tv [untitled] September 30, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST
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first court that is open. the courts will be cut in half. everymñ in this room and the whole neighborhood knows that club is going away and will never be usedo by the neighborhood that has been using it for 40 years, which looks at it as their recreational center, and something very important to their lifestyle. if any oxa you walked to your part and said, "let's build e-or condominiums in your part", you would go crazy. çlthis will allow people to go across the street to his retail and shops is a crime. we have over 95% that have votet from happening, and you will find out that they will win at
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all5" of those are adamantly opposed to that destroying the neighborhood. ñpregarding condominiums for s, the alomar company is a great company. the brokers of this project, but it is a falsehood to say that we are under supply. i work's international we listed. over 3000 condominiums are under because there's too much debt on them, so a lot of inventory is j thank you. commissioner fong: thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners'y and director. i live inañ the extended neighborhood. i live at the corner of jones and union, which is the@) cost f russian hill and the down slope of north beach. i have years and then a member here for
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about the neighborhood and narrow vision ofñ the gentleman from the housing coalitionw% ia mistake. i also think it is a mistake$( o think about people coming in to be able to utilize this broader public in san francisco. i have no way to proveps it, bui people who will buy condominiums in that development will be from marin,v nice. átear, and they can afford it with the bush tax cuts that probably be expanded. the people who are going to are people who are mide class, lower middle-class, condominiums, living in the
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km÷extended neighborhoods. the studyast word on that has been done up to date and is partq1ñ of the lawsuit -e hope that the planning department would do a decent we all know that they did not. that is because the debt has beginning. i ask myself every time i come to one z am i wasting my time? the people sitting on the planning commission at the direction of our dear mayor, who i hope becomes lieutenant gova done deal. i'm sorry. but i think it mighth/ not be a done deal at the board of supervisors. thank you. scommissioner fong: thank you.
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everybody on a project+l÷ called the watermark. the water mark was another tradezi 351 was in trust for the people gsof san francisco, and the war mark was also such a projectj>. trust land was exchanged sowb t the watermark could be built, but the water marked was going to givef÷ us, give san franciso somethingrv very prize, which would be a cruise boat terminal. 6xñi walk down the embarcadero every dayí apartmentstu all the way down o the ballpark, and the0?ñ watermk happens to be one of the ugliest buildings i have ever seen. 4;ñthat has approved with that
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not even put up high enough treesw i keep looking for that cruise terminal, and it doesjí not exi. where is the developer? and nothing has been done. now we are terminal at 27, but it will not be paid for by the watermark. so i would be very careful abt this parking lothr, which the pt commission wants so terribly.s the parking garage is a very expensive affair. the san franciscan government is trying to
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very big on keeping pollution +-down, so i think, before you decide.o anything, it would be very important to know about the feasibility of this parking happened with the watermark. thank you. c>commissioner fong: thank you. 7.h>>bo good afternoon, commissioners. i am a resident of the2 golden gateway commons. i had not intended to speak listening to some of the remarks, i do feel compelled to do so, w[a the neighbors are saying. to me, it is not about a health
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club at all. iúb think some of the points tt have been made are quite substantive. forhñ example, mr. ryan mentiod violation ofvzñ the public trust doctrine, and unless the plans have changed since i last saw them, i have to agree -- i the public trust doctrine. secondly, i have heard no discussion yet as to the cumulativep project, given itsbzáejápf the neighborhoods or even the embarcadero itself tovq ensure what we all want for the w in place to be enjoyed by many. this project is jui and particularly when combined with other projects that have approved or are being seriously contemplated. third, i would have to say thatñ the criticisms that have been
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made, thatwx these financial projections may indeed prove to f and maybe as much as pie in the sky, and not release substantiated, i7j think are serious considerations, particularly given the background of some projects in the!cpt that have been approved with grandiose promises that have not'k been kept. i think some of these concerns, as i say, are not trivial but are quite serious. [applause] a jane connep >>
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project. t are not in favor nor against thi development until we understand fully the parking considerations and how the project will affect uilding parking needs. we believe that the interim and long-term parking for the waterfront retail7 to be addressed in order to sustain thcy economic viability of the mid-embarcadero area. mñif the project is developed, parking is alreadym7 inadequatet the building. the viable parking solutions now offered by the portbl are takenp by monthly subscribers, and they are only available't to shoppers on saturdays and sundays. parking resources mondy through friday. seawall lot 351 will be the second5h law taken away from the most prominent landmark in the area. we ask that the:. commissioners
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truly anticipate the long and short-term impacts that't this project could have on the parking needs of the ferry building merchants, farmers,v?ñd businesses. thank you. commissioner fong: thank you. is therey any other public comment? ñv>>iq good afternoon. 'my name is andrew corning. i am am0 resident of san francisco and condo owner. i have lived here for four years. iód support this development and want to congratulate the developer and architect on the work they have done. a÷there havf benefits that you have heard about today, including thebm wy this development will activate the area along the bay shore, improve the urban design of the p@÷area, and also increase the density of the city, which will mprove the overall stability of
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the area.e overall stability of we have also heard,m think is very important, that this development is in line with zl÷the northeast embarcadero st, which is also very important, but what i wanted to do today perspective. when i was a in sydney, there was another waterfront development going on there, whichkpç was called euphemistically "the toaster." the upper house and the downtown area of city. certainly did not agree with that development, and given the opportunity to get up and talk to people, i probably "don't do with -- "don't do it." g was aíu significantly improved waterfront area. i would say now
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development significantly improved the city, and although most people at theña time in the city were probably against the development, most people would say that the city is significantly improve because of it. i think whengb we look at the e vested interest in the fairly easy to have consensus that what exists now is not a l=yuz solution. what you have in front of you is develop the site with mixed use development that has some urban desin supples intertwined with a developer that is ready to stump upqh the cash and do it right n. you could say no, and my question would what are we actually expecting to get from this side, not want to keep it the way it is? are we expecting a museum? are we expeu> some fantastic
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park land? none of this is in theép northt embarcadero study. none of this is what is proposed by the city for the site. in accordance with the northeast in accordance with the designing the design of the project. for that reason, i encourage you k4to accept and move forward wh the project. pf additional public comment? >>-, thank you, mr. president, fellow commissioners. i represent the carpentersbs union local 22. i apologize for being late. i have to tip my0n hat he is no stranger to the embarcadero. he>l knows what the community wants, what the city wants. it is a win-wi!+áion.
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the situation i posed to you, youlu have this group. they do not want to see it go forward. what do we get? we get nothing. nobody wins. this is- have to move forward. ñthis is a win-win for and county of san francisco how to bring the waterfront, embarcadero back. 1 i ed and approve this. thank you. .,ñ>> thank you. -;>>r industry. i want tofárjz this project.
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labor and management are voicing their support this would be the best way to utilize this proposed piece of landñ from projects in the past, i can 4e8say with the waterfront partners, they are nothing but a de. we would ask that you approve. /uñ6h>> my name is tobyd? leva member of. waterfront group. i am here to speak on my behalf personally. --6d northeast waterfront grou. i think once it is all built, we appy to have it, as we
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are with the ballparks. from your perspective. you have3he conflicts. you have the need for union jobs, the need and neighborhood, the residents of san francisco. k;sometimes, these matters are n conflict with one another. but in the en come up, what you feel for everyone, is the greater goodq for thosepersons who might be or they have a legitimate gripe, and then you have to find4 bring them in or address the problem that they have,[ given. from my perspective, this project is the right one for spot. we cannot go around continuing to have the great green wall.
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c the emperor with no clothes. we need a change. you need to step0 forward and help make this change. you have a good project. b support it, the term,9ñ sheet. thank you. -- sign%" the term sheet. >>í& my name is steve rodrigue. i am from the state of washington. òñi want to commend the city of san francisco. ij am on a commitment to walk 1,000 miles across america, within1 this is one of my last. i have only two:x more to go. i left seattle, went to the northeast corridor, "t u(árr'gtd
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the commendation that i am giving to the city of san ó against what you're looking at for the future here today. oéi love the history, the heritage, the+ francisco has accomplished here ferry,x bulilding. i alsou# just went down montgoy street. outside eyes that i have to share with these people today whoxbñ are debating the future s that we need progress. tbwe needed it in the great depression. yjyou needed the golden gate bridge, the oakland bridge. we needed henry , and
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the quality of our life today in san have retained what many cities have not. your foundation. forefathers. even the ship's buried under the sidewalks are stgksáified. i can identify that outsider. i would like to commend the people in the audience for speaking for or e0$rá. the challenges that you have to face are incredible. entrepreneurs, developers that make a difference. they deserve some level of credibility and cree accomplishments. in san francisco of the past has made a difference. those in the audience today are
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tamaking a difference. 1ñ and without stepping up to this microphone, perhaps you would+ not have seen the level of appreciation that you should have for yourselves. ] for the secretary? kh>> steve rodriguez. >> any additional public comment? ijzóñ>> good afternoon, commissioners. zki live in the neighborhood. i have been here for the past 20 years. francisco and employ hundreds of workers. soi am now retired and have tie to think about some of the matters we are thinking about. 5ifor a long time, i have had a problem of land use. &ñi have thought, the way it has been, it has servedéz more peope
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than the way it planned to be. qji do not see in this plan something that canha serve more san franciscans then what is there now. ióxñ we all have to study new configuration of+k this planned project. it is opening up more public space. but whatd that space is used, who is 4. i would urge take that into credit -- consideration carefully. ele was garage space. 2eactually, if you consider the maritime buildingó- parking spaces, we actually have a surplus. the problem isq/ñ cited and trac flow, allowing this space to be used by other people. to opportunistic about this
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project -- tooao opportunistic about this project. whendi asked somebody above why this project could not be is the only one that there is any planning or money behind. it is a bird in hand. that is probably true, urge you not to be too optimistic3m -- opportunistic about this. there have been studiesd look at plans that you have not considered. ould urge you to lot those. it is possible that you could get more comprehensive plan than you will from this bird in hand. any additional public comment
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5fñ(>> good evening, commission. tñi am a resident of san francisco for over 35 yearstç. i am also an architect practicing, h'h in the city along the waterfront. so i am commenting as a resident and also as aeu design professional. architt of this project. what i have seen so far, the concept design is r÷ based on . the pedestrian connections through jackson is the right thing to do had a greedy developer build over that, but they did the right thing,
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÷vopening up the commission. it really addresses the mixe/usc realm. the embarcadero is one oféé the rounds that we are talking about. it is really for th" entire city of san francisco. i am looking at the bigger picture, which is beyondf neighborhood of the golden gate commons, beyond the neighborhood that] is connecting to chinato. it is for the rest of the city. 0ñi work here, my wife works at mission bay. we are verykú familiar with the waterfront and we see this as a resourceful all of san francisco. ñ--n francisco. ;ññthe massing of the building s appropriate, basedk adjacent buildings. i also applaud the conceptual design i love the more moderate
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direction it is taking. g"i believe the contrast with e historic isyz great, yin-yang, highlights the historic architecture tha" we have here. i would like to say that i am supporting the general concept îi the project. thank you. >> any other public comment]÷ ok, commissioners? qmrs, comments? >>]d jonathan, i just want to kw % conservative? >> i think we are. 6?the $10 million is the net pres$q value of the transactions, and it is put up =ébetween upfront payments and
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long term lease payments+zñ for these covenants that we are askingójñ for on residential and commercial condominiums. i admit,km i was relatively conservative in projecting the revenues. complex calculation of how many sales there willsz be per year, how t the appreciation will be on those condominiums. ¥that is the primary difference between the numbers i have 2
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record on private-public land to say much. >> support versus city revenues? -- the port versus city revenues? >> going back to the term sheet, there are a number of details from the physical and financial structure that are not done. right now, what we have is that bilateral transaction -- a bilateral transaction between the term sheet and developer. what will ultimately happen is a much more complex transaction. there are a number of structures contemplated in this term sheet that will need city approval. that is why, particularly for
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the next that, we win the endorsement from the board of supervisors. >> thank you for asking the questions. i do not have any other questions, but just over all comment. i thank everyone for their comments in support and opposition. i have some personal experience doing sumter in construction along the waterfront. it is monday, messy, but it can be done. the square footage we are able to obtain by doing that cannot happen physically. i also want to mention more of a personal note, a strange coincidence. i am a member of bay club here. they're swimming pool when other construction recently, so they redirected their members to the golden gate tennis and swim club. i have had the pleasure of swimming there for the past four
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weeks. swimming there is great. what is nicer is sitting in the lounge chairs in the sun. it is absolutely a garden spot in that part of the city. maybe the larger buildings protect the wind there. i sat there and i am embarrassed that i am a member, and i cannot share that with my kids. i do not have a family membership. it would be great to open up that space to public and park space, let some other people enjoy this wonderful geographical spot we have here. so with that, i am in support of approving the term sheet today. we do have a motion and
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