tv [untitled] September 21, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm PST
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311, hsa, and the victims' services in the d.a.'s office. community ambassadors winter camwent through police academy training. we conduct weekly training with the ambassadors. their telephones are programmed by at&t so they have direct access to police emergency lines, mta's emergency lines. we have regular communication with community advocates. the language translation interpreter services -- this program gave us a real opportunity to look at what it would be like if we expanded a program city why did. -- city-wide.
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currently, many of the officials are native speakers and they are from the population. they are familiar with local neighborhoods. almost everyone on my staff is a city resident. definitely, all of the ambassadors are residents. also, staff is also completing city certification. we plan to have all of our personnel, even the new, incoming interpreters and translators, and the state certified by december 2011. it is an ambitious process. even the state of california does not even have a good, comprehensive list of what the certified. part of our job is figuring out what that means when you are culturally and linguistically competent.
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what are the metrics for that? you cannot just have a certificate that says that you ÷ñsrare here by train. there needs to be a standard. finally, i would close with what we see as some of the service gaps. just some examples of what our office and staff hasctjátú through. in terms of victim services, we have quite a few of public- service trainees who are also victims of domestic violence. we had one bad week where two of our female pst's were assaulted by their partners. 1one was put through all the
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it took my staff a good week just to translate these terms into spanish and chinese, and then to look at the characters, making sure that you phrase it properly, that people understand what you are saying. it is not so simple. you also have to do with the comprehension levels of our residents. so those are just some of our obligations. i would be happy to answer any questions you have. >> thank you. colleagues, any questions? two quick comments. i think the city administrator's job, on the 311 side, your office, has been responsive in the past couple months to the information we have received around the city on language access, crime victims. i wantb!t to thank you for
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implementing the community ambassadors program and moving forward on translation. the one thing i would ask you to think about is how your office can not only situations, but work with the apartments to push them to provide ongoing information6in non-crisis situations. the police department, for example, we continue to hear every week from a chinese -- from chinese, spanish-speaking residents, hoping that they would have more information presented to them. if your office could assist in that, that would be great. >> we would be happy to. >> let me ask the next presenter from the department of public health to step up. more department and everyone has been sitting here patiently, so if you could keep it as concise
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as possible. >> not a problem. i am one of the assistant directors for the community program. a lot of the bears have been covered by the things have been covered by maria. dwi will certainly be able to kp my remarks brief. we have a number of efforts, either with a bill directly related to this issue, some in directly. wie and they draw health clinics, located around the city. or otherwise, i can go into this primary-care facility. they will be able to get therapy and treat it very short term. !zzo"-- treatment very shortly.
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the programs that we have that are more directly related to the issue are the crisis response services team. (syou have heard a lot about thm today. we worked 24/7, including holidays, responding to homicide, critical injuries. we are deployed either by sfpd or san francisco general hospital. we provide trauma services to :q_+
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seven languages when fully staffed. we have been tried to get positions through the mayor's office. we have the ability to speak, right now, many languages. staff can address this situation and need from the point of the family. we also contact the family and homicide victims. we do so by virtue of case management, ongoing therapy with the family, funeral arrangements, we transport them to the appointment, victims' assistance. we provide ongoing therapy up to one year. after that, we refer to another program called trauma recovery. the director of that program will be speaking about her program. we do short-term case management, therapy, things like that. brief, focus groups, counseling. we do diffusing of services. we do not reach into the
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schools. we also do that with a child crisis. -- we do out reach in the schools. we see about 150 families a year. on average, about 800 individuals of year. any questions, i would be happy to answer them. >> any questions? the only comment i would have is, as i have looked at the issue, i noticed there is a tremendous disconnect between our residents and what they believe our lack of services in the city. what i hear is that city services are actually available. dpw , does a good job offering the services to the people that
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can find them, but then knowing not that it is there is the problem, lack of outreach. thank you. if i could ask for the final presentation from emily on the department of status of women. >> good morning. focusing on the two questions that president to raise, victims' services, we provide services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. if you are a victim of any of these crimes, you need to only call 311 and you can be connected directly to one of the agencies that we fund, or to our office. the violence against women intervention grant is our
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largest portion of funding this year. last year, these programs served 30,000 individuals. on our website, you will find free resource guides, social services directory for women, and the 2010 directory of services for survivors of human trafficking. i have provided these in your packet. there is also a roster of the 25 domestic violence agencies that we fund. we also provide staff support to the family violence council, which focuses on child abuse, elderly abuse, and we provide staff support to city organizations. secondly, what do i see as gaps? the first is language competency of first responders. we went into this in our 2006 safety and accountability audit.
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the full audit is available on the website. as reported previously, we have worked with the office of language services, which concluded a master contract with language mind to offer telephone interpretation in 150 officers to police officers responding to calls for service. we concluded bridges to freedom, a 16-week language training program, offered in chinese and spanish, looking to improve their use of the english language. this was a one time use program. 92% satisfaction from this program. what i observed was city employees really deserved -- enjoyed the opportunity to improve on their chinese and
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spanish language is. they felt as if they were being invested in by the city. it would cost about $100,000 to make this crucial training year round. secondly, the victims of human trafficking are suffering tremendous physical and psychological abuse in secret. i want to give you a startling statistic. how much one pimp makes with four women under his control. on an annual basis, about $600,000 tax-free. we are talking about huge amounts of money. we know that gangs and organized crime are moving out of drug trafficking, gun trafficking, and into human trafficking. you can only sell a gun or drugs
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once. you can sell all one in 10 times in one night. we need to identify revenue streams going into these practices. often, we see some sort of airport fee, since many victims arrived by air these days. trafficking is a national problem. there is not a single community that is not impacted by trafficking. while many resources and publicity goes to gang violence and homicide, family violence is just as serious. one of the gaps we identified was, every county is supposed to have a 52-week child intervention program. currently, san francisco does not. there is a committee looking at developing child abuse intervention programs. finally, i want to comment on
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adrian's remarks. the city does not have a domestic -- an anti-domestic violence statement. if someone shows up at their workplace with obvious signs of domestic violence, there is no protocol. we are seeing some best practices from other municipalities that we are looking at to present by october. happy to answer any questions. >> thank you for your presentation. i just want to reiterate the comments that it is great to hear all these services, of reach that your office is doing. i think the city needs to do a better job letting the public know that we have all of these capabilities. with that, why don't we move to public comment. francisco decosta.
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anyone else that would like to speak, please line up in the center aisle. >> supervisors, as the director of environmental justice advocacy, i will direct my comments to quality of life issues. two years ago, district attorneys were being questioned as to why they did not tap into $100,000 from the state of california. the district attorney's office could come here to give a general presentation, but when it comes to the victims, today, this city does not have empirical data that truly
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reflects the numbers of victims who are suffering. we need to improve on that. this hearing talks about coordination between the city administrator, police, and we had the commander here. they will tell you, because of technology, because of lack of training, we did not give our constituents in this city the proper focus. when that chinese man was killed on third street, i did what i could, others here did what they could, but when it comes to resolving some issues, there is no office that addresses the concerns of those who want to say something in district 10, where the crime occurred, but you have to go to district 9.
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when it comes to community policing, the community response, your supervisor should ask to see airport to see how well they are doing. they can talk the talk, but we need to walk the walk. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good morning. i am the director of the san francisco general hospital trauma recovery center. i want to think the public safety committee for convening this meeting. the trauma recovery center serves some of the city's most of the honorable injuries -- individuals. -- and vulnerable individuals. our nationally recognized model was designed to remove barriers to care and to increase access to victims of violent crime. this model emphasizes
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community, a clinical case management, and coordination of services across mental health, legal, and other human services. despite our best effort, there are significant means that we are unable to meet. every year for the last three years, we have faced closure due to budget cuts. while the doors remain open, thanks to the donations from the board of supervisors, we have sustained a $500 million cut. when we were fully funded, we were able to do more assertive of reach and were able to move many of the barriers that exist for victims access and services. with each successive cuts that we have sustained, out recapped sick -- outreach has decreased. our research published in the american journal of public health demonstrates the trc
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model has reduce the disparities in care to clients, regardless of age, income, ethnicity. in other words, our model is able to engage ethnic minority patients, a victim of low income, low educational levels, the very people that often have difficulty accessing our services. stabilizing funds for the trauma center would be a way to better address the gaps in the treatment of crime victims in this isn't -- city of san francisco. >> thank you. next speaker. >> members of the board, my name is aellen yuan. i am interested in crime prevention. when we hear about violent crime, like the couple at the tower who had his jaw broken.
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on polk street, there was a string of crimes in may. one elderly man was taken into the auto repair bathroom and was punched by two assailants over and over. this happened in may. by july, his face was so swollen, hie became blind. i am afraid these attacks are from career criminals, parolees. i think we should come together and meet with police leaders and see what we can do about this. there was a string of crimes on polk street.
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i am not sure if there is a system where you can warned one merchant about what is going on. maybe they could be more prepared to deal with this, rather than just allow this to happen. these violent criminals, who are career criminals, are the ones that we watch on tv. somehow, we should come together about the early system. -- parolee system. i know there are some measures of how we can find out how things are done, but there is no method to make sure that they have a job once they are out of the parole system. >> thank you.
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>> good morning, supervisors. i have been a grass-roots advocate in the southeast sector, many qualities of life issues. i have been very persistent in public safety for the last 20 years. in response to the recent violence, chief gascoigne has provided two stops to provide better communication between residents and law enforcement. last month, the chief held a press conference with the office of civic engagement to introduce an innovative and effective crime prevention and intervention programs in the southeast sector of san francisco. many community leaders are here today.
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this pilot program has trained and hired residence in this up the sector who speaks several languages. district 10 really needs this program. we heard the program could end by september 29. i am here to appeal to you, to make sure that not only does the program continue, but we should expand on it. it has provided direct access to our residents. it is a win-win program. i am here to appeal on behalf of thousands of residents, to make sure the program is still there. we need peace and harmony. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors.
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i have lived in san francisco for 58 years. i would like to address my comments in regard to services in two particularly overlooked victims of crime. the first category are employment retaliation victims, especially employees of the city and county of san francisco. in my four years of advocating for the class of victims, i found even though the city is receptive to holding hearings like today, in reality, they have put up road block after road block for any meaningful investigation for retaliation victim's who are city employees. from my own experience, it seems the city is trying to tell their employees that it is good to talk about doing something about
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suspicious activities, but when the suspects are prominent city employees, all you get for your efforts are constant road blocks. the second class of victims that i feel are overlooked in san francisco are fraud victims. according to my analysis, it seems fraud investigators and sfpd are helplessly overworked. many of my neighbors in district 7 are interested in a case where there are serious allegations involving two prominent district residents. we are still trying to figure out why those allegations are still unknown, of whether they are true or false. we are wondering why it is taking so long. but when i want to give thanks for past efforts, for putting into the civil service rules,
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involving the concept of mobbing again city employees. the supervisor was correct for including those provisions in the rules. >> i think there are two final speakers. >> my name is edward han. i think you all for being here today, especially supervisors -- thank you foall for being here today, especially supervisors. i am happy that we are talking about these caps in services. it is good that we see them, but i did not hear about any involvement with the community. supervisor chu, you mentioned that you have spoken to some victims. perhaps we should speak to them to see how things are going. i have tried to get the
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community more involved, so i am building up a small organization called asian americans for justice. maybe i can get the community to speak out more. i recommend that we continue on with the ambassador program. i have seen it, i think there are a lot of things that need to be worked out. certain areas, they do not need it as much, but with any new program, and there are always issues involved, but overall, i think it will be positive for the community. hopefully, we can keep this going. thanks for your time. >> roger tan. thank you for addressing this matter. first comment to the sfpd, perhaps something that
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