tv [untitled] October 13, 2010 7:30am-8:00am PST
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i call the public hearing to the tentative agreement between the district and united administrators of san francisco. a motion and a second. >> so move. >> second. president kim: i'll wait for folks to kind of clear out. >> will you be reading the recommendation? >> the section requests that the board of education conducts the public hearing and adopts a tentative hearing on article 16, duration of contract and restoration order of economic concessions. the tentative geement was ratified on september 28. the public disclosure document to the economic tentative agreement was previously adopted by the board of education on june 22, 2010. and on behalf of the district.
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we would like to thank our labor partners, our negotiateing team to coming to an agreement >> i'm happy to be here this evening to echo mr. ruiz's comments that we have come to an agreement on a three-year contract settlement. i will note that this is my fifth three-year contract settlement, which has got to be some sort of a record in itself.
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right. i'm still breathing and still here. and i would like to say you know as your labor partner representing the administrative group that we work diligently with you to do the best we can with what we have. we supported the superintendent's request for us to take furlough days which we have honored and doing. and i came back from a conference with my fellow union presidents of administrators throughout the country and things are looking good in san francisco compared to other places. and i think we should all be very happy with what we have been able to work out here. i would also say that while we
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are waiting for superman and we have it ready for when he arrives, that we have been taking it on the jaw, we in public education. and some people think unions are bad things and some people think 10 years is a bad thing and some people think principals and teachers aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing, but i will tell you they haven't walked any miles in our shoes because if they did, they would know that that's incorrect and we have wonderful group of educators here in san francisco and great administrators. so i would urge you to vote yes on this contract. thank you very much. president kim: any comments from
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the board, commissioner norton? >> not on i thank you not signing onto the manifesto. i appreciate the stand that you took on not signing on to that because it did not talk about the partnership that we have with our labor partners. president kim: thank you. seeing no other comments, "roll call," please. ms. fan? >> yes. commissioner maufas: yes. vice president mendoza: yes. commissioner yee: yes, wynns wynns yes. president kim: thank you. item n discussion of other
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educational issues. today, we have a presentation from the mental health association of san francisco on sharing our lives, voices and experiences. mental health association of san francisco is deaded -- dedicated to improving our health through education, research and service. they work together with people and families challenged with mental illness and agencies that serve them to promote access to service and they gave a presentation to the board of supervisors and we also want to invite them being one of the partners they work with here at the school district. so we have the executive director. >> director of programs and training. thank you for having us today.
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so one slight change. we have a couple of things i wanted to go offer and i also have a small power point on a program. just a little background on m.h.a. we have been around for 60 years and work with diverse communities of san francisco. we focus more on policy, education, outreach, advocacy, training. i think i've gotten them all. some of our work has been around about compulsive hording and cluttering. we have support groups. but i wanted to touch on new programs that we have gone over in the last year or so. the first is solve. and i'm going to talk about solve, that is sharing our lives, voices and experiences.
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this will have a direct impact on youth in the school district. there's a brief power point and a breaux sure. so. prop 63 passed in 2004 under the prevention and early intervention piece. and both have started in the last year and integrate one of our primary focuses, which is reducing stigma around mental illness. as far as solve. it's a peer education series that has been going about a year and we actually have peer educators at about 25 volunteers and have a couple of teachers who speak as part of that. volunteers and all experienced mental illness directly in their lives. it is a courageous thing to discuss openly their diagnose
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treatment and stigma. we have done 60 presentations just in the last year alone. talking about where the medication is an option. and i wanted to bring this to the board's attention. we gave five talks last year and we want to get solve into the classrooms even more. we have some younger folks who do presentations. we have teachers. one of our speaker's completed training and has taught for years in the district and we saw the impact of going into the classrooms and talking about mental illness and made an impact in challenging notions. i wanted to mention that and i can easily send more information president's way. i need to cue through the powerpoint.
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there it is. so this is -- this is our outreach manager to our left and our marketing director. so this will be -- i will keep this brief. i have included packets for the board members and this is a modified shorter version so we aren't here for 45 minutes tonight. so the purpose of this presentation today is to talk about prepare which is prevention and recovery of early psycho cyst and educate the board of the board program. help identify youth who may be experiencing symptoms and encourage even to talk about these diseases and significantly increase our prepare of early intervention assessments.
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it is to transform the treatment and by the extension the lives of young people and their families by intervening early with evidence-based diagnosis, within five years, most case is are treated to remission which is a pretty lofty goal and speaks to the innovation of this program. so as far as an overview, we handle the marketing and handle presentations to schools to provides to families, parents. we kind of get the word out and do the marketing piece. this is the lead contractor. our other primary partner is university of california, san francisco. we also work with youth services . foster family agency in the bayview. child crisis and d.p.h. it's a pretty huge coalition of
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folks working on this project so it's wonderful and funded by m. h.s.a. so what is prepare? comprehensive outpatient program in san francisco county. utilizes evidence-based treatment and harm reduction approach, and the true targets of this are adolescence, so 14 -27. there is flex built, but our primary targets are 14 to 27 and a lot of these are 18 to 25 and their families are included. when i talk about what makes prepare different, this incorporates families into the treatment plan and two-year program. so it utilizes early intervention and diagnosis and comprehensive roster of services. there is the formal diagnose no, sir particular assessment after
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we do outreach. there is intensive care management, multi-family groups, support in education evidence-based education management. so there is things involved and i can't talk about the medication management. cognitive behavioral therapy and substance abuse services. we hit about everything with that. here's our target population which is why i want to bring it to the board's attention, 14 to 27. targeting high schools, especially here in the school district and seventh and eight grade as well we wanted to touch on. when i talk about psycho cyst, recent john set which could be a disorder or john set of full
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disease. high risk, youth never experienced an episode and have very brief limited symptoms and could have a first degree relative who suffers from this. some of our challenges and this goes beyond this program but just in general, approximately 1% of the population suffers which is on target with other major diseases and when i talked about solve, one of the biggest barriers to treatment is stigma. it just carries a huge stigma and diss krim ma that the youth are reluctant to get help. and so this is really designed to not only reduce the stigma but get youth into treatment earlier and prevent a full blown
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illness. other challenges or misinformation in the population, misinformed about the nature of the disease, afraid of its devastating effects and doesn't have to be like this. we work with people who live with this. there is a huge stigma around that and overall, there is the shame of the diagnosis that comes from the community and when we talk about its duration of june treated disease. it develops more slowly but the more it goes june treated, the more it can lead to significant disability. this is what we do to meet the challenge, diffuse the words so they are no longer seeming scary or shameful. and i was at the adolescent health work group meeting h last friday and we had talked about bringing this into balboa high school or another high school and doing a trainer with youth
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so we tell them and they can educate their peers in high schools and be on the lookout. we also want to do -- combat this information. and then encourage early intervention and diagnosis. so here's what the standard of care traditionally looks like and a lot of this is put together by doctor rhodes who is a leading doctor. this is the standard of care, case management with prepare. care management for everyone for a full two years. kind of a standard if you look at the standard of 15-minute medication every couple months. this is more formal. instead of therapy that might be supportive, we are talking about
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cognitive behavioral therapy. instead of little family involvement but multiif i family group involvement. when i say family, we prepare has a very broad definition of family. we recognize that people might not have -- might identify an aunt, uncle or per, -- peer. and we want to minimalize hospitalization and cognitive focus. so i'll leave this up. as far as referrals, we handle each of our marketing, but and looking at the advisory council, you guys are awesome, by the way. if you could pass this out, this is the main number. so that is if you want to refer somebody to get an assessment and go to,
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there is a 21-question survey you could take or send on to somebody and they could take that and score you and say maybe if i'm hearing voices, will give you a score and say yes or no to a referral. when in doubt, you could always refer or call. and the web site -- we are still improving it. so it's coming together. that top part is to call if you want an assessment. the bottom part is if you want a presentation in your school or youth group or parents, anyone, our presentations are free. they usually will be an hour as opposed to my beaver one. you call kathleen, who is to my left. and email and number is up there. so we are just starting to do presentations literally next week and love to get into every high school this year for prepare and combine it with our solve program.
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i think that's all. ok. >> you have something to say? >> the one thing i wanted to say about prepare, it's not -- a client goes into a medical facility and gets therapy and treatment but also focusing on the family and as michael said, it doesn't need to be mom or dad, a counselor at school, someone they consider to be a supportive individual in their lives. it's really working with everybody who's involved with a client to work in recovery when a client is exhibiting sigh coast cyst. and we are going to make a presentation of catering to adults and breaking it down what is mental health and breaking down what is associated with the
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disease. and i will be contacting you guys. thank you. >> the survey, the assessment survey is not yet on our web site but will be there hopefully in the next few weeks, but there is further information on the web site and a facebook page very soon and the other thing i wanted to mention was also in schools, if any school newspapers are interested in doing editorial piece about the program or anything like that, you can also get in touch with kathleen, whose number is there and we would love to have a presence in the newspaper. thank you. president kim: questions and comments frr board. vice president mendoza and commissioner fewer. vice president mendoza: i have two questions. how is it that -- when we talk about engaging the family, what does that look like and how do you get them to come and
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participate in the conversation if that's what it looks like. and secondly, just for the students who is -- whatever it is that they're feeling or that sense of -- how do you talk to students about what that looks like and what that feels like and when would be an appropriate time to call? i'm curious how that support piece comes in for them to reach out. >> as far as the first part, we just took over the marketing in the last month. we are just starting to do presentations. you know, i think it's really -- as far as the second part, it's breaking down the stigma and creating a comfortable atmosphere.
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we are trying -- we don't want to avoid the terms, i think that's one -- the words are so loaded so a big part of your message is to break it down and demystify it. we use a peer-based approach. our longer term vision with our partners is to have youth go through the program. there is 27 young adults in the program right now. once they go through it, they will come on board like peer educators. they kind of talk and precipitate in conversations. we have a member of our staff who is available to go out and he has gone through this himself and is in recovery. so he experienced that in his 20's. using a peer-based approach to talk about it is key. >> for a family highly involved in the process, do they know
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kind of treatments going on and not only the family that knows but the young client as well. there is also multi-family group therapy so there are other groups that are experiencing the same thing can know challenges, positive outcomes of what's going on. so they build a supportive network without going through the program. >> how are you funded? >> through community health behavioral services through the mental services act. and family service agency is the lead contractor so out of the five partners. president kim: commissioner fewer. commissioner fewer: i wanted to clarify that these services are free to our students? >> o', yeah. commissioner fewer: and treatment is also free? >> uh-huh. commissioner fewer: so i -- do
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you have any sort of professional development for educators and administrators and school staff? >> we are doing our presentations per the audience. so actually for our solve program, i mentioned, we are doing one for the wellness coordinateors and that's in december and they are doing one -- a prepare presentation for the wellness coordinators. we will have them covered -- and this is where i could use some help from the board is setting up presentations for staff at each school outside of the wellness coordinator. .&
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all on the same page framing it. >> yes. >> i would like to ask if as of right now the presentations are peers around 14 through 27, or older older people. >> as far as who's giving the presentation? >> as far as the presentation goes. >> for the prep program, it's going to be kat doing the presenting a. for the salt program we have people, our youngest is 22 or 23. i'm looking for 18 and 19-year-olds to come join us. >> is it possible to get the youth outreach workers involved somehow, like in schools, it's a
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lot easier to get teachers to sign up for presentations instead of contacting other people because i don't think this program is really known around the district yet. >> yeah. give us a call. we'll book it. >> other questions or comments? >> two folks i would love to introduce you to, judson steele, the student advisory council reation and kevin true it of student support services so they can both work with you in terms of getting presentations out to students and staff and i just want to thank you so much for coming out today to educate the board on this issue. i did have a really quick question, i'm sorry i don't know this. i was curious what you meant by 15-minute medication management.
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i don't know what that is and what cognitive behave i can't recall therapy was. >> i'm not a clinician but medication management is the management of meds and i think what prep, and i mentioned dr. rose at ucsf who developed an algrit. , so it's a much more comprehensive approach than the number and cognitive behavioral therapy, dewpoint to talkle that one -- do you want to tackle that one? >> as far as cognitive behavioral they aretive, i don't know a ton about it myself either, being the marketing director, but it is -- they call it a strength-based approach, so using each client's individual strengths and you know kind of helping their brain work in a certain way that acts toward those strengths is my
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understanding of it. the medication management piece of it, i think the standard of care is every two to three months, somebody with psychosis would go in and have a meeting with their therapist, maybe make some adjustments to their medication, it was every once in a while, the algorithm method uses a scientific approach to adjustment the medication and make sure they're getting the correct levels of each medication and the correct combination of medication and it just, you know, let's that be going on on an ongoing basis rather than just once in a while and they can come in and meet with their therapist. >> thank you again. i think this is really important that we do as much early education and intervention as possible with our students. i know you had other slides in here but showing that early intervention, preventing substance abuse and memory loss,
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so many things are important to us to make sure we're graduating adults that are ready to be committed members of our community and i know that in particular, there is a stig in a around mental health issues, particularly in our communities of co-loffer -- of color, which is the majority of the school district so any outreach is great. >> thank you very much. prep does have bilingual capacity too. >> that would be great. thank you. >> our next item, item n, consent calendar resolutions. there are none tonight. item o, vote on consent calendar, which has been moved and seconded under section f. may we have a roll call please. >> this has fan. >> yes. >> ms. creer.
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>> eyes. >> ms. mendoza. commissioner maufas: yes except -- vice president mendoza: yes except on items k-1, 8 and 29. because they're retroactive. >> thank you. ms. norton. commissioner norton: yes. >> ms. wynns. commissioner wynns: yes. >> mr. yee. commissioner yee: yes. >> and ms. kim. president kim: yes. next is item p, consent calendar resolution zehred for speakers, there are none tonight. item s, board member reports. our first is from the budget committee, commissioner yes. commissioner yee: there were no -- commissioner yee. commissioner yee: there were no action items at our last meeting. we discussed the state budget updates just to get rolling in
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