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tv   [untitled]    October 10, 2010 10:00am-10:30am PST

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that is san francisco, so my legislation does a number of things. it in)xñ shares for the first te that there is a centralized online database that the public z%÷can search for information regardingb and vacancies that come up. the legislation also requires authorities, whether it be the have authority to appoint individuals, that abilities transmit that information on who is in these seats andlp÷ whether vacancies e come up on a quarterly basis, and to update the information=]n a timely basis so again, the public is aware of what opportunitiesp' exist. this is really to ensure that we are in full compliance with not just thehst letter but the spirt of the fact which is a state law that requires elected officials to post0çv information in a way that is transparent to the
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public. i want toq as a number of representatives from theí1ñ community, but in particular, the women's community who last year had identified thisxeu as a need wih regards to the lack of and making sure we move this forward. i know we[bm have a number of fs here to say a few words and to give theirjíñ perspective. let me first ask -- i know there is supposed to be a representative from department of status of women. comments, suggestions that you might have. >> good morning, supervisor. yñjmy name is -- 7iand i am a r gender policy analyst with the department of women.the departms legislation because it increases transparency and accountability. voices of the diverse population
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of sann3y francisco. othe database is particularly important to our department's work. a3qwe are mandated by the city 84 to commissions and boards and4 see how manyqc÷ women, minoriti, people with disabilities are being appointed and serving]bñ n these bodies. it has been surprisingly difficult to get this information, evenç,z as a city department with stabbing to do so. i am assuming it musthoñ be almt impossible for the general public to get a lot of this information. +=tso a centralized database wod be a great asset. the first issuet2ñ for us has bn even putting together a list of from the clerk of the border, mayor's office, the board of
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education, andl&ñ that has taken awhile to get that information. the commission and board's website to see how manyí are available, what the commissioner does. o:uespecially for the smaller bodies, that information is not available and the web sites have so i called the commission secretary toakñ confirm what y'e commission does, how many seats there are, how many are available, who it has been a cumbersome process. even with:%wz work of we do every two years, it is hard to know if we are cá/c all entities. so is central database would streamline our analysis. y8we get requests from women all the time who are interested in applying for these positions. the department has actually that kind of appointment.
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i think this would be a great we have compiled the research that we have had to do, what boards and commissions are out there, what they do, how they apply, who the appointing bodies are. so the creation of an on-line database is crucial to ensure transparency and accountability and diversity in board and commission appointments. supervisor mar: i should also add in addition to the women's community, i have been asked about this issue by individuals in neighborhoods to feel like they have not been adequately represented, by young people who have asked about having more of a voice, as well as a variety of different ethnic communities around the city. i want to thank you for your work on this. with that, i would ask the clerk of the board, who has done a
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great job managing that information on the website, for your comments. i know you had some thoughts about this. >> thank you, president to. -- ken this list is known as the matter local plug list act of 1975. more formally, local. this list. as you called it, and that the act. this list contains terms that will expire in the year. the name of the incumbent appointee, the date of the appointment, the date it expires, and the necessary qualifications for the position. additionally, the government code section requires any time in the air with an unscheduled
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vacancy occurs, that the office of the clerk of the board would send out a vacancy notice. this is a requirement that we take seriously. it is a lot of work. we do diligent work on that, however, this local appointments list puts up in two ways. in october, we contacted each advisory body complete with all of to obtain the necessary information. some bodies are not capable of responding. some just to not respond. which then leads us to publish an outdated list every december. the second issue is that during the year we are not always informed about the vacancies when they arise, which also leads to inconsistent information on our website regarding our vacancies. should this ordinance passed, heat advisory body would be required to post on their website and the city's website their vacancy information.
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there would still be required to provide the clerk with their vacancy information, so we can accurately prepare the list at the end of the year and put out a vacancy notice during the year. i think this ordinance provides an opportunity for more timely and accurate information to the public and perhaps for more local appointments list from our office. public policy is good. ideally, this ordinance would help remind the departments, boards, commissions, about the responsibility to lead an attack -- identify who is responsible for posting these updates, whether it is their website, the city website, and who will be our contact. to achieve this protocols have to be established that the advisory body has to keep the permission up-to-date and coordinate with our office. also, president shoot, we had a -- chu, we had a conversation
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about centralizing the information. we are stepping in the right direction, but i encourage additional dialogue to occur around this implementation so we can achieve our objectives. thank you for the opportunity to comment. i am available for questions. supervisor mar: thank you for the work that you have done in ensuring homework complies with state law, and the work that i hope our city will do locally to make sure we have participation on our advisory bodies that reflects san francisco. i certainly hear your comments about the need for better coordination between the department of technology and various appointing authorities. one thing that i would do after the meeting is contact dt and see if we can set up a meeting with the city administrator, with your office, and others, to make sure that as we are building a platform, it is
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efficient, and allows us at the board, other organizations, to be able to deal with it in that way. i know we have a number of representatives from the community here. i buy to call up a representative from the san francisco women's political committee. good morning. >> good morning, supervisors. i am the policy chair of the women's political committee. i want to thank you for hearing this this morning. again, we fully support this legislation. will fill a lot of the gaps that we have just talked about, including treating transparency and accountability for all of the boards and commissions, task forces and committees. not only for the women's community, but also for minorities, people of all ages,
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people who do not happen to be an insider of san francisco politics and may not necessarily know which is opening and when. we think that this will fulfill that. >> my name is kimberly. i am here in support of this legislation of the executive director of the california vote organization. week recruit and train democratic women to run for elective office. one of the biggest challenges of what we do is finding women who are well versed in the ins and outs of government, the various ways they can get involved. simply put, often times, women
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just do not know where to start. emerge california believe the passage of this ordinance would be especially important for two reasons. one, it would establish and maintain a comprehensive and centralized list of all of san francisco's boards and commissions, a summary of the purview of these bodies, current lists of sitting members, and the number and type of vacancy. in this way, the appointment process is transparent and open to the general public. it would also make it easier for interested parties to get information on boards and commissions, vacancies, for which they may want to apply. secondly, today's political landscape is unfortunately filled with chaos and corruption in cities such as bell, california, and there is a general dislike of politicians. establishing a centralized and publicly accessible online
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database of appointments and advisory bodies would be a step in the right direction toward rebuilding people's faith and trust in government and our elected officials. it would also bode well toward further in gendering san francisco's reputation for being welcoming of all, and progressively forward thinking. isn't that what the city is all about? supervisors, i urge you all to pass this ordinance, not just because it will help my organization in fulfilling its mission of getting more democratic women elected into office and appointed to boards and commissions, but more importantly, it will help san francisco to further cultivate a well engaged, knowledgeable, and active citizenry, that is more balanced and more diverse in terms of age, race, and gender. i ask all of you, what city does not want that? supervisor chiu: thank you.
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the final person on my list is a representative from the jewish community relations council. >> good morning. thank you for inviting me up this morning. the jewish community relations council represents over 60 synagogues and organizations. one of the things we do is encourage the jewish community to participate in our civic community. it is good for our community and for the city as a whole. i am here to support the ordinance for two reasons. the first is the ordinance will open up opportunities for people who may not have otherwise known how to access city hall and interact with the city in a meaningful way. we know their people in our
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community who would like to be on the advisory bodies but to not know how to get there. often, we have heard it is confusing, and that people give up before really going through the system. in that way, we are losing people who are both qualified and excited to participate in our process. the second reason is that it creates a larger diversity in our city bodies by creating mechanisms for transparency. we strongly believe diverse voices and experiences are needed in city hall to ensure a strong and more representative democracy. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. with that, if we could go into public comment. supervisor alioto-pier thank you. before we go on to public comment, a question.
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i do not know if this would be for the city attorney. there has been a lot of discussion about the maddy act. the clerk has to compile a lot of information under the law. if we are asking the city administrator to do so, how do we eliminate duplication? supervisor chiu: that was actually the exact conversation we had, up from a technology standpoint, we are not duplicating issues. what i want to do over the next week is have a meeting with the city administrator's office and with the department technology to make sure that we are not duplicating efforts, and that we are doing this in a streamlined way. i understand we have a representative of the city administrator's office here. is there anything that you would like to add?
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>> i am glad we are moving forward on the tech stuff, but i am curious about the kind of conversation that have taken place between the two offices. but let me preface these questions by saying, as someone who has sat on the rules committee for the last six years, it is something that we desperately need. i am fully cooked supportive of this legislation. i am just curious about how it will work in these two offices come together. >> linda young, representing the city administrator. the clerk of the board and i have not talked. we were thinking more administratively within our organization and how we could support this ordinance. we have look internally as to what kinds of staffing and resources we need. i think that suggestion of having a meeting between the clerk of the board and our office and 311, in particular,
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is the logical next that. we believe they are the best organization within the city administration's office to administer the program because they already have systems in place. a lot of systems go to the 311 website now for information. we are happy to support this. we would like a couple of meetings in advance to plan this out. supervisor chiu: my office had had conversations with all of the party separately. it was not until today that we thought it would be good to get everybody in the same room to move this forward. we will be doing that to implement legislation. i think it is good that we get ahead of the curve before implementations. supervisor alioto-pier: under the administrative code, it has some obligations on the mayor. could we discuss how this may work in relation to that?
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i am not sure if that is a question -- the bigger question here is, we have two things. we have the border apartment and then the mayoral appointment. -- board appointment, and then the mayoral appointment. supervisor chiu: we have had these conversations. it is my understanding that both halves are in compliance with the information we have here, but on the board side, we are only required to have that information updated once a year. on the mayor's side, the language and administrative code that you referenced does not have any specific timeliness requirements. it simply says the mayor shall maintain a roster of these
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individuals. it does not say that it needs to be updated quarterly, if changes happen, that they need to be submitted on a monthly basis. it does not say anything about putting the information on the website. these are the steps we're taking in this legislation. my legislation is meant to move things beyond the current state of the law, and here in san francisco, so does that answer your question? supervisor alioto-pier: i think so. i just wanted to get the idea that it is a joint effort, that the mayor's office is involved, that the conversation that will be taking place -- i do not know if the word is streamlined -- but in the current legislation, that there is a commitment from the board of supervisors and from the mayoral appointment offices, so that the data will contain everything, will be updated regularly together, and we will have all the information in one place.
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that is basically the objective of this? supervisor chiu: as well as any appointees from other city officials, whether it is city attorney, district attorney, to all be in one database. >> i think you are on the right track with that. we do want to be helpful on this. our challenge will be, currently, our challenge is making sure the department in this to us the status of their vacancy rates. that challenge will also remain, and that is the purpose of the coordination that president chiu is try to get at. there is a challenge, so we need to make sure there is coordination with all the departments, s. supervisor alioto-pier: so this is being used as a bit of a hammer to the departments, saying you have to submit that information in a timely manner? >> and to put it on the web site
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so that the public can have access to knowledge about what is available, and when. in addition to their own web site, the city's website, our appointment list on our website. supervisor alioto-pier: thank you. supervisor mar. supervisor mar: i just wanted to say, this was really refreshing. i want to thank everyone who presented. this is something that we should have done many years ago. i know that we will work out the rough edges for a more authentic and the representation on our commissions. i think it is getting at addressing the confusing bureaucratic process, and really addresses the perception of nepotism and favoritism that has
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pervaded the appointments process. i feel great that it would make the process much more open, as the report states, and tries to achieve. i am just really supportive of what the women's community and all the groups that have pushed for this, what they have done so far. i look forward to helping to work out any of the duplication and confusion that might be caused by a very needed ordinance. supervisor alioto-pier: thank you, supervisor mar. is there any other public comment on this item? ? seeing none, public comment is closed. i would be like -- i would like to be added as a co-sponsor. supervisor chiu: i also want to thank supervisor carmen chu who contributed to this.
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we had good conversation about, in my mind, reflects the issues over the years of the challenges of getting this information out in a timely way, getting it disseminated. with the leadership of the city administrator's office -- and i want to thank them and their staff for agreeing to help manage this -- hopefully, we will be able to take this to a new place where we at the board of supervisors will no longer have to feeield as many meetings every have to explain to foci you can get onto an organizing body. which should lead to new applicants from around the city wanted to get involved, make our city government the best that we can possibly have. supervisor alioto-pier: ok, move forward with recommendations. u you,
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colleagues. supervisor alioto-pier: thank you, madame clerk. next item. >> 1- through 15 -- 10 through 15 deal with litigation. would you like to convene in closed session with the city attorney? supervisor alioto-pier: ok, supervisor alioto-k committee will move items 10 through 15 to the full36j board with recommendations. we may also want to ask if anybody would want to make
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public(0gment? >> would anyone like to make public comment on/7 these matt? ?t seeing none, public comment s closed. this concludes . supervisor alioto-7npier: we ae adjourned, thank you.
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>> i work with the department of environment and we are recycling oil. thank you. we can go into a refinery and we can use it again. they do oil changes and sell it anyway, so now they know when a ticket to a. half