tv [untitled] October 16, 2010 9:00pm-9:30pm PST
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heirson. -- harrison. commissioner harrison: i look at this almost as a privatization of public spaces. we witnessed where people in the mission dolores park were upset about us putting vendors in their park for the parks department to generate money. under this situation, the park department will have to pay something like $32,000 we don't have. these neighbors are going to be taxed, which in my mind is a parcel tax. we're told we can't put out a parcel tax because the voters won't take it. how will these people look at this, when they're asking to give $100 or whatever it is per year for 10 years or however long it's supposed to last. secondly, or thirdly, or lastly, or whatever, there's a whole other bureaucracy out here that's going to charge us $743 -- $743,000.
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and two administrators that are going to cost us $160,000. this money should come to us, we can do this. so i have a real problem with that. president buell: let me weigh in and disagree with the distinguished vice chairman. it's a parcel tax but one that's willingly entered into by a majority they have property owners. it's the kind of thing you want and if you ask the rest of the city to bear the burden, they'd say, why should we be helping out this district. so those in the district see the advantage of putting the money into it and what it will do, i think, will pay for itself in the sense that it will give great comfort to people who go to the public events in the area and in fact increase public attendance but having that satisfaction that what they're calling diplomats or something
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are actually kind of uniformed people who will look like they have the authority to make you behave and i think that -- and the maintenance and sprucing up of the area and all of that will accrue to the bet -- to the benefit. while i share commissioner harrison's concern that it's going to cost us $32,000 that we wish we had more of, i think ultimately if we give this a little time, i think it will prove very beneficial. i know how hard it is to do all the legwork because you have so many people involved, so i commend mr. hess for his work and the office of work force development. commissioner lee. commissioner lee: regarding commissioner harrison's question, that raised a second question in my mind, with regard to staff who are going to be working for the community benefit district. how are they going to interact with our staff? we have gardening staff,
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custodial staff and so forth. what is the chain of command, per se, with respect to their duties and the overlap between the two functions? >> with your permission, plcht, i'll try to answer that. the model i think we can look at practically speaking is union square. this arrangement is already in place there as has been previously mentioned. we work with the bid employees that are down there, whether it's m.j.m. or otherwise, that do the ambassador, the custodial and share the -- it's a coordination effort, basically. and it is working in union square currently so i think we can look at that as the model and see it replicated here in civic center. president buell: commissioner harrison. commissioner harrison: do we
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still have gardeners at civic center? >> yes we do. we do all the gardening and we get help from custodial from the red jackets down there, but the gardening is ours. president buell: seeing no other questions, entertain a motion. those in favor. opposed. one no. >> item number eight, kezar parking lot.
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>> good evening, commissioners. i'm with partnership resource development. i'm here to discuss about -- to talk about discussion and possible action item to approve new monthly residential and commercial parking lot. it's a new lot, opened 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. a rate increase for monthly customers was aproved by the commission and implemented on july 1. at that time, residential rates were raised to $140 from $115 and commercial rates from $140 to $165. each was raised -- >> is that monthly? >> monthly, that's correct. gross parking revenues for the last fiscal year were $682,000
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-- $682,800. as you probably have experienced, parking rates have been increasing in san francisco over the last three years, rather precipitously. our board of supervisors approved a rate increase to $200 per month at the music concourse parking garage which is nearby and nearby st. mary's garage has a rate of $191 per month. we are proposing raising our fees to $160 per month for residential rates, that's a $20 rate increase, and $185 for commercial rates, again a $20 increase. even at the proposed increase rates, parking at the kezar lot will be less expensive than neighboring parking facilities and should the rates be approved they would be implemented in january. the projected gross revenue for the remainder of our fiscal year is $43,200, and for next year
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double that, $86,400. for outreach, we posted a notice on the lot on september 8, approximately a month ago. fliers were handed out to all customers, specifically those using monthly parking passes as they entered the lot. notice fliers were given to kevin cox in charge of parking services at ucsf and has approximately 216 staff with parking places at kezar we notified the management of a nearby business and a nearby park association. there were no objections to this action. president buell: i have a question for you. the financial impact, july 2009 to june 2010, the gross revenues were $682,849 and with this increase, they somehow at $792,200, only -- that's
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$110,000 but we realize $84,400 out of that. what's the difference? >> that's a math mistake on our part. i don't know which one is the accurate number. >> i think the difference would be the park. -- the parking tax. it's about 20%. president buell: who gets that? >> m.t.a. >> can we charge them extra for their parking? ok, i understand, thank you. i don't have any other questions. >> we have public comments. howard stasner and paul robbins. >> howard strasner of the sierra club, i want to speak in support of this minor parking increase. it's city policy not to
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encourage commuters to drive and you're doing it. last year, when i was looking at this, there's a waiting list for these spots. to me, that means you're not charging nearly enough. maybe your fees should be much higher. and i notice also in looking at the paperwork that there's a discount for seniors, did you drop that? i hope you did. i wouldn't want -- that would be a terrible travesty to charge less for seniors. and one would have to question why is there a special reduced rate for residents? what is this? aren't you supposed to maximize for this? here you're taking a piece of park and using it for parking, at least do the best you can to raise more money. of course this also -- i must also comment on what happened to dolores park, all that discussion we may approaching the time that raising money from parking may be easier and sweeter for you to do. president buell texas pot --
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president buell: it's not easier or sweeter to raise money for anything. >> i want to support this thing, i don't know if it's enough, why should you be less than anybody else, especially if there's a waiting list for the parkers, you know you're probably not charging enough. thank you very much. >> is paul here? paul robbins? would anyone else like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. president buell: is there a motion? >> i make a motion. president buell: those in favor? opposed? hearing no opposition, it's approved. >> item nine. >> i'm here to for the
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discussion and possible action to approve the selection of twirl and dip soft serve to operate at big reck in golden gate park. i do want to tell you a little bit about twirl and dip's menu. they offer three flavors of soft serve ice cream served daily in cones and cups, the flavors change based on seasonal availability. to promote the product, they will use their own website, chowhound, facebook, twitter and yelp. they will hand out stickers of their very cute logo to folks. they do use the following local suppliers for their products, all organic and sustainable, pacific gourmet, cho chocolates, blue bottle coffee and restaurant depot.
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operationses. they'll have a mobile food truck, some sare kitchen facility at eclectic facile and storage. the truck is equipped to store the generator needed and tables and chairs for customers. they propose to operate tuesdays through sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. they also propose to operate a mea radio in a green -- at marina green on sundays from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., we'll present that next week with some other vendors at marina green. president buell: can't wait. >> equipment they own a full size truck which is 24 feet long and seven feet wide, two soft serve ice cream machines, a milk shake machine, three machines for making ice-cream cones and miscellaneous kitchen equipment. i won't go through all the flavors, but if you look at the
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flavors, you'll see they are all incredibly original, very fresh, based on seasonal products, using organic ingredients, it's a unique and delicious product, i've had the flash of trying some. >> and nonfattening, i hope? >> not a calorie. for just this location, they propose a minimum base rent of $6,000 per year at 10.5% per year but they have provided a proposal for a minimum base trend of $12,000 per year and also 10.5% of gross sales based on the two locations, marina green and big rec. we're presenting big rec today because we'd love to get started on that. we anticipate earning $14,500 per year, or $7,225 from just the big rec location. we did all the outreach we do, including place an ad in the
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"chronicle," upon the issuance of the r.f.p., posting materials on the website, posting in the city's office of administration and emailing notification to our database and other interested parties including folksed in the area. in addition to the ample media coverage we've received about food carts in magazines, newspapers and blog we did contact the following individuals on this list to give them information about the twirl and dip proposal we did this on september 17, it includes the haight ashberry improvement council, the inner sunset merchants association, supervisor mars, and ray holland the president of the planning association of richmond. we also posted information on the kiosk in the vicinity. we've receive unanimous support from selection panel, support from the office of economic and work forest development, the convention and visitors bureau and the chamber of commerce.
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next steps include coming back to the commission with a permit if you do approve the selection of twirl and dip today and they will immediately become an active community partner, joining merchant associations, organizing neighborhood cleanup with ice cream rewards and making charitable contributions including ice cream coupons to at-risk youth. president buell: commissioner harrison. commissioner harrison: what is happening with the vacant key yosk that used to have a coffee shop and sandwich shop. >> this is at big rec? >> yes. commissioner harrison: it's overlooking the stands. >> the kiosk there, that's a gardener work station now. we do storage and it's a garden work area. commissioner harrison: is there
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any plan for renovating that? >> none that we know of. >> no but if someone would like to come to us with a proposal, we'll entertain it. commissioner harrison: i appreciate seeing this outreach on page form like this and you've done wonderfully on publicity and outreach and articles and blogs and everything and you contacted the various groups but i saw no public meetings with the neighbors. were the neighbors in the immediate area notified? were there fliers? i see you had some phone conversations with so i see you had some phone conversations with some folks, some individuals. >> we chose this case because it was a location within the dark that was a little isolated from the immediate neighborhood. we contacted neighborhood associations and asked them to put out notification of the initiative on our behalf. we do not have an e-mail list of all the neighborhoods. we did put a flier on the kiosk
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in the vicinity. >> any response? >> no response. >> one might assume if they had issues that would have gone back to you? >> that is correct. we did have a community meeting at the yacht club. there were concerned neighbors in the immediate vicinity. commissioner lee: you are looking at their annual revenue for this $7,000. >> for the two locations, 50% of the time the truck would operate. for the two locations, which is 100% of the time, it would be $14,500. commissioner lee: but the marina has not been awarded yet. >> 50% time, it would be $6,000 minimum. commissioner lee: throwing in an extra thousand if they get the marina?
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"$7,000 is based on projections. the project to give us the amount of sales they expect to have. they project $7,285. if they do not get approved for the marina location, we would suggest they operate full-time at big rec or someplace else so they make the minimum guaranteed annual rent of $12,000. commissioner lee: what was the terms be if they do not get the marina? >> we would look to find another location for them. commissioner lee: it just seems like you are looking at potentially two separate agreements, right? we have not gotten to the marina yet. given the last hour, there is no certainty that the marine that is going to be there. >> that is correct. commissioner lee: so wouldn't you want to hedge and perhaps
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negotiate a separate -- negotiate this as a separate one-off location and negotiate as opposed to contingent on the second plot, since you do not know when or if? >> i apologize. that was our intention. i clearly was not very clear about that. i was presenting a bigger picture, but it is our intention to negotiate an initial agreement based on the initial location and hopefully add an addendum which extends to the second location. commissioner lee: i want to make sure when we are hearing this proposal that we are looking at specifically what is in front of us. >> that is correct commissioner le. commissioner lee: and not presupposing an outcome that has not happened yet.
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>> thank you for that clarification. >> we do have public comment. >> i will take off my skating ahat. we petitioned the department and are in the process of making a dog area that was disbanded. it never made it to the commission. i have talked with a number of the people in the neighborhood that i see at big rec and we are skeptical because you are trying to sell ice cream to eskimos. the weather is bleak this last year. it has not been producing anything. dogs might like it. i applaud that you want to raise money. we understand the ban will be placed out on a street.
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there is not really room at big rec moving it out at 3:00 in the afternoon would not be appropriate with all the people walking up and down that path. my one concern is where it is going to be placed on mlk. there is a crosswalk there that does not work terribly well. this is the full traffic into the academy. we want to make sure there is this ability for pedestrians. it is dangerous as it is because cars typically run the stop sign to get up to ninth avenue. also, the sidewalk is quite narrow. i am not sure how tables and chairs would work. if you think you can clean this space and allow a van to pull in and out of it, i salute you. you might consider across the street in front of the county halt building. there is a large pull out their which is not supposed to be used
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by anyone. i do not know if that would work. i do not have any objections to other than speaking to my wife who is on the national board of obesity. she does not think we need more of this. i would hate to be a parent trying to get my child home and who has to pass the ice cream stand. president buell: i hear you. the creamery is a nice, organic local producer. >> i am co-owner of the ice cream truck. i want to thank the department and the commission for giving us this opportunity to sell our wares in the park. in response to the concern about calories, i would like to just point out that i spent yesterday making mellon popsicle is that are sweetened entirely with honey that is from a
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backyard beekeeper in to run. no sugar, all for it, pretty healthy. president buell: sounds like a plan. >> we are very much looking forward to being in golden gate park and being part of that community. we hope that we can become something of an attraction. it is an out of the way place and we are getting our gears in motion for making certain that people know we are there and that it can become something of a destination in the park. we very much hope. we also plan to, as michael pointed out, it do cleanup in the park and make sure we are very much a part of keeping the parks beautiful and vibrant. that is all i have to say at this point.
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>> is there any other public comment on this item? >> that is a very popular item, and i eat ice cream anyway. go ahead with that. >> thank you. >> i would just like to point we spent the last couple of hours having a spirited discussion about what was local and not local business. this business is as local as they get. they also source the materials and labor from local sources. i think that is a good idea to support that. president buell: thank you very much. >> public, it is closed. >> i would like to support this comment. commissioner lee: i would like
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to amend it from the amendment, that we strike the language regarding the marina, that second paragraph on page 3, and limit this, since we are voting on big rec. this is an authorization from the commission to enter into negotiations specifically for big rec. i believe the marina's site should be a separate process. so i would like to strike the last paragraph on page 3 of our docket which talks about the marina and so forth and to clarify that we are only authorizing staff to enter into negotiations with big rec at this point. >> i will accept those. president buell: moved and seconded. thank you. >> we are now on item 11,
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recreation and park department of reach policy. president buell: we are moving i contend to take place after item 13 because we have to clear the room for a second session and we thought the fewer people we have to clear the more convenient. >> 10 to the bottom of 13. >> we are on 11. >> we jumped. we are right here on 11. >> now we are having technical the occult is. >> we are?
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>> that is 12. >> just a comment. you know how really important this is, i think, to me, and i think my fellow commissioners. i was delighted to see that this is on our agenda. when i opened my binder and saw page with nothing on it, i was disappointed. >> understood. i took the last round of feedback sunday night. that ended around 9:00 p.m.. i incorporated that into a policy i emailed about this afternoon. the intent was to solicit feedback from a variety of
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groups and incorporate that in the policy. at the time of the deadline for submission of commission reports, i had not completed that process. >> earlier, i asked the gentleman from prosac if he had paperwork. you say this meeting was tuesday? >> yes. >> why didn't we have something here in our binders? >> the binders go out on friday. the binders went out prior to the meeting and my intent was to incorporate their feed back into the average policy. i did not have their feedback. it was emailed this afternoon and i do have hard copies. >> let me ask that question again, commissioner. since we are missing at least one commissioner, i am thinking of commissioner commissioner levitan
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