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tv   [untitled]    September 21, 2010 11:30am-12:00pm PST

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understanding that forges the partnership. sexual assault victims, we provide information with child abuse and exploitation, working closely with child protective services. domestic violence, we have a variety of services that we hand out on a daily basis. as a matter of fact we have advocates that work at the hall of justice. right there in the office with us. we have the new visa program that we're working with so that we can extend to people that are victims of crimes. the elder abuse, of course, we spoke about the forensic center and we have a partnership with
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them. we're working closely with a variety of organizations regarding hate crimes. we have a whole list of services. information that we give out to parents, talking about preventing becoming involved in a gang. the last one is the economic crime unit, there are many victims of financial crimes that to not have the resources necessary to be compensated. now, our department contacts other agencies and makes notifications when required by law, such as elder abuse and child abuse and working closely with adult protective services. the department provides training during a variety of times tested on available
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services during academy training when they have, provided to victims and for roll-call in the setting. we have release stepped up on training with regards to cultural awareness, diversity training, language access cards. for example, in the victims' rights bill, when it was put into law in 2008, we called for services. one of the things i would like to point out is that we have a comprehensive policy that is progressive requiring officers, when encountering a person that
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lights began language other than english, getting a certified interpreter to help with this. we have access to about 140 languages through the language line if necessary. we also have officers with language personnel if needed. , including english, spanish, and chinese. a question was posed -- where are the gaps. one of the reasons we are here today is to talk about the services and how we can come together to make sure that we are communicating and working together. one of the gaps of wanted to
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point out was technology. you might have mentioned where we might be able to track all the resources available to us through technology, often police officers on every call for service handout resource information. but we never know whether or not the victims avail themselves to the services. that would be one idea i might have in which we could bring it together. as i can conclude, preventing a we-victimization is an essential function of a police officer. with that i will be more than happy to take any questions you might have. supervisor chiu: it is fair to say that many of the gaps, we
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often mount up with questions for the police department. anecdotally from any crime victims i hear the they do not reporting when crimes are committed. can you talk about knowing for sure that officers on the streets are providing the right information to folks? >> it is our policy, when we respond, we are required to provide resource information. i do not have independent knowledge to say that i incident -- certain areas we are or are not, but i know that we see it being done and i have witnessed it in the field. whether it is domestic violence or financial crimes, the officers are quick to reach into their books and pockets to pass
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this information out. we have made it so simple for them that we have put together small versions of information to fit in there citation book. i believe that we are giving out the information. supervisor chiu: i would love to get a copy of this so that i can get an idea of what is being distributed. as distributed to many victims in town, i am aware that this document is provided and there is nothing in. about where they can go in the city in terms of getting information from our agencies. >> today i will have a package in the office regarding information.
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supervisor chiu: there has been much discussion about the protocols around sex crimes, financial crimes, particular kinds of egregious crimes where a lot of work has been done to help those victims. my sense is that it is more the typical, violent street crimes that may not fall into those categories but those are the ones that i can hear victims hearing like to do not have recourse. very conscious of giving information, we do train officers, saying good luck with this situation you just became a victim of, but doing more. our officers are required to provide all necessary information regarding violent crimes, something standing out at me being not only the marcy
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card but also the victims assistance program. i know that from my beginning days as a police officer, where a person was a big damn of violent crime and compensation, officers are trained on this. a perfect example of an officer giving information. supervisor chiu: can be translated for different types of victims? >> it is translated into english, spanish, chinese, russian. i might be missing some, but some of the primary language is, we have these cards. officers, what they do is they reach into their bag, find the right language, given out to a victim. supervisor chiu: thank you.
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i have to reiterate that we have dozens of victims we have spoken to who have not been provided with any information from any city department, particularly three -- from the officers that interacted with them. in terms of thinking about accountability and directing the victims to the right place, it is something as a city that we need to do a better job with. any further questions, colleagues? supervisors? supervisor mirkarimi: congratulations, first of all, on your elevation. i would imagine that victims are feeling rather private as they go through the psychological experience of having to contend with the horrifying experience,
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absorbing that not everyone reacts equally one reaching out to law enforcement or the police. i am wondering, while some victims were taking smaller steps, figuring out how to reach out or be receptive, that they need some kind of introduction. is it just a front-line officer handing out the cards? is it up to that person if they want to follow up themselves? what kind of follow-up is established? >> there are three different ways. the first is the officer at the scene at the time of the incident so that the victim is well aware of the services. interesting to this conversation today, some people have reported
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that they are not receiving the information and sometimes the incident might be so traumatic they may not remember what the officer said or the piece of paper that was handed to them at the time of the incident. but that is our first way to engage the community with regards to resources. the second being when the inspector or investigator follows up on the incident so that i am cases of domestic violence or sexual assault, there contacted and is said to them that let me tell you again, this is what is available and let me go through a comprehensive list. the second contact with the victim regarding resources. as mentioned today, her office receives reports and i are doing our reach on the reverse side where they are contacting the victim to say that we have not heard from you yet and we
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would like to know if there is anything we can do for you. depending on the type of crime this person became a victim of. supervisor mirkarimi: is the website reflective of this, the different languages that you spoke of? so that when people go, do they see this information >> what i will do is look into that, and i will report back. if we do not have it, it is a great idea. there may be ways to improve. we are pretty much on top of getting information out through the web site. supervisor mirkarimi: about three years ago we had a hearing on something very similar, so it has been discussed. there was nothing on either side but english.
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related to the question of multiple languages and cultural competency, from the district attorney's office, as well as through other networks, if there could be some kind of synchronous city on that, they may now be receiving law enforcement overtures but need to approach at their own pace at their own time. hopefully they are able to review the information in a way that speaks your culture. i am not getting the feeling that that was reflected. when we had meetings with the department of technology on this, we explained that this was going happen, so i had hoped that this would have evolved by that point. >> i agree with you and i cannot speak to the other agencies, but
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with regards to the police department is seems like something that would be simple, attachments that the public can just click on and read. when i get back to the hall of justice i will look into it and see what we currently have. seems like an easy one to fix. supervisor chiu: as we were sitting here i was on the police department web site and there were multiple attempts to translate the websites materials hanging on me, there is no easy way to get to that. many constituents have said they would like to get these translated into spanish or chinese and i think it is an important an ongoing concern for the police department. any other questions for the commander? thank you for your presentation. i would like to ask the city administrator and head of the
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211 system, they are here. would you like to make a quick presentation? >> i have brought two members of our unit with us to explain the direction of 311be language support for victims -- 311 and language support for victims, compared to the budget at on that the board agreed to for additional translations for the city that could help in these circumstances. >> good morning. i do have a copy of my presentation here.
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so, what 311 does, it does not provide direct services with regards to crime victim related services. well we will do is answer calls that might come from crime victims and we will provide them with information about city resources. we have worked with various city agencies like the district attorney's office, the commission on the scent of women, the department of aging, we have made extensive base of resources that we can direct callers to. if the caller is specifically asking for the victim services
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division, we will transfer the call to them during business hours or we will provide the numbers to them or handled the incident request at that time. we do have information in terms of the calls received for the district attorney's office in the past few years back. again, these are people that know to call 311 and are specifically asking for information about that office. in most cases we will transfer the call the bending and information. if it is something that is easily available through the website we will respond with a link through the web site to the services. after a meeting that we had with your office, a supervisor, and the other agencies, i did schedule a meeting with the
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district attorney's office to see how we could be of further assistance and we saw a gap that we recognize. it was that there seemed to be a need for a single point of entry for requesting services. although a lot of victims might be given a list of what is available, often they get overwhelmed by the various numbers that are provided to them for services. we see that there should be a need for a single point of entry and it seems that the district attorney's office would probably be the one to be the main point of entry, as they do provide more direct services. there seems to be a lack of tracking of requests going to the various agencies. so, there is no way of tracking of someone went to the commission on the status of women. it is very difficult for any organization to know that they have already received services
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at another point of entry. there is a lack of 24/7 services, unless the victim knows the call 311. certainly there needs to be an improved system for meeting with victims service advocates. one of the things that we saw when we made a visit to the district attorney's office wasn't that not all of the walk- in victims might get the opportunity to speak to victim advocates at the moment because there might not be 1 available or there might be a long wait. we do have certain recommendations in collaboration with the district attorney's office that we saw as opportunities for improvement. the first is for the da's office to service the initial point of entry and they can provide the different services and provide them advocacy groups so that they can get the best service available.
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311 in terms of calls received is one of the biggest problems, with it being 8-5 operation, victims did not have the resources to necessarily get a voice mail after 5:00. this way 3811 would have the opportunity to provide them with available resources, connecting them to the police department if it is something that needs immediate assistance, or perhaps even handling the intake of the district attorney -- district attorney's office. we would handle the attack using the sierra -- using the intake with a tracking number so that they fail their address has been taking care of, and we think there might be a possibility of implementing a calendar system similar to the city identification program where people could schedules appointments with advocates through self-service or calling
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311 so that the time they get to the district attorney's office, they would have assured advocate assistance. those are some of the ideas that we came up with. if you have any questions at that point, what we would be happy. >> just a couple of comments, first of all, as i look at the number of called data. >> you are averaging two-three calls each day. given that there are hundreds of crimes committed each day, it feels like a low number. as a city, thinking about how to make sure there is better coordination with 311 and to better market services for crime victims is something that is very important. the type of collaboration that you are suggesting is the type
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that i could see us going in and what of the things i would like to do after this meeting is make decisions with different agencies to be collective eye and moving forward. i certainly think the central point of entry being used to do in take four victims to assist the victims in getting to the right agency is exactly on point. colleagues? thank you. >> from the office of immigrant affairs, good morning, i am just going to briefly run through some of the things that are done currently by the office of civic engagement and immigrant affairs. you know that our emphasis is on
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prevention and training. this is not the primary role of the office, to serve victims of violent crimes, yet it has become a part of our work. the office in the southeast sector beginning with this fiscal year. i will be glad to give you an update on our plans with that. and they project the concluded this year called bridges to freedom, a domestic violence termination, dealing with victims in the city in
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partnership with the department on the status of women. not only was our work by emphasizing prevention and training, we were looking at making sure culturally the city residences. around the 2010 census, there was a lot of involvement with actual city efforts to coordinate with population at the south -- estimates. language services and compliance with l.a. ago, immigrant affairs to offer the staff of the 15 member commission.
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community l reach in education. so far we have conducted education on 311 services. as well as muni services. there is no reason why in the future my office could not assist other departments in outreach for residents. we conducted quite a bit of average communication and citywide training. two major responsibilities were added to the office as of july 2010. we tried to make the best of these programs given the limited services. the first and most physical programs are the program pilots. we have less than three weeks to pull this together and i must
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say that we had a lot of help from our partners in a small staff that just stepped up to it. this project involves a 12- member, multilingual jobs team that insurers safety in the southeast sector. really, what they're doing is providing a physical, non-law enforcement presence in the community and reducing injured- retention resulting from linguistic or cultural differences. each of the teams are made up of an african-american and a bilingual individual. all of these individuals are city residents that will download on the 30th, which is when the funding ends. currently the city
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administrator is looking at other funding sources and how we might distribute our current budget so that we can have the program secure permanent funding. and then the language translation interpreter services, which were added to the fiscal year 2010-2011 budget, we anticipate that we will be up and running to provide translation and interpreter services for crisis emergency situations, fire, disaster, etc.. my office does manage the master contract for the city. our goal is not only to help city departments stay in compliance with local, state,
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and federal language access laws, but to provide resources and tools to serve our residents in the manner in which they should be served. i would like to make note that on the community ambassador program, 38% of our interaction with city residents, to date the ambassadors have been up and running for six to seven weeks. we have interacted with over 3500 residents in the southeast sector. 38% of the interaction takes place in a language other than english. it could be any one of the seven languages that we provide, but i would say that the majority of the interactions are in cantonese or mandarin. 10% in spanish, 3% in other languages. 11% of them involve public safety issues, anything from stopping a fight, violent and
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destructive behavior on muni by riders, these incidents are reported immediately by cell phone. 311 has been a great partner in making sure that community ambassadors have access to other city departments. language translation an interpreter services. this is a pretty ambitious time line that we have, try to get this all finished by december. the language translation and services work will work closely with the