tv [untitled] October 31, 2010 2:30am-3:00am PST
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>> this is just a political football pin it will never be landing. >> it can go up to the discretion of the decision makers, and they always did a very good job with these bodies. >> thank you very much. >> we had some questions that may have been asked already. the modifications and the staff modifications would be applied only to the city occupied projects. we will bring this up to 50,000 which is in requirements of these projects and we would vote to approve the modified projects. it sounds like this makes sense to me and i would move to approve.
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do we have any public comment on this? >> there has been public comment. is this seconded? >> this is the staff proposal, with the modifications to specifically talk about the occupied projects only, and the projects a 50,000 or more square feet, and the other modifications of the staff are included. commissioners, there is a motion to approve, would staff modifications. -- with staff modifications. >> aye. >> aye. >> sugaya? >> maybe. >> that's a no. >> aye. >> so moved. it passes 6-0.
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we now have staff for item 14, case 2009.02780c at 1814-1816 anza street. >> i am sorry for my tardiness. this is for the conditional use of authorization to turned pet building into a church. this is on the north side of anza street in the richmond neighborhood. the planning code requires additional use authorization, for religious institutions in this zoning district. had this requires conditional approval for the loss of a couple of dwelling units.
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this would create a church called king lutheran church, for 120. minor changes are proposed for the front facade. and there the significant alterations. there is no parking required were proposed. this does not meet the desirable finding in session 303 because this would remove the park -- the living units and this is in conflict with the desire to maintain existing housing. and having this adjacent to one another would create a noise impact but that does not currently exist with these congregations sharing space. the department is recommending disapproval. >> the project sponsor?
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>> good afternoon. i am the sponsor of the project. i am the architect of this project. in september 2008, we went to the office to remodel the building at 1814 and 1816 anza for church use. this could be the modification for the church on the space it shared with the zion lutheran church. this would include 4000 square feet, for the residential building. this is for the facade of the existing building that has been
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maintained, with minimal changes. the first is for a couple of handicapped units, in the lobby and a reception area. bible study and a couple of staircases. this would provide men and women's restrooms, and a bible study room. the third floor would consist of a sanctuary for 120, and a conference room. the existing building is three stories tall, and we would be adding on to the extra story. we were discouraged by the planning department to keep the building as low as possible. the existing building can be converted and made to be compatible with the church, and they may improve the community service for the community. the church provides community services, such as language
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services and computer education service, for the senior persons. all these programs need privacy and facilities. this lasted for 30 years, at the present location next door. on october 28, 1995, the lutheran church decided to have the church in a separate location because of space and the inadequate space. many residents of san francisco and congregation members are happy with the work that has been done with the local communities and the valuable services that were provided at no cost to the city or other agencies. in 2001, they purchased before star theater -- parcel on dominion street.
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they waited five years until the lease expires to their surprise. they could not back it for the church use because of a moratorium requiring neighborhoods for other uses. as a result they lost seven, eight years of time and opportunity to serve the community with this much-needed property. the property at 1814 to 1816 anza street was vacant for many years. when owners of the building approached the church and offered to purchase the property, knowing that the church needed the facility and meeting place in the home for a long time. regarding the parking in the facility i would like to mention the site of the lutheran -- zion lutheran church school appears much larger because it accommodates church and school. the school operates only during weekdays. therefore, there's less demand for parking on sundays. it accommodates 120 people.
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as a matter of fact, the planning code states when capacity is less than 200 persons in the sanctuary parking lot requires to be provided. in this case this church's only proposed 120 persons. on sunday morning when the congregation comes by public transportation from the neighborhood or by car pooling. the planning department has granted a memento categorical assumption of the proposed project as designed. the building would become completely soundproofed which insulation and all walks will be insulated to safeguard against some transmitting through the walls. the church would like an opportunity to improve the ministry in such close proximity to the existing location. its members are grateful for the
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planning commission's approval of this project for which the church has been waiting and praying for a long time. they need your help for their dreams to become a reality today. thank you very much for your support. >> thank you. lincoln lu, david -- you spoke already, excuse me. >> good afternoon. good afternoon, public commissioners. i started my work as an ordained
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minister in hong kong in 1959. by 1974 we built our own church. in 1980 i received the calling to work as a minister for the zion lutheran church of san francisco. and at that time the chinese minister has been -- has offered 15 years. upon mutual agreement the chinese minister of zion lutheran church becomes canaan lutheran church, as a new entity registered unto the state of california on november 3rd, 1995.
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over the past 15 years we tried to raise money and make offer to purchase a new church building for our home. after seven attempts, we successfully purchased a property for the mother church at 1840 to 1860. this property has been vacant for the past ten years and the owner of the house passed away in the year 2008.
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for the past three decades we have been there providing many community services as well as spiritual leaders with a rich history continuously. we don't have a house of worship of our own. i simplify feel like a mother with her children without hope. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon honorable
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commissioners. my name is patty lu, 89 years old, one of the longtime members of canaan lutheran church located at 495 nige avenue in san francisco, owned by zion lutheran church. for the past two decades our church has been paying rent to the owner for sharing the usage of the premises because it is fine but renting cannot last forever. we need our church to be on our own property. our church members are very close to each other. it's like brothers and sisters. we enjoy having a spiritual family. our church is very popular among the residents far and near. this has a lot to do with our pastor who visits the members who are sick or in distress whenever he can.
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he is really one of the best sons of god. we all adore him. in all of these years with the intention to build a new church of our own, our pastor has made different plans and in different ways to raise money. finally, with god's blessing and the donation from all of the members and their families and friends, two years ago we were able to buy the building next to our church. an architect has already drawn up the plan to convert the building to a church, and we did apply for the city permit over a year ago. now we are here trying to explain the reason why we need the new church and hope we can
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get your commissioners' approval in issuing us the permit. i keep praying to god to let me live long enough to attend the new church. thank you very much. thank you very much, commissioners, and god bless you. commissioner sugaya: thank you. >> honorable commissioners, i'm 86 years old. i became a member of canaan lutheran church after emigrating to the states in 1986. our church has fellowship that provide for the shares of daily life and have lunch together. they use a car to drop off senior members since they are weak and unable to travel for
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themselves. thanks to god during the fellowship i got to know an 87-year-old sister. we became good friends during the fellowship. she lives by herself and one day when she was trying to get up from bed, she fell onto the ground and fainted and the pastor just happened to visit her. when no one answered the doorbell, the pastor was sure she wouldn't go out by herself at that time. so he looked for the building manager to open her door. then they immediately send her to the hospital. it was just in time that she was saved. after that, this old sister always thanks god for them every time she got a chance.
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in 2002 i had lung surgery because of lung cancer. i had no registry here in the u.s., and this sister, who i mentioned about, kept me accompanied in the hospital every day as well as all of the brothers and sisters of canaan to turn to visit me. the pastor also went to the hospital to pray for me every day, which makes me feel cared for. thank you, my lord, i recovered very soon under the care of my canaan ecovered very soon under the care of my canaan lutheran church. it's been eight years since then and i'm very healthy now. i go to our church four times a week, including the sunday service, sunday worship and the prayers because these are the times i meet my god face to
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face. i visit those who are in need once a week and pray for them because i believe that we'll actually help. on saturday i often help the garage sales to raise the funds to build our new church. i fully support our church and i hope i can see our church moved in the new building in my life time. thank you. commissioner sugaya: thank you. charles wong, benita hu. >> hello, commissioners. my name is charles long. i've come to the united states nine years ago from hong kong, china as a nonbeliever. i live two blocks away from 495
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anza street, the site -- the site of the church and where canaan lutheran just resided for the past decade. recently they have reached out to the community and i become a beneficiary to the involvement in the chinese population. eventually i have had the chance to grow up in gospel and i am now an active member to canaan lutheran church and i have my contribution in my church and i'm trying to pass it onto the community. i'm sure my background and experience can inspire and encourage loss of newly emigrated youth and families. with the building of our own chinese ministry, our work can become more organized, the effectiveness of our missionarry would be maximized and the most importantly, all of our brothers and sisters in god will receive
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a stronger sense of belonging to our spiritual family. as the mentor and committee to our youth fellowship, i try to provide positive influences to teenagers and youth in my community, and i strive to use my stories, what i've gone through and what god has given me as a tool to bring god's work to whomever needs it. i strongly believe that our existence means to the community as much as we need our new church building, and i urge you to consider on approving our project. thank you. commissioner sugaya: thank you. >> i'm here to read his testimony. i came to san francisco in 2001 by myself from china. i had a liver transplant two years ago due to liver cancer.
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although i walk through the valley of death, god is there for me. in times when i was hospitalized , brothers and sisters at the church come pray for me and help me, and then i was back at home and they come and help me on my daily chores. the pastor always comes to pray for me and encourages me because i'm here all by myself. i really think these encouragements help me a lot. i realize the importance -- i realize how important the church life is for me, and i really hope that i can see a new church is going to be built as soon as
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possible. thanks. commissioner sugaya: thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm the secretary and member of canaan lutheran church. i'm here to make a public comment on this item on behalf of the benita hu, who is unable to come due to time conflict. aim a 12th grader at george washington high school and i have been to canaan lutheran church since eighth grade. i go to this church every saturday from 4:00 to 6:00 to learn mearge and help other students from grades four through eight in their homework. i also come to get help on my homework for school by our tutor, mr. chan, a member of canaan lutheran church. during the school time, there are many students that come to get help on their homework for school that needs to be turned in by monday. others come to get worksheets
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done that would greatly help them prepare for school. even during the summer, many students return to a lot of math that will surely prepare them for their n-students return to h that will surely prepare them for their next school year. my first subject was math but by going to tutor class each saturday to get help, it has improved my math skills and has helped me throughout high school. by building canaan's own church, we would have more room for the students who come to learn math for those that need help. our time when learning math also overlaps the time of the fellowship at 5:00 p.m. with the many kinds of parties that occur in different rooms and basketball games that happen in the gym, it's hard for the fellowship group to find a quiet room. therefore, with the house converted into a church, it would provide foreroom for the fellowship group. thank you. commissioner sugaya: thank you.
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>> i was raised by my foster parents in china and came to the united states with my family at the age of 10. before coming to canaan lutheran church, i always felt lonely. sometimes i even had suicidal thoughts and there were occasional times when my wrists were injured. they helped me and introduced me to a doctor. after that i went to canaan and started to hear about god's words and gospel. gradually god changed my attitude on life and society and helped me find a way when i was lost. it was the first time in my life that i felt warm and being cared for. now i know how to love and treat people around me and deal with everything that happened to me. i would never feel this happy in my life if i had not been to
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canaan at that time. now i attend youth fellowship every saturday and worship every sunday because i can always find some answers to my life each time i come here. the brothers and sisters in our church feel like the family i never had. i can talk to them about everything and they helped me find my true volume in this room. i love canaan and i love my church to have its own building forever. thank you. commissioner sugaya: thank you. >> good afternoon, i'm jenny chang. 25 years ago i came to san francisco as a single mother with my two young children. i live on the field route away from canaan lutheran church so i
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sought to attend church worship but they helped me send my kids to the mother church school, the lutheran school. now both of my children have their own families and i live all by myself, but i still have my brother and sister in our church, canaan lutheran. they are like my family who keep me company and i can feel free to share my life with because of them. i never feel lonely again. the church has made a lot and it's now a part of my life. i hope our church -- our new church building plans will get
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passed and we can worship in our new church in the near future. thank you very much. commissioner sugaya: thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i came to the states two years ago all by myself as an international student. now i am a member of canaan lutheran church. since then the church has become my new family in this continent. i was confused and afraid when i was first came to the united states at age of 20. then my church helped me in both physical and spiritual ways. i began to feel warm and safe being a member of our church fellowship. god has provided me this church in which i can grow and build my perspective in christ, which was one of the most wonderful gifts god has ever given to me.
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god once said, for i know the plans i have for you, plans to prosper you and to home you, plans to give you hope and future. i need this community as a baby needs his family, and i wish god can also provide our church a larger place for us to share our worship in together so that the community can be there forever and they spread more and more of god's will. thank you very much. commissioner sugaya: thank you. >> i came to the canaan lutheran church, when he my family first came to america, we relocated to san francisco. since my mother could not get a job in las vegas.
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i was then introduced to canaan lutheran church by my mother's colleague. i have never had a chance to know about jesus christ until i attended a sunday service at canaan lutheran church. i have decided to follow the steps of jesus and spread his word to the world. people in my church care about me and encourage me to do what is good. i have focused on my schooling. i love my church and hope to see my church in its own new building in the near future. thank you very much. commissioner sugaya: thank you. >> ladies and gentlemen, my name is henry chan. i'm the ch
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