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tv   [untitled]    October 5, 2010 1:00am-1:30am PST

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now. >> if the students can get credit as long as they're still enrolled in our school system. >> ok. great. >> i have one more question. who's developing tools to be using or measuring. is that with you kevin? >> it's a partnership. all of the dcyf date us. they do go through ri tu cana. so we work in partnership on many of the projects with d crrks yf. >> ok. so -- dcyf. >> ok. so to measure the program's effectiveness, both of you are developing the measures. certainly school attendance and school engagement is going to be at the top of the list.
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we're incorporate rating the school require jments -- requirements. our post secondary program is college prepared, college ready, there are goals that defined their readiness. and i i that those certainly -- the goals that we have within our high schools. building goals to identify as students get to their senior year how ready they are. they have a post secondary success plan. attending school, engagement, like i said building a portfolio of their experience with their success with the big picture. they have -- they actually do oral presentations. what's it called?
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exhibition. thank you they actually locate their learning. so it's atanments of those goals and how successful we are meeting their goal in internship. >> every nine weeks there's an exhibition, is that correct? >> that's right. would you be so kind as to for toward board the schedule so members would be able to visit and observe? ok. thank you very much. >> we have representatives from human services agency. what i'd like to do first is again, underscore that the following city departments are following up and updating us. we had a hearing about the
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importance of coordination for students in multiple systems. students being served by multiple systems. i'd like to invite the -- si ling. i'm heavily indebted to si ling for coming today. >> hold on one second. our clerk ms. casco is going to make sure ormicrois on. >> good afternoon. thank you very much supervisors and commissioners for inviting
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me to come back and present on this multisystem children and youth and the progress that we've made in terms of making programs for accessible and effectiveness. i want to walk through my presentation. we'll do a very quick overview of what we kernly offer in terms of level of of care. and then some of our current structure for communication working together among the multi-- the department city departments and nonprofit agencies. also the decision-making system in our services. to the next page, actually talks about the multiple level of career, which is a slide. it goes from the most strict level of care.
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patient hospitalization and we use st. mary's hospital as our primary hospital for it. sometimes if we're really full, we have services in juvenile center. we have a small number of children that we place in residential street. . and then this intensive services. and also nonresidential day treatment. and then we also contract with 60 c.b.o.'s to provide outpatient services of various
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kinds. and we have prevention services. but yeah, so then the next is just a quick overview as to the number of kinds that we serve with open -- open shots. about 5,000 times that we served every year in increasingly smaller snurms -- numbers. they serve 28 pre-k and this is the child development center. 41 elementary schools. 11 middle schools, and 21 high schools. this is for your rerns. on to -- reference.
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this is a state mandated services. it's an assessment unit that we created the essential services we said three to two units. 259 students were found eligible. 90 students at duke having their assessment right now. the family actually moves out the district. this is just the new intake for last year. over 1,000 students are receiving outpatient care. next talks about children and youth. this is from the dada 2007, 2008. at that time we look out of the
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5,000, 102 of them are in that system, in mental health in and also in juvenile probation. it's a very high need. >> this appears to be i think it was the last time was 150. >> it came down a little bit. but it's probably -- it probably has to be placed. the number has gone down. >> ok. but it also could be for the great year it has gone down too. so just some quick characteristic of who these 102 children are. the majority of them, afternoon, 70%. followed by latin 14rks slrs. and asian america 5.9 person.
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mostly mail and 40% female. actually they -- this is the ethnicity and this is gender. so the next one, you can see it starts from --. the peak of the age is 14 years old and then followed by 16. the next time is on neighbor. the stop several neighbors where they are used to living in the edition. what's an edition.
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>> this is a quick overview i talk about it that it's a single point of intake for children. we call location of our workers. and we have stayed aim high program. we have colo cation of co-location in juvenile hall. as students we work very closely with the wellness centers in the safe schools. one is more promotion. we have to share where the human gets involve. there's a math meeting with the
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cantu project and then we had sarah put up the meeting. >> one of the things that we have learn sd that things fall through the cracks. so we try to really communicate and so the next one, based on the american citation association recommendation. eso this is a well researched and well evidence. there's a law that has a good outcome for you being involved in the criminal system. c.b.t. is a well known treatment for. there's also focus community
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violence. education is also another evidence they practice. next set, the slide talks about changing the way we do our business. for the past three years we do a system on decision making. and we adopted it. we had two that we also shared with probation and with child welfare. it's a really useful to check out come. -- useful information to check outcom. i'm going to skip some of the profile. this is just a snapshot of --
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with a list in spring of this year to year. the fifth one is hyper activity. and how do these problems impact the client's functioning? i know the next line talks about school achievement. the family, school behalf or. -- behavior. and then living situation. we know we have a lot of work to do. >> we also take a look at 1,557 children in our youth. we try to understand how truancy is being affected in our system.
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of all the open cases 57% had no tennis problem. but 22% would miss three day as week. so that's about 100 children and youth. the last line and this is my last presentation, it talks about the change. so if we find these needs and we find the presenting problems as we find the impact of functioning. we track how we address it over time. this is a full assessment. pretty much we were able to impact, you know, some areas. so depression gone down and the control gone down. and so you can seer we are
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working these two to gain tracks. both for the clinnings and also for party makers such as you. that concludes my presentation. if there are any questions, i'll be happy to answer. >> what i'd like to do is i'd like to bring the other two departments and have the questions all together. next i'd like to invite our chief of juvenile probation bill sufferman to join us. >> thank you. supervise or dufty. supervisor daily. bill sufferman, chief probation officer and asked to participate in today's hearing. i have to be >> very frank. i don't shy away from any opportunity to share information about the
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partnership between the juvenile probation department and the san francisco unified school district. i welcome this opportunity just to present the main feature of our partnership with the district. as you know and may find hard to believe that some of the students in the san francisco unified school district get themselves into difficulties that wind up placing them under the auspices and just diction of the juvenile probation department. and for those youth that find our way to our doors and find our way into the temporary juvenile detention center and in our system we have a number of initia actives that -- nive actives that provides that. the detention center school at the juvenile detention center,
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the services provided at the county day school the principle center collaborative where the big picture school has been introduced into the circumstance william this year. and the services at log can ranch that are provided by the district. all of these represent key threads in the fabric that establish as very positive culture, within the institutionings and provides support -- institutions and provides support and are required to attend schools. >> this partnership has never been as strong as it is in the 5 1/2 years that i've been here in the city as the chief probation officer. we will be present, i believe, at the call of the next chair to present some specific information relative to our partnership with one of the newest initiatives with the district. and be presenting along with other partners at the next
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hearing. but i'm also here to answer any questions that you might have about ways that the department can improve our cooperation with the district in providing the education nal pathways for youth that are in both of our systems. >> thank you. so bill, i'm going to ask you if you can stay a few more minutes and then we'll come -- come back. >> sure. and 50eu8 be joined at that time by allison mcgee our director, administrative services that we'll also be available for any questions you might have. i want to thank for being here. >> sure. thank you. >> i want to invite liz crudo and dan kelly of the department of human services.
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>> i values handouts. so -- -- i also have handouts. so. h -- -- so -- >> good afternoon. i'm liz crudo, i'm a program manage we are the family division of human services agency and dan kelly is the manager for our planning and evaluation staff. i'm going to talk about our some of our inner agency partnerships that are serving the school district children in san francisco. this is not all of our partnerships but they are some of the key ones and you'll hear some echoing of what si ling is saying with our partnership. just so you have some background and some context to
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foster children in san francisco, this is some statistics on who those kids are. there's about 1,300 -- there's a typo there. there's about 1,300 who are san francisco department. half of those students are placed out of county. about 60% of those 1,200 children are placed with relatives. 426 are age 5 and up. so that's the population we are talking about, age-school children. i wanted to talk a little bit about our math team which is an inner agency collaboration of the different divisions. but you see here before you today, our agency, human service, juvenile probation of the unified school district and mental health. this is an -- a meeting to talk
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about services for them. it came out of last year. there was a series submitted to the board of supervisors. this is one of the core things that came out of the meeting. we had a number of inner agencys that were happening before and we collapsed all those until it would be larger. everyone's on the same page as to what needs to happen for these cases and the kind of support that our staff needs. you hear si ling to talk about
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communication. one of the key parts of the meeting too is that at the end of the meeting, the deputy directors meet also. so that when we have particularly difficult situations we're able to work together across our agency to come up with solutions. and that's been very effective. there is just some more information about the purpose and goal on the next page. i wanted to talk a little bit about specific partnerships that we have in the school district. the services program is a division of the school system that works specifically with foster use in san francisco schools. and they have several staff who provided a number of different services. one is a pam let. that one was described to you.
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these include educational type management. including with special education. they have been able to participate in 100 decision-making meetings last year. those are meetings that take place whenever we look at removal of children. one of the things that we know is that educational success and consistency is very important. they start having educational problems. it request be very demand pg. so they have been able to provide educational at the meeting or they've helped insure that they provide us with the information that we need so that we can assure that
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the educational needs are getting met. we also on our staff have a child welfare worker who acts as the liaison with the unified school district. they worked with the services staff and the two representatives to have a collaboration. through the part northeast are nership through the foster services. the other brochure that you are in front of you describes that. this is a have innovated project. it kicked off in january. what we've done is turn to the school community. >> can you show us which pro sure we're supposed to be looking at? >> it's the with the families.
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ok. so the -- >> we're doing foster care with their quim. in the adoption agency, it has done the needs for foster care. the the needs for the children to remain in the community and in this school setting as much as possible. since january we've been able to make 15 placements of kids with families in their school. we're very excited about it. it's quite innovated. we worked very hard on it. another core project that we have is sp-163 wrap-around program. this is something that theykes
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state and federal funding for children, the foster care placement funding and allows us to draw down that same level of funding, but provide services for children in family settings who are at risk of going to a high level group home placement. so we're able to access more funding to provide the services that they need to maintain them in family settings. and that is an interagency partnership between human services, mental health, juvenile probation, and the school district. and then seneca connections is the private agency that actually provides the service. so it's primary -- primarily the child welfare kids and the few mental health clients who access that. and this just gives a little
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bit more description of who is actually eligible for the service. you need to be in at risk of group home placement and you need a 362 status or be a.b. 3632 eligible or have a.p. we're also offering it to adoptive families to make sure the adoptions stay in place. supervisor dufty: how long is that extended for new family adoptions? i have had situations where adoptive households have had issues that cropped up several years later? >> they're still eligible for this service. supervisor dufty: ok. >> we have a couple of a.a.p. staff. they'll often make referrals on behalf of the family. supervisor dufty: we're good. >> this was mentioned earlier in the presentation. this is something that comes out of the communities of opportunity and is a coordinated case negligent approach for families in multiple systems. and specifically for families living in the public housing
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developments in hunters view and hunters point. so it's, again, having one plan across multiple agencies for families and it's a community-focused family-centered program. staff are trained in these kinds of practices. i think we have about 10 families participating at this point in time. and finally i just wanted to reference again some documents that our department has submitted to the board and have been approved in the last year. the system improvement plan which the board approved in august and the reports that i mentioned earlier, the san francisco task force on residential treatment for use in foster care, which were submitted last year because those contain a lot of context of this information, a lot of detail and the strategies that we have identified across systems to address the needs of children with complex issues. supervisor dufty: and, mr. kelly, do you have a
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presentation as well or are we coordinated here? that's awesome, that's awesome. i wanted to open this up to public comment to make sure any members of the public who wish to be heard, we'll allow two minutes each speaker. you're welcome to come and provide testimony. welcome, walter. we don't often get you here, we'll welcome you. >> thanks, thanks. ♪ been around the world of schools, i can't find a place ♪ ♪ i don't know where foster you're going ♪ ♪ i don't know where in the world you might go next ♪ ♪ you did too much trying ♪ didn't waste a second of time ♪ ♪ here you cry ♪ ay-ay i've ay