tv [untitled] October 9, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST
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>> when he seats over here too. >> there's one there. >> we do need everyone to please take a seat. >> thank you very much. i'm going to ask the clerk a question. we have a big crowd today. i know that on -- item 10, we're going toby required to have a portion of that discussion in closed session. is it possible to move item 10 past item 13, general public comment so we don't send everybody out of the room and have them come back in? >> yes. if you announce that now. >> i'm going to announce that item 10 will be taken up after
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item 13 in order not to reshuffle everybody out of the room before the last public comment on the agenda. with that let's move on. >> commissioner harrison. >> thank you. you mentioned the porta potties at delores park. they were going to be permanent. >> porta potties are not permanent by definition, but they're -- they're going to be there a while, yes. >> is there a way to camouflage them. they're not attractive. >> we'll continue to work on that issue. we have to. >> we're trying to accommodate the need out there. if the public decides that -- that there -- they're -- not as necessary, we could obviously adjust our temporary porta potties. i think i may have misspoke but we're going to have them out this every day rather than only on weekends and special events for the time being.
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>> still there should be some kind of lattice work or camouflage or whatever. >> we'll look at it and do what we can. >> great. >> thanks. >> supposed to be good news. >> go ahead. >> is there any public comment on the general f general manager's report? >> >> i sigh where it is two minutes. >> two minutes. >> katherine howard, golden gate preservation. i'm here to talk about the bluegrass festival. the festivals seem to have conflicting approachs to vegetation protection. our observations are included in the memo. if anyone would like a copy who is listening or watching, we'll be glad to send it to them, we have a lot of photos. i would say there were some items that were good in terms of protection and some that were very bad. one in particular that stands out is once again the bicycle
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parking was extremely damaging to the park and the park vegetation. the good news is people are riding their bikes to the concert. the bad news is more people are riding their bikes to the concert. a little disconcerting thing is that a -- a park visitor told me that when -- when asked what to do with the bike, one of the security people hired by the festival told them to chain it to a tree. so i think we need a little more education for the security. that person by the way was also smoking at the time. we have a little double problem with park codes and what is supposed to go on in the parks. i have given you piggets of some of the good things where trees were protect add vegetation was protected and also areas whereby -- bikes were attached to trees, cars parked on roads, 25th avenue and lake boulevard on the park middle drive all had cashes parked if the landscape and along the lakes a tree was knocked over. i assume by a car because they would have had to back into it.
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it was not the direction of traffic flow. there's not supposed to be parking at all. it was a tree eight inch diameter. it was a large pine tree. we have suggestions in here for recommendations for future festivals. there's signage at the entrance. let's let people know what they're supposed to do, let's train the security people. let's have -- please let's have enforcement. thank you very much. >> thank you and thanks for the pictures. the bicycles look like artwork up in the trees. you certain -- this certainly makes the point. >> yeah. mr. president, di omit one important part of my g.m. report which is our wonderful chair of les hell ger who is here to give a quick update about tuesday. >> good afternoon commissioners, last tuesday october 5th was a well attended meeting. at one point it was standing room only. i like to thank those coming.
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we appreciate sarah for seeking our input. we look forward to continuing to work with her on this important top pick. i also like to thank members of the p.u.c. staff for coming to talk to us about the west side water treatment plant and for patiently waiting through what became a hong meeting. after prozac discussed their presentation, we passed this resolution, which you have before you, and i just like to read it into the record. it was approved on october 5th, and basically says, prozac wishes to express its stronk concern there's a proposal to locate the water treatment plant on land within the golden gate park. i also like to say that prozac members agreed to send comments for the e.i.r. scoping about the park p.u. crifment project to me and be forwarded to the planning department and the p.u.c. by october 18th which is the deadline.
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thank you. >> thank you. commissioner harrison. >> may i ask a question. you mentioned you had staff out there that gave you a report on the outreach program. did they give you any information regarding that? >> there was -- there was a presentation at the meeting. >> no paperwork? >> there was paperwork delivered to us at the meeting. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> is there any other public comment under the general manager's report? >> my name is chris. i'll be brief. speaking to public rest rooms at the park, we have a couple of rest rooms that have been placed next to the shakespeare garden. i sent a note to her and she said it would be looked into. . they're still there, so there must be some permanent placement. could they be serviced because they're smelling up the area
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around the academy right now. >> thank you. >> any other public comment on this item? >> karen tidwell from the parks trust. i wanted to say that of course we're appalled by the vandalism at the golden gate park golf course, and we'll start the pot for the reward at $1,000. we hope other people will join us. we'll of course get the word out to our members and other constituents to -- to keep their eyes peeled and see if we could find this person or persons. this joins the award money for the trees. a wonderful organization stepped forward in donating the money for the trees and we'll help as much as we can to try to raise money for this. as was already mentioned, the needs are great already. it seems sad that we have to go out and create a new need because of these unfortunate people. so i hope someone else will step up and help us add to the pot of money for a tip. a stip ster. >> thank you.
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>> commissioner harrison. >> richard, wait a moment. >> could you tell us where we could -- who we could contact regarding contributing to that? >> yes. as with the trees, they will have to contact the san francisco police department and will also, within 48 hours have a spot on our website for people that like to donate toward that. we recently started something called the restore fund which is going to be funding gardners. we started our party for the parks. it was so successful that we're going to keep this way of letting people donate directly to garden supplies and tools for gardners and this would fall under that category. that'll be up on our site monday so people could donate to that fund and that will help with the golf course restoration. >> thank you. i'm going to ask the people standing by the door if there are seats available over here, we can't have anybody standing. so if you take the seats, we appreciate that. there's three that i can see from here.
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>> thank you. >> richard. >> my name is fong. i wanted to tell you that i attended the water project, recycling water project. mr. buell you asked about information that would be handed out. i have copies of the n.o.p., out. i have copies of the n.o.p., notice of the project. i wanted to address the commission on what is mitigateable at the project. i think i'm going to stand up and say i'm in frafere of the project. there were a few things that i looked at that were -- are very important, the park that -- if we're going to take 2.8 -- if the project is going to develop 2.8 million gallons of water on a daily basis -- why isn't it you can't get more out of there? that's what i'm thinking because wee in san francisco county, we're in the business of running
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water and we have other water, this particular water is more costly than the hechey water. when we produce more water, such as through other methods, that are priorityized through the pilot study they have with the saline project, will we be able to -- to get some money back with our -- r.p.d. trying to kick up the kitty a bit from the water that is hechey and being that we're making an error out of our lands and -- at golden gate park. when -- i wonder if i got that across. it went to 5 million gallons a day and we had that water, we don't use it here in san francisco. there are other counties that buy our hechey water. is there any way that we in san francisco get that type of money back here, sfrpd. to develop funding, so it is going on. now i want to post it. some people brought us something about the mail and other things
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we recycled water. this wasn't anything that had a buffer base to pass them. we have storage tanks, a common buffer base and -- i like to include that in the -- in the mitigation whether -- with the planning department. >> thank you. >> is there any other public comment under the general manager's report? being none public comment is closde. we're on item four, which general public comment. at this time members of the public may traci the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter of the commission and don't appear on the agenda. with respect to the items, you're -- your opportunity will be afforded when the items is reached in the meeting. i'm going to call names out. if you could come up, howard, fox, dutierstat. extrasener. ernestine weis and richard fong
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and muir row. milo. after that. if you could please come up, anyone's name that i called, please come forward. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is jill fox with the indiana basin association. 17 years advocating for our neighborhood. i'm an original neighborhood parks councilmember. the district 10 rep to prozac for six years in the beginning and served on the blue greenway task force. i understand from the prozac agenda that rec and park is ready to use the open space fund to acquire property. this is wonderful news. since it has been a number of yous -- years since we required
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anything, there's an acquisition policy that was designed by prozac and our p.d. staff and approved by the commission. i want to tell you about the historic boatyard which our organization has been advocating for since 1999. it was on the acquisition list in the past but was not presented to prosack in the round. this property fits the criteriaperson perfectly and has strong self-sustaining reuse potential. it is generally nope as 900 potential. it is generally nope as 900 innis avenue. this is a historic photo from the 1920 's. it was the boatyard where the hay scouts were built in the 1860's until the 1990's. it has natural shore hein. actual natural shoreline of san francisco. rec and park owns the adjacent properties.
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it really fits the criteria well. this is landmark, san francisco landmark number 250, the hunter's point ship house which is on the property. sadly -- this is what it looks like today. neglected, and covered in graffiti. we should all be ashamed of this because -- i -- i thought i had three minutes, i have put everything in writing and -- i will give it to you and to the department. >> thank you so much. >> next speaker, please? >> good afternoon commissioners. howard strausburg. anticipating the difficulties, we sent you anticipating the difficulties, we sent you a letter about charging for, paing in golden gate park and the marina. i don't think anything happened. i'm here to ask you do ask your staff to do studies on these two
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parking collection areas. even if it is -- it could cost them smun, i could tell you if you institute parking fees in these areas, it would probably cost me something, not as much as them, but that's fine. this is great way to make money. some benefits of charging for parking in the large parks would mean that more people would use transit. more people walk and more people will not drive around looking for free parking. it may even increase the rates that you charge that can be charged in the hole in the park, the garage and -- you -- you'll be able to use modern technology multiple meters to handle 10, 20 spots. you'll be able to change the the rates based on demand. this is the same kind of stuff that the city is doing everywhere it can. they'll help you do it. you'll become much more self-sufficient, you'll be able to increase your maintenance, increase all of the services that you provide rather than cutting them every year. you won't have a -- to bend over
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backwards to charge little fees for people entering parks that have been free for the thousand years. you won't rent out or give away your parks downtown for event that is the public can go to without paying large fees. this is something that you -- you should have thought about years ago. it -- there's plenty of time to direct your staff to do reports, the m.t.a. has -- growing number of experts who can help you on this. it -- it fits in line with their plans of having variable meter rates and all of that kind of stuff. there's a growing body of information showing that -- that yow cannot give away -- y50eu can't -- never have enough parking if you give it away. dr. chuter is writing down south and l.a. is talking about the high cost of free parking. this is something that you could get to. i -- just -- just it just seems that any way you start this, it is going to be helpful in the long run and short run. thank you so much. >> commissioner lee.
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>> on your point, i know this was discussed quite a bit last year. i know katie had even set up a pilot and i don't know if you want to talk about that a bit. okay. >> let me -- let me weigh in. >> it was discussed. >> let me weigh in and say that this subject gets discussed extensively at a staff level. if every politician and lect official and community leader shared your view, we might be a lot farther down the line. it is discussed extensively. i'm here representing the outdore roller skating oh. i have not been before you in a while. you have done such a wonderful job. >> could you say that again? >> into the mic. >> since 1978 i roller skated in
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golden gate park. every time, i find joy that most people can't imagine. this is why i spents 18 years trying to create the best rorle skating venue in the world. you were part of that and dan was instrumental in making that happen. it is also why i'm president of the outdore roller sports association. sadly the joy i found has been replaced by anxiety and frustration. if you could put that up please. this was yesterday afternoon at -- about 4:30. traditionally wednesdays skaters were allowed to skate here. that's not the case nirm r-anymore. some call this a skating place or sixth avenue and j.f.k. logs and other debris are dragged out on to the surface and the benches which i personally made and donated to the park have been ground into splinters.
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thank you, d% splinters. thank you, department, for painting an oval on the street on our area last week. it improved safety for skaters on sundays but on weekdays it is irrelevant. we also appreciate that you will be putting signage at sixth avenue. i truthfully have doubts that unless we have an alternative location for skateboarders they will ignore it or find locations in the park elsewhere to grind. this right here is a shakespeare. this is the bait hohn -- beethoven statue. it is not a hidden place. this is 3:00 in the afternoon. i know you have staff around and the skateboarders are chronicly all over & think they need to be reminded this is inappropriate in more than a reminding sort of way. i -- can i be very brief? >> very. >> i like to point out that three years ago the board of
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supervisors recommended that waller become a skating area. in april of 2009 several of you stood with -- with at the time jarrod and approved this space would be made a skate wording area. i have made a -- suggestions along with the skateboard association for things that could be done there that would cost nothing. we're told that the people that where going to design the skateboard area in line to improve temporary structures there so the skateboarders would have a place to skate. i suggest you direct staff that we move with this as quickly as possible because skateboarding is not going away. we need to deal with it. >> thank you so much. >> good afternoon, commission,
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general manager. staff as well. >> i'm speaking in behalf of the a.s.o. community. i have been involved in meetings and commissions and an attitude and approach towards us has causetitude and approach towards us has caused the -- quite a bit of concern. for a lit -- we're a little disappointed because it hasn't helped and there's been quite a bit of discrimination. that word "help" that i mentioned has not been providing us equal access. i defwoo like to make the suggestion to all of the staff, once -- want you to think about help as not -- not helping us and guiding us, we want to be able to have equal access. it seems that that is -- that is improved or your thought it would be im3r06ed with -- improved with helping us and helping our community. it really stayed the same.
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you do understand the word "access" but it seems it has been ignored and you focus on helping our community. there hasn't beech much improvement in the department. it seems most of the community lost respect for what you have been lacking and providing us. we want the accessibility, not necessarily the help. we don't therapy. we don't need doctors or nurses or help. so we don't appreciate is not having the access. the last world cup, the department hosted, an approach. we didn't go -- my son was under age, we weren't allowed to go, the group felt if general the accessibility wasn't sufficient. those went to the bar, wee ask if they would turn on the
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captions, they said they couldn't because it was unacceptable. we would go to different places and not be provided that access. a couple of years ago when president obama made the speech in washington d.c. during his inauguration there was a wonderful access all around but the department here didn't provide the same access as it did in d.c. my son told me there weren't many accessibility places for him. i had to remind people to turn on the caption setting. when we were watching the world cup, and other events. it seemed that many staff just around ignored our request. also would refuse to identify themselves. it had been extremely frustrating. it seems it has gotten considerably worse. we have requested interpreter
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services. sometimes we get turned down. we can't have the interpreter while we're watching television, that's a strong insult. as well as for everyone else in the community. so as to provide the service that is have the captions, that you don't charge. i don't understand why the department is providing such an attitude and -- it feels like a very personal insult to us within the community. it is causing us to lose respect. so we're asking for access, not help. >> thank you so much commissioners. >> thank you so much. i am going to ask the staff if they could provide the commission with -- just at a fourt date, general information about how we broy access and maybe we could pursue this further. >> we have more. >> earnest teen weis and jeff
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cosal. i'm sorry i can't read this name. shock, allen jefferson, and let's see what it is at that point. we actually only have five more minutes, go ahead. >> my name is earn ness stein waters weis. it came to my attention this past sunday at 9:00, we had an event in the herman plaza with the music blasting away at 9:00 this the morning. you have to talk to dana and reduce the decibels on -- des -- decibels on these permits. the community is fed up, no necessity to have such loud sound in a small area. you know how big justin herman plaza is. it is very small. let's stop the noise once and for all. first of all, the park is supposed to be passive, it is
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supposed to be for passive enjoyment. we need the money but we don't need the noise. sunday mornings and when people come home from work. please, stop the music. lower it. the next thing is -- there are there are rumors of a playground being proposed on the square right next to your proposed bochy court. they want a playground there. have any of you ever gone down there to see exactly where this spot is? it is right on the border of the f line. give me a break. you want a 2-year-old to run out in the street and get killed by an f line? then next to the f line shelter, there's a handicap ramp which is quite wide next to it. this is not the place for a playground. all of the parks and the major cities do not have sports, do not have play grounds at waterfront parks. it is about time we copied what is nice and successful.
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new york sydney australia. vancouver, chicago, all have beautiful tasteful parks. let's have the same thing here. the next thing is -- they -- the leftover electric generators which are huge a and block 202 of the ferry park which peter pan put there for their -- their show has to go. this cannot remain -- number one -- may i complete this statement. against the rules of the park when i -- were -- no buildings were to be built there-on. this has to be removed immediately. this will never be used again. that's the end of it. thank you. >> thank you. >> miss jefferson. >> and katherine howard, did you want to speak under general public? >> okay. thank you. >> my name is alan jefferson. i'm a resident at 1339 pier street and while we love the park and the renovation, we don't love the pal league there
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in the evenings. doing their practice. it is a very dangerous situation there. we have complained, our neighbors are -- our neighborhood association has complained to the park and recs to the police. and now i'm going to the fire department after -- after this because it -- the double parking, the belligerent behavior is a danger to the children that dash if and out of the -- between the cars, running to their parents, you cannot get through pier street between 6:45 and 7:30 any evening, i welcome any of you to come out. i'm not sure if they're there this week but -- they may have ended it -- as of last week but i have to literally get out of my car and take 15, 20 minutes to go in to the park to find people who have blocked my driveway. i have to get cursed out by parents for blocking my driveway. i'm like drawing the line if the sand.
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i have been going through this for years. i think this -- the -- this department should have as a requirement when they rent the space that they provide you know some -- some traffic monitoring for that -- that area, because it is where -- for the safety. i'm an adult, i can handle myself. i can go out in the community and doo what i need to do. but these children, it is danger for these children to be crossing the streetp1 kids to be crossing the street and dashing out with all of the cars. and i welcome any of you to come out and observe for yourself. it doesn't take brain surgery to figure the danger that's taking place. but my neighbors and i, we should not be harassed. we're taxpayers in the city and we should be able to have access in and out of our home free of belligerent, rude parents. so i ask that you come out. i'm just letting you know i'm on a mission to get this resolved, because i shouldn't deal with nd
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