tv [untitled] October 9, 2010 6:00am-6:30am PST
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three years' time, and we would actually start to benefit next year, and because it is over such a long time, the teams, and move here with their families. furthermore, unlike the olympics or world cup soccer, should in rhode island. they go back to back-to-back, and we believe that mr. ellison will win, not that he will lose it right away, so he is investing resources to make sure that he had the opportunity to bring it back. i have of the things to talk about as far as it costs the city. supervisor maxwell: ok. >> madam chair, supervisors, in mr. hartman.
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-- i am mr. hartman. only a few of the many, many volunteers who are trying to secure this extraordinary event for the city. with all of the great opportunities of the sport that to articulate it, there are also extraordinary opportunities in symbiotic opportunities, and she mentioned, to capitalize -- extraordinary opportunities and some biotic opportunities, and she mentioned, to capitalize. unlike other venues -- and some biotic -- some biotic -- symbiotic opportunities. the bay itself, the port, -- ok.
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we are set up for this kind of event in the city. this is a tourist city. of course, we have the hotel rooms and the office space to accommodate some of the scale, this magnitude, and to benefit greatly and to expose the city. supervisor maxwell: you mentioned office space. what do you mean? most of us do not think about that. most of us think about boats. >> there are support facilities. supervisor maxwell: so some of
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that would be over years. >> yes, and there are hotels. it is far reaching. in terms of the program itself and the use of the facilities, starting with the pier, this would be the public heart of the event, directly adjacent to downtown, directly adjacent to the bridge, and next to it, pier 28, which is seen as a venue for the media, who will be here throughout this event, great news of the city and great news of this public facility. this is seen as a potential site for temporary activities, entertainment and so forth, to go on with the regatta and directly adjacent across the street. this will be an integral part.
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they come from around the world to use this place. operations, will be for their self -- further south on pier 50, so this is part of our recreational parks. directly adjacent that will be pier 48, for the necessary administration to go with the teams. of course, the seawall at 37 of of the parking lot can be used -- off of the parking lot can be used with activities associated with meat -- the seawall at 37
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off of the parking lot can be used with the activities associated with the event. and we could use other piers, depending upon the actual needs of the teams themselves. there is a lot flexible opportunity on the site. very importantly, this entire venue has pedestrian walkways, a 24-minute walk from one end to the other, and also, of course, by muni and light rail, and there are only three stops between, so we have a real sustainable transportation situation to make this a really active front. supervisor maxwell: you
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mentioned pedestrians. so are the welcoming people? >> this could be really, really exciting as a use. as i mentioned, pier 50, operations and space. there will be simple but elegant structures, again, a temporary facilities. -- again, a temporary -- again, temporary facilities. it will be unlike any other race. supervisor maxwell: catamarans,
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and supervisor daly mentioned in dredging. -- mentioned dredging. >> catamarans are a much more shallow draft in both. -- drafting boat. we have over 5.5 meters of death throughout the race in the area, so a very, very low dredge would be necessary, so going forward in terms of looking at the 04 facilities, the idea here is to make this really a publicly accessible place -- looking at further opportunities -- facilities. this will bring them up to life safety standards for assembly space and would widen public access during, through, and
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beyond the actual race itself. the waterfront will be an extraordinary opportunity. there is food and beverage for the public as well as the teams. the heart of all of this would be a ampitheater, which provides viewing space for the public to look out in real$ water but also to be supported by video monitors and so forth that will make this really a new kind of america's cup. this is very conceptual. it will be up to mr. ellison and his team to decide what to do in terms of architecture. there could be a very simple, a temporary structure, which could be overarching. to protect from the wind, rain, sun, harvest rainwater, and be really a true image for san francisco with the america's cup
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on our waterfront, and it is one that would be seen by media around the world and would provide for the city, we think, an image of both sustainability of of the embarcadero with a space that makes it really truly openx4w use the technology, again, and you can see the details on this race, so will be extraordinary. san francisco is one of the greatest cities in the world, using infrastructure widely, going to the airport, continental nonstops -- san francisco is one of the
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greenest cities. supervisor maxwell: and how would these ships come in? they are not sailing here. well, maybe some are. >> much like in high technology piece, it could be brought in by water or maybe by air. these are very, very high technology machines. >> they are brought in here, and then they are assembled -- supervisor maxwell: ? >> others can speak about the technology. with that, we will talk about the actual city. >>brtg you are right, supervis. they would be brought in, and what would happen at pier 50, is they would have a base, and then
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they would put it together there in in prove it, leading up to and through competition. supervisor maxwell: and that is something that people could see, putting it together there. supervisor mirkarimi: what would you prefer? >> we deftly of folks here, as well. there are basically three tenants of the city offer. this is the physical infrastructure part.
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they have the potential to reimburse this for the infrastructure improvements. in 2003, it went through a full environmental review, almost 300,000 square feet of general office, parking spaces, a two- level terminal, an excursion deck, and legislation that was consistent with the public trust. and there was a potential for additional units on housing.
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there is the dredging, in working with the maritime director, and we believe that a fair amount of the dredging, especially with the catamarans, might be included in what the port has. the removal of pier 36, construction of the brandon street wharf project, all of that is independently funded that is happening with or without the project, regardless. that is happening. b nqi call up those costs becaue
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they are delineated and part of our obligation. we see this between $20,000,025 million in direct costs. entering into vote -- we see this between $20 million and $25 million in direct costs. entering into an mou. they would offset the revenue losses. we're in communication with the comptroller's office, and we call this out in the resolution on page three, recouping the costs and making them hole with this tool. -- making them whole.
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the general fund revenue is appropriate. if you're doing mathematics of what we're doing, it may not be as aggressive as the team may like or had sought. we believe this is the most aggressive package we can get approval for at this time, and it is the basis for the term sheet and the resolution, and it is the framework for going forward. as soon as we get it completed, we would move forward with what we anticipate being a very aggressive schedule that is achievable doing the studies related to the environmental
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review, some getting permits a, is the with a review under ceqa, and begin the documentation. the supervisors would be began taking approval of action -- would begin taking a production. 2013. we can move quickly and get an environmental review properly, and that is part of why we have engaged the environmental community early on, to get their
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support, and kind of make sure that we move quickly. we went to take up -- talk about the logistics. we have the most senior members of the federal, state, and local government, not only here locally but throughout the country to ensure that the emigration concerns -- immigration concerns, coast guard, other, they have been the most senior. it is a who's who, it continues to grow every week as we find
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more assets to bring to the table. so with that, i am going to pause and that my colleague -- and let my colleague martha cohen speak. supervisor maxwell: i believe we have some other people, from rec and park, and if there are any other department heads who would like please do. >> opposite economic and work force development. i will make it very quick -- office of economic and work force development. as jennifer and another stated, we are in the process of attempting to be chosen as a venue, and is very much a work in process, but this process is moving forward. we are trying to demonstrate early and often what our
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capabilities are, and one of the overriding concerns, at least in this state, with the bmw oracle racing team would be to insure this on the waterside, and so today, i have said meetings with first the harbor safety committee, which is the state committee, and there is the chair, and they represent an number of maritime entities it, both private and commercial. including the ferries and others. there is the san francisco bar pilots and coast guard san francisco. the bottom line from this meeting was that this is certainly doable. what is most important is that we're out there talking with each other very early. the second meeting that we had
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is that though this was complicated with many moving parts, this was something that we could accomplish, and then, finally, today, there was a very long conversation with a supervisor out of sacramento, because another portion of we are supposed to demonstrate the ability to control is air- traffic, and once again, as was said, this is all very durable. i think what is important that we take away from this is that as we essentially do this on a daily basis in san francisco, we have had very good working relationships with local, state, and federal colleagues, and we're going to continue to build on what we have now and enter into this more, because there is a great deal of outreach to be done. thank you very much. supervisor maxwell: thank you
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very much. welcome. >> that afternoon, supervisors. thank you for this. i do not have any prepared remarks. i would just say that the opportunity to have the america's cup here is a exactly the kind of maritime business we do. it does not meanin new neighborhoods, which is what other places would require. moving forward with the america's cup, we are working through a lot of the details. she did a great job of answering quite a few of the questions. we just want to answer something. you may recall that supervisor daily but did -- he was absolutely correct. we did do this for it already.
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this is amazing to me, and it is a huge coup for the city. it will come back to determine how and where and when. pier 70 has benefit and will continue to benefit. -- has benefited and will continue to benefit. supervisor maxwell: we did not have a lot before they were given to us. >> it has really been to rely on the user of the pier.
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this was over 100 years ago. so as you know, supervisor maxwell, one of the reasons it came back to the jurisdiction in 1969 was the inability to do anything in the way of investment. we have a worked sort of north to south. and the america's cup could help us get it faster than we could do it on our own. it is a very exciting opportunity. supervisor maxwell: i am glad you said that, because i know that supervisor daly mentioned that pier 70 could be a problem, and we have great assets there.
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>> pier 70 is not fully funded as we see it today. it will help with that gap, so we are moving it forward as fast as we can. 25 of the 69 acres. the possibilities are better than they ever, ever have been at. supervisor maxwell: thank you. supervisor chiu has some questions. supervisor chiu: are we getting back what we are doing for this?
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>> as we mentioned, we are a hub for maritime activities. it is not containers, everything else, and this would complement the activities that we already have, commercial fishing, etc., and to me, in the time that i have worked there, there is a negative value, in my view. we carry it in our capital plan, requiring ferrum of the money just to fix it up to the current standard, so we have long noted that for a development project to move forward, it was going to need the assistance of the property across the street, and we started that before my time with the development, but,
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ultimately, the economics in the best of real-estate markets did not work for them, and they determined not to go forward. happily, we did have money on the condominium development, which had been set aside and will be part of the funding for this, so the nexus stayed in place, and pier 50 is one of our higher revenue ones. we have the maintenance facility to accommodate the building. pier 46 is no longer, and we will have to move out. we also have some tenants we very much want to hold onto, and we are looking to relocate them. it has all been a fabulous the cooperative, because this would be the first real investment except for another terminal for
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the cruise ship, which we are still working on in a maritime project, and that is basic news. i hope that answers the question. supervisor maxwell: thank you. supervisor mar? supervisor mar: i just wanted to ask about this and the brandon street wharf. i got some input from a number of environmental and clean water advocates, and one points to the term sheet, 6.1 b, and begins to rise to use the facilities for the events, and then it says exclusive rights until six months after the america's cup match as reasonably necessary, and there is a question about when will the public -- i think a growing
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