tv [untitled] September 21, 2010 7:30am-8:00am PST
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most egregious vacancies, most long-term. many of them have been vacant for 10 or 20 years. we did outreach and asked the owners what we could do and what the situation was. as i recall up to this point, we have never received a single response back. so we have been working on this. >> i don't know if i have the right audio or not. >> i just have two comments. questions. one is the difficulties with the canton ese population, can you lab late on that? >> have you heard of the renaissance center of entrepreneurship? they offer a 10-week course in business planning and launching
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a business. we don't have anything like that in cantonese, for people who are mono lingual. this is one example. we have a variety of programs that we offer, and very few of them are accessible by contonese speakers. we do have strong programs available in the spanish language. this has been an issue for us. i am happy to report that just in the last six months or so, we have been working with the small business development center, and they have brought on someone who speaks mandarin and canton eese. his name is lawrence liu, and he is acting as a translator as needed or to connect clients with what they need.
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there is still a lot of progress to be made. i am hoping that within two years from now, we will be able to point to a much more complete stable of services for that population. >> and then my second observation is the p.d.r., no technical assistance is currently being offered specifically to what is considered production distribution and rare. is there a plan to address that at this point? >> well, as i mentioned, we are partnering now -- just as of this summer, we made a grant to an organization called s.f. made. they are specifically reaching out to businesses that have production within san francisco . they are providing a variety of technical assistance. they are mostly helping organizations with marketing, but also with h.r., with planning. >> ok. now for me, that is a very small, narrow band of -- you
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know, that is a very targeted and small narrow band of what is production distribution and rare. like film production, or commercial television production. it's a much bigger spectrum of businesses, small, medium and large, that foul into that category. it stood out for me because i began my time on the commission with a back street report. was that 2006 or 2007? >> it was 2007 actually. >> so it was completed in 2007, and it has been to my discouragement actually, not much was ever done with that report. a great deal of time, effort and money was put into that report, and very few of the
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recommendations ever seemed to come up or be followed through on. i am a little discouraged about that. >> i am sorry for steng out, but i wanted to ask. had you seen that report? >> yes, i had. i found it to be really informative. it informed my work and research questions. i appreciate that feedback. we are taking positive first steps, but i concede they are certainly only first steps. >> but they seem to be the same hit on the wheel. the wheel comes, and that first step has been taken repeatedly, and it isn't really to you i should address it. it is to our legislators that i should reserve my comments for because these reports are issued, and legislators don't seem to be able to integrate them very well with policy, and they don't follow through on those policies because they are
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always on to the next thing, the item dujure as opposed to the difficulty of the long-term planning process. it's a barrier. our legislative process is actually a barrier. thank you. >> thank you very much. anymore questions or comments? >> yes. i would just add that i think this is great, and i appreciate how much work you put into it. it was a great presentation, and that i, too, was happy to see p.d.r. included in this study because that is an area where the city could really grow an artisan -- in particular, an artisan based manufacturing sector. i was on that task force that created that report, and it was a great report and great that
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supervisor maxwell helped author or trigger it. it is true that not much happened after it, but maybe with somebody like you in the office -- it is not that we can all of a sudden say we don't care about biotech, but we are going after p.d.r. we have to go after both, not one or the other. this city in particular was incredibly strong in furniture design in the mid 90's and early 90's, and had a lot of -- you know, the annual new york design shows, san francisco was well represented by small manufacturers, none of whom exist any more. there was very little kind of effort that followed through with that early development.
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it would have been great if the city had something like that. of course that was then and this is now, and hopefully you will be able to help implement some new changes. >> i appreciate that feedback. i can say that the eowd, when i came on, they did immediately give me that report, and they are very conscious of the recommendations therein, even though it may not show. it is not something that went on a shelf and got ignored. people are still thinking about and talking about p.d.r. there is real potential for a great economic impact even for just one small business that can create 20 jobs. a lot of those jobs can go to people without a college degree, and they -- and that can have a great economic impact for san francisco.
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i appreciate the feedback. i am going to hand out my card. i would love to hear additional feedback in the future particularly around the issue of filling vacancies as that is something i am going to be spending a fair amount of time in the future. >> what professor at cal did you work primarily with when you wrote wrote your dissertation? >> i worked primarily with karen chapel. >> thank you. please let us know if there is anything we can do to help with the recommendations you have. and you come back and give us an update on some of your progress. >> i will. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. public comment? seeing none, it is closed.
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next item, please. >> commissioners, item number 15, director's report. >> commissioners, i need to make a correction to last month's report on the numbers for the small business assistance center. i had reported that our july numbers -- we were down from last year, but what that happened as we went back and took a closer look at it was that we had interns last summer, and they back filled some of the case reports that we had when we first opened the small business assistance center, and we were not using sales force. so they were data entering it. somehow those got in under the july numbers. that is why it was higher. but we did go back and took a look at the full year from 2010
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to 2009 and we are actually up 18% in the number of business counseling cases that we are seeing. that is a pretty significance increase. jobs now, the mayor's effort to continue to keep this on the forefront, held a press conference week before lost and has been working with other mayors throughout the country who have implemented this program to kind of keep it alive and keep the attention going. today in the department head meeting the person that we work with in washington, d.c. has said that the likelihood is because of what is happening with the elections and both the house and senate coming back,
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there is going to be a short legislative session. so the best we can possibly hope for is -- there could be a possibility of a continuing resolution and then having them come back and revisit it after the sledge liaison recess -- legislative recess. but that is still an unknown. so if it does make it into a continuing resolution, then that may mean the funding is there, but it is still a real unknown. if that doesn't happen, then the senate is not going to hear this before they go into recess . what she has reported is they are likely to go into recess in late october because of the election season. so, we are still at the same place. and as i said, the mayor is doing everything that he possibly can in addition to rallying with other mayors
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around the country to keep this attention alive. in your packet as part of our programs we have now completed the english version of our starting a small business. we do have this on p.d.f. on the website, and we are just about done with the translation into spanish and chines. and hopefully -- by the next commission meeting, i will have those book let's for you. we are about to launch the shoppach s.f. get more campaign. this is the campaign around the holiday season, of which we promote outside the city to the nine bay area counsel and everyone to come to san francisco to do their holiday shopping, and for people from san francisco to stay in the
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city to do holiday shopping. there is a lot of businesses -- i am going to say entertainment, but attractions i should say, like going to alcatraz, or the aquarium by the bay. there are going to be opportunities for individuals in the city who have family members visiting to engage in these at a discount. you will be receiving an announcement. just so you are aware of what we are sending out to the merchants to encourage them to participate in the shoppach s.f. get more campaign, we are looking at a launch or kick-off date of december 1, but i will keep you apriced of that as more of those details are confirmed. the legislation -- you have received legislation regarding
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push carts and some reforms that are going to be happening around that. there is still some additional work that need to take place on this, which is why it is not officially coming before the commission. we will get a briefing at the policy committee meeting, although there is still some more work that is happening. i'm not sure if we are going to have the work done in time for it to come before the full commission in october, but hopefully november it will be pretty well ready to go. but that is very exciting. and then as some commissioners are aware, we are now starting to see an increase in what we have termed the a.b.a.
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lawsuits. so we are working with some of the businesses in the mission. there may be a potential to find some legal assistance either at a fairly low cost. so we will be working on that as well. i do have some possible considerations that i'm going to be bringing forward to the outreach committee of stronger preemtiff -- preemptive measures we can legislate to help the businesses, but i will be discussing that with the outreach committee this month. then also the mayor launched -- this last month he launched the truancy program working with the merchants. they are targeting the merchant
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corridors that have the highest truancy rate. the mayor did a merchant walk along the lower 24th street, encouraging businesses to put signs in their windows just to encourage kids to stay in school. this one is done in spanish. and to pass out stickers to either put at the registers or for them to be able to have so that they could secretly -- discreetly call the tarp, which is the truancy assessment and research center. it is important for our economy to have well educated kids, the tarc center is new in the last
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couple of years to combine working with the police, the schoolistic and to provide a more holistic approach to working with kids who are truant to get them back into school, and looking at what their individual issues are to help keep them in school. it is taylored towards the individual student in terms of what their needs are going to be. so, in the past it has been -- you know, if you called the police, the police didn't have a place to take them. there hadn't been a unified effort in terms of dealing with kids who are truant. the last sort of piece to the pie is working with the merchants and kind of taking -- it takes a village to raise the kids, and having the merchants kind of be part of the eyes and
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ears to support the kids. then i'm not sure if all of you are aware, but last week the board of supervisors was to hold a meeting due to an error in posting -- due to an error in posting, that meeting could not take place. what was scheduled for that meeting was the outcall recovery fee. that was not heard. so that will be heard tomorrow. supervisor avalos will be submitting some amendments around fee collection for larger entities who may have their distribution outside. so in the distributor or the wholesaler sends -- deals with a distribution site outside of the city, then the entity picks it up themselves and brings it
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into the city. well, the wholesaler doesn't really know how much of what they are distributing to that site is going to be going into san francisco or elsewhere around the bay area. this would put the onerous on the retailer to pay the fee. yes? >> for clarification, supervisor avalos is submitting an amendment that will require the retailer to pay the fee. >> in the special circumstances where you have a large entity and their distribution center is outside the city, and so the wholesaler or the distributor does not come into the city and deliver to each of those sites.
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take a large grocery store offense. their distributions center is out in tracy. the wholesaler distributor drops off the order in tracy. they don't know how much of that is going to be going into san francisco, or to oakland or what have you. so to be able to collect the fee from them -- it is going to be more difficult, right? then this large entity has their own trucks ship in the product into the city. that retailer is the only one that knows how much of that product is coming from the distribution site into the city. so the tax and treasurer's office in those situations will be collecting the fee from the
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retailer. >> ok, is it possible to receive before the hearing tomorrow an example of how that works? because it was my understanding that all alcoholic beverages are tied to licenses, specific licenses to specific addresses, and that wholesalers and distributors have to keep those on record, where they are shipping what to. >> i hear what you are saying, and this was the explanation that i was given -- >> i watched that hearing from the last budget committee, and there was a definite confusion in that meeting. so i'm not surprised there is a bit of commution here. supervisor avalos indicated that that particular problem of
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tracking where the goods came in. they used the exact if somebody delivered from fremont. commissioner avalos is that should have been addressed. but a speaker testifying at that hearing said that issue is still unresolved. so there is confusion, and i am not surprised there is confusion with what we are trying to explain tonight. i was not clear on the concern and what the solution would be. i guess we will find out tomorrow. >> and it could very well be that this is being added to ensure that any sort of -- that all avenues are accounted for as a means for the city to be able to collect a fee as well. and then the other two
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amendments are making some modifications that in case prop 26 does pass, that it is the c.p.i. index increase and removing the five-year nexus study. if prop 26 does pass, we can't do another nexus study in five years. so they are making those changes to ensure they have an implemented means of doing regular increases from here on out should prop 26 pass. >> just for clarification for the public, it is the opinion of the city attorney that these are not substantive amendments? >> i have been informed, yes, these are not substantive amendments and so can be introduced and voted on by the
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board tomorrow. >> and because they are not substantive -- sorry, i don't pronounce that very often -- because they are not, will public comment be allowed or not? on the amendments? >> i will have to clarify that for you. >> thank you. >> at this point that concludes my report. >> thank you. next item, please. >> commissioners, item number 16, legislative and policy committee report. >> we have covered most of what we covered in our committee meeting, but i did want to make a brief comment that we had a presentation by someone from the community justice court
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kind of letting us know how that operated, also in the context if it doesn't pass, we go through supervisor chiu's recommendations. wented to get more information on how that would work. i thought it was very informative. it sound like a great program. i am a little unclear as to how it would apply in a sense to the problems that we are addressing, which is that most of those are ordinances that are being violated and therefore don't come under the purview of the community justice court system. i am still unclear as to what type of new system would be in place if we are to address those infractions that will be
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continuing to occur if it does not pass. it was very informative. once again, i thought it was a great program, but i'm not quite sure how it will address those problems in the commercial districts. that is the end of my report. >> thank you. next item, please. >> commissioners, item number 17, permitting committee report. >> yes, commissioners. last month i deferred to this month that i would do a report back to you, so i want to include some stuff from the last two meetings. the first of which was on july 16th. we kind of regrouped and sort of strategized on our goals and objectives going through for the rest of the year. we also created a mission statement that is posted on the
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website. if it is not already there, it will be. i would like to read it. the mission of the small business commission's permitting committee is to oversee the commission's streamlining projects and review permit related issues and concerns raised by the small business community. the economy provide staff direction on permitting issues and makes recommendations to the small business commission on policies related to permitting. annually the permitting committee will review the s.b.c.'s strategy plans and identify items for implementation. that is our mission statement to give clarity to the purpose of that committee. in that meeting we talked about goals, objectives and other ideas that would come up. one of them is we have somewhat discussed or partly discussed this evening having a joint commission hearing with the planning commission.
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i am also hopeful of maybe including the building inspection commission and actually having a real brainstorming session involving those three commissions. i think there is a lot of overhappen, and i think it might be helpful to have -- even though there are logistical obstacles to overcome with a meeting of that size, it would be worth it for examining issues that all three of those commissions coffer. in particular our permit committee, one of the issues is permit streamlining. i think the d.b.i. may be ahead on what they might implement in the future for a permitting process. it might be a centralized and online tracking system. it might be helpful to have them down. i am not sure exactly when it
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will be, but i am working on it. the other issues that we kind of talked about on that meeting was online filing and payments, and consolidated statements. toward that end, the director was working -- well, that along with the push cart and mobile food vendor permitting process, which the director discussed earlier in her report. other items we will be talking is the cab soft story initiative. i intend to participate in a meeting, and i will report back to the commission on where they are at the next commission meeting. we talked about the impact of the impact fees, pardon the pun, on the eastern neighborhoods plan. we wondered about the possibility of spreading the fees out a bit instead of making them lump sum figures, which might
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