tv [untitled] September 11, 2010 8:00am-8:30am PST
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into the bay project changes the roadway, significantly changing bicycle rage. we agreed the new parks and small recreational facilities would happen over a series of decade and the developer is asking if they can spell out the project to see if it can be interrupted with what we get in return being a significant package of public benefits. finally, all of this has been managed to read memorandum of understanding. early on in the process, our office went around to each agency and found participation with an organizing documents that laid out how each agency would participate in reviewing the planned components. this is a large and complex
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project. each agency received reviewers and all documents, all relevant documents, were circulated to the various sister agencies of the city for review and input. i can let peter going to review about on those components of the plan. this one also provides full reimbursement, so anytime that staff has spent on this, they will be fully reimbursed. finally, they have set up a joint project men and to some degree the planning department on land use issues has already begun negotiating the general outline of development that is the public benefits peace. we will of course becoming back before the planning commission
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and the board with a final draft version in the agreement. unless there are any questions, i am done of my presentation and i would like to pass a non. peter? projects sponsor? thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is craig hartman. my colleague, leo, is also with me from s o m. we are excited to present this project to you. as michael pointed out, this project has been quite efficient in terms of e. i. are, we have had over 250 meetings with neighbors, residents in the community, who were extremely
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helpful through the agency has advocacy groups to arrive at the plan that you will see. in front of you is, of course, a familiar form, sense is go neighborhoods, and in this case, as parker said, it is unique. in the lower left-hand corner you can see how you need it is, a single ownership property and as such there is an opportunity to achieve things in terms of transit use that is unparalleled. this project currently has 3221 at home and is very close to the arterioles. it is all the rage, close to important transit arteries,
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including the bus lines, working very near but not quite touching parts of the city. currently it is a very car dependent place with the resources in the neighborhood, almost like a gated community. because we had this opportunity for single ownership we thought we could transform this neighborhood as a paradigm for what sustainable could be in the future. usable public open spaces, making it a net addition of 5679 individual dwelling units. plus significant neighborhood serving amenities. interestingly, in doing this we were able to achieve a 60%
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reduction for home using energy, potable water, and production of wastewater. likewise the use of the automobile based on current technology. we are producing more rental units in the project for a current total of 89 when complete. importantly, we will be introducing these neighborhood amenities, which will allow us
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to begin to use pedestrian movement and reduce reliance upon the automobile. here is a plan to view of the project, the boulevard being on the left, with 19th avenue above. the plan is to introduce a retail corridor, day care center, a community center, and so forth, with a majority of the neighbors in a 400 block. with this will be a series of small core elements that will contain business centers for work at home, car sharing and bicycle available to residents for weekly use.
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a huge part of this is the introduction of green space systems that will link the community and provide recreation for sports, including organic farms and containing plant materials, cleansing the water, introduced for the system, charging in dropping the lake level. it will also provide structured play areas for residents. right neighborhood is buying 88 committee and has limited access. you can probably see and know that this creates a congestion in the adjacent neighborhoods. the attention is to open the committee up and to begin to
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change the community and make this a more accessible place and to make the streets those which are safe using the latest design ideas and pedestrian-friendly places. this is due to the stuff in helping us to develop these concepts. with us is increased access to the cars and also pedestrian safety. the cross streets working with your staff, we have developed these intersections which are more safe for the residence and a neighbor's and their connecting into the neighborhood itself. you can see with the improved walkways, we have worked with the bicycle coalition in extending dedicated by claims
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and connecting to the existing corridors. this is an integrated system. we have worked with the community to work to bring the line directly into the side. this is to park merced and san francisco state university. this is in the middle of the avenue. this moves us into the stock that would provide greater access for the residents of the park and greater safety for all of the user's including san francisco state.
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this would create a very important linkage that is missing in our transportation system in this side of the city. there are other advantages not only providing for stops that you can get off the new system but also the opportunities to create a landscaped front door to the city right here on 19th avenue. we also will be providing a zero to low emissions shuttle bus that will provide access from this unique and the bus stops that we are providing at the northern edge directly to the daily city parks station.
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this connects directly to the part. this is a very important linkage. in the interim, we will be using the same shuttle best -- shuttle bus. as was mentioned, this is a long-term project which took approximately 20 years to complete but we know the estimates that we have given you are actually conservative ones. we see this as an opportunity to create a place that is truly unique. the neighborhood future is a rich and vibrant place in which to live. hal>> as i go through this
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presentation, there are two overriding ports which are important there are two projects which are linked fairy closely together. one is the park merced project. the other was asking us to take a bigger look at what is happening in the southwestern part of san francisco. we are trying to get our hands on the bigger picture. the second point is in developing the networks for the projects, there were three planning efforts that gave us a leg up. this gave us the most current planning foundations for transit service. the trend francisco bicycle plant. he says helped -- these have helped.
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i would like to look at the next debt and particularly, the engagement. the 19th avenue steady is a project that has been requested by the supervisor. i will go into the details. we work closely with the supervisor and the project sponsor between 2008 and 2009 to really get the study up and running to analyze this so that this reflects our best data. we have prepared a transportation impact study which is the for a draft and fermenta review is published. we also made sure that we agree to the right people to give the kind of technical overview the project needed.
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for instance, the operation, safety, and construction helped us to review the alternatives in 2009. the transit service plan that we saw on the screen that included the network, that was reviewed by the service planning and the plan was finalized the summer of 2010. the mitigation measures that go with an environmental review were identified by a project sponsored and reviewed by the staff and fetid to make sure that there was technical viability. we have to review the projected 2009 which is a coalition of city departments including the fire department, the police department, the planning
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department. we looked at the particulars of the project proposal but pedestrian, traffic and engineering and all of those reviewed in 2009. we get comments on this review when it was published and we made sure that what was published reflected the best and most current information. then we just recently had a review of the mitigation measures themselves and the potential issues. there were options that were proposed before the mta and the task group to make sure that we could have technical feasibility. we also have subsequent to the publication of the draft and garmin to review an updated and
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review meeting with the staff that we met with including construction and operation off just to make sure that they were aware of the latest and newest developments. now a couple of words that are important to understand and the difference to train the steady and the individual projects. the supervisor asked the city to look at what is happening in the southwestern corner of san francisco and to look at the large developments proposed because so much was being proposed for change. san francisco stages completed its master plan. some came before the city planning commission and while back. that was after concerns about the development proposal. we would like to make this fit better into the san francisco neighborhood. this project overview, we have put these together with any significant proposal that we know of and we put them on the
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francisco and to the regional corridor. the projected growth was 370% based on the analysis that we have with transportation authority. to make sure that we knew what was one on, we looked at five different levels. what if development in that part of town was proposed, what would happen to the corridor? the layered on top of that analysis will happen if those major projects that i outlined were added to the housing units and the commercial.
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we saw how much the transportation improvements helped to move transit, transportation, traffic. then we laird what if we added the project that was proposed by the project sponsor as i mentioned especially part merced. that tells us what is happening with the level of service, where transit ridership will be very heavy and where the voting patterns would be. this gave us the right data to tell us what it would look like in 30 years. now we are, "with the best minds in the city -- we are working with the best minds in the city, what we plan to do is look at the big picture in the study and piece together those projects.
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nothing that you have heard about would preclude the best and most significant roles like never command of the project on the one hand we look at the big picture, on the other hand we work closely with the project sponsor to make sure they are hand in glove on where we need to be. this is two snapshots of where we needed to be. we looked up to the roadway and bridges. we also look at the projects. there are improve frequencies called for. one very popular item, bringing
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this to the entire west side of 19th ave. if you think about the corridor, this is a long term borough of san francisco state -- this is a long-term goal of san francisco state. whether you are getting to san francisco state, you know of craft across 19th ave. we're working closely with rail operation and safety. and we look at this mark signals.
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we are also looking to get ideas from the neighbors who lived there. they have and vested interest in this. the next step is on the 19th avenue corridor and the project includes represent in the mca, the planning commission as a just completed the hearing. we know that we want to go at the review. the mta would have to be present to help answer questions about any technical analysis that went into it. if this is certified, what would be the next thing that we do as a city? to review and adopt the findings of the environmental process which will probably be this fall.
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then to really look at the corridor study. once they have the certainty, that gives us a real stable foundations to make that corridor study and that to your five not just a wish list but in reality. we work closely with the staff to make sure that the plan that the projected is cost-effective and to make sure that we are thinking about the capital pieces. we are making sure we have the guards, facilities, and the vehicles. this becomes part of the development and part of the project proposal. that concludes my part of the presentation. >> thank you for that comprehensive report. is that the entire presentation?
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first >> we will start with anjuli broke. -- we will start with julie br ook. >> i have been a resident of this area for the past 20 years and won a say how excited i am about this project. i've been on the sustainability committee since it started and i am excited about the green aspect. i'm excited about population density and commercial space.
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it would be nicer and safer for everyone. this is very frustrating and having to cross 19th ave. this makes you delayed and this is frustrating and probably not safe. i'm excited about the fact that with this increased density and the parking that has been planning which is to get people at of their cars. we will have by claims that people will take transit as well and this will make my life easier and it will further my personal goal towards a green community. i appreciate you talking about this. thank you. >> hasslei will not reiterate mt
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use as a from earlier about moving into parker said and the generosity of the owner donating that land to the city and county for that use but i will reiterate my enthusiasm on moving muni to the west side of 19th avenue. for a normally equipped pedestrian, it is a death run to get to the center island. this is difficult if you get halfway across one direction of those lanes. moving out of the traffic will make it much better.
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the overall project of improving the park will improve the lifestyle for the disabled. there will be plans for disabled and they will be rebuilt. this has been a piece feel reduction of rebuilding the intersection since i've become a wheelchair user. each one of those has been an improvement but the overall project if this proceeds and i hope it does, will be a fast improvement for muni and for the safety of all people in san francisco. >> good afternoon. >> i was a 40-year member for 10
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years and i am very enthusiastic about any transportation and once a member of the sustainability committee. i like the idea of a more green environment. i also know that it costs money to build this rail. i think that this is a great idea. putting it on the west side is a benefit that was brought and this benefits our children, just the good old safety. bringing it in will bring people to our shops and enhance that and get the cars off the street. the more transportation we have,
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the better. >> good afternoon. >> i have lived at parker said for 14 years. i have been waiting for the state. i moved to park merced in 1996. the only place in the city i could find an apartment i could afford as part merced. what i missed was the kind of neighborhood i was expecting when i came to san francisco. i could go down the street and go to the different shops. i liked this idea very much because i think that this will provide support to the growing number of businesses along the strip mark just off of 19th avenue. -- a strip mall just off of 19th av.
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