tv [untitled] October 4, 2010 3:00pm-3:30pm PST
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process -- a!=mq for america's cup, somebody should address the fact, because i have lived through this, what it means in case we actually host it and then lose it, like what happened in 1983 after 53 years of being the host for the cup. what happens to the significant investment, substantially, in terms of us bracing ourselves? we would like to believe we will be in definitely the long-time host of this, but what are some of the economic contingencies to prepare for in case these are influences out of our control, in terms of being able to retain the right to host it. commissioner buell: i will confirm with my colleague about this. we are setting up this offer to say, "you have the opportunity to invest in these facilities
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and use that in the short term for the america's cup." do the $150 million in infrastructure repairs. as long as you want to use them, they are there for that purpose. at a time when the cup has been wrestled away from the team, whatever interval of time that is, there would have to go to the entitlement process to recoup their investment on the facility. in terms of staff investment, whether it is the planning department or any entity, in the undertaking our preparation, that would be covered by the $32 million. any future event or use of those facilities, and they would have to go through and complete environmental review to further recoup their investments. supervisor mirkarimi: if you may need more time to prepare for this, and that is fine.
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but i can't it is important that we learn from the experience -- but i think it is important that we learn from the experience of what it means to host the cup. those who win it have the authority to do what they want with the top. that means we are rolling the dice. commissioner buell: understood. i have two final comments before we get to public comment. supervisor mar: obviously, this is potentially a huge economic boon for the city. how do we ensure that everyone in san francisco can benefit? what is there to make sure that all boats are lifted? while supervisor daly and i may disagree, i think the concern he has i share about making sure
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local residents benefit from the stimulus around the event. chairperson maxwell: also local businesses, and how this benefits local residents. commissioner buell: these are helpful questions because part of why we are bringing this to you now is to understand that the host agreement needs to be delineate. the term sheet includes our offer and does not include a host of requirements you would expect to see in future development of the agreement. i think you could equate the host city agreement as being closer to that in terms of a document. in our conversations, i think members here today can talk about what this would mean to our community. members of delancey street were
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at that community talking about storefronts in that neighborhood. i am hearing about those agreements and they are not delineated about neighborhood opportunity in the terms sheet, nor have we added work force contracting requirements. questions like these help us take them back and say we need to make sure that are included and as comprehensive as possible. >> i agree we do not need to have this on the term sheet, but obviously want the back. local hiring is important to this entire port and something we have demonstrated time after time, a commitment to make sure some francisco residents are the ones who benefit in addition to others. has there been any discussion further as to how you will interact with the neighborhood
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associations and these various neighbors? how is that going to happen? commissioner buell: so far, it has happened on a case by case basis. mission bay has eight meeting in october -- has a meeting in october. i am happy to meet and talk directly with members of those communities. they can contact me directly or anyone in our department. i appreciate that. we'll find a way to build it in. should san francisco be fortunate enough to be selected, the team will be our partner in providing not only be hosting but these benefits. they need to understand and have an opportunity to have this dialogue as well. i wanted to touch on the environmental review.
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the team is conducting rigorous and extensive review of the regatta. that will inform the design and event planning elements. the city has worked with and will continue to work with the public and keep environmental stakeholders' throughout the review process. i'm want to be explicit this is not a term sheet. -- i want to be explicit this is not a term sheet. we think it is important to have them at the table. we have been trying to show that level of engagement. we hope that they review the term sheet and will ultimately be able to take a position of support. lastly, i wanted to mention that we have one technical change in the term sheet which was an attachment. i have new copies. those are for the members of the
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board. we have section 10.5, page 8. as included in the original term sheet, which was overly broad and needs to be tightened down -- we want to work with the labor community and the team to make sure we have the appropriate language that goes into the host city agreement. in closing, i want to thank you very much for this opportunity and seeking your endorsement, representing all the tenants of the racing team. we will move now to public comment and be here for any questions. supervisor mirkarimi: something i was going to ask earlier -- as it relates to maritime development, as i mentioned in my opening remark, i think there is incredible potential, much more than i think is identified in the economic impact report we have all received on the process
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of hosting america's cup. in the marine center, the economic impact would generate essentially $33.25 million, creating 115 jobs. the sector would benefit from some tickets spending -- would benefit from spending. there are estimates that spectator vessels like the horn blow work well make $5 million, generating 15 jobs during the months of the match. i believe this is substantially underestimated. just knowing what it would take for indirect service support for the boats and for training, i think there has been a significant cadre of jobs that
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were not included. i think that is a welcome problem that is worthy of some tweaking of boards on the jobs significant to -- significantly. i do not know who gets to compete in the cup. nobody spoke to that. i heard the general added vacation as to which nations -- the general comment as to which nations. commissioner buell: it is my understanding as set forth in the protocol that was just adopted that the calendar of record -- they open a period of time. i think it starts in october or early november. there is a window of time where a challenger can come forward and has to meet certain requirements and indicate that they want to participate. the team is hoping that they have a range of nations and
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teams that come to participate in the event. in the past, they have had teams from china and russia. during that time when someone can challenge, when that closes, those are the challengers of record. others can be added later in the process. they all compete against each other to be the challengers that ultimately compete in the match. supervisor mirkarimi: is there a minimum? is there a maximum? commissioner buell: let me look at the protocol. i think it is spelled out. chairperson maxwell: why don't we hear from city attorney cheryl atomadams. >> thank you, madam chair. there were questions raised by supervisor daly. one has to do with review of this by the analyst. that is something the board can
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do. there is no tax and therefore no requirement that the matter go to a fiscal committee. there is no preclusion for the board to work on this because it has not been reviewed by the budget analyst. that does not mean the board could not ask for that kind of review. that is always in your purview. the second has to do with the fiscal chapter of the administrative code, which says that prior to undertaking large economic for ceqa studies, the board has to determine if it is economically feasible. the code requires that prior to submission an application for -- submission of an application for environmental review, the requestor has to make a point of economic sustainability.
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in order to allay any concerns that chapter 21 is not being recognized, we would suggest that the board consider adding in a further results -- a further resolve clause saying the city will conduct a the financial feasibility study at such time as the project concerns are better defined to the process of this resolution. i can speak for the department to say that seems to make sense. chairperson maxwell: you said chapter 21. >> i am sorry. chapter 29. chairperson maxwell: that is the wording. colleagues, i will ask you for that amendment. but i would like to hear from the public first. thank you. >> i have a number of cards here.
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if you hear your name, please come up. if you are in the other room, please come in and line up. if you hear your name, lined up. that makes it go a lot faster. ray shipway, anthony pawblossom, marina saterano -- if it sounds roughly like your name. >> good afternoon. i am a native san franciscan. my name is paul cassell. at 11 years old, somebody took me out on a sailboat ride. it was magical and it actually transformed my future. i have been sailing since then. sailing became more than an obsession. it became my profession. i have been in the marine
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business for more than 30 years. i work with a couple of other families. we have three service businesses on san francisco bay where we provide services to commercial and recreational loads. as sailors, we wear a lot of different hats. youth sailing became a profession. i can put on the hat of being the businessmen and talk about how you market your company, or the environmental issues we have to deal with. i could talk at some length but am not going to. what this is about, in my opinion, only wearing one hat, is about jobs for our community. i really cannot impress upon you the importance of this. you asked a question about the economic impact. i believe, as you pointed out,
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that the numbers are way understated. i can also said that starting this afternoon, if you give this and affirmative vote, tomorrow, people will start spending money on their boats. we are not talking about waiting for infrastructure for that spending to take place. i can start spending tomorrow. my wife operates a company that sells second-hand boats. she had a client put a boat for sale because he was not using it. he called her up a couple of weeks ago and said, "i want to keep that vote because i want to watch the america's cup in san francisco bay." you are going to do the right thing because the city knows how to do it. chairperson maxwell: next speaker, please. let us keep that good energy going. >> i make sales for sailboats. i probably should have gone before paul because i could have
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bought several small toys as bribes to cheer you all up. this is a huge opportunity that very few cities get the opportunity to look at. i encourage you guys to find a way to make this work. this does not show to rich people. it shows to people who watch community news, people who read magazines in the dentist's office. it is going to be spectacular. chairperson maxwell: net speaker, please. keep it going. gunner lindberg, curtis lynd. >> i am a resident of district 3. i am with the marine firemen's union, established in 1883. we support the america's cup
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organizing committee to bring the america's cup to san francisco bay. as a condition of that support, we want to see the jones act exception portion of the term sheet deleted. it sounds like it is moving in that direction and we hope it continues to move in that direction. as you know, there is only one reason to have the jones act extension. that is to replace american vessels with foreign vessels and replace american labor with foreign labor. we do not know why the jones act exemption was put there in the first place. it is not clear. we are happy to see that is being dealt with. if that is the case, we will support this term sheet. chairperson maxwell: next, please. larry white, ray shipway. marina is not here.
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gunner lundbyrg. curtis lynd. bill mckinley. >> supervisors, i am larry white. i and the harbor master. this is a great opportunity. this is more than ample opportunity to promote youth sailing and bring in a lot of attention to that. thank you. chairperson maxwell: next speaker. >> good afternoon. i represent the marine engineers beneficial association. i am speaking about the host term sheets. san francisco bay has a rich and diverse maritime history. the achievements of mr. ellison and the oracle team have given us the opportunity to showcase
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this area progress of the world. the marine engineers beneficial association would like to express support. the logistical challenges are many, but the rewards are greater. we stand ready to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by these games and races. improved infrastructure for san francisco and more jobs in an american opportunity -- an american economy that could use the opportunity. chairperson maxwell: john arnott? come on up. and then ron young. >> thank you very much. supervisors, thank you for the hard work you have done, and the mayor's office for making this a possibility. i work with a sailing magazine and am a lifelong sailor. this is a kind of "pinch me"
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moment in the bay area, a dream come true. i think all of us who live here in the city now it is magnificent. i moved here 30 years ago thinking of would be here a couple of years. sailing on the bay is one of the reasons i am here so much longer. the city is beautiful. it is the line between the two that causes a lot of problems. the ballpark restoration has been incredible, the job done by the city to make it a beautiful waterfront. i think this is a great possibility. talking around the country about the possibility of it coming here -- the city is a well- known, beautiful place to sail. but people have doubts as to whether the city can get this job done. i think in this economic climate and political season is a good opportunity for the city to prove it can do business and
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make good deals and wants to attract every company that wants to see the bay area as a place of economic opportunity. it is a representative opportunity to make this come true. as far as the community speaking, it gives the impression of being an elite sport. but like the giants stadium, if you spend all your time in the luxury boxes you might think baseball is an elite sport and look at for the $4 million as a small figure. if you sit in the bleachers, sailing is welcoming to the entire sailing community. as members of the sailing community, that is something we would welcome. again, thank you. i look forward to positive support for this. chairperson maxwell: thank you. >> i am ron young, a member of
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the golden gate yacht club. i have been part of five america's cups. i was the general manager of the golden gate challenge, san francisco's first america's cup. we are attracted by the multi- billion dollar opportunity, but only san francisco can transform the america's cup and host the most popular and economically valuable america's cup ever. first, we have in natural arena. -- a natural arena. we can enable the largest spectators, the largest live audience in earth. on san francisco bay, we have reliable winds, an average of 20 knots a day all summer. we need reliable race days to
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have good media coverage. we cannot have unreliable race days. we have to have reliable race days to get tv cameras to stick around. we have a waterfront bounded by alcatraz, golden gate bridge, and others that keep competition close to the shorelines. we have exciting races at 40 not speeds on the seafront -- 40 knot speeds on the seafront. it could transform the cup to a very large event. please provide this event we could use in san francisco. chairperson maxwell: peter stoberg, jack baird, geoff green. >> i am norman per spierce.
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we have all talked about the value to the sailors and the sailing community, the economics of this event. i want to bring up the value to the citizens of san francisco at large. much like the ballpark, if we create this beach area into a fine entertainment environment, the public can attend events. this america's cup will be unique for the citizens of san francisco, the grassroots people to come down and get possession of the waterfront. we do not have that opportunity right now. there is a line that says sailing is elitist. i think you're seeing more and more that it is not elitist. big boats are expensive, but there are a lot more smaller boats out there. the more opportunity the citizens of san francisco have to reach the waterfront and participate in waterfront recreation is a larger desire to
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be there. we cannot forget that if it was not for sailboats the forty- niners would not have come here. a couple of those guys that sale by the golden gate bridge -- sir francis drake came by sale. i would like to see our citizens realize the importance of getting out on the water and experiencing the fun of this event. let our population participate in a sport which is not elitist. it is just fun and it is cast -- kick ass. sorry. chairperson maxwell: i took sailing lessons many years ago in sausalito. i was dating somebody. at any rate, i have been smitten by the bug and i love sailing.
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i do not do it as much as i like. but i think more and more people should be able to see it and enjoy it. i think we see what you do in my community, in hunters point. >> thank you. i represent a number of people in south beach. our club reaches out to the community at large and takes projects and experiences to the community to bring them onto the water. we run an annual event. we go to hunters point and india basin. we put them on sailboats, kayaks, catamarans. we just ran our fifth community youth sailing program. it was oversold.
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we are basically targeted to community outreach and trying to get the public, not just sailers, into an environment that is sailing. thank you for pointing that out. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i served as the senior vice president of the san francisco giants baseball team. we applaud the city's efforts to attract major events to san francisco, including the america's cup. we hope to host a major international sporting event ourselves later in the year. [applause] all such events, however, need to be carefully coordinated to minimize or eliminate the negative impact to surrounding residents and businesses. in our case, we play the majority of our schedule during the months of july, august, and
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september. each game is the source of considerable revenue to the port. the term sheet before you contemplates using the resources critical for our ball park event, such as the embarcadero road way access. we have been assured by the mayor's office that not withstanding the term sheet, the america's cup schedule and any potential use of lot 347 will be carefully coordinated with us and that the ball park events will be able to go forward and compromised. with that level of cooperation, we trust and hope that both the america's cup and the 2013 baseball season can coexist and thrive. [applause] >> go giants. >> thank you, madam chairman in committee members. i am the rear commodore of the
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st. francis yacht club, a proud tenant of san francisco, and next-door neighbors of the golden gate yacht club. i am also on the america's cup organizing committee. i have enjoyed the day for over 20 years, more than 50 days of the year. i am in very strong support of bringing the america's cup to san francisco. i have been to the last three america's cups in san diego, new zealand, and spain. i have firsthand seen the changes that have occurred in those cities and the redevelopments of the ports that have occurred. it has brought tremendous benefits to each of those cities. they have renovated rundown ports. the have brought beautiful parks in at the harbor's for the america's cup was held. they have had long
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