expertise happens to be in that direction, some of my comments will be focused on that as well as perhaps transportation and other land use. thank you. >> very good. thank you. the other comments i was going to make although i will probably submit it in writing as well, one of the reasons that i felt and agreed with a number of the speakers, including commissioners and board members regarding a two-week extension, is the fact that although this has different situations than what we just went into with hunters point, it has very serious implications to the city and certainly an additional two weeks or 60 days is not out of line. here rather than being a superfund site, which was one of
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the major situations at hunters point, we had a totally different area not connected to the land other than by very tenuous transportation roads. what i'm concerned about is the density of the project as it's proposed. density transportation services are intimately linked. i'm not positive in my mind that that linkage has been properly explored or considered. all of the other environmental acts as far as cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions, everything else involved with
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that area of the environment, i know has been looked at but i think they will become at least in my mind more serious when we get to this 15, 20 or longer buildout of the project itself. and i'm not totally convinced that the density as currently proposed is -- should be as high as it is. because of the transportation which is very, very difficult. i have a long history with the island. what is now called building two in the 1950's called hangar two. that's where i used to go constantly for navy reserve meetings. back when the navy had it. many of the items that were mentioned today will be handled
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in the development agreement itself. they do not necessarily belong in the e.i.r. and that development agreement should be very, very carefully studied to cover those items, particular to what it would be like on the island. but i do believe that the density and transportation issues need further examination in my mind they have not been linked successfully. >> commissioner antonini. >> thank you. i'm ok with the two-week extension that's being proposed is the motion on the floor. and i want to thank mr. elberling for bringing up the concerns about jobs on the island, particularly those that deal with neighborhood serving. i think it is well analyzed in the e.i.r. there are i believe a total of around 45 ,000 square
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feet between the commercial, retail square footage on there and maybe a little bit more when we consider the hotels and perhaps even some of the recreational uses. i think it is important that the residents be able to find those uses that they use on a daily basis to be present on the island. i think that's good. and while this isn't the subject for discussion today, it's a future subject for other bodies at being part of regional transportation agencies. but we know there will be a time when they look for redundancy to their present tube. if there is a possibility of that linking up, it makes sense to me. as an additional alternative to allow people to travel into san francisco. particularly easily and quickly even though the analysis of the ferry terminal and those things is quite well analyzed to
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address the transportation needs. board member a ma had a. >> i -- samaha. >> i do want to thank our staff for a document i think is very thorough. i am a not surprised a project of this magnitude has had such little controversy. i'm actually quite surprised that we have not had more controversial comments to this document. but i do support a two-week extension. i think it is a reasonable request for a project of this magnitude. i do want to echo commissioner elberling's comments about the east bay link to the east bay and those jobs. i think that had not been adequately addressed in this
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document. and then the comment that we heard today which are new to me about the athletic fields and the tideland trust interpretation, i do want that to be looked at my staff. hopefully when we revisit this in september we can look at that further. thank you. >> thank you. just a correction if i may. i was looking incorrectly at my calendar. two weeks extension would bring it to september 9. that is a jewish holiday. i don't think we should include that. so arbitrarily i'm going to make it september 10. so everyone understands you have until september 10 to submit your written comments. the close of business on september 10 to be official about it. thank you.
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>> approval of minutes from the july, 2010, meeting. >> all those in favor? any opposed? it is approved. >> public comment on executive session. executive session. >> so moved. >> second. >> all those in favor? >> good afternoon. >> i move to reconvene in open session. >> all those in favor? any opposed? >> i move to not discuss anything discussed an executive session. -- i move to not disclose anything discussed in executive
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session. >> items 6a, please be advised that the usage of cell phone, pagers, and other electronic devices is prohibited at this meeting. the chairman can order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing of a cell phone, pager, or other sound producing electronic device. members of the public have up to three minutes to make public comment on each agenda item unless the support commission adopts the shorter time. on any item. the executive director's report. >> good afternoon. welcome. i want to extend a special welcome to june price and kenneth johnson. i have a very short report but important as always. the first item is self-
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explanatory. hbo films is planning to base its production of hemingway here in san francisco. that is good news for the port. we use our property quite frequently in the filming. i saw the beautiful cities be taken from pier 7 the other day while i was traveling in denver. it's all around the world. that is good news for the city and the port as well. i do have some sad news. our friend john kitto passed away this afternoon. he is a native of san francisco. -- our friend john kitto recently passed away. he is a native of san francisco. he went off to the navy and then off to the family business at fort bragg. eventually, don and his family
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opened up de thel monte fish company end of the money in business at pier 45. john and his family have been a mainstay of our fish processing business at pier 45. he has been extremely instrumental in being an important part of the fish industry that ultimately got to the pier 45 area so that we could have a viable fish processing industry. he was born in san francisco in 1927. he is been married 59 years to his lovely wife mabel. he is the father of three boys and one girl. his daughter of genejanette helo run the family business in san francisco. our hearts go out to his family and his nine grandchildren. i would like to take a minute to
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remember john. he has not been well for a couple of months now. as been an incredible force here on the waterfront. we're very much in his debt. that concludes my report. >> thank you for that. i want to share some thoughts with the family the family has been integral and a part of history at fisherman's wharf. we hope they continue with their longstanding business and relationship in the community. thank you for bringing that to our attention. did you have something you wanted to share? >> thank you. i am tom creden. i want to thank the
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commissioners, rodney, and my landlord. i have known john for quite some time. what office looks straight over at the fishery. i always knew everything was fine when he was out surveying the whole situation. some of the things i think were missed in the bio were that i think they were the last participants in the whaling industry in this area. the other thingé)q is that becae of the whaling industry, he was in the tallow business. modesto tallow was his. caelliott will probably tell you that during his regime, john made sure it was modesto tallow& that did the pick up. john was instrumental in
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starting the leases at pier 45. people had been strong in saying that nobody could afford to pay the rent at the port was going to ask for those spaces. john stepped forward and said that he was thin. he was passionate about his business. there were a lot of folks loyal to john. i would go to visit him. he was always excited to show me his new filet line or whenever he had going. he probably handled more salmon than anyone else did at fisherman's wharf. to be brief since i was at his memorial mass this morning, they said the final thing was that his favorite things were work, family, having family meals, and
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being in charge. [applause] [laughter] thank you. >> any other comments? murany other comment on the director's report? ok. >> request approval of the resolution awarding of michael hardeman the rank of commander. so moved. >> all . [laughter] >> would you like me to begin? 16 years. we have a bunch of hardware. the port commission is able to present a lot of these things. this is the biggest one we have come across.
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there is a lot of writing on here. i would like to read a couple of excerpts of this. the maritime order of merit for port commissioner michael hardeman>uk. he has served with distinction since 1994. that includes four years as president, two years as vice president. he was instrumental in providing direction and guidance to the port staff for the successful negotiation and development of numerous projects including and not limited to the san francisco giants ballpark, thefñ renovatin of the ferry building, the renovation of the pier 1 ++
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additional peers, the construction of the bridge, and the public boat launch at pier 52, taylor street improvements, and the pier 43 improvement project. the port commissioner has supported the port staff in decisions and policies, always keeping with the port's best interests at heart. the port commission and staff here by express appreciation, best wishes, and sincere gratitude to michael hardeman. be it resolved that the san francisco port commission recognizes commissioner hardeman's lasting contributions to the port and waterfront community by conferring upon him the maritime border with the rank of commander. [applause] [unintelligible]
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i never knew who mike was until he was appointed to the commission, but he happens to come to calamari club almost every friday, except taking off for summer and holidays. it gave me the opportunity that i could vent without calling the port director or irritating someone else. he thought he was coming down to smoke a cigar and relax. i would go down there and sort of break everything. we had this conversation with a couple of other people before the meeting started. being a native san franciscan, i always enjoy working with native san franciscans. we have something in common. we understand. like i told someone earlier today, you do not know someone in the city, he will not get
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anything done. mike was not influential in taking any of my ideas or anything, but he sure gave me an opportunity to vent and keep me in touch with what was going on. the my connection with fish wag, i have a little bit more interest. my areas of concern are broader than the restaurant. it has been a pleasure dealing with mike all these years. just because he is leaving the port does not mean he is off the hook. he still coming down to smoke a cigar. we will have other things. thank you very much. [laughter] [applause] >> on behalf of the san francisco giants baseball team, we would like to commend my for all of his dedication and service to the port commission and for being such a great friend and supporter of ours
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throughout our journey in the waterfront. he may not b the they're more ar today as a fan. we're having the american idol tryouts at the ballpark today. i want to give a heartfelt thanks to you and all of the people who have been at the ballpark since we opened it, for your contributions. [applause] >> i am harold. i have known michael since before he was the port commissioner. we became friends in 1988 when we both unsuccessfully ran for the board of supervisors. we went around the circuit of candidates nights. we became good friends. and know him from the calamari and the godfather's forum. we love you very much. we're very proud of you, commander. [applause]
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>> they are fighting over you, mike. >> i represent the san francisco forum. michael is a member of the san francisco forum. michael, we're very proud of you. continue the good work. [applause] >> i am the class of 1932 when prohibition was voted out. my first contact with michael caine about 25 years ago. since then, we've gotten into a lot of areas. i do not think this is a part of his life that comes out. it is his service to the poor. he was always ready without a qualm to say, "sure, i will do
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it." we've been close friends for the last 25 years. i would like to congratulate him. i am a native san consistent as well. thank you. -- i am a native sentences tha - san franciscan. thank you. >> you have done a terrific job. i hope you enjoy everything going forward. thanks again. [applause] >> i am from the port staff. i may be one of the relative few who were here for the whole 16 years that you were on the commission. we watched as waterfront grow and become what it has become.
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