tv [untitled] September 19, 2010 10:30pm-11:00pm PST
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very good. we will continue this to the call of the chair. very good. madam clerk, please read the next item. >> item 5, update on the marin cca program. >> just wanted to give you a very quick update on what has been going on. unfortunately, their staff could not make it down here today, but i did talk to the person in charge of their program, and she gave me some quick updates to relate to you. they have completed the first phase. their model was 20% top-out, and that was pretty close to their modeling, so they had a very good model put in place and are running their program very smoothly. the second phase will be starting in january of 2012, so we potentially at least could beat them to have all their customers served before serving all of there's so we can get our program up and running quickly
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enough. just as a side note, they are going to be going on with an rfp/rfo process to start building in northern california as part of the process. one thing they are actually doing is they have with their power provided the ability to switch out any power that they want to as they bring their own power online, so they will be going to bid on a different process for solar. they are also looking at copying sacramento's solar share program, and they want that built directly in marin so people who cannot but solar in their own roof or do not own the building, can buy into a panel someplace else and be able to help get their own solar directly from that. they have had -- they're technical committee is also look -- looking at a tariff program to allow for people who overproduce on their own buildings to help out, do more
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solar. they have been having problems, however. on the good side problem, they have an option to choose to have 100% clean energy. right now, they are offering 24% or 25%. you can buy at a premium, but the problem is that too many people want to be in the program, so for a short time, they went to a waitlist, and people have now been put into the program, so their problem was they did not buy enough extra green energy for the programs, so it is a good problem for them to have. they have since corrected it. they number of people back that want 100% clean. some of the other problems, they have been communicating both with the puc and with us about some of the problems, how the bills are going out. one of the problems they had was that they have bills going up. while the bill was corrected,
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the bottom, and it was correct on the generation line, and there were other places where the bundled rate was still listing their rates and their structure because it was in some other part of the bill. they were not correcting all those things quickly enough. they have been working with the ptuc to get some of these errors corrected. they also have problems with the pg&e customer service center not getting accurate information, such as now that the oft-out time has ended for them, the 60- startup has ended, and one that was calling after the was wondering if they could go back to marin energy authority. they were being told yes, but they were never told there is a three-year waiting time before you can do that. people talked of the things they're doing, because we could make sure those errors are hopefully corrected. so we are keeping track of that. that is the basics of my update.
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i might need to take the notes down and get back to you if there is more technical stuff that i know at this point. supervisor mirkarimi: is it just a two-tiered program of 100%? what is the other? 25%? >> i believe it is 25% with what their entry level program gets. but there is a second where if you want to opt into with, you can buy 100% clean. >> what is the price point on the 25% green? >> it is the same price. supervisor mirkarimi: 100% is how much over the pg&e price? >> i believe it is dependent upon what kind of customer base you are in. if i remember correctly, i would like the average residential user somewhere between $5 or $10 more than what you are paying. supervisor mirkarimi: is the
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sole provider of the mea program still shell? >> yes. supervisor mirkarimi: when they contract out on the solar side, will it be someone else? >> it could be anybody. they want to be the owners, so they would find someone to build it, and they would become the owners of the property. whether they do it directly, that is still to be determined once they get it back. supervisor mirkarimi: hal is shell being received in a forward thinking area like marin? >> - understanding, based on discussions, there were some folks that were very upset that shell was there provider because there are things they do internationally and outside of their area, but for the most part, obviously, they have 80% of the folks still in a program, so most people are willing to accept that shell locally is
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willing to do what pg&e is not, which is give us a better energy mix. >> leading up to the campaign in the june election, separate of proposition 16, there has been a review by the california public interfering with marin. what is the status of that? >> my understanding, they have not done anything outside of the big rules as far as people try to opt out, probably because the cop-out time has now ended. not aware any new faces of that, but like a said, the customer service center does not always have the correct service information. that is something they are constantly monitoring and reporting back. supervisor mirkarimi: mr. campbell, and have a question for you. on our own rfo/rfp program for a
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potential bidder, we had mentioned some time ago that we would tear toward the green and lush green option as well when we were talking about what we would be able to provide potentially for residential/commercial customers, right? >> yes, the rfp, as you recall, has the additional bid item, but there is an opportunity for firms to provide their thoughts and ideas. in light green/dark green option. supervisor mirkarimi: share, emerald and chartreuse and forest green -- sure. even if the price point is a little bit green and on par with pg&e, but a lot more grain is that much more, with that not be sort of the same schematic that we would assign our pricing
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as well? >> could be. one thing to recall is that marin's programs specifically targeted the hawaii users in the higher tiers, the sort of thing they are struggling with has they have rejiggered some of the tears -- tiers. at launch, they were the same rates, but now, they are slightly higher. supervisor mirkarimi: those be in residential and commercial? >> that is residential only. we have been very clear in terms of seeking bidders to provide ideas about how they might do phasing, whether they will target certain customer groups and would benefit that may have for either pricing, were ability or just risk mitigation in terms of op outs and those kinds of things. marin had a very specific model they were going after of seeking
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residential users and having those be part of their first phase3n> i have nothing else to add. >> january 2012 is when i believe the second phase is rolled in. supervisor mirkarimi: the theory would be the based on the success of the first phase, that would help inform the potential marketing to recruit for the second phase customers, correct? >> i believe so. i believe that was part of their logic. i believe they have several different reasons, but that was part of it. also, it was easier for them to get started enrolling, making sure they get all the kinks out of the system. the problems they had before they do the mass of rollout. supervisor mirkarimi: but pg&e can also anticipate the second phase as well and try to
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interfere, curtail, or compete with that process. >> according to cpuc, they should not, but we have seen them ignore that in the past. supervisor mirkarimi: very good. thank you for that report. colleagues, questions or comments? seeing none, thank you. public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. if it is ok, can we continue this to the call of the chair? without objection, very good. madam clerk, please read items 6 and 7. >> item 6, establishment of regular meeting dates through 2011. item seven, executive officer's report. supervisor mirkarimi: ok. >> you have in front of you a memo that outlines availability for the remainder of this year and looking at doing the fourth friday of next year is just a permit regular date that we would need, based on city
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discussions, we can take advice, and i would recommend we meet october 20 2 cents all the members are available in the river right now. we would have to leave that open based on the discussion we had about when to do a joint meeting, making sure we get the right date safer -- set for that. the one question i would have is if for some reason, we are not able to do a joint meeting around getting a final score because for the best interest of the program there is a two or three-week delay, which means we are not to the end of november because he cannot give a final answer to the top scorer of the bidding is, whether or not what we want to do with the november meeting, and then, we have december 10 seems to be the date that works best for everyone for that, and going into 2011, before friday is a very good day for everybody. i just wanted to make sure you were aware of in february, the fourth friday is the friday --
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that monday is president state. this current year, while the board of supervisors has not determined its schedule, this year, they have that week off, so i did not know if you wanted to meet on the friday. we have met on a week where the board was not meeting. just wanted to make you aware of that. in may, the 27 is the friday before memorial day. i do not know if you want to be meeting going into a three-day weekend or not. that will be the choice to make. the other question is in august, traditionally, that will be when the board has their august recess. traditionally, lafco has taken on august off altogether. in november, before friday is thanksgiving. the other three fridays in that month -- the fourth is actually when the coastal commission will be meeting in november, so i know we have two commissioners on that. the 11th is veterans day. city hall is close.
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that only leaves the 18th, the friday before thanksgiving week, for us to meet if we wanted to meet in november 2011, were we could meet on the fourth is the coastal commissioners were so inclined to do so. then, in december, we have the 23rd is the fourth friday, which is two days prior to christmas, so i do not know what the commission feels about reading on that friday, which would be going into a long weekend as well. just so you are aware, the coastal commission, what we're doing -- the board also goes into recess normally the last two or three weeks of december for the holidays, so not sure once again if you want to meet earlier in that month like we're doing this time or meeting in the second week. the coastal commission actually is meeting in san francisco from december 7 to the ninth, so that would be the second week of december, and there could potentially be a conflict, but it is here in san francisco, so if they are done in the day, because the commissioners the
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serve on this board could be done as well. supervisor mirkarimi: we are actually meeting here in the chamber. >> so that would not be advisable. the 10th is fine. if we are here, we are here. so we are established. >> ok, so that is my recommendation and suggestion and take your lead to if you want to change any of the fridays or what you want to do. supervisor mirkarimi: colleagues, any preferences? it has been working on the ad hoc informal scheduling basis because of the top cs/3 way we have been trying to grapple with cca program moving forward and interference with pg&e and needs of moving forward, but having regular pre-set dates as always preference. supervisor avalos: heretofore, we have not had a regular schedule? supervisor mirkarimi: before this year, we had. it was on a regular friday -- fourth or third. >> before my time, but i think
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it was the fourth friday. supervisor avalos: i like, during our legislative break, i think it made sense because we expect there to be some members here who would be out, so we can carry that tradition. where there is a holiday week, the board does not need. the board of supervisors does not meet. i could see another friday in that month. use of february was -- >> february was the only one with monday as a holiday. supervisor avalos: i could see me believing that one open to schedule if we need to have one. finding another friday. and then, the memorial day weekend is a three-day weekend. i am probably ok, but maybe we
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could meet earlier in the day. i know that could be complicated for other members, but it might be able to assure we have a meeting, but we still have the afternoon buying case before leaving town. >> my request is we traditionally meet in the afternoon because of the public members who have a job, so i would just want to get feedback from them, is a morning meeting with impact their ability to get here. supervisor mirkarimi: i think it is a good guide posts. i did not know if it will just the case by case. we will have to flow as a closer to those months to see if this is going to work or not, engage the commission. does that sound right? >> sure, so we could have some regularly scheduled meetings and some that are floating? supervisor mirkarimi: some of it will be predicated based on what happens with this process as
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well, so i think we should strive for the fourth fridays, and as you said, there will be some days where they want to adjust the timing of it, not be in the afternoon, and engage the commission to see if that will work for a morning meeting, or whatever the timeframe might be, but let's do our best to keep to a scheduled for friday. the joint committee meetings and others -- that is where things become more out of the inshore and mary -- more out of the extraordinary. very good. thank you for that. is there anything else on meetings that we need to know about? no? ok, it sounds like for the remainder of this year, we have -- it sounds like two meetings potentially. ms. miller? >> just by motion, if you could establish the fourth friday of the month as your regular meeting date. >> so will.
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-- so moved. supervisor mirkarimi: very good. second it. we take that without objection. a week. i called those items together. >> no report. >> very good. any public comment? very good, public comment is closed. back to the boats. without objection, we will take this on for friday. thank you. please read the next two items. >> item 8, public comment for items not on the agenda, and item nine, future agenda items. supervisor mirkarimi: all right. any topics? anything you would like to talk about? anything at all? not on the agenda. ok. no future items not on the agenda to be discussed and no future agenda items, colleagues?
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ok, item is closed, and we will continue that to the call of the chair. madam clerk. >> content is adjournment. supervisor mirkarimi: everybody, have the yom kippur, and for those interested later on, and a several offices here are interested in hosting arts, and i encourage people to come up on their way to temple at 7:14 when sunset is or wherever they may be going with their family, the force of, maybe stop by and see some of the arts. have a great weekend. if you would like to come to district 5 and sunday streets on sunday, our first sunday streets, come and play with us in district 5, western edition japan town on sunday streets. this meeting is now adjourned. thank you.
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>> hello. 9 judge terri l. jackson. the court is now recruiting prospective civil grand jurors. our goal is to develop a pool of candidates that is inclusive of all segments of our city's population. >> the jury conducts investigations and publishes findings and recommendations. these reports them become a key part of the civic dialog on how we can make san francisco a better place to live and work. >> i want to encourage anyone that is on the fence, is considering participating as a grand jury member, to do so. >> so if you are interested in our local city government and would like to work with 18 other enthusiastic citizens committed to improving its operations, i encourage you to consider applying for service on the civil grand jury. >> for more information, visit
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the civil grand jury website at or call >> i work with the department of environment and we are recycling oil. thank you. we can go into a refinery and we can use it again. they do oil changes and sell it anyway, so now they know when a ticket to a. hal>> to you have something you want to get rid of?
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>> why throw it away when you can reuse it? >> it can be filtered out and used for other products. >> [speaking spanish] >> it is going to be a good thing for us to take used motor oil from customers. we have a 75-gallon tank that we used and we have someone take it from here to recycle. >> so far, we have 35 people. we have collected 78 gallons, if not more. these are other locations that you can go. it is absolutely free. you just need to have the location open. you are set to go.
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