tv [untitled] October 2, 2010 4:30am-5:00am PST
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seven street resurfacing project amounting to about $2.2 million, which is an unusual piece of news, pulling the money down to the next project, last so they can get done. the department of public works has been able to advance the initial projects in the program, reconstruction projects, which is essentially 29% of the program amount. bonds of timber 17th, the city marked the street project and i was not able to attend, i was out of town. a really great celebration of a
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wonderful project including lots of trees, 30 accessible programs, 45 light fixtures, street art, street furniture as well. it was a collaboration of a number of city departments. the authority provided $1.7 million in grant funds to match $2 million from the regional. we also put in $300,000 in crop k funds. a great partnership between prop k programs that work, generating the neighborhood. i would like to recognize fran martin, a tremendously important
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in pushing this project forward. we have good news on the better market street project. we received a $250,000 grant, matching the $790,000 in crop k. getting the project fully funded for the study phase. i believe that this afternoon the complete interviews for the short list of consultants we will bring back the recommendation before the end of october. we have had significant activity on the boulevard study with an open house yesterday that was very well attended and quite successful. we are pursuing a three-pronged strategy there that includes it network development and strategy is to encourage sustainable roads and projects to improve
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the walk ability of the city center area. the project is much more far reaching than the civic center area as the circulation it ramifications in other parts of the city are west of sunset. on october 5 we will be hosting a community meeting to present and receive feedback on pedestrian improvement of three south of market alleys. ministry, tomah street, and -- mina, toma, and ringo streets. part of a follow-through to the screening process that took place during the western meeting planned. people interested in that can also visit our web site. very good news, almost done with my report, very good news
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on the van ness ave transportation project. we received notice from the state historic preservation officer. i agree with the assessment of the classification of the old light poles. the office essentially agrees that because of lack of integrity to convey significance, the polls, although historically significant, are not an item that will be listed. so, that has removed a potentially interesting obstacle to moving the project forward in an expedited manner. we are now at the point where we have read designated the project managers and engineers to staff the engineering effort. so, we are boys to have capital programs and construction division initiate 30%
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engineering on the project. we are moving this forward and i am delighted that we have achieved that major milestone. my last item is simply to welcome major markets, our new senior transportation planner. richard has a bachelor's degree in sociology and urban planning, 12 years of transportation planning experience, has worked for metro north in new york city, for the orange county transportation authority and the association of government and is in the private sector, he will be one of the experts covering a number of topics related to transportation, like the regional transportation plan, expansion plan, and funding strategy for brought kay. i will be happy to answer any questions. supervisor chiu: any discussion? any public comment on the report? seeing no one, public comment is
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closed. item #5. >> item #5, approve a budget amendment to add $100,000 in prop k funds to the authority's adopted fiscal year 2010/11 budget for the purpose of partially defraying the cost of a management performance audit of the municipal transportation agency (mta); award a consultant contract to cgr management consultants llc, in an amount not to exceed $200,000, for audit services for a limited scope management performance audit of the mta, phase ii; and authorize the executive director to negotiate contract terms and conditions. colleagues -- supervisor chiu: colleagues, any discussion? any public comment? c. non -- seeing no one, will call. >> [roll call] 9 ayes, the item passes. supervisor chiu: next item.
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>> item #6, amend the authority administrative code. supervisor chiu: any discussion from the public? seeing no one, this amendment is adopted. item number 7? >> adopt positions on state legislation. supervisor chiu: any discussion? any public comment? public comment is closed. this item is adopted. item #8. >> item #8,allocate up to $594,076 in prop k funds, with conditions, for five requests, subject to the enclosed fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules, and amend the bicycle circulation and safety 5-year prioritization. supervisor chiu: any discussion? any public comment? seeing no one, the item is closed. item number nine? >> item #9, appropriate $100,000 in prop k funds, with conditions, for the purpose of partially defraying the cost of a management performance audit of the municipal transportation agency, in a total amount not to exceed $200,000.
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supervisor chiu: discussion? public comment? seeing no public comment, this item is adopted. item number 10? >> introduction of new items. supervisor chiu: would anyone like to introduce items? seeing no one, with no public comment, the item is closed. supervisor chiu: item number 11. >> public comment. supervisor chiu: is there any general public comment? seeing no one, public comment is closed. item number 12? >> adjournment. supervisor chiu: we are adjourned for the day.
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supervisor chu: good morning. welcome to the regular meeting of the city operations and neighborhood services committee. my name. carmen chu, chair of the committee. madam clerk, do we have any announcements today? >> yes, all persons attending this meeting are requested to turn off all cell phones and pagers. if you wish to submit speaker cards, please put them in the container by the rail in front of you to your left. if you sit -- submit copies of materials to the committee, please submit an extra profit for the file. items recommended out of the committee will be considered by the board of supervisors tuesday of next week unless another date is indicated. supervisor chu: thank you. item one. >> item 1, a hearing to consider
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the issuance of a type 42 on sale beer and wine license to christy bergman for the secret wine shop at 1097 howard st. # 209 will serve the convenience of the people of the city and county of san francisco. >> good morning, supervisors. i am here on the secret wine shop at 1097 howard st.. propose operations -- sunday clothes, saturday through friday, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.. if approved, the premises will operated shop was on sale and of sale premises of wine. applicant premises is located in a high-crime area appeared applicant premises is located in a low concentration area. there are no records of protests. conditions -- sales, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted
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only between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. each day of the week. no persons under the age of 21 shells sell or deliver alcoholic beverages. the interior lighting contained herein shall be sufficient to make easily discernible the appearance of all persons and patrons in possession -- on the premises where alcoholic beverages are possessed or consumed. supervisor chu: thank you. any questions from the committee? i will open it up to public comment. are there any members of the public that wish to speak on item 1? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> make a motion to send item
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forward with a recommendation. supervisor chu: there is a motion. without objection. thank you. >> item two, resolution authorizing the san francisco fire department to accept a gift from the san francisco firefighters cancer prevention foundation of five commercial washer-extractors valued at $44,000 to clean personal protective equipment. >> good morning, supervisors. it is a great pleasure for me to be here this morning. as you are aware, the average statistics on san francisco fire fighters developing a deadly form of cancer is a little bit better than one in three. i think it is one in 2.7. one of the things that the cancer prevention foundation for
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firefighters has been quite adamant about and worked very hard is to enable us to wash our heavy-duty turnout that we wear for firefighters and emergency situations. we have been unable to do this up until this time. i have one set that i have had almost 30 years, and other than housing them down, i do not think they have ever been wash. clearly, this is not adequate. the addition of these five washers, which we would gratefully accept, we look forward to, and we look forward to a time when the cancer rate among firefighters is reduced as a result of these measures at this time. supervisor chu: thank you. i believe we have a representative from the san francisco firefighters cancer foundation. >> i am a board member of the san francisco fire fighters cancer prevention foundation.
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the foundation was established when the fire fighter pocket -- and the incidence of cancer in the fire fire population was significantly higher than the general population. obviously, the extractor is prevention. we hope you accept the gift of five washer extractors so firefighters can wash their protective gear. do you have any questions? supervisor chu: thank you. this is actually just accept and expend, so we would be accepting the gift from the san francisco firefighters cancer prevention foundation of five washer- extractors. any questions from the committee? why don't we open it up for public comment? are there any members of the public who wish to speak on item two? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> make a motion to send this item for with a recommendation. >> there is a motion to send this item forward with recommendations.
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that has been seconded. i want to thank the foundation for all of your work and providing the five washers. we are very thankful. without objection. item three. >> item 3, resolution naming the 17th street pedestrian plaza located at the intersection of 17th street, castro street, and market streets as jane border plaza -- jane warner plaza. supervisor dufty: i am here as the sponsor of this measure to designate the new public community space that was written about as jane warner plaza. jane was an important an active part of the neighborhood for a generation. she served as patrol special police officer in the castro for 17 years, and she was lost after a courageous battle with ovarian cancer in may of this year. subsequent to that, many of my
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constituents contacted me because of the recent new public space and suggested that it would be appropriate to name a in jane's honor in recognition of how many nights she was out late, no matter the challenges, in that very street, crossing back and forth, making sure that people who were going out at night, patronizing clubs and restaurants and visiting friends were always safe. she was really a fixture. she was known as officer jane in the neighborhood. she began her career as a deputy sheriff in hawaii, and in 1991, she joined the san soma police department as the only female and only openly lesbian officers in the department. in 2005, she became president of the san francisco patrol special officers association and has been intricately involved in lobbying the police commission, the board of supervisors.
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she wrote a column in the "bay area reporter" for many years, providing crime information. she has worked with the san francisco district attorney's office, the police commission, the california state senate, senator leno, and many merchants. among those that support the renaming of the spas include the merchants of upper market and castro, all of your candidates to succeed me as supervisor and state senator mark when all. -- all of your candidates who succeed me as supervisor and state senator mark leno. i just want to say i have not had any question about the appropriateness and value of naming this in jane's honor. the problem of public works is not here today, but they have expressed that they have no issue and are very comfortable with this measure. with that, perhaps we can open to public comment. supervisor chu: thank you. are there any members of the
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public who wish to speak on item 3? >> i would like to introduce myself. i was officer jane warner's wife for two decades. i would like to share some excerpts from journals we shared together, so you may hear how jane felt about the castro and the gay community in her own words. "june 28, 1993. going to my first gay pride. it is spellbinding, coupled with
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the magic of the city, all extremely powerful. and indescribable. all those thousands of people around us. dawn and i held each other in love with the day and each other. soon i am going to be working in the castro, making a difference. i could never leave san francisco. we are rich in so many waysd manyawn -- we are rich in so many ways. dawn and i have each other. i see only positive things ahead for all time. i am so charged up to make a difference for people of the castro and san francisco. the weeks before jane died, she would talk to me about her legacy and wondered if the
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patrol special police and the san francisco police and her beloved merchants would remember her. she asked me to make sure she would not be forgotten and make sure her memorial would be memorable for all she admired and loved. thank you. supervisor dufty: thank you so much. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. i would like to offer a letter from the family, the mother, and the two sisters of officer warner and read it into the record and make a few brief personal comments. "to the honorable board of supervisors, the family of jane warner would be most gratified to see the jane warner plaza become a reality.
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even in the last month of jane's last, she expressed a desire to be backlogged of her legacy serving as a police officer. her concern was of the merchants, the castro neighborhood people, the homeless and indigent, and even for the dogs and cats. since her death, we have heard testimony from an incredible number of people who said that jane made such a difference in their lives. she found jobs, paid for shelter and food, even took care of their pets while they straightened out their lives. jane's passion was truly for community policing in the best sense of that word. she saw a need for all the branches of police work to be actively involved in the city. she truly had a desire to work collapse if -- collaboratively. we feel the spirit lives on in the community, that her legacy lives on in the lives of those
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she touched, and at the plaza is a well-deserved tribute and memorial to one who cared so much about people. sincerely, jane warner's family ." i would like only to conclude that i am here to honor and acknowledge also as a former merchant in the castro the jayne's service to me personally as a small-business owner, to the customers of my store, and to the entire neighborhood. i witnessed for two years the peace of mind and the actual piece inside of my shop and on the neighborhood's streets because the gene or her assistant officer would drop in to check on me, to see that my customers and i were safe, and to handle the many difficulties that i was unequipped to handle. most for to gillooly, shoplifting and the homeless.
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i can personally attest to the fact that has been said before that jane had true compassion for those she encountered, even those who were creating disturbances on the street. i could not have conducted my business in the castro without her assistants, and therefore, i urge you to vote yes. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker please. >> supervisors, and the president elect of the san francisco patrol special police. i have learned more about jane morrison surpassing than i did working with her for years and years -- more about jane warner since her passing. i think this is an excellent tribute to an officer that gave so much to the community and so much that she expected nothing back from anybody.
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it is a reminder of what everybody in not only our organization, but every organization, what they should strive for, and to make things better for everybody, whether they had two legs or four legs. in conclusion, like i said, i think this is a fitting tribute to someone who has done so much and gave so much an expected -- and expected nothing in return. >> i want to extend my gratitude to bevan dufty and his staff for putting this motion forward. i would like to express my appreciation to the community members for hearing this today. has been my honor to have called officer jane warner my friend for almost 20 years. i met her only a few months after she came to california.
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it was a time of transition in both our lives, and we had many conversations about what the future may hold. having a clause in the castro named after her never came off as a possibility -- having a plaza in the castro named after her. if she were here, she would ask us to step away from our emotions and to answer the question -- what makes any person worthy of such an honor? i have reached the conclusion that one of the important reasons to name a public location after someone is so that they are never forgotten. not by the people who knew the person, but by the younger generations to come, so people who have never met this person can hear this person's story, to provide for them a shining example to inspire the best of future generations by teaching them about the best of those that came before. i asked myself -- did she lead a life the we want future generations to aspire to live? before she came to the castro, she had an amazing career in law
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enforcement. she was an undercover drug enforcement officer and a number of times. she worked as a patrol officer responding to a number of calls. she worked a tourist visa in honolulu. she worked undercover in to solve sex crimes. but all of the work she did in law enforcement, she felt the work in the castro was her life's calling. it allowed her to use her experienced in the service to help the community that she loved. she fought hard her whole life for equal rights, standing up to sex discrimination. she was passionately committed to community policing. she cared about animals, the homeless, drug addicts, the alcoholics. she believed when we help the weakest of our community to grow stronger, we all benefit. she loved all the different colors of the gay community. she was a strong leader and a great example of how to be a caring member of the community you love. i have asked myself -- did she
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said a good example? did she live a life we want future generations to aspire to live? i think she did, so i hope that you will vote yes. supervisor chu: thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. i have been in the city for about 12 years. i formed a martial arts organization that provides self- defense training and seminars in the castro and got to know jane warner very quickly, working with her. she was instrumental in helping us set out and rent out -- and went on a number of patrols with us to let us see what was going on in the neighborhood, what we should be looking for. the one thing on all those patrols was that on every single block at almost every single moment, people would be walking up to jane and taking a few moments to chat with her. there are very few people in any community that everyone seems to
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have a strong personal connection to. i saw homeless people chatting with her on a first day basis, treating her with respect as she treated them with respect -- chatting with her on a first- name basis. i saw that from business people, from supervisors. anyone who seemed to come into the castro knew were on a personal basis. any person chosen to name areas and locations after -- i think that is typically for a lot of people to look at their life and experiences and encourage people to live up to it that standard or try to exceed that standard. harvey milk is recognized on the west side of that area. 17th is on the opposite side. i think it would be very fitting to see the work and effort that harvey milk put in to make the community opened and provide opportunity for everyone to be a police officer, a lesbian police officer that was known and
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