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tv   [untitled]    October 26, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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item number seven. president newlin: aye. commissioner joseph: good luck the president newlin: i just had a question. what is the boundary? the cross street with richmond? they changed the boundaries. all right. item 7, police department comments and questions. >> good evening, commissioners and staff. i attended the halloween work shop and i thought they had a lot of good information there. i like the dialogue, the back and forth. i look forward to working with them in the future for either best practices or other safety areas. as far as issues that have been going on in the district, a couple things they had
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mentioned. one is on october 10 at 424 clay street, the bar, this is kind of an example where you see one of the establishments really doing something good, responding appropriately. a guy went in there, ored three beers one at a time and they gave him the bill, the big bill of $12 and he got ire at and he wanted to get out and he threw, they said, a large metal fish. it's obviously heavy. at that point the manager and a customer held him down until the police came. so they acted appropriately. a lot of times when we're up here we talk about what the clubs are doing bad but this is something they did right. and in front of the club on
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broadway, two people were stabbed. nonlife threatening. the victims whether -- were not exactly cooperating with the police. so they were released. i would like the super -- center fold, i would like to see them out in toronto -- front managing the crowds a little better. and aggravated force at post and grant. victim said he got into a verbal fight just after he left a night club. i don't have the name of the night club. i could speculate but i don't think that's appropriate. we're looking into that to see exactly what the name of the club was. october 17 at the parlor, 2801 leavenworth, a suspect, or actually one of the patrons, a lady was dancing on the dance floor, somebody knocked into her. spilled her drink, and came back with a new drink and then she felt like it had been drugged so she was wondering when the person went to go get
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the drink that they put something m it. so they made a report on that. and the incident at 561 gary street as far as a female patron felt like somebody approximate had -- had put something in her drink as well. and at show girls a patron got into a verbal fight with the doorman. the doorman went inside and all of a sudden somebody came from the inside and got in a fight and weat -- beat him up. i don't know if there is any correlation between the doorman and this person. and the last is named powa. october 21, around 11:00. the impala security pointed out a car that was going at a high rate of speed at broadway and kearney streets, blowing through all the red lights and almost running people down. security was able to point out the car and the officers were
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able santo go make the arrest. another example of one of the clubs stepping up and doing the right thing. that concludes. any questions? president newlin: any questions from the commission? no. thank you very much. have a good night. thank you. any public comment on the police? comments and questions? seeing none, item 8, commissioners' comments and questions. commissioners? none? ok. i just, a couple of things i have. i want to ask you if you haven't already done so to notify staff as to what your attendance anticipation is for the remainder of the year. i've decided along with staff to not schedule a meeting for december 28, but i'd also like to know if we're going to have a quorum problem before that so thep don't go ahead and have to schedule stuff and then we have to cancel the meeting.
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secondly, i know we have a lot of passion on this commission, but i'd like the commissioners to be recognized before they start shouting out questions to the public. and lastly, every year we have to take the sunshine task force lesson plan and the first fibe minutes of that plan every year states that people don't have to state their name when they come to the podium. so, it's, it's not required. so just if we want to ask them, fine. but if they don't want to tell it or they forget to tell it, it's not a major issue. there's no violation there. and lastly new business requests for future agenda items? seeing none, we will call the tuesday, october 26, at the same time commission meeting officially closed. officially closed. thank you very much.
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oh, my! haa ha ha! ha hha ha! [snortg]
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i would like to call the meeting to order. >> [roll call] president crowley is excused attendance. the next item is approval of the minutes. he has requested that it be moved to the next meeting when there will be a quorum of commissioners to approve those minutes. the only item up for approval would be the minutes of september 28, regular meeting for any additions, corrections, revisions. commissioner vietor: all in favor? september 28 minutes are approved. we will continue october 15 minutes until the next meeting.
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the next item please. >> members of the public may address the commission on matters that are not on today's agenda. we have no speaker cards at all. commissioner vietor: next item. >> communications. i do apologize, however, in the staff report, there was a staff report item report on the water system. i misunderstood what it was. it will be listed at the next meeting if you wish to discuss that item. commissioner vietor: any questions on communications? seeing none. >> does any commissioner have any new or other business items
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to take care of? commissioner vietor: go giants. >> i will second that. commissioner vietor: moving on to the report of the general manager. >> good afternoon, commissioners. we just have one item listed. we would like to do that right now. >> on your events calendar, we listed by returning to you to fill you in on how we are doing on the update of the resource plan. when i reported to you last, we had the rocky mountain institute draft plan written. we launched a green deck advisory committee -- tech advisory committee that is expected to be under review this week.
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we are hoping to come back to you on november 9 assuming that the review process goes well. we will get back to you than with a full report with an update of the electric resource plan and on to the board of supervisors. we are proposing through the committee, they are proposing specific legislative changes to improve the climate here in san francisco for implementing green technology in san francisco that generate electricity or save energy. the next -- the next meeting will be at the board of supervisors. commissioner vietor: it will be on the agenda for the next meeting to review and discuss? >> assuming that the review process gets to the point that it is ready.
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commissioner vietor: will clean energies to words be participating? >> we have scheduled a meeting to review the report on november 1. we attempted to get that input before we come before you. commissioner vietor: thank you very much. >> i passed out a memo on proposition 26 and the possible impact. it is just for informational purposes. if proposition 26 passes, we will discuss the potential impact to san francisco puc. it was signed back in september. we are just monitoring the situation and trying to determine what might be the
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potential impact on us. and i have nothing else in the general manager report. >> [inaudible] >> it is like a series of questions right now. we will talk about that. these will be treated the same way as taxes. right now, they are approved by the majority vote of the local legislative body. commissioner vietor: any public comment on the general manager's report? >> they are trying to fix the
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screens. >> is it because the computer is blood in? >> i think it has something to do with the feet from -- feed from sfgtv. >> can you check the computer? is that -- >> apparently, something downstairs in the control room -- they were having problem with the controls before the meeting. i just alerted them. commissioner vietor: the next item is item number 8. >> but the live feed isn't showing up. ok.
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>> i will not need the computers. i wanted to make a comment about a letter that was sent to the commission on october 13. our letter was based on the review of the wsip annual report. scope, schedule, and budget. we wanted to cover our comments and recommendations. it was resolved at the special meeting a week and a half ago. everything was in budget and we are pleased with that. in terms of the award of the construction contract, savings
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are reprogrammed to cover expenditures necessary in other projects. we have no problem with any of the cost increases for the projects we have seen today. they have all been for necessary items, permit issues, and so forth. they have not been due to somebody taking their eye off of the ball. the concern that i wanted to share with you in the letter is that it would be important to track the change orders against the savings. just so that the commission and the public staff is comfortable that there is enough money retained for each project. how you do that is something --
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which did not know schedule compression. what you approved in 2009 shows a couple of projects under construction in 2015. the current forecast shows six projects under construction. the question is, does that cause a compression of schedules -- does that compression of schedules cause difficulties? following your adoption of the current schedule, the commissioners made a comment about that. the excellent piece of work,
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staff capabilities, and so forth. there was a clean bill of health. the one comment is, it has never been tested. any suggestion -- the suggestion is that you keep watching that. given the schedule compression, we would recommend that you perform a comprehensive review. whether the mechanisms you have in place still seem adequate, it is a very reasonable question to pose. the bottom line is not a search for a problem, it is to anticipate a problem to give the staff whatever resources they need to get the -- those are my comments for today.
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thank you. >> we have the next quarterly review due pretty quickly. would that be an appropriate time for staff to ask the compression question? >> we have the letter of what we can and cannot do. commissioner vietor: the next item, please. >> the citizen's advisory committee to report. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners. we had summer vacations in the last quarter, said there has been a little bit less activity.
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í that the next meeting we are looking at
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land policy in the land use. it might be appropriate at that time -- if it doesn't, we need to make sure that we have the conversation. >> it is absolutely timely. i do not know if the committee will have the votes to get it done. you might be excited about the work that the city is doing. it probably would have taken this up about three months ago. what is the date? >> november 9. >> thank you, commissioners.
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commissioner vietor: public comment? >> we have one speaker card. >> i'm on the c.a.c. i have a small complaint about you guys. we hear a lot of experts. we get a lot of information, we have reports that we would like to see responded to in a timely manner. i think we have four things that we have not heard back from you about. we as want to know that we are not wasting our time. >> if i can request that perhaps the next month, we have a summary of what those items are.
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thank you. >> thank you. commissioner vietor: next item, please. >> the consent calendar. they are considered to be routine and will be acted on by a single vote. item a, approving the selection of kennedy jenks consultants for special engineering services and authorize the general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission to execute a professional services agreement. to approve the water enterprise water conservation operating fund agreement. and authorize the general manager to execute this amendment increasing the agreement hot with a time
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extension. to approve the project emanuel and construction tasked catalog to the lowest qualified responsible and responsive better -- bidder. to approve the modification to the san francisco public utilities commission enterprise contract. to increase the contract with a time extension. reject all bids for water enterprise, and authorize the general manager to advertise the contract as wd-26