tv [untitled] September 8, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm PST
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away from item's 9-a and b. i will note for the record the presence of all members of the commission. at the conclusion of our closed session, commissioner we did continue item 6-a, which is an announcement regarding the assignment of disciplinary charges filed in case number jwac10-195 to an individual commissioner for the taking of evidence on a date to be determined by the commissioner. if there is no public comment on that, commissioner? president marshall: any public comment? hearing none. >> that will britain us to the next item in order, which is 10, and that is a vote to elect whether to disclose any or all discussion held in closed session. commissioner hammer: move for nondisclosure. president marshall: second? commissioner dejesus: second.
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president marshall: so ordered. item 11. >> lastly, item 11 is adjournment, for which we need a motion. commissioner hammer: so moved. >> second. president marshall: the meeting is adjourned. thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioners. the police commission concludes business at 8:15 p.m. commissioner chan: good night. [whereupon at 8:15, the proceedings were adjourned]
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avalos, the chair of the committee. i'm joined to my right by supervisor sean elsbernd, and my left supervisor ross mirkarimi. the clerk of the committee is mr. viktor young. mr. clerk, do we have any announcements? >> yes. if you turn off all cell phones and pagers. if you wish to speak during public comment, please fill out a speaker card and turn them in to me. if you provide documents to the committee please provide one to the clerk for influential into the final. it will appear on the board of supervisors agenda on september 14, 2010 unless other weiss stated. commissioner avalos: please call item number one. >> item number one, resolution authorizing the san francisco department of public health, community behavioral health services to enter into a negotiated amount and drug medical recommitment with the state of department of alcohol and drug program.
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commissioner avalos: very good. do we have a presentation from d.p.h.? >> good morning, supervisors. i'm dr. alice glickhorn, i am the county alcohol and drug administrator. this is our funding for medical from the state. it comes in the form of a three-year agreement. the negotiated net amount. the combined amount is approximately $60 million. and i'm happy to answer any questions that we have on this. >> great, thank you. mr. rhodes, share with us the report. >> mr. chairman, members of the committee, this agreement with the state is required. it would provide reimbursement to the department of public health. we recommend that you amend the resolution to retroactively approve it since the agreement starts on july 1 and we recommend you approve the resolution as amended. commissioner avalos: thank you.
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just a question about the prognosis for state funding. what's the range that we would expect that we could receive from the state based on what could happen with the state budget? >> we expect to receive this full amount because it's a federal requirement. commissioner avalos: but we are talking about part of this is state funding the block grant from the feds and part is state funding as well? >> i don't anticipate this will be affected. we still don't have a budget. commissioner avalos: ok. little different from what i had heard and read in the report. >> mr. chairman, members of the committee, monique smuda from the controller's office. the agreement is under the medicaid program and so long as the city and county provides the services, and consistent with the substance abuse, mental
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health, and so on the funds should be coming in. the issue may be one of cash flow. and again pending the approval of the budget, the cash may be interrupted. however within the controller's office and our cash flow work, we ensure that departments have sufficient moneys to be able to pay their employees, their contractors, and so on in the interim. but we have not heard that this particular program was subject to any reductions at this point. commissioner avalos: ok. great. thank you. we can open this up for public comment. any member of the 3ub lick like to comment on item number one? seeing none, we'll close public comment. and motion to accept. taken without objection. full forward with recommendation. wait, we have -- with the budget analysis recommendation. ok.
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mr. young, if you could please call item number two. >> item number two, ordnance authorizing the department of emergency management to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $231,000 from the california volunteers for the grant period of 18 months following passage of the fiscal year 2010, 2011 california state budget. for volume tour management and training. san francisco fire department. a good morning, mr. chairman. members of the committee. i'm here on behalf of the fire department to give a brief summary of this grant. grant from california volunteers organization to train 200 individuals to the level of disaster corps volunteers in the
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state of california. california volunteers is a state-run organization by the government's office that's responsible for ensuring coordination of volunteer activities related to disaster response and recovery throughout the state, including the training, equipment, and transportation provisions that are required. the purpose of the grant from the state's perspective is to increase the pool available to them of volunteers that are trained and incorporated into the state's disaster corps program. the disaster corps program is a more advanced level of volunteers fully integrated into the state's emergency management system. as the members in this group have a higher level of training, they can be called upon by the state and deployed to event as needed by the state. san francisco currently doesn't have the disaster corps level of training offered to volunteers. the level of training qualifications required exceed current curriculum of programs and includes requirements such as c.p.r., first aid certification, as well as comprehensive background check.
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the goal of the grant at the further request of the state is to train 200 individuals to be eligible and have the requirements to be incorporated into the disaster core program to be called as a resource by the state if needed. these individuals would be made up of combination of both current nert volunteers that were interested in enhancing their response capabilities, and individuals who had no prior training who would incorporate into the program before completing their disaster corps training. there is a planner f.t.e. as part of this grant. this person would be responsible for coordination of additional training and background check for the 200 individuals. worked closely with both nert and d.e.m. to accomplish this. it covers all costs to provide this additional training as well as background checks funding and any additional materials and supplies that would be needed. the scope of the grant is limited to the enhanced disaster corps training and could not be used to complement or supplant
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any current training. if you have any additional questions, i'm more than happy to assist with them and also have representatives from nert and d.e.m. to answer anything. thank you. commissioner avalos: this grant will be for 18 months? >> yes. contingent upon the passing of the california budget. but it is federal homeland security funding. it's not necessarily directly related to the budget issues at the state level. commissioner avalos: in terms of longevity of funding for this beyond that time, is there a long-term plan about how this type of service will be continued? >> management will be if you can sess isful incorporate into our efforts to seek grant funding for the position. probably through additional state or homeland security funding. commissioner avalos: so then we would expect there will be overall the state and federal level there will be funding that could go for this. we have to apply for it. >> that's what we are hoping
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for. that's the expectation they'll continue the program. commissioner avalos: just relative to other counties, areas, is this -- >> we are assuming this goes one of five jurisdictions that were selected. i think los angeles, san diego, riverside, and/or rang county. i think we are the only one in northern california selected commissioner avalos: great. ok. if there are no other questions from the panel here, thank you for your presentation. we'll open this up for public comment. any member of the public who would like to comment on item number two, please come forward. seeing no one come forward. we'll close public comment. >> motion to accept the recommendation. commissioner avalos: motion from supervisor myrrh car reamy. without objection. we move forward. mr. young, if you could please call items number 3 through 7, please. >> item number three, ordnance providing revenue and levying
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property taxes for city and county purposes in establishing pass-through rates for residential tenants pursuant to chapter 37 of the administrative code end something up june 30, to 10. >> item number four, ordnance providing revenue and levying property taxes ending june 30, 2010. item number five, ordnance providing revenue and levying property taxes for san francisco unified school district ending june 30, 2011. item number six, order nansd providing for revenue levying property taxes for fran bay rapid transit district. item number seven. resolution establishing the appropriations limit for fiscal year pursuant to california constitution. commissioner avalos: thank you. >> i'm kneel levinson. -- neil levinson. what you have before you is
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probably one of the most important pieces of legislation. or several. as it brings in over $1 billion of our general fund as well as the other entities. what we have with these four ordinances is a property tax rate which comes to $1.164 per $100 of assessed value. this is a very slight increase from the prior year. largely as a result of increased debt obligations of the school district. the impact on a home that was assessed at $500 a year before -- $500,000 a year before is approximately $8.62. when you combine the fact that the assessment -- that's a $400,000 is the analysis that we did. is about an $8.62 increase in their taxes from a level of $4,555, to $4,563 rounded. that's as a result of people who have not had other adjustments in their property tax this year
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would have seen a slight reduction in their assessed value through the automatic cost of living increase. because of an actual negative in the cola, then the slight increase by this rate results in about $8.62 increase. i'll be happy to answer any questions about the components of the rates. the other piece of legislation before you is required by the state constitution that there be a report on the limit that limits the amount of spending under certain conditions for both the state and local governments. what our report shows is that the city remains well under our limits. this establishes what the limit would be for the city for these types of spending is about $2.4 billion. and that the amount of spending subject to this requirement is under $2.1 billion so that we are still well within that limit and don't have to take any special actions as a result of it. commissioner avalos: has there
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ever been an occasion where the city has gone over that or gotten close to that limit? >> no. commissioner avalos: ok. thank you for your presentation. mr. rhodes? >> mr. chairman, members of the committee, the only thing i would add is we used a $500,000 example for a single family residence that would result in an $11 increase in the property taxes. we recommend approval of all of this legislation. commissioner avalos: very good. thank you. comments, questions? we'll open this up for public comment. thank you mr. levinson. item three through seven are open for public comment. we will close public comment. >> motion to advance with recommendation. commissioner avalos: we can take that without objection. all those will go to the full board with the recommendation. mr. young, if you could please call
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