tv [untitled] October 28, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm PST
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you've seen it ever single time. commissioner meko: a couple issues that have been raised. the general mayhem in the area, the fact that other clubs are operating with entertainment ongoing, with doors wide open. and that there's a lot of overflow, nuance with kids hanging around, causing general nuance as kids are. now, i represent the neighborhood so this is kind of a tough one. i don't want to close down any clubs, but if they're operating with entertainment present, with their doors open, call vaj. he'll write a citation. it will cost them money from now on. and that's always been the case. any time entertainment is offered they have to have their doors and windows closed, every club must have their doors and windows closed.
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so this is not new. it's just that we have more teeth. with regard to stopping the entertainment at 1:30 or 2:00, that's kind of a minor issue. the club has got to be empty by 2:00 so if they're going to run their entertainment at full volume right up until 1:59 and 59 seconds, i think they're going to have a hard time getting people out the door, so i'm really not going to argue one way or another on that point. i would trust the wisdom of the planning commission, if they say they can operate entertainment until 2:00, that's fine with me. vice chair joseph: i move to approve. with 2:00. commissioner meko: second. commissioner cavellini: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. commissioner meko: aye.
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commissioner perez: aye. president newlin: aye. thank you. good luck. >> can i request a clarification on that one? president newlin: a short one. >> that the condition applying to six-month -- in six month wes can request thursday night, will we come back to the entertainment commission for thursday night? or is that something that the planning commission -- president newlin: i got the sense from the commission that their intent is to provide you with the hours that you have now, right? >> right. president newlin: bha what is your current thursday schedule? >> well, the planning commission motion limited us until 12:30, i believe, was it 12:30, on thursday night. and in six months we're able to ask for an extension until 2:00 on thursday nights.
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i would simply suggest that the entertainment commission motion would follow the planning commission. vice chair joseph: you have to come back for an amendment, is that right? commissioner meko: condition of the conditional use, not the place of entertainment permit. vice chair joseph: so they have to come back for an amendment, don't they? president newlin: if we approve it. but you have to stand aside the conditional use permit. commissioner meko: we're accepting whatever it is. president newlin: unless you want to come back. vice chair joseph: come and visit. come and visit. president newlin: very good. thank you and good luck. >> good night, commissioners. president newlin: item 6-b. miles, john, the fishbowl. mechanical music device. >> hang on. this is really a no-brainer.
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the applicant applies for a permit for one video game, the buck hunter, it's called. at this neighborhood bar on divisadero pine street. they're only until 2:00 a.m. seven days a week. there is no entertainment. they serve some light food. the planning department, i attached, what indicated this is a permitted use on the ground for only and if they want to add more buck hunters they have to go to the planning commission. so they're waiting for their electrical inspection. he response from richmond station, no objections from richmond station as long as the following situations are met. no gambling, no online capability. i don't know what that means. not to be operated by minors during school hours and only the aforementioned game is to
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be installed. those are the recommended conditions from richmond station. what? and -- oh, this is wrong. my memo is wrong. sorry. staff recommendation is certainly to issue a conditional grant. but again i apologize, we got this recommendation really late in the day and wasn't able to call richmond to clarify what no online capability means. online gambling. i think mr. miles can tell you that you can play buck hunter with other people online at the same time in other bars. do you know this? i would love to play. but i want to clarify -- vice chair joseph: it's like a trivia game. you can compete against other bars. >> i just wanted to bring it to
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your attention for discussion. i think just so we don't get out of order. why don't we ask mr. miles if he has anything to say and then we can go into that discussion. >> i've been in front of you guys for a lot more complex things. this is kind of an easy one. we have a video game and we need a permit. any questions, i'll entertain any questions. vice chair joseph: i want to make sure that i'm clear. you give your customers a con sole, you have screens up there and they play on the console onto the screen -- >> no, it's like a pac man. you go up, put the quarters in and just -- vice chair joseph: this he can play against people in ohio? >> typically people don't go up and play it. it's just a video game. vice chair joseph: but you intend to be online? >> it's online, yeah. vice chair joseph: so what happens is if i score two million and they'll say, high score, second highest score is
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jones from ohio or something. >> yeah. vice chair joseph: that's what i thought. >> my name is kevin. i'm the partner of the fishbowl. with the computer games as they are now, they have a hard drive which certain pads or whatever and then there's also an online component which you can download moran mals. so we do do the online component because it has more diversification in terms what have our customers want to hunt. that's pretty much it. i don't know of anybody who is playing anybody in south dakota. it's just what we download. it's a new game that they can issue. president newlin: any other questions from the commission? ok. i hear a motion? public comment? no? ok. vice chair joseph: if i could
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ask for clarification -- >> if i could ask for clarification. do you have to be online. so it would be helpful for staff if when the motion is made you address whether this is a condition you want to keep in the permit or not. president newlin: ok. thank you. >> i just wanted to give you guys the heads up. vice chair joseph: don't go there. president newlin: do we have a motion? vice chair joseph: i move to approve with the internet. this is 2010 going into 2011. president newlin: ok. do we have a second? commissioner cavellini: i'll second with the worldwide web. commissioner cavellini: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. commissioner meko: aye. commissioner perez: aye. president newlin: aye. >> thank you.
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president newlin: good luck. item number seven. president newlin: aye. commissioner joseph: good luck the president newlin: i just had a question. what is the boundary? the cross street with richmond? they changed the boundaries. all right. item 7, police department comments and questions. >> good evening, commissioners and staff. i attended the halloween work shop and i thought they had a lot of good information there. i like the dialogue, the back and forth. i look forward to working with them in the future for either best practices or other safety areas. as far as issues that have been
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going on in the district, a couple things they had mentioned. one is on october 10 at 424 clay street, the bar, this is kind of an example where you see one of the establishments really doing something good, responding appropriately. a guy went in there, ored three beers one at a time and they gave him the bill, the big bill of $12 and he got ire at and he wanted to get out and he threw, they said, a large metal fish. it's obviously heavy. at that point the manager and a customer held him down until the police came. so they acted appropriately. a lot of times when we're up here we talk about what the clubs are doing bad but this is something they did right.
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and in front of the club on broadway, two people were stabbed. nonlife threatening. the victims whether -- were not exactly cooperating with the police. so they were released. i would like the super -- center fold, i would like to see them out in toronto -- front managing the crowds a little better. and aggravated force at post and grant. victim said he got into a verbal fight just after he left a night club. i don't have the name of the night club. i could speculate but i don't think that's appropriate. we're looking into that to see exactly what the name of the club was. october 17 at the parlor, 2801 leavenworth, a suspect, or actually one of the patrons, a lady was dancing on the dance floor, somebody knocked into her. spilled her drink, and came back with a new drink and then she felt like it had been
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drugged so she was wondering when the person went to go get the drink that they put something m it. so they made a report on that. and the incident at 561 gary street as far as a female patron felt like somebody approximate had -- had put something in her drink as well. and at show girls a patron got into a verbal fight with the doorman. the doorman went inside and all of a sudden somebody came from the inside and got in a fight and weat -- beat him up. i don't know if there is any correlation between the doorman and this person. and the last is named powa. october 21, around 11:00. the impala security pointed out a car that was going at a high rate of speed at broadway and kearney streets, blowing through all the red lights and
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almost running people down. security was able to point out the car and the officers were able santo go make the arrest. another example of one of the clubs stepping up and doing the right thing. that concludes. any questions? president newlin: any questions from the commission? no. thank you very much. have a good night. thank you. any public comment on the police? comments and questions? seeing none, item 8, commissioners' comments and questions. commissioners? none? ok. i just, a couple of things i have. i want to ask you if you haven't already done so to notify staff as to what your attendance anticipation is for the remainder of the year. i've decided along with staff to not schedule a meeting for december 28, but i'd also like to know if we're going to have a quorum problem before that so thep don't go ahead and have to
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schedule stuff and then we have to cancel the meeting. secondly, i know we have a lot of passion on this commission, but i'd like the commissioners to be recognized before they start shouting out questions to the public. and lastly, every year we have to take the sunshine task force lesson plan and the first fibe minutes of that plan every year states that people don't have to state their name when they come to the podium. so, it's, it's not required. so just if we want to ask them, fine. but if they don't want to tell it or they forget to tell it, it's not a major issue. there's no violation there. and lastly new business requests for future agenda items? seeing none, we will call the tuesday, october 26, at the same time commission meeting officially closed. thank you very much.
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>> in this fabulously beautiful persidio national park and near golden gate and running like a scar is this ugly highway. that was built in 1936 at the same time as the bridge and at that time the presidio was an army and they didn't want civilians on their turf. and the road was built high. >> we need access and you have a 70 year-old facility that's
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inadequate for today's transportation needs. and in addition to that, you have the problem that it wasn't for site extenders. >> the rating for the high viaduct is a higher rating than that collapsed. and it was sapped quite a while before used and it was rusty before installed. >> a state highway through a federal national park connecting an independently managed bridge to city streets. this is a prescription for complication. >> it became clear unless there was one catalyst organization that took it on as a challenge,
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it wouldn't happen and we did that and for people to advocate. and the project has a structural rating of 2 out of 100. >> you can see the rusting reinforcing in the concrete when you look at the edges now. the deck has steel reinforcing that's corroded and lost 2/3's of its strength. >> this was accelerated in 1989 when the earthquake hit and cal came in and strengthened but can't bring to standards. to fix this road will cost more than to replace. and for the last 18 years, we have been working on a design to replace the road way, but to do in a way that makes it
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appropriate to be in a national park and not army post. >> i would say it's one of the most ugly structure, and it's a barrier between the mar sh and presidio. and this is a place and i brought my dogs and grandchildren and had a picnic lunch and it was memorable to use them when we come here. what would it look like when the design and development is completed. and we are not sure we want an eight lane highway going through this town. and it's a beautiful area in a national seaport area on the planet. >> the road is going to be so
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different. it's really a park way, and it's a parkway through the national park. and they make the road disapeer to the national park. >> and the road is about 20 feet lower, normally midday, you go through it in two minutes. looking back from the golden gate bridge to presidio, you are more aware of the park land and less of the roads. and the viaduct will parallel the existing one and to the south and can be built while the existing one remains in operation. and the two bridges there with open space between them and your views constantly change
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and not aware of the traffic in the opposite direction and notice the views more. and the lanes of course are a foot wider than they are today. and they will be shoulders and if your car is disabled, you can pull off to the edge. and the next area, the tunnel portal will have a view centered on the palace of fine arts and as you come out, you can see alkatrez island and bay. and the next area is about 1,000 feet long. and when you come into one, you can see through the other end. it's almost like driving through a building than through a tunnel. and noise from the roadway will be sheltered. and the traffic will be out of view. >> when you come out of the
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last sort tunnel and as you look forward, you see the golden dome of the palace of fine arts and what more perfect way to come to san francisco through that gateway. >> it will be an amazing transformation. now you read it as one section, the road is a major barrier and then a wonderful strip along the water. all of those things are going to mesh together. >> right now the road really cuts off this area from public access. and with the new road, we will be able to open up the opportunity in a new way. >> this bunker that we see now is out of access for the general public. we are excited to completely
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rework this side and to open up the magnificent views. and what we want to do is add to this wonderful amenity and restore this coastal bluff area and respect its military history and the doyle drive project is allowing us to do that recorrection. and this area is not splintered off. >> and we can see how dramatic a change it will be when doyle drive is suppressd and you have a cover that connects the cemetery to this project. it's historic on the statewide and national basis, but you could rush the project or put thought and time to create something of lasting public
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benefit. >> we really want this, for everyone to feel like it's a win situation. whether you are a neighbor that lives nearby or a commuter or user of the park. that everyone will experience a much better situation than they currently have. >> the human interest to me is how people could work out so many challenging differences to come to a design that we believe will give us a jewel. landmark of a place. >> i am sure it will have refining effect like embark did. and there were people about that and no one would think of that today. and when you look at growth and transformation of the embark, the same with doyle. it will be a cherished part of the city and a worthy addition
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