tv [untitled] September 28, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
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things. what we believe would be wise and prudent, mandated conditions that could potentially be with your approval going on with licenses. then we go into recession spc 2 tools that both we would bring to the table to help foster the ongoing effort as well as collaborating with the commissioners, and then lastly, and this is where we really rely on the industry leaders, to create what we are calling a best practices plan. the mandated to conditions, we wanted to keep the small in scope, so this is something that we would get support down the road. we expect anticipate your need to review which, absorb it, half -- absorb it, but we always talk about security and have never talked about security supervision, so we're trying to
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take it to another level of command and control. you're going to have security guards, and then you also need security supervisors. there are things that have been spoken to, like metal detectors and scanners. we want people to be accountable for their behavior, and we generally believe that if someone notes that they are being identified by an i.d. scanner or high-visibility cameras, etc., they might be a little more cognizant of their behavior and more cautious of stepping up side the law. other things, exterior lighting, reasonable. a security plan reviewed by the police department, security personnel meeting the current mandates of the department of consumer affairs, having a readily identifiable manager, i think we can all speak to this. we have all been in clubs at
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night when we try to find a who is in charge, and we cannot identify anyone. so these are kind of our core conditions. if -- a lot of these came from your own commission suggestions over the years. it is not the korea not been listening. we have just been writing lots of notes over the years. the first is a concept of creating an entertainment liaison every station that would be available and known to the industry. the next step would be the department in conjunction with your commission note providing monthly meetings. that is actually happening right now. this was a bold, new step.
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you have had three meetings so far, and i believe that acting director kane has been to some, as has direct -- as has mr. granelli. the next one is a product that we are hoping to rely more on the private sector in terms of creating a club communication line. another one has been very important to the industry, availability of 10-b, and we would provided to clubs and also determine what their role would be on the exterior. next, we would be providing specific training to improve our skills so there is a better understanding of promoter, entertainment nightlife laz specific to the venue, and then lastly, in conjunction with the
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ec, we want to have a summit. that came up at our last meeting, and is already in the works. we want to meet quarterly. once the neighborhood is up to speed, we could cut it back to maybe one or two a year, but we think right now the quarterly meetings may be important. these are the conditions we would like to ultimately see you guys consider as well as the tools that the police department could bring to the table, and then lastly, i would like to introduce our industry experts. sf clubs. >> thank you, inspector. sf clubs. i want to say thank you to
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commissioner joseph. i have no day for many, many years. we're very excited to be a part of the process. there has been a noticeable shift in the people who have been involved. the other club owners and recognizing their other issues, and i think we have a unique opportunity to come together to work together and operate in a way to prevent and tackle this real issue that we are facing. we are facing serious, serious violence in our nightlife. just to give you some background.
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sf clubs has been working for many years. a first is still open. not many would care to admit, but most people in this room have been here one way -- at one time or another. 524 street. ray has been my associate and partner for about 23 years now. over the years, we have addressed to safety concerns. customers, promoters, the entertainment commission, and the police department. they have had a tremendous impact addressing quality of life concerns. we have also develop strategies of investigating crimes after they occur, so not only are we
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working at preventing things, but when things happen, this is so we can assist in apprehending criminals after these have been committed. commissioner joseph introduced me to commander crenshaw, and we have worked with inspector falzon. i think you guys have a copy of this. instead of going to the document line by line, i just want to point this out. the best practices can be summarized in the following categories. outreach, operate, correct, and i want to touch briefly on each one of these.
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it is very important for them to look around and see what kind of promoters they are working with. to go out into the community, speak with the district, speak to the residents in the area, and come up with a plan designed to prevent issues from happening. cocotte -- before they occur. some of these i would like to highlight would be choosing carefully promoters that you work with. a lot of night club operators, and i have done both. a lot of nightclub operators do little more than just read to their nightclub out. they simply hand the keys to promoters, the police
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department, residents, and even customers. many of these seven the result of people not paying attention to what will happen in their own venues or not knowing how to operate their own venue is. when it comes to operating, is very important for us as an industry to look at ourselves politically and to employ practices and tools in a uniform manner. it is interesting. when i first came to look at this sort of as an overall topic, i remember over the years, we have had our own issues, et and these are very similar to the issues and our clubs that are affecting the city as a whole, so we had to learn by working with the district, the police, with the residents, working together.
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another topic i would like to talk johnboat it is important for us to be able to correct and not go to citation or complaint or a serious injury for us to understand what is going wrong and for us to correct it. i think this as a lot to do with the operators. many operators get into this business, and they have absolutely no experience at all. there is a 715 person capacity. my only business experience was running a karate school. that was it. my very first night, i was sold out. it was august of 1995.
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it was sort of baptism by fire, but in those days, there was an opportunity for trial and error. we played the same music every night, and a similar crowd came every night. it is not a new -- 1985. there is no room for error. these are catastrophic. the last thing i want to point out, when an incident occurs, and we have analyzed every incident and have kept good records, and record keeping is a key part of our operation, we analyze every inch of every situation, serious or minor. in our weekly meetings, we go back to the source, and i think it is important to go back and find ways to correct them. another thing i would like to
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say is that we would not be here, we would not be in business -- mine are still running for 25 years, and it is one of the busiest nightclubs in town, and we have been through some tough times. we have employed over 75 people. many of them are part-time people who work to make ends meet in tough times. we of 20 full-time staff. our payroll is in excess of $2 million. i am very proud to be a part, and over these years, i have not been made to feel so proud, but i have to say that attitude has shifted, and they have always had good success. .i understand there are some who have not had as good success as we have had.
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when we reach out to the law- enforcement community, we get plenty of support, so i just want to say that for many years, we have been involved and have witnessed thousands of event attended by visitors from virtually all over the world, and this is the envy of cities everywhere. unfortunate, there is an increase in violence that can only be solved by unprecedented cooperation between all stakeholders, and we are starting to see that now. as joselyn said earlier, we have received several telephone calls from operators asking specific questions about promoters said they were wanting to work with. working with professional
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security providers with an eye on production of long term, safe, and fun things. it has been a pleasure. thank you. present -- president newlin: 50 to all who have been working on this. we look forward to get a document that benefits the city. an ad hoc committee of commissioner joseph and myself to work with all of the parties involved to get this going soon, and i just caution the commissioners and the public that we do not have a final document, so in terms of questions and concerns, you might want to wait until we have the final product, but other than that, i will turn it over to the commissioners for any
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questions? >> president newlin, thank you, and i am happy to serve on that ad hoc committee, in you are right that we do not have a final document yet. i am thrilled by this collaboration. we have a rich and diverse entertainment industry here, and what started out as a simple work group has turned into an initiative, and i wanted to particularly thank commander crenshaw, inspector falzon for all of your really hard work and your diligence. we have an important industry, that is absolutely true. our payroll was upwards of $800,000 per year, so it is an important industry and an important industry that creates jobs, and i just wanted to say
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that. >> thank you. president newlin: commissioner meko. commissioner meko: i had some questions for commander at but crenshaw. -- commander crenshaw. >> not as of yet, but i am willing to look at this. commissioner meko: we have two commissioners who represent the neighborhood, as well. i have been waiting to get an appointment with chief gascon for several months now. i passed -- i asked teresa
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sparks to help, and there was a meeting that was canceled just before the meeting was to take place. no one on this commissioner.-- commission has had a chance to talk to the chief of police. >> i think i will be able to help you out with that. commissioner meko: i had questions for the commander. i am a commissioner who represents the neighborhood and the city, and that is why i was talking to the police about this issue. >> and as it relates to the work group, i was designated to work with the neighbors, so i was working specifically with them,
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-- commissioner meko: you work with city lights. if you could have a seat. you really cannot speak for the commission. >> i was only responding to the asian -- issues. commissioner meko: that is a whole other thing. >> i have worked with the commander to develop best practices. i just wanted to let you know that there was a component. the conversation is what commander crenshaw, and the issue is in regard to developing
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this, you have worked with the staff of our commission, and you have worked with an industry representative of the commission, and you have not worked with a neighborhood representative of the commission, and the reason i bring this up is because one of the most important things that the entertainment commission introduced into this entire process, and i certainly have been involved for 15 to 20 years, so i know how things worked after an before, what we want to have is sunshine, openness. the industry background and seeing all of this is done. i think they would like to know how this process developed and where all of this came from. would you begin to draw in residents of the neighborhood and not ask the nightclubs to pick representatives which
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represent the neighborhoods? -- or to represent the neighborhoods? that is offensive. >> this is a serious issue. we had serious homicides and shootings. since the police chief has come on, he has electrified community involvement. he has a community-based organization. chief gascon has committed every month. he has attended some himself, so we do address community concerns. i review them daily sometimes. the committee was not part of this necessarily on paper, but i want to take the suggestion. commissioner meko: would you
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follow up on my request to meet with the chief? >> well, you did not make it with me. president newlin: point of order. i know you want to have a meeting with the chief, but this is not a point of order. >> i will address that issue. commissioner meko: thank you. president newlin: thank you, commander, and we go forward to working with you to get a resolution to this. thank you. is there any public comment on this? seeing none, we will move to the next item, item five, hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits of the
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jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. >> ok. you can call it if you want. i will call it. ok. commissioner joseph? ok. even without a quorum. there is shaw, jeremy, do a business as mission community market on bark-less street. this is about allowing or permitting amplified sound every thursday through july 14, 2011, from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. that is the application in front of you. a little bit of background is
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that after having applied for a loudspeaker permit after obtaining a street closure permit, the permit in front of you is requesting this with various groups associated with the market and takes place on bartlett street between 21st and 22nd. while many residents support the market, and a bit concerned about the noise level. staff also received one email. there was an additional email that you will probably hear about in support of the application. the permit for your consideration is one that would cover the time frame of the
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street closure, every thursday, like i said, mid july 2011. mission station was not able to send anything in writing but had some concern over these issues, which we heard about this evening, and there was concern about a gang activity on that block and any interaction that might happen with the music being amplified, so hearing from the applicant -- staff has a recommendation for you. >> jeremy shaw, i am the executive director at the mission community market.
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there are things that may not be in your packet. first, i just wanted to paint a little picture of the market place for you. so three weeks ago, in front of what would be the graffiti stayed wallace of the mission market, usually blurry because drivers are rushing by it, i talked to two women who at been there for 10 years to the one block away from each other on barlick street. -- bartlett street. there were people dancing, to the delight of many people with groceries. everyone was beaming, and he should have seen the crowd.
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the chance that the kids might not ever have, or it might be their first chance in public to perform. .and last week, i stood at different corners on bartlett street. the owner and tenant were both be made. the owner still had parking and his concerns addressed -- both were being -- beaming. this all happened at the mission community market, a marketplace that offers fresh food, provides a platform and a base for micro enterprise. it all happens to the delight of nearly everyone in the neighborhood, business owners, nonprofits, after-school programs, support from the police, support from the
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supervisors, farmers, vendors, crafts people, students. it all happens at this marketplace, and with their revenue, they are going to be reinvesting for public space improvements. it is a forgotten block. it is the backside of buildings. there is graffiti, ok? there is trash. there are rats. we are there every week for making improvements to those conditions. and i would like to say that all of this happened after countless hours of volunteer effort with people from the neighborhood and local organizations talking, reaching out, and listening. we listen. we went around to the neighbors, and i talked to everyone who owned a business on that block, on neighboring blocks, and there were concerns, and we listened.
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if there is access to grosz's, we clear it. hot foods, programming, -- a roscius -- garages, we clear it. i am sorry the bat is a problem, but i am confident we can find a solution. i am personally present at every market. when there is a band, i asked them to be quiet. when they get too loud, i ask them to be quiet again. they are open for feedback. my phone number is out there. my email is out there. i have not heard about the sound issue again until the last hearing. i live on guerror street, and i
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do not have an alarm clock because i am woken up every day by the cars rushing by. that is a lot. bartlett and 22nd, there are cars, sirens. people revving their engines. that is loud. i understand. this is part of living in the city. but it is true and an unshakable fact. carrefour o'clock p.m. until 8:00 p.m., the community markets have set up shop on a gray, and graffiti riddled part of bartlett street. there is the smell of herbs and summer fruits in the area that usually smells like garbage. you can forget where you are for a moment. local entis
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