tv [untitled] September 8, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am PST
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implementation in california is we're looking for a small number of potential users, just to work with on on trying to define the kinds of information that uses it and how they want to receive it and how it can be used. as i mentioned, bart is a group. we have a few other groups that are starting to show interest and i'm hoping that the groups represented here might be interested in getting involved as well. and that's pretty much it. thank you. >> thank you. >> and we're going to ask if there's any questions. any questions from members of the disaster council for dr. allen? seeing none. thank you. are there any comments from the public at this time? seeing none, we're moving on and go back to item 4 and i believe we -- we need to switch some places here, right? okay. and so item number four is mapping vulnerable communities and the mayor's office on
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disability and -- susan meissner and karla johnson are here. >> good afternoon. i'm carla johnson and i'm here with my director susan missener. we have a presentation for you. it is titled mapping vulnerable populations. the goal of our presentation -- the goal of our presentation is to introduce to our disaster council mbs the project we have been working on called vulnerable population planning. this is a project that we been working on with the department of emergency management and i want to acknowledge the leadership that vicky hennessey and rob have shown on the project by making it a priority to integrate the emergency planning needs with -- for people with disabilities as long as with our manning for the citizens of san francisco as a whole. we also hope to engage our disaster councilmembers with this introduction and get some
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feedback from you for area that is you think we might best be able to use the information that we developed. i think the context for everybody is earthquakes. and we know that san francisco is at risk. we saw that in 1906 and to a lesser degree back in 1989. the 2010 seems to be shaping up the as the year of the major earthquake. and now -- earthquakes nationwide -- earthquakes worldwide, there are differences between them. and certainly the damage that we saw in haiti was devastating. and with over 200,000 people that lost their lives. but following haiti in february, with chile with a much more powerful earthquake, what we saw was the los of life was so much less and i think there's explanations for that. chili -- chile as a nation had more resiliency. how do we build resiliency. san francisco wants to model our
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plan more on chile's to build re seal yankees we need to identify our vulnerabilities. here's the problem. we know that when an earthquake strikes in san francisco, it is not going to be affecting everybody the same way. there are different areas of the city that have soil condition that is are going to be amplifying the damage. there are different cities -- parts of the city that are mare resistant and others that are less resistant and they'll have difficulties coping with the disaster. the goal of our project is really to better identify the areas in the populations in the city that are at greatest risk about and to better prepare our vulnerable populations, to not only be able to survive a disaster but be an active participant in the rofe process. we had a process with the project. it was to identify three
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vulnerabilities, vulnerable soil -- vulnerable soil, vulnerable buildings and vulnerable people. the soils are going to be our liquid action zones ure tsunami zones and land salida zones and obviously, the liquid faction zones will increase the impact of the earthquake. and the buildings are soft-story construction. we know these buildings are much more likely to either sustain serious damage or collapse in an earthquake. we have also considered in this collapse of vulnerable buildings, different building use types such as single room occupancy hotels and the housing authority. and these are buildings that are -- typically older and not as well maintained as we would like and densely populated with people below the poverty level. and our vulnerable populations are going to be the people with disabilities and seniors living below the pofert line.
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our results are maps. they're not as pretty as what berkeley puts together. what we used. we used the same basic tools and using geographic information systems and we're using those tools to analyze and analyze where the vulnerabilities are converging and overlapping. our first map should be familiar to just about everybody here. because what we're showing in the pink areas on the eastern and northern quadrants of the city are the areas where the soil conditions are liquid action jones. what we're showing on the western part are the city are the tsunami zones and in the hill shaped portions are where we have deep slope conditions back for a result of land slidse
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in an earthquake. this has a lot going on and this are emergency critical response facilities there that have been shown with icons and firehouses and hospitals and shelter locations and -- emergency staging areas. thank you. now our second map is building on the base from our first. and what we done is we have added two layers. and in this map, we have used a orange dot to represent the locations of the approximately 500 single room occupancy hotels in the city. and we have used a yellow dot to show the housing authority locations. and approximately 50. and now it is in the as clear from the powerpoint screen as it may be if you look at the hard copy maps that i posted up over here behind me and you could look at them later. but what you could see when you have some clarity to it is there is includesering. there's includesering of the vulnerable buildings and the --
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buildings and the s.r.o.'s and the housing authority in tenderloin and chinatown and north beach and areas south of market and as well as areas in the mission. they're not only includesers, but they're also clustered everylaying the faction zones. we have two factors at work here. next slide. and now our next map is dropping in yet another later. and we have green dots that have been overlaid to show the approximately 4300 soft story buildings if san francisco. and this is information that came courtesy of the department of building inspection who does an actual block by block survey of soft story buildings in 2007 and 2008. and again, what is meaningful about this slide here is that you're starting to see a very -- it is almost plaque. a very deposits overlay. of soft-story buildings and the s.r.o.'s and the housing authority buildings.
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>> with all of that going on, the last map is the one that is most important. it is the one that has the people that have been added to it. and we have used a blue dot, symbolology to represent the over21,000 people in san francisco who are recipients of in-home support services. and if you're not aware of the benefits, they're for seniors and people assistance with their daily life activities, such as cooking and cleaning and bathing. they represent really our most vulnerable people in the city. and when susan & looked. the first thing that struck is how distributed the blue dots are. they live everywhere. the purpose of our study and
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analysis, we were most interested in the places where we have the convergence where everything is coming together. sort of like a certain hurricane and -- in a city that was below sea level that had emerging levee systems. and so, really the question here and -- 0 where we are looking for a lit help is how we play use some of this information. and obviously, we're going to use it for planning purposes of preparedness and response and recovery. now in the preparedness arena, we have already had some very affirmative action that was taken by our mayor and our board of supervisors and also by our department of building inspection. and what we have is -- as a result of that is legislation for a voluntary soft story retro fit ordinary nan which goes into effect in -- in about two days? on monday. and there's also a mandatory
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soft story measure that is in the works, although, vivian play tell us details about that, what the time frame might be for when we could see that coming out. and one thing that we seen, though, is that this legislation for the soft story isn't necessarily targeting specifically buildings like the single room occupancy hotels and so i would just place that on the table that may be another area that we play want to consider for legislation. we could also use the information and preparedness if prioritizing shelter locations and the sequence for opening those. and in fact the department of emergency management with our care and shelter work group have been using this information to put together our top 10 hists of shelters and to try to site them as close to the affected areas as possible. we can use this to engage the community. i imagine a lot of people may not know the ricks that they run, living in the neighborhoods where they are. and -- the way we can help them
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on that is by getting them more information and giving them more preparedness tools. >> during the response phase, we are already know the areas in the city, where we're going to have the heaviest damage. so we could use these vulnerabilitys in those areas to target our response to send out our inspectors and get this situational awareness that will tell us really how extensive the damage is and how high the population is and -- that may be -- need to be sheltered and where those locations need to occur. we could use the information with the metropolitan transportation authority and para transit so that they can send their resources with their accessible vehicles to the neighborhoods where we know that people -- people will have the highest need. department of emergency management and human services agency and d.b.i. and e.o.c. all work together to activate the emergency shelters and they have to go through a sequence of
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steps to get those taken -- taking place and these involve inspections and prioritization and we could use this information to help them prioritize. and the fire department is probably interested in knowing where the buildings are most likely going to collapse, especially if they're going to collapse with gas leaks associated with them that play start fires, so they play use this information also. and the police department can probably target where they will need to manage the security and the crowd control. during the recovery phase, we see this information as being useful, for our city administrator. and heidi and the recovery initiative and in fact we started to work on the interim housing policy to try and use this information to identify, not only how much housing we will need but where it need to be located. >> and identify the &s of the city that may be slowest to recover.
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the e.o.c. has mapping software and i don't know if you rolled it out for the council but it is called freedom web and i was speaking with luke before the presentation and i understand we would be able to integrate the data files and map files into the new system. so that it could be useful here in the e.o.c. for developing situational awareness and prioritizing response. we look for your feedback. this is a brief introduction to a project that i see going on for some more time. but we would want to know if you have any feature that is you think would be useful, any substantive suggestions or procedural suggestions that you think play help us with this or how we could help you with this project. if you have follow-up. and i am easily reached on our city e-mail system,
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karla.johnson at sf >> thank you. are there any questions from members of the disaster cun or comments about there item. thank you so much, that was very good. and any comments from the public? seeing none, we're going to move to numb six. and that is the transbay terminal seismic safety report. it is a discussion by robert beck who is a senior program manager. the transbay joint powers of authority. this came up because there was a question from within of our very highly placed elected officials and the federal government who is asking about the glass that is going to be in the transbay terminal. so we asked mr. beck to come here and give us a short presentation. thank you. >> thank you. it is not only a question that comes up from elected officials. it is a question that we get in many of our public meetings ads
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well. and -- the -- this is the design and it is a little dark in the image to pick it up. but for the new transit center that is going it replace the existing transbay terminal and you see one of the major features of the facility is the park that is going to be on top of the facility. and just for context, our program, we're replacing the transbay terminal with the new transit center and -- extending caltrans alignment from the existing terminal by 4th and king into the center for both caltran and especially -- eventually for california high-speed rail. the second major element of the program is the skin of the building. and or the moe recognizable element of the building. and -- it is -- it is this glass curtain wall that encompasses the structure.
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you could see natomas street on the south stide of the building and the west end of the facility at beal street and people will see images like that and say, it is attractive but how is that going to perform in an earthquake. so, our -- our design criteria for our facility. we're designing the facility if an 8.0 earthquake which is 975 yoorch event and on the san andreas fault here. and the -- the structural criteria we have of the building will be structurally functional and can be occupied after an event like that. and -- although it play suffer some damage that is damage that can be repaired while the fass it is -- continues to be in use and operation. and -- and the glazing that we're design designing for the system is actually designed not to experience even any cracking in that event. so, i'll go through how we achieve that real quickly.
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this is the structure of the tran it center itself. and that level that you see about -- up above with the v's. that's the bus deck of the transit center. and here. and the structural system there acts as large truss and then bringing those loads down to the ground. and on that system we're mounting the frame that carries the structural skin of the building. and 0 -- and then the glass is mounted directly to that. the -- that system is -- connects to the primary structure at three locations, at the roof level, and the bus level and then midway down near the first, the roof of the first level. and -- and we, that building will respond in two modes both laterally across the building and longitudinally along the length of the building. and here you see the
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displacement the building will experience. the displacement gets hires -- higher as it goes up the building and we need to design the system to withstthe displacs as we go across the building. buildinbackthe curved frame helo accommodate some things that occur. in this direction, the design for wind load and glass resistance, those forces far exceed that the forces regenerated for an earthquake on
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but longitudinal direction, the first thing you will see is a series of independent structures. we have independent unit is to make up the skin. these buttons are sacks and a half inches -- 6 and a half inches. the displacements that we experienced in go up as you go out the building. they are smaller displacements as they had in the lateral direction. division of the building and the
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independent structures and the way that the attachment to the building is hinged allows those panels to move independently so there will be different displacements between the panels. the grid that is attached helps to support the forces. then it comes to the attachments to the building. what we are doing is comprised of the 2.5 millimeter thick sheets of glass with laminate in between. this is more akin to what you would see in windshields and those types of devices. we have increased the glass protection criteria.
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that composite is over three- quarters of an inch thick. then there is the corner supports. i mentioned they are about six and a half inches by 5 inches with neoprene gaskets. this allows the panels to move independently of each other. these have a three quarter inch gap. that is what allows the system to function and to tolerate without any displacement of the panel's. we experienced this in our class spends. we do not want to experience a blowout the glass will shatter
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because of a laminated materials. we want to keep them from coming out of the system. that is the presentation i have been. >> a i have a question. if i am walking under the building, can i expect -- >> if you can expect the building to rock quite a bit. it will not break. >> are there any members from the council? >> [inaudible] >> we will have to do some testing on the structural frame work. that the on the glazing system, we will be doing testing on the glass resistance.
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in an oklahoma city type of event, we will not able to keep the glass or other things in place to test the glass resistance. >> any other questions? thank you very much for coming and explaining. thank you. any comments from the public? seeing none, we will move over to item seven which is the golden guardian preview. the department of emergency management will talk about the golden guarding exercise that will be occurring. >> afternoon. i am the emergency services
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manager. i was asked to do a little over few. this is little over a month away. our portion will be on may 18th. the bulletin guardian itself will actually cover most of the week of may 17th with various things happening either at the regional or state level. in san francisco, we will be focused on may 18th. this exercise will include work -- this will have a partial full scale which will include an exercise at china basin, the ports, and the police and fire department. on the police and fire department will be working with the u.s. navy to do a dive team
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training and exercise. they will also open a unified command. with those departments, they will be opening their department operation centers. then the eeoc will be activated to support what is going on in the field. we are inviting and asking all departments to send two representatives to either participate or observe the exercise. the exercise runs from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.. the scenario is focused on terrorism because of the funding. you can guess given the fact that it is marine base to, this is a port work focused exercise
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and will include two attacks in oakland and in -- city. we will be responding to the maritime security level. it will probably increase and that is up to the coast guard. there is a small hint that it will likely happen. we will be addressing that. there are just under 100 participants for this exercise. the one lesson learned that we will make sure to incorporate and has been added to the functional exercises and we will address some of the additional issues that came not.
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one thing that i think is most important to clarify is that this is a good opportunity for the dive teams with the police department and the fire department and the port to work together and address some of the challenges that they know will occur in anything that happens in relation to a maritime event. this has been an excellent opportunity for coordination in the city. with that, i would like to invite you. the registration went out last week to the disaster prepared as coordinators. we hope the department and our stakeholders, nonprofits and other partners will participate in this exercise. >> thank you. are there any questions from the council on this item?
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