tv [untitled] September 13, 2010 5:00am-5:30am PST
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discuss outreach to the businesses, and i have to say that this month has really been concerned with outreach regarding the alcohol mitigation fee, and that outreach has been significant, and i would really like to recognize the efforts of small business in coordinating the dissemination of information to the small business community. the turnout in the committee hearing, budget and finance and policy, it was really remarkable, and, you know, largely due to your efforts. we discussed, of course, the progressive tax structures that are no longer on the table, as well as businesses that are currently not being taxed, and i have not had time to go more in depth. i am sorry, business sectors. we did have a far ranging discussion on business sectors that are not currently taxed at the local level, but i have not had time to organize a report on
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that. we did of a discussion on the department's 2010 budget, and there was no new business. because our hands were full. thank you. president yee riley: 80. next item. clerk: commissioners, we are now on the president's report, which allows the president to report on the small business activities. president yee riley: well, i attended a meeting on community development, and there was a great presentation from the mayor's office of economic and work force development on their goals, objectives, and the funding strategy, which was very educational for me. legislation and policies, and commissioner dooley already reported it, and august 3, that
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was the day we had the new commissioner, commissioner kasselman, sworn in, and commissioner o'brien also gets sworn in. so that is it. thank you. clerk: commissioners, items number 13, vice president's report. vice president clyde: i would like to begin my report by recognizing a woman who gave extraordinary service to the small business community and to the san francisco community, joanie chang, who passed away a few weeks ago at age 41. she was a compliance officer with standards enforcement. she was charged with implementing the groundbreaking
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san francisco law that created healthy san francisco, and the reason i would want to recognize her is that she was a real model in how to educate the community, how to communicate with the small business community. she did it with grace. she did it with just great intelligence and compassion, and i think that the small business community should really an extent -- note should really extend our -- should really extend our sympathies. she was taken way too soon. she believes newborn twins and her partner, -- she leaves newborn twins and her partner. she was only 41 years old, and she is diagnosed with cancer seven weeks ago, -- was diagnosed with cancer seven
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weeks ago. for the members who would like to send condolences, there is a website that was created by her friends and family. it is bakeanapple, and i would like to think the office of supervisor campos for providing this information and, again, to her partner, and to the new twins. i would like to send, you know, our condolences and our appreciation. thank you, so i am just going to move on. i did attend a convention with bettie yi. she is our representative to the state board of equalization. she made it very clear that she did not favor a patchwork of
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regulations regarding the alcohol industry because it is so difficult to work. she did make it clear that her office is not interested -- her office is interested in keeping small businesses operating, and her office will work with businesses that are having trouble meeting their tax payments. she was very clear in response to members of the public. the state board equalization now requires substantial deposits from businesses, businesses, who do not have track records or businesses that are changing their corporate structure. that was brought up at this meeting. her office is responsive to the
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synthesis go small business community. please contact and the board to work note payments and to work out schedules. she is focused on we are still in economic crisis, and she emphasized that she did not want to see businesses closing. she also discussed marijuana and the challenges of legalization and taxation of the marijuana industry and challenges of the industry that is threatening to pick up and leave if they are taxed. this is going to be extremely challenging.
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the merchants organization in north beach did note -- did have a presentation, and i will encourage everyone to support this fund project. thanks. president yee riley: thank you. next item, please. clerk: next item, commissioner 14, commissioner reports. vice president clyde: i have been trying to keep the small business public more informed about the proposed congestion pricing that is being proposed by cta, which is creating a very
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large corridor in our city that would be charging a fee of entry and exit, morning hours and afternoon hours, perhaps in each direction, and the possible impact that might have on our small businesses. i attempted. attended a workshop cta last month and brought up some of the concerns of the small business community which i attended a workshop. -- i attended a workshop. also, phil did a report on this for channel 5 news, and it was also mentioned in the column, so i just want to continue to keep putting this in front of the public as much as possible so we can get some feedback and have folks be aware about what the potential costs might be in the business
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community. president yee riley: thank you. anymore reports from the commission? seeing none, next item, please. clerk: commissioners, item number 15, general public comment. president yee riley: seeing none, public comment is closed. clerk: commissioners, item number 16, new business, which allows commissioners to introduce new items for future consideration by president yee riley: the riley: -- consideration by the commission. president yee riley: seeing none, next item, please. clerk: item number 17, adjournment. commissioners, the meeting is adjourned at 11:46 p.m.
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>> before we begin, please place cell phones in their off position. this signals interfere with the sound system. also, please refrain from flash photography. police now stand and join the commission in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, when nation, under god,
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indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. please direct your attention to the roll call of the commissioners. commission president joe marshall here. vice president mazzucco: here. commissioner kingsley: present. commissioner hammer: present. president marshall: this is a regular meeting of the san francisco police commission september 8, 2010. please call item one. >> item 1 is approval of the minutes. this would be for the regular meeting of august 18, 2010.
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president marshall: the minutes from that meeting are in your packet. if there are no additional changes come a motion for approval. without objection, so ordered. >> i and two -- approval of consent calendar, under which we have department bulletin no. 10- 212, general ordered 6.09 -- can't is getting weapons at the scene of a domestic violence incident -- confiscating weapons at the scene of a domestic violence incident. president marshall: do we have a point person on this? >> i would move the we approved it. >> seconded. >> on that note, i am not sure
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it claimed -- it came with your materials, but there was a review submitted of the department bulletin. commissioner kingsley: it looks like this is a little bit more than a bulletin. it amends 6.09. it is very minor, but it looks like it amends the dgo. it amends it to reflect the requirement of officers regarding confiscating weapons at a domestic violence incident. commissioner hammer: i would move to approve it. president marshall: item three, please. >> public comment. members of the public may address the commission on items within the subject matter
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jurisdiction of the commission but that do not otherwise appear on the agenda. we should remind the speakers that they are to address their remarks to the entire commission and not address any particular individuals under our rules. president marshall: this is general public comment. anyone for general public comment? >> good evening, commissioners and chief and staff, and the people who live behind us that keep us from anarchy. my name is doug mallar, private investigator of crimes against children. i have done it for 18 years. i a participated in investigations in 16 states and six trips to washington dc i have dozens of national references who lend their names and phone numbers, saying check me out.
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no one has ever asked -- has never had their name taken off my list. >> as you know, some of you were here when i came to years ago, and again last year. now we are tired of coming here and asking the police chief and you people to help us protect children when we have witnesses who have seen a lieutenant colonel living in san francisco at leavenworth st. skin babies alive, as well as torture 800 victims in eight states. i am giving you what i have given to d a harris today, what i have given to the u.s.
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attorney in san francisco today, and which i just returned from washington, d.c. last week, where we notified eric colder -- holder, care of michelle obama, what you're law enforcement here are covering up -- the torture and murders of children in your city. we have many witnesses. deputy chief of investigations shinn assigned an investigator outside the department of investigation because he could not get them to contact us after he said he was going to assign detectives to get some justice for these children. he was born and raised in this city. now he has been demoted to being in charge of airport security when he was in charge of city security at one time. i am not sure what happened
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there, but the bottom line is i am holding you personally responsible for what is going on here. you have inherited this mess. it is your job to assign somebody. i am demanding that you assign somebody to us. we are going to grand juries, county state and federal, before the first of october. here is our evidence for you. president marshall: next speaker, please. >> dear honorable police chief and commissioners, i was before you two weeks ago on august 18 to talk about my gangs stalking
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experiences and punctures on my body and electrum and a -- electromagnetic radiation. each of you has a 2.5 page letter from me. i can continue from where i left off, but what i would like to do is, before i do that, i am not going to read it because it is hurtful to me when i read what has happened to me. i need you to take a look at these photographs. this was done by somebody putting their hand on my shoulder when i was at a concert outside july 10 of this year. it is like a burn, only it feels like somebody socked you hard. it was done by somebody's hand through this leather jacket.
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it looks like it is a form of heat. this is just one thing. on june 28, i was coming home from my nephew's concert in portland, oregon. i was on a united airlines flight. and a stewardess attacked me twice coming home on the plane. it is hard to see, but there are too little functions -- punctures in there. that was on my right arm. that was done when she came on me like this, under my right breast area. this is the one d.c. here. it looks almost like a burn to me. it affects deep inside. it is like somebody socked me. i do not go any day, four years now, without being punctured on my body. the most recent was yesterday, 6:15 p.m., coming out of the 24-
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hour fitness gym on market between church and castro. three fellows walked in, early 20s. the third one came really close to me. they can do it through their pocket. they have some sort of device. my upper thigh, which i do not have a photograph of yet, has a puncture on its similar to what you have seen here. this is another one. could you please? thank you. it is difficult to see. it is like a burn whole. this picture was done at the police station on bryant. i went in, as i have done so many times, to report these pointers on my body. they did a photograph there. that is an official police photograph. there is one on my arm. this happens every day. thank you very much. i want you to help make the stocking stop and attacks on my
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body stop. -- the talkistalking stop and attacks on my body stop. president marshall: any further public comment? seeing none, thank you. we will move to item four, please. >> reports to the commission, under which 4a is the chief's report, b is the occ director's report, and c is the commission reports. president marshall: good evening, chief. >> our status for this week is we are down 9% year to date. we rocked a little around in the last week.
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total numbers are 28,901 violent crimes for 2009 against 26,271 property crimes down 10%. violent crime down 4%. in the last four-week cycle, as a rolling cycle, we are down 14% on total violent crime. that was primarily due to a very good week last week. last week, we had one of the lowest numbers of total violent crime for a seven-day period. it was very good. property crime is down 6%. that is a total of 14% down on violent crime and 6% down on property crime. the total is 7%. we are down to 9.3%.
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it looks like we are coming back up. other than that, [unintelligible] president marshall: any questions for the chief? thank you. good evening. >> good evening, members of the commission. i will reserve my comments for commissioner chan's report on today's press conference. other than that, i have nothing to report. president marshall: then we will move straight to commission reports. commissioner chan, since you just got introduced, why don't you get to this? >> this morning, we had a press conference for community-based organizations. the occ was an important part of
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that press conference. the chief honored us with his presence, along with the youth commission and sunset youth service. we issued a brochure. the brochures are in different languages. it is released by the commission. the commission in 2008 passed a general order in support of this. for the last couple of years, community-based organizations have met with the department to implement policy. one of the key pieces is making sure that community members understand what the policy is about. it boils down these have the documents into a two-page document that is translated to be available at district stations, on mthe sfpd website. it was a good turnout. it was at the clark referral
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center. that was also a great opportunity for the media and community to learn more about clark, which has been around for 10 years but moved to a new facility. i want to make sure i think sandra at the occ. she was very important. president marshall: would you mind sharing a little bit? thank you very much. any comments? >> i have to find the right microphone. members of the commission, it was my pleasure to participate in the press conference this morning. that was so ably organized by commissioner chan. i want to think this opportunity to thank, although she is no longer in the room, the policy analyst from the occ, who worked
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six years on this issue. this was an important item for you, the juvenile justice protocols, and juvenile stealing with police officers. -- juveniles dealing with police officers. this general order arose from negative contacts between police officers and juveniles. we received a complaint in the office of citizen complaints. as a result of collaboration between the police department, groups such as the asian law caucus, other members of the city and county family, the fruition is that we now have, as commissioner chan said, brochures in five languages. we have multi-lingual staff at the occ who were involved in the
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translation of the "know your rights" brochures. we had investigators to review that the russian, spanish, tagali, and chinese versions of the brochure. it is a very exciting day that all of the moving parts came together. we are just thrilled that after the department general order having been in effect for two years we are now seeing the hard launch of it. our work is not quite finished yet, because the occ as well as the community groups and the police department will be working on the next phase, which is the training. so thank you. president marshall: what
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languages are these index >> i think it is the common languages we use in san francisco. i do not speak all of them. vietnamese, chinese, russian, spanish, tagalic, and english. i thought it was me that we had two different youth groups review the language to make sure that you understand it. that is the key. there is no point handing them a brochure if they do not understand it. we made sure to boil down the key points so the commission can get two different community members who speak different languages. president marshall: thank you very much to you both. [laughter] >> this looks like a wonderful collaborative apart from a collaborative apart from a number of community
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