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tv   [untitled]    October 28, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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sometimes the other people do not come who are not certified. are all the agricultural products certified? that means, anybody who's sells agricultural product -- who sells agricultural product in our market is certified. >> in the certified markets. supervisor maxwell: so since ours is that, all are certified. thank you. >> we had actual beencited for that, -- been cited for that, having non-food vendors next to certified stalls. because we use of fixed stalls,
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it would have taken a lot of stalls out of use in order to achieve that required separation. that is why we cannot do that on the spot. i understand, i am sympathetic. i know the wind can be challenging, but our understanding, it is a state requirement. because we had been cited earlier, we are vigilant on making sure that we comply with it. supervisor maxwell: i have another question for you be. regarding fees, you have access to what is going on in the market. some of the markets that are mentioned in the report have flat fees, from my
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understanding, and they managed to do ok. my concern is, do all the coffee vendors pay the same amount? is there a staggered fee in the folks that sell pastries and coffee? >> i am sure there is not. we allow the markets to determine that. we took their bids. what they thought they could pay, to be the fees that they paid. we did not do any standardization. supervisor maxwell: and you based that on what you all thought was best. is that what is happening in other markets, is that just what
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san francisco does? >> we work closely with the rec and park department in many of their offerings. this is a constant challenge, rate setting. i think we share the velocity of allowing the market to speak. the intent was to create a market floor that we thought was reasonable, and then individual vendors could decide, i could bit more than that because this is my anticipated share of the market. it was always set as a floor. i think maybe what the director is getting at is maybe there is a possibility for a tiered system that would recognize the difference of what they are selling, the likely profit margins they may have. i think we can move to that
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system in 2011 in our next bid call. supervisor maxwell: i guess you will discuss it with your cac. >> that is right. i would also like to state court made it with rec and parks. it can be confusing for vendors who go to the market but are also tried to get opportunities where rec/park is offering them. supervisor maxwell: through the chair -- when of the dominaone n -- with a black care -- when you are going from market to market, are you finding that ours is set up in any way like other ones in other cities?
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>> no, it is actually confusing and pretty different. there are two things. there are three tiers of fees. it depends on the size of your stall. you have your farmers who pay the lowest fee. then you have your food vendors who usually [inaudible] everybody pays the samefee per stall. as far as coffee -- the profit margins on food, they are pretty much the same across the board. [no audio] then you should not be in the business. [inaudible] not flexible. there might be rainy day specials in some markets
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[inaudible] maybe there is inclement weather. there is a set fee. my bid was $100 [no audio] that begs the question why. supervisor maxwell: there might be the balance of who and what -- i do not want to get into that. >> there is a board that usually meets in each market, and they decide -- [no audio] try to keep a balance between citrus [no audio] do not ruined somebody's livelihood. supervisor maxwell: thank you. i do have a question for you. could you come up?
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supervisor mar: could you state your name again? >> john akiens. supervisor maxwell: you mentioned the rainy day, being able to -- understanding that we need to have that separation. one of the issues, when they moved the food vendors, that was huge. do you have a better understanding, is this what you have found to be the case? has someone mentioned this to you before? >> yes, i have an understanding based on what was stated. for example, -- first of all, i did not hear what the space was between the certified and non- certified farmers, food vendors. if it is 20 feet, and the distance of an empty stall is 20
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feet, then it seems to me that is the separation, so if there are 10 stalls on the other side that are empty, or if there is only one farmer in those stalls, can that one farmer not be moved closer to the other certified farmers' so you still have the other side available for the food vendors? if we are talking about numbers and you have 12 empty stalls because of the rainy season, and farmers do not come all year round -- so it seems like there could be some accommodation. if that is the case, i do not understand why there cannot be an accommodation. supervisor maxwell: how soon in advance how do you have to notify people that you are going to be there, not going to be there? >> in terms of the food vendors not showing up, if you are not going to be there that day, the protocol is to call that
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morning and leave a message on the machine, or if you can get a hold of someone in the office. supervisor maxwell: so it is basically within 12 hours or less. >> as i said, the thing that concerns me in raising this question is, when you look at the rainy season, there are quite a few empty stalls. many farmers do not come during that time. i am still not sure what that space will be. supervisor maxwell: i will ask. thank you. yes? >> supervisors, if i may comment for clarification purposes. when you speak about distances between the agricultural certified market portion and non-certified, those boundaries are drawn up and submitted for the certificate, when they apply
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for renewal. supervisor maxwell: submitted when who applies? the market? >> yes. when alemany applied for their renewal, they submit a boundary. in the case of alemany, i have not looked at that map. i am sorry, i cannot tell you what the boundaries are. but there is a boundary that identifies agricultural certified and non-certified. supervisor maxwell: thank you. ms. brown? yes, another question. have you looked at the boundary lately, has it changed -- >> if i may. i think we have relatively
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simple solution. in our next some middle for application, that we provide a seasonal boundaries so that we have a winter season and summer season boundary. that would give us the flexibility to assign certain spaces for non-certified uses when we know we are going to have those vacancies, so we can be in compliance. we can work with the agricultural commissioner. i think there is a solution we can work to worward. supervisor maxwell: ok, thank you. i would like to continue this. i want to ask our real estate department -- i want to have day a check-in -- hopefully, they have a number of items that they would like to have completed or are working to complete by december 31.
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i would ask that maybe the meeting before, if they could come back in and check in with us to let us know where you are. we will have a talk. i will meet with ed lee and ed harrison on the parcels that you are talking about that could help us with parking. supervisor mar: i just want to thank ms. brown and mr. updike for being here, also a time line for setting up the cac. i feel strongly committed the- based people should be at on that committee in addition to small farmers. i know the history of the farmer's market is a grass-roots effort. it is challenging for us to have a people's farmers market. also for small farmers to have a chance versus the big grocery industry, who was opposing this. i hope that comes from the cac
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and this remains the people's farmers market. supervisor maxwell: in discussing the cac, they plan to have farmers and people who live around the area, maybe beyond. it needs to be bigger than nine. this is a huge city, historical place, people really love and are dedicated to farmers' markets. it will probably be bigger than what we talked about. we definitely need people who live around, maybe beyond. thank you very much. we will talk again at our continued meeting. supervisor mar: we are continuing this item until -- what was the date? to the call of the chair. we will make sure it happens. ms. stokes are there any other
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items before us? supervisor mar: with no other item before us, the meeting is adjourned. thank you.
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we have to make sure we are accurate here. i am grateful so many folks came out for the swearing in. in particular, i want to thank -- you seem so lonely over there. supervisor dufty by himself representing the board of supervisors. the round of applause for him for being here. we are grateful. [applause] i am thankful that a number of department heads live -- are here at their peril. let me not recognize them. [laughter] but recognize their leader, about to be appointed cao of the city, the chief administrative officer of the city. ed lee is here. [applause] thank you, ed.
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we appreciate it. we are appointing people to various boards and commissions. you are familiar, i am sure of the good work at the asian arts commission and how proud we are to have this remarkable institution that has not yet gotten the recognition it deserves. it is remarkable around the rest of the world people talk about it but not around our neighborhoods. we need to promote this extraordinary institution which has the most comprehensive collection of asian artifacts of any museum of its type in the u.s. it is right there in your backyard, right there next to the migrant building. please talk about it, not just members of the commission.
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please encourage our students and families to celebrate the remarkable contribution of the asian community which really built this city, in many ways. i am proud that we will be appointing some familiar faces that have done a lot to promote the asian art museum but have never formally been on the commission. i am pleased to be reappointing anthony sun and lesley tan shilling. they have done a great job and have been enthusiastically presented to me for reappointment. i am honored youtube? let me thank everyone for the
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opportunity for being here. it has been an honor to serve as your mayor for seven years. thank you. please ask for permission next time? [laughter] we are proud and honored that we are continuing in the formal advocacy of the asian art museum. there you are. we are blessed to have you. you have been a steadfast supporter of the museum. we are grateful for you taking upon this opportunity and serving in a formal capacity. you may not know these folks, but they are an impressive group.
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the housing authority. everyone could have, should have would have, on the sidelines -- we all know how it works. supervisor brown, reverend, dr., leader reverend brown. he is very enthusiastic that veronica honeycutt will be serving. i have been a huge supporter of hers. i am grateful that you will be serving on this commission. is that why all the purple shirts are here? labor? either you are protesting me, or it is something. all of our friends at a local 87. i am grateful that you are here.
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a lot of labor leaders are here. obviously, my great friend, a seamstress -- teamsters are here. they are here in formal capacity. we have the leader of our labor movement, here in san francisco, all here to celebrate asha coming on board. i am happy that you are serving on the housing authority commission. mare's disability council, roland wong, christine and james, we are grateful that you will be serving. we are grateful for the work you do with the american disabilities act. we just celebrated an anniversary of the ada. you all are leading by example. thank you for your willingness
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to continue on and serve on this council. i appreciate the board of supervisors tried to right some wrongs at the chamber by making accessible our own chambers, which is remarkable in 2010. i told bart, i do not know why, and i know it is sort of patronizing, but why would anyone want to serve? literally, why would anyone want to serve on the bart board? those of you on the red board know what i mean. god bless you as well. they have held the line. there is not this friction between tenants and landlords like we have experienced in the past. tim, you remember those days. we have avoided all of that. barbara, you were around as
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well. do not act like you do not remember those years. it is good that we are holding the line. bob patterson, i have known him for ever. thank you for your willingness to sit on the small business commission. he is someone who worked for many years on behalf of small businesses. he was approaching retirement but wanted to give back, and he is a great advocate. i am pleased that you took my call and said yes. thank you. on the ti, when i appointed larry, i said, trust me, this will be one of the most exciting boards in the city. we finally got conveyance from the navy on this private participation -- private-partner ship.
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that work will start next year. it will be one of the most exciting developments in history. it will be one of the greatest developments in the nation -- greenest developments in the nation. this is one of the most dynamic and exciting developments that this country has ever been afforded. the folks that i will mention, those that will be reappointed, claudine, and john paul, you have been doing the drudgery work. now you get to enjoy the actual work, rebuilding and revitalizing the neighborhoods. it is a really exciting time. i thought we would have linder richardson join you. she has always been fighting for our diverse communities. she will put a human face on the development. i am blessed, linda, that you
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said yes. three great reappointment, a new appointee that will get us to the next level. i knew that i was losing the audience. talking too much. seven months old. it is always tough to keep any audience. thank you all very much for taking the time to be here. i want to thank my chief of staff as well. [applause] he has got some friends. i want to thank matthew for organizing all of this, getting you all here. thank you. with that, why don't we get to the formal part of the program. you can stand, you can sit, but all you have to do -- you have a choice -- is raise your right
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hand and repeat after me. what i will do is i will say i then everyone will state their name. and then during such time as you hold the position of -- and then we would just go down the line. each one of you will let us know what you will be doing in a more public manner. you will all be serving longer than i will be serving here, so all i ask is that you return my phone calls. do not forget who i am. [laughter] ok, i have some alternatives. this is a good group of people. vote your conscience. do what you think is right.
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and remember, not everyone in the city is represented by the people in front of you. so do not forget, just because you are in organized special interest -- we have some great special interests -- but just because you are special interest does not mean that you represent everybody. you represent the entire city. do not forget that. veronica. amen. i -- >> [inaudible] >> do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the
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constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california. and that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same period that i take this obligation freely without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion, and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i am about to enter. and during such time, as i hold the position, as a member --
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>> [inaudible] >> for the city and county of san francisco. it is official. a round of applause. [applause]
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the meeting of city school districts's. i'm the chair of the committee joined by fellow supervisor chris damey. our scol board members here with us are commissioner kim and fewer and mendoza. i want to acknowledge and thank our clerk who is here clerking our clerk who is here clerking for us and acknowledge that the