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tv   [untitled]    September 9, 2010 11:39am-12:00pm PST

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we think he's done a well done job. thank you very much, hubert. [applause] >> good afternoon. i'm pretty much a man of few words so i like to thank the m.t.a. board for this great honor. i'd like to thank carter, john, and to you and others for their support. chairman nolan: thank you on bhaft board and the people of san francisco for your outstanding work. we appreciate it. >> congratulations to our awardees. the next item i need to cover with you is regarding the recent lifting of the bike injunction. as you may be aware, on august 9, mayor newsome was joined by supervisor mirkarimi, the san francisco bike coalition and the san francisco m.t.a. in launching the first san
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francisco bicycle plan project post the injunction. the project follows in order by the san francisco superior court that lifted its 2006 injunction which prevented us from immening -- implementing projects under the bike plan. neatly there after we announced an aggressive plan to move forward on 45 of 60 near-term bicycle projects as part of the full bicycle plan that will invest in and implement bicycle facility improvements and educational efforts, as well as innovative policies and programs to increase safe bicycling use in san francisco. the 60 near-term projects will add 31 miles to the existing 48 miles of bake lanes in the stay -- bike lanes in the city,. since the injunction was lifted last month, we have installed bike lanes on north point street from embarcadero to van
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ese avenue. an expected completion date is september 10. and then laguna honda beloved from plaza street to woodside avenue with a expected completion date of september 17. so we look forward to continually working with the community and our advocacy groups to further our goals and objectives of the bicycle plan. i will give you periodic updates on our progress on those 45 near-term projects. we're moving quickly ahead. the next item i have to cover with you is regarding our recent service restoration. as you are aware, on may 8 we had the unfortunate task of reducing the muni service by 10% system wide. and we did that by increasing headways and reducing frequency on various community lines and significantly reduced the frequency of service on our night oul service. in july, in conjunction with the mayor's office and the board of supervisors this board voted to restore service
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reductions that took place on may 8, due possible through a one-time funding plan from the metropolitan transportation commission, m.t.c., as well as the san francisco county transportation authority. so we were able to make that commitment of 50% service restoration on september 4. however, we went a little bit further and looked at our schedules and looked at opportunities to implement some efficiencies regarding our scheduling, reducing some of the standby time and some of the scheduled runs for our operators. and enhancing some of the driving time for those scheduled runs also so we looked at opportunities to really look at our schedules, using the information and optimizing those runs. with that being said, we were able to exceed the 50% and actually reach 61% this september 4 in terms of service restoration. part of this process was a
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signup that was conducted in august for all of our divisions and the operators. we had 1,907 transit operators participate in that signup. and of those 1,907 operators, 1,875 transit operators were available for revenue service on september 4. this past weekend kicked off the first few days of that service restoration. and to date we are proud to say that we are able to make 99% of all of the scheduled pullouts for transit services that were scheduled. i say 99%, but it was closer to 99.9% in terms of service restoration. and that was largely due to, i think, the attendance of our operators who showed up for work on september 4 and have continued to do so up to date. and we expect them to continue in that fashion. it's made a significant impact
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in terms of service quality that our riders so desperately need. we will continue to monitor the service restoration and the schedule changes through our line management and operations control centers. and in addition, we are going to also closely monitor our equipment availability, also look at our infrastructure and maintenance wave of activities to make sure we minimize any service disruppingses or potential service disruptions to our system. overall, i believe at this juncture the restoration plan seems to have been a success because there was a great deal of work that needs to occur between the actual board, approving the service change on september 4 -- i mean back in july. then the board of supervisors approving our budget. and then fast forwarding to pushing through a signup to place this in effect by september 4. as you are aware, the mayor has
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established a task force to develop plans to restore 100% of our muni service that has been reduced. and the first meeting of that task force will occur thursday, september 9, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in room 288 here in city hall that concludes my remarks regarding service restoration. if you have any questions, i'd like to take them on now. ok. in connection with the service restorations, we successfully completed the timely installation of new rails, bus shelters and traffic signals for the saint francis circle rail replacement project. we held a conference on september 3 for the completion of the project. we were joined by supervisor mirkarimi and director beach. they were both in attendance. and director oka, that's right. director oka also that's what in attendance. we truly appreciate their support of what was a very complex project that started back on may 8, and then concluded ahead of schedule and
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on budget this september 4. and i think i'd like to take the time to thank both mayor newsome as well as supervisor elsberg for their leadership in terms of this project. they had significant impacts on residents and business owners in that area. and in the saint francis circle area. through their leadership we were able to work with the community and develop, one a good working relationship with the beginning. and it helped and carried through during the project when there were any types of issues to deal with. at this time, carter or john, if you have anything you'd like to add to this project, but it was a collaboration between our construction -- capital construction and program area along with muni operations and our sustainable streets operations. and clearly all boats got lifted in that intersection in terms of improvements for pedestrians, for transit users, for bicyclists as well as those
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who use automobiles. it was a significant improvement in infrastructure in that area. any questions from the board? chairman nolan: congratulations. you did a great job working together. >> and as if we didn't have enough on our hands, in july we announced preparations for installing new ticket vending machines in clipper fairgates in nine of our metro subway stations. i'm pleased to announce that we are proceeding on schedule with the first metro station civic center being operational this week. we are currently on schedule with that project with the
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remaining eight metro stations opening as follows. the week of september 6 we will be implementing the station up and running. september 13, castro and church street stations. the week of september 20, embarcadero, montgomery and for rest hill stations. and then the week of september 27, west portal and van yes, sir -- vanesse stations. once operational, customers will be able to enterwe are a tap of their clipper card. and our customers who maintain paper passes will be able to use temporary swipe readers which will be installed on top of the new fairgates. and customers who wish to pay their fare with cash will do so either by purchasing a clipper card or a limited use ticket at the new muni ticket vending machines. so we have a host of capital projects that are underway to rebuild the system and get us in a state of good repair. and the next project i need to
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bring to your attention is related to our california street cable caroline which will be a project that -- cable car line, which will be a project starting september 16 this year-long project will renovate the california cable car system as well as make street improvements on california streets. this project has an overall budget of $24 million. and it will proceed in two phases. phase one includes the installation of an 88 curb street and seier repair work performed by the department of public wrks at various locations. -- -- works at various locations. phase two will finish in the summer 20611. this includes electrical, mechanical, utility and street repaving work that will require a temporary shut down of the california cable line. there will be bus shuttles during this phase. and as it relates to the one california route there will be no impacts to that route. it will remain in service as it currently operates. however, another major project that is coming down the line as it relates to the muni operation as well as our traffic and pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. the next item i need to present to you is related to our
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american recovery and reinvestment act funding. i will be asking carter to give you an update on these projects. as you're aware, we have been awarded more than $90 million in the funding to rehabilitate, update and renew our transit vehicles, facilities, and vital systems. this stimulus funding has enabled the m.t.a. to advance some key capital state of good repair priorities that clearly would otherwise have been deferred or delayed due to lack of funding. to date we have spent over 58% of our funding and have created approximately 800 jobs within the bay area. that being said, i've asked carter to give you a short update on the agency's utilization of the stimulus funding. carter? >> good afternoon once again, mr. chairman, directors mr. ford. the sfmta has received over $9230 million -- $90 million in
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stimulus funding. we received three grants totaling $90 million in the past year. in addition, through the california department of transportation we received $539 ,000 from the transportation enhancement funds for pedestrian improvements. the agency has placed these funds to good use. we've focused on 16 programmatic activities. and we've issued 14 contracts. four were professional services contracts, three were construction contracts, and seven procurements. and we also self-performed the maintenance and preventative maintnans for utilization of these funds. recently from the federal government we received word that the sfmta ranked fourth
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among -- fourth in the nation among top agencies in overall jobs creation through the use of the funding. a total of 1,833 jobs were created or sustained. and of that, over 800 jobs were created by the use of this funding. in addition, we received word that the sfmta ranks sixth among top agencies in the nation for total job hours locked. as of august 1, 1,025,000 cumulative jobs logged on our programs. and finally, on this sheet, we also were very successful in the participation for small business enterprise. we achieved a 15.2% in our contracting. the second sheet that i want to show you, there's a lot of information. but i think it will give you a snapshot of the programs that we utilize the funding for. the first group which is in blue are the federal transit repair funds. we unitize them for 14 of our programs ranging from the replacement of the cable all the way down through our
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preventative maintenance operations. we've completed and billed most of our projects. most of them are mid-term projects, which will take a year plus. there are several on here, the door steps and reconditioning and the truck repair which will take four to five years to expend the funding. however, we will focus our billing of the funding as our first priority and then the other grants that support as the secondary funding. the bottom of the page shows the two initiatives where we utilize the transportation enhancement funding for pedestrian improvements. the pedestrian signal upgrade and the inner sunset traffic calming. we're not stopping there. we intend to complete all of these, complete them timely, and expend the funds.
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however, the grants unit within the agency are pursuing other stimulus funding. there are different levels of stimulus funding available. and we're actively pursuing those as well for new initiatives. and i'll be happy to answer any questions. i realize this is fairly detailed. chairman nolan: thank you. members of the board? >> well, we put the stimulus money to good use here. >> i have to thank the board. if you recall, when there was first discussions regarding the economic stimulus package, you know, one of the key activities was to make sure that this money -- you know, projects identified, which we had plenty of projects that needed fudgeding. but then also the procurement process. if you recall, you made some administrative changes that helped streamline the process in terms of, one, the staff's ability to get these contracts out on the street, or the r.f.p.'s out on the street. then to get at wards back to this board and through the board of supervisors in a streamlined process. so the economic stimulus helped us through a capital stand point.
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but i think it helped from an administrative standpoint also. it's showing in the results in terms of how we rank nationally in terms of this funding and expenditures and things of that nature. we are in the process. we've just been informed that we will be audited in terms of our expenditures, economic stimulus funding. that's something that's happening to all recipients. we feel pretty confident that our process will stand the test in terms of that audit. from the federal government. >> mr. chairman that concludes my report. i'm available for any questions you may have. director heinicke. . i just wanted to follow up. i think in our last meeting, which was a proposal for review and hopefully implementation of a peak time taxi cab. we didn't commit, but it was suggested to me that we could get a report on that within the next few meetings. i'm assuming that we won't have that today. i just wanted to, again, repeat the question. if we can have that even, you
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know, first an offline meeting with the deputy director, that would be fine. >> it just so happens i signed the memo for the board briefing you on that particular issue this morning. yes, we'll get that out to you as soon as possible. that will be the very beginnings of this discussion. chairman nolan: members of the public? >> moving on, team eight -- chairman nolan: i think we've been joined by several people. if you are here, interested in the question of the bag meters that has been put off to another time. you're welcome to speak if that's what you're here for. but that will not be a discussion voted on today. thank you. mr. murphy? and also before you were here, i was praising ms. boomer for the fine work she did in analyzing your recommendations the last few years versus the
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agency's response to them. and overwhelmingly we have accepted the recommendations of the your committee. >> yes. and we're tremendously appreciative of that as well. and i do want to thank debra, again. one of the challenges that a secretary faces coming into the c.a.c. as all of you well know in the world of public transportation, we tend to speak in ack know nims. -- -- acronyms. it takes a while for people to get adjusted to that. we talk a lot about i.o.s.'s and what not so we really appreciate the efforts that she made when she first arrived at the c.a.c. to get up to speed. thank you mr. ford, for noting i had come into the room and wanted to say something about debra. i also want to say on behalf of the c.a.c., welcome to director brinkman. congratulations on your appointment and confirmation.
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aenwelcome to the -- -- and welcome to the m.t.a. we look forward to meeting with you. we want to let you know that as an m.t.a. director, you are certainly welcome to drop by the c.a.c. meetings at any time that you want. of course that's true for any member of the public, but in particular we always appreciate it when we see members of the m.t.a. board drop by the c.a.c. see us doing our thing. so that said, i want to convey to you three recommendations that the c.a.c. has asked me to bring to you today. the first is kind of a big picture issue. it is that we recommend that the m.t.a. board request the board of supervisors amend the planning code to require a finding by us at the m.t.a. as
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the impact of transportation -- impact on transportation. particularly transit of any additional parking supply being cr