tv [untitled] September 16, 2010 1:00am-1:30am PST
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i hope that when you are meeting with parents and speaking about the zone that we break it down in a way that is not intimidating and actually has a real personal meaning to what is going to happen to their children in the transformation and what parents can expect. my next point is that we have been working very hard to give different services to reform what we do around parent engagement, bringing it to an empowerment model. some of the things you outlined that you may have in schools might be something different than what the system as a whole has said to support a cultural shift from dependency to empowerment. i wanted to keep you in mind that we should probably have updates about the direction of parent engagement so that it
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actually complement's what you are doing and supports what you are doing, so they work together. these children may not also be going to schools in this zone at three years from now, but we want our parents to be empowered and have a strong sense of efficacy wherever their children may go. the other thing is around the current engagement we already have existing cbos doing a lot of that work. i am glad to hear you are around the table with them and they are not being shut out of this process. today in our agenda we have mous and agreements with many of our cbos which support the direction you want to go with superintendent zones. looking at this, i am very hopeful, but i echo what
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commissioner norton said. i would like to see what it means on the ground. the only reason that i pushed back a little on it is these schools have been persistently and consistently lower performing. that have not been reaching their potential. we have a great opportunity here. we have also given this community, these communities, many false promises. we have failed in our promises multiple times. i think i need to remind this district of our failures. i am anxious about this. i am hopeful. i hope that we can get updated on a regular basis about it. i hope this is truly a reform them will be successful to transform not only our schools but the lives of our students that we have not been able to
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see it reached academic success. there is a lot in your hands. commissioner wynns: think you for the presentation. i was listening while doing something back there. i appreciate the work and the focus, which i think is important. i am entirely supportive of the idea that we needed to form these groups for schools that need extra help and support. this is an equity issue. things have not been equitable. there is an issue of federal government intervention. we have mixed feelings generally. what i wanted to do is ask if
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you can help us in an ongoing way for the board by setting up some way of communicating with us by e-mail, letting us know what is going on. i would particularly interested in those professional development opportunities, and some advice for when you think it might be helpful if we are available to show up to show support. i do not think it is appropriate for board farmers to be at all the meetings you have -- all board members to be at all the meetings you have. not only do i want to see how this is working and the potential implications, but also i think it is important for the people working at these schools to understand how important we think this is. if you can in the coming weeks figure out a way to do that, give us some advice. i would appreciate that.
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>> we would be glad to do that. commissioner yee: thanks for the report. i have been anxious to hear about these for a while now. a couple of things that would be helpful for me -- i would like to get an update of the organizational chart. i know you have given some organizational charts before, but it would be nice when i am walking to the schools that i see that. also, this thing between mthe zones -- that would be really helpful. a comment about your
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professional development and york cluster meetings you are having -- your cluster meetings you are having. i think they are great. the question in my mind is if indeed these were not successful and were meeting with each other to find out, are they hearing other ideas? do you have any plans to cross pollinate into other zones or possibly there are ideas that can use? i am not hearing that. you might take that into consideration. one of the things i have seen on the ground, more so this year than in previous years -- executive directors. i have seen several of them meeting with principleals.
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generally, when i am visiting, the principal would drop everything. in several cases, they did not seem to want to drop it. it was good there were engaged in the process. that is what i am sensing on the ground, immediately from the beginning of the school year. i guess it is to complement your efforts. that is sort of missing. i know you have talked about some of the cbos. from my point of view, when we talked about initially trying to look at the whole community, like bayview, and that was a priority for us last year, one of the things that stuck in my
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head was this is not just about the school issue. it is a community issue. it is about everything in the community. even though we are talking about cbos that can help the kids academically, we started with a few meetings and did not go too far in regards to -- how does the city get engaged in the other issues? maybe there are discussions about it that are not showing here. i think it is important that we do not isolate ourselves as an institution. the plan in the schools you have looks really good, but it is silly to think we can do everything by ourselves and not engage the city with some of the issues of families have.
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that is important to me. maybe you are doing that, but you did not mention it. >> i totally agree with the apparent agreement peace. we need to shift things where we are not looking at [unintelligible] it would be good if we looked outside at training that parents can get that would empower them. there are a bunch of organizations that do this type of work. commissioner yee: what is missing here is, again, how do we change the culture of the school to embrace the whole parent empowerment peaciece? if we do not do anything to change the culture of the school, nothing is going to happen.
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do you want to address any of these issues? >> yes, sir. maybe not daily, but weakly and sometimes daily, we meet with community-based organizations. we have had an education summit in bayview where community-based organizations were there. we have let them know that we are not dragging our feet. we are trying to first get the instructions started while we are meeting with them to see how they can contribute to what we actually need. we do know they can. commissioner yee: are you planning further community meetings like that for the city departments? >> we are. we are also meeting with the mayor's truancy program. i know we are meeting with the hunters point foundation, with
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the ymca, with all of these organizations. we are trying to get started first. we are supposed to have sort of a brainstorming session with some of the community-based organizations this week. i am, at least. >> we are about four weeks from the school year. this summer, most of it was spent on the streets. elements of this presentation -- we have been in dialogue the least in this last week with dozens of groups of parents, many of which have been enrolled in specifically the kinds of parent leadership institutes and groups that i am hoping will begin to form the troops of folks that will be engaged in our schools, having a clear understanding of what our reform effort is about. a lot of what is here on the slides were not on slides at the
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time when i got to rehearse it tonight. i have been hearing their concerns. a lot of what you are seeing here is based on some of what they have voiced. there are other voices that still remain to be heard as well. our community and neighborhood organizations and neighborhood agencies, many of which have longstanding partnerships -- we have made a commitment to meet around the table no less than monthly. we know and we have models across the country, like the harlem children sound. the think we can learn lessons there. -- like the harlem children's zone. we think we can learn lessons there. we know we cannot do it without the community. >> truancy is a huge issue in many of the schools.
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i have actually met a couple of our prutruant students. what is the next step? i do not want the police coming in picking them up. what do i do when i meet these students? they go to the schools in both of your zones. >> you can always call emily weighed thompson -- wadwade thompson. she is our community outreach supervisor. she will call the school and the parents. >> talking to the students it is more they do not want to go to the school that are out right now, whether because of a fight or some issue. they want another placement.
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>> that is for students support services. >> i know you told us a couple of months ago. every team has someone from hr to deal with the teacher. who is in everyone's team again? >> our area teams are quite lean. each of the assistant superintendents has a right hand person, an executive director for instruction. we have started off the school year with a few content specialist. we are working with the teachers in our school sites. bayview has a director for community our reach. the mission team has yet to identify that person. when you look at the team expanded, if you think about the centro contacts, we grow that team to about three dozen. we have a specific lead person to help us in all of those
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areas which our principals and families can rely on. we have several other key professionals that will help us to serve the schools. we are hoping that attendance is an important area we need to have capacity to do. i am right now trying to work with our students support services to make sure we have bilingual folks who can help us with that effort. >> we do have an independent liaison in the bayview district. president kim: i know we talked about this. the piece i am most concerned with more than what the plan looks like is that we need a comparison. i would love to see an educational placement center in mission that is very accessible to the families so they can learn about process and how to apply and all of that. that is something i would love
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to see in the plans. i note that this is a planning. period for extended learning and all of those things. in essence, the board has prioritized certain priorities -- restored to justice, parent engagement, and english-language learners. -- restorative justice. it would be great if we could help to realize some of these priorities in the schools. that was meant to close our achievement and opportunity gap. a lot more details on -- maybe the best of what we want, lowering our expulsions and suspensions, parent engagement, english language learning. that could be realized so we can launch them in other schools.
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the thing that would be the best place for us to implement a lot of these initiatives. having that be more specific would be helpful. also, something that would be helpful for me is what the goals are that we hope to accomplish every year, even if we achieve them or do not achieve them, just to know that we can measure whether these are working. we want to lower truancy by 10%. we want to lower expulsions by 5%. at the end of the year, we know whether we are meeting our goals are not. it does not mean that if we do not meet them wheat were unsuccessful, but at least we know what is possible and have a means to keep us accountable to what we are promising the community. in terms of the parent empowerment, we definitely want alignment to the plan we have
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been working on. i really wonder how we can do a lot more parent visits. obviously, i would love our staff to do this as well. if we are empowering parents and community based organizations, but they can help us reach out. there are parents who are not protected to anything -- no organization or a school. the only way we can reach out to them is by knocking on their doors. i think that is the feedback i had. my other question -- are the working with all the schools in the superintendent zone? is that what was meant by the community's schools approach? >> it was helpful in having
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their technical assistance as we engage the communities around the sig. new day off helps us think about the community's schools approach. we have continued to attend their functions and to get one on one support making sure we approach that. >> last night, we attended a meeting and committed to knocking on doors. we also committed to having epc come out to the bayview zone to help. a lot of the things you are saying we did not mention in detail. president kim: the board is just hungry for all this information. we want more and more. [applause] -- [laughter] i think that is it for now in terms of questions.
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thank you so much for the presentation. are there more questions and comments from staff? >> i just wanted to clarify -- are the superintendent zones schools mainly in mission and bayview, or does it struck out two different districts? >> they are mainly in the bayview and mission, but we have two schools that are not -- john muir and paul revere. commissioner yee: could i follow up on my question about the cross pollination? >> we absolutely decided to do that back in june. we have not started to do it yet. right now, we are using our tsas that our experts for doing professional development and not counting on teachers within the
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zone to do it. >> another important way we communicate our efforts across the district -- the deputy affords us opportunities to meet regularly with our colleagues assistant superintendents and teams so we can share practice there. president kim: just one more thing about student assignments. i suggested this earlier, but it would be great to have parent leaders. they understand each other's frustrations and can communicate with one another around the process. i think we really need to have zones dedicated to those families. i know that is additional work. i think our reach is so important. >> last night at the meeting, chablis was there.
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she and emily are going door to door along with someone from jump. president kim: seeing no more comments, thank you so much. moving on to item n, calendar resolutions. there are nine tonight. now item o, consent calendar. >> akin to the meeting late. -- i came to the meeting late. k-14? >> we would like to move for first reading to item 109-k14 and 109-14k16. those are on page 101 and 105.
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our assistance superintendent for special education is unfortunately out of town. we know there are questions and would like to be able to answer them. if we sever them for first reading, get your questions, get them answered, we will bring them back for action at the next meeting. >> those are the translation once. i also want to make sure she is aware of the feedback from the members of the public we got that is in or folders. president kim: there will be removed for first reading and will come back to us at the next board meeting. a vote on consent calendar item has already been moved and seconded. [roll call] ms> ms. mendoza left her vos
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in a written statement. she is voting aye on all except [list] commissioner norton: yes. commissioner wynns: yes. president kim: yes. what about commissioner fewer? president kim: item p. consent calendar resolution severed for speakers and immediate action. we will hear kate first. commissioner wynns: i severed this as an example.
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i have had this discussion with all the deputy superintendents. i do not have a problem with this contract. however, i think i made reference to it at an earlier meeting. i started the practice of reviewing before the meeting all the administratively approved resolutions. we had questions about how in my work. this is only one example. there are others where in this agenda there was a contract on the board agenda for items for us to vote on. all those items are on the administratively approved list. my concern is that what we have got are things on the same agenda which cumulatively go above the threshold. when we talked about there being a cumulative threshold that would bar administrative of provo, we presume, all of us --
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would bar administrative approval, we assumed, all of us , that they would be removed in time. we do not have a mechanism for doing this. there are items on the administrative late approved list which are not on the same agenda, which in a previous meeting we approve large contract for contractors. now smaller contractors with that same contract appear on the administratively approved list. we do not even have a list on people's desks. some of them are kind of obvious. that is why in bringing that up. we need to develop such a mechanism. since my discussion yesterday, it occurred to me that i would like device. we might put it on the rules committee or the budget
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committee. we definitely need discussion for how to do this. what we anticipated is not working. now we have some examples. >> i would like to specifically request that the legal counsel provide us with draft language for the next meeting in october. i think we need to get on this. commissioner wynns: i am sure there does need to be some regulation, but the issue is for a technical one as far as i am concerned. that does not mean i do not want to regulation. but i am asking before we discuss this wherever we discuss it, somebody has to tell us how this could actually happen. we have made the presumption that they would happen in some way. we do not have a mechanism for this to work. this group of administratively approved contracts alone has revealed huge loopholes if they
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are on the same agenda and add up above the threshold. obviously one of the problems is the people who initiative contracts. if they came from the same person's desk the might be able to know that. but some school the months to hire this contractor and pay them $8,000 -- school who wants to hire this contractor and pay them $8,000, but they do not know where they are relative to the threshold. i hope there will be at that venue -- tell us where we are going to get some technical issue of how it is gone to work. president kim: i do not want another board meeting where we are asked to approve contracts that could in the same meeting
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go over the threshold. until there is a regulation in place of want to ask staff to monitor us and not administratively approve resolutions that could put it over the threshold. the board was very clear when we said we were raising the threshold. we wanted to watch and make sure there were not loopholes for this to be abused. this is a huge loophole. i am very concerned. commissioner fewer: the staff think they can grab something over the next few weeks? >> just to see if commissioner norton is in agreement, the policy is already written. but you are looking for is a computer mechanism that will flag the same -- what you are looking for is a computer mechanism tha
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