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tv   [untitled]    October 22, 2010 3:00am-3:30am PST

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system is the community college. and we have to reconcile this. in closing, that i™u what we are celebrating here today. and we will learn more about these details in a moment. this was a big competition. . mentioned, and because of your çj0yzeuwork, and because of your commitment and these partnerships that have been >6 ydeveloped money is now flowing and maybe that is the point. more than anything else. mine is the limiting belief. when i opened my first business i had no money but i had an idea. i reminded all the young people. japantiwuxis not money that will determine
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your future. uethis is your ideas. and what we had was a better idea to develop a collaborativec/s and we had a better idea. jg'
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for your collaborationjç2iñ.í in these partnerships. let me thank you for your wisdom and reminde; you that the future is not in front of us this is inside of us. we will determine the future of this program, and if we have aligned the collective strategy is in a profound way. g┘+ti would like to think the chancellor for all the leadership, for carlos garcia's team. @ %ñi want to thank him for his work. hydra, as gooda=áx[ñ! s as it gets. the three membersku college board who are supporting these efforts. ñ're here to be honored here today as well. thank you very much.ncm3;q% [applause] >> he was apologizing because some of the things that we do in this city4
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they keep going and going. in the last five been very intentional about the way that we have been marching to work. uv>athis is ending in college and this is not justí 12th grade anymore. and i justm/r2p the mayor for his leadership. these kinds of0jy8gax grants that we were able to get, we need to have a leader in the city in order to make this happen. [applause]0 e át to talk about another couple of the partners, theyé)hrk are from the college track and they are partners with us. they are partc'=5,d of the college summit. i would like to think you also for joining us this afternoon. as the mayor has said carl has been ill.
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i was with him÷ certain that everything was ready andh our top priorities. x hí$bbecause he is not here, we have a wonderful replacement for him. we have the deputy superintendent of schools and i would like to7 and see what the school district is going to be doing&p partnership with everyone else. >> and good morning. to be you are so inspirational, mr. mayor. cl partner -- being a great5óeep?ñ partner, and the chancellor as well. ve. systems for months and months,x?hfz:ñ around what we will be proposing. [inaudible]
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ewhen you talk about school reform, most people think3nwhax about when the students leave the system. what we havegv done is say that this is not what you start thinking about. when you talk about4 continuum, the÷í structures of systems happen right through"2=q)wz pre-k on. we are looking at where students %9 it is not good enough to say they will graduate at record numbers. tjñ system will theyc do they go on to college? and do they/x remendiation --
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remediation when they geõro there? that is our focus. we haveo are secondaryy the school district has shown success atl jst increasing the level of achievement. we this better. ournwóg3d board has adopted a policy for this year. theosas the parent of a high school student shedíbeñ# will take this through four years of high school she goes to college or not. the
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so that this is open ment, and you14 to go and that is good enough to get in thoseá' i classes. we plan ahead so every freshman is taking a class to develop their plans. who will be going to college. we have done this to make a 7 students to be successful. has said!á6gzjñ about the secondary success. most of our students will enter intom experience. and over the last few months,
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which have+e86s2n become years of conversation, we began to think about what the curriculum was looking"lw rñ like. what are you looking for in an english student that comes to the college. the high school teachers are talking about so that there is this interconnected @awpc articulation from 12th grade tow6l 13. you have to be very specific p xpabout these conversations and very strategic and you have to plan for continually take place. this will allow us.wflri to plan these conversations and make it so that>.w"çh when we have a new board of education and i am not9=aseq here and there is a new mayor, nobody will have to recreate this is part of what we do.
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this is the way that we do business. we are thrilled and honored to be part of the partnership. thisxbr™ñ is only the beginning of the conversation. g we welcome york -- your support as we go down this pathway as weq;%8]% have these resources to help us get there. on behalf ofbf?os the superintendent and the board of education i look forward to more support and .9s? thank you. ?bs thank you, richard. i would likebu+6 to welcome maufas. )+-k, thank you for joining us. she is a member of the board of education. fhp grasp on with this that we are ">i& talking about the work that we are doing. d]
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million. we will be=6 " receiving $3 million, $1 million every yearcn!%otñ for the institutionalizing of the francisco. it has been great to have the trustees and the school?él validate this because these are very important dollars in challenging times.n morning, one thing equally important is the idea of this in sanfd$vq they left us a few years ago and now they have returned. pg8iñexthe partnership means a lot to them. we are happy that they have 4 y,lçfound us once again. hgm:zthis is a minor detail. &
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been extremely upstanding. he has single conference and meeting, telephone request that weér6 passed because this is extremely valuable, as well. s, -- her"+w this is the chancellor.b >>i#,=tj ultimately, this is about jobs. what we do best at the city colleges prepajr5hb students for working. if you go to thew]çpyky different companies in this area many graduates will be there. zf that the students did not get to city college. ÷÷ñmuthey may not retain those students and they may not be pre k6 what is exciting for us is that we are workingázj,)kwith unified and
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the city and the$.,a-sñ county and we will use data not only in how things work
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positive example to the rest of the country about what we can do whenj[c the parties have(ixó÷ already begun to work together. we have 35 programs alignedw eñ the san francisco unified school district. we dsv have been using dozens of programs and the problem is that we are not4communicating or using information officially. and we are getting the word out tot wzall the people in the city of san francisco. !óòt÷these three institutions are working together to deal with the problem. and we will be solving this problem! and people continuing to earn theirúty and getting into the job market and having decent jobs that they can improve their lives with. this is about í jobs, and
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people being able to participate in the american dream. ñeverything from this program that you see here we dov5-(+ jobs well. and these people will be a priest -- these people willsk. úñ be living the american dream in a few years. this is what we are interested in. rntwe have the gates foundation helping us. and we will continue to get otherjónhíe foundations because this is an american problem right now. $ /z=the question is how you are going to take care of the young people,ir>wet who are dropping out and not being able to utilize education. vemxcity college's about jobs. ú! is about jobs. s we would love to hear from the president of the board37nv%[ about
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this. he has been working extremely hard to develop" (d an accountable system at the city college of san francisco. g >>wxáb9p@ you, chancellor. >> i would like to thank->ul?6ç the mayor, and the superintendent and those on the boardy the school board for joining we are in an unusual situation where we have three different independent publicu$+íqientities representing the exact same people. and we all recognize);b citizens of the city and county. it is logical for us to be workingh9:9ç2b together in this way. and the gates foundation for recognizing the strength??÷ partnership and where this can go. i have a different style]s3t7 from
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many other people. love the things that i maintain is that failure. and i think that we need to recognizest: problems here. and in the school district. vx>÷?6ñin philadelphia, there was a billboard as it cameéiñ in from the airport. philadelphia, it is not asxkb tcq bad as you think that this.
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very long time for us to think about that. having a series of equity hearings last year. and we are continuing to this work. it is these things. these are peoplepy; that the city ú í?
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and thank you for the funding and the leadership that let's go from here to even more partnerships in the future for the city and the college. bdzmj=lthank you very much. >> will have an effect on the students so we wanted to haveó(ml7 students of city college. jeffrey. (rñlx>v morning. let me begin by apologizing to thei u guests and the mayor because this is how i will address the>[tpño÷ entire room today. good morning community. how are youz this is good to hear. this is a great moment. (:t$= ti have to hold myself together to say,d and i have said this.
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áuí82n$3 million over the next few years. to streamline thehmh0l to where we today is not about failure. this is- i am honored to actually be speaking at this(:÷yh this time. but this story is not about me. l1o xfthis is about everybody working together. we are in thisj")ñ9zñ together and over the last few years, everyone has been quietly working2: everyone has tried to find a solution. this is exemplary work. çt and the failure and the misery we focus on what can be t possibility of of the future outcome that is positive.
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building a common structure, community and through close vvhrnoccollaboration we can have a greater future together. this 5- was a student who barely got to high school,ferxlz that i am is someone0j2 in 2008 i could not have imagined this. on my own. m÷rf5 everyone is in this to work together. kr+qj"]i cannot begin to imagineíir wonderful that will be in a few years. ÷ results. 0xg;"iíhowever, i am a student trustee.
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representing theh =;t÷ largest community college in the united states with 110,000 this is not about me. this is about the
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and partnership bridge to success. she will=#np>/ give us a quick overview of the program and then part of this, there willí some people appear and you can't ask them some questions and then we will tie up the formal remarks. she has an incredible team that she isk we would not have been able to do this work without the1.hnl of so many of the faculty and staff at the school district to have given ac to make certain that this alignment happened. kimberly? q$l0p>> you have heard a lot about partnerships today, but what this is about is the students. )yó [the first thing that we did when we heard about this was we were wondering yf what we were going to call this. what does this mean to the this to inspector -- the
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who was ÷c ïter is from balboa high school -- was the winner isgñh from balboa high school. this is the bridge to success.qf$ % success that startss 8
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