tv [untitled] October 31, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST
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and he went to u.c. berkeley. he served, he was the youth and senior organizer for the bernal heights neighborhood center from 1989 to 1999 and executive director to 2004. he has sat on various boards and commissions, president of the coleman advocates for children and youth for 10 years, was on the jamestown board and others and in recent years has been the leader of efforts to in quotation marks save the bernal preschool and the bernal mural campaigns. he really was an extraordinary organizer. i can tell you that if you wanted a bus load of kids on saturday you called mauricio and he was there. he was usually driving the bus and i will end by saying he would be so happy that the giants are in the world series and i'll be thinking of him when i'm watching those games. so the board wants to express
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our condolences to him and to his family and the community and a rosary will be held tomorrow evening during the world series at 7:00 at driscoll's, 1465 valencia street, and a funeral mass thursday, october 28 at 10:00 a.m., st. paul's church, 29th and church street and a gathering will follow. and i just want to express my love of mauricio. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner. meeting adjourned.
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supervisor chu: good morning. welcome to the regular meeting of the city operations and neighborhood services committee. madam clerk, are there any announcements today? >> yes, all persons attending this meeting and requested to town of cell phones and pagers. if you wish to submit speaker cards, please put them by the container in front of you by the rail to your left. if you submit copies of materials of to members of the committee, please submit an extra copy to the file. items recommended out of committee today will be considered by the full board of supervisors tuesday of next week, november 2, unless another date is indicated. supervisor chu: thank you very much. please read item one. >> item 1, a hearing to consider the issuance of a tight 48 on- sale general public premises
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liquor license to pomchai hutachinda located at 2367-2371 market street, will serve the convenience of the people of the city and county of san francisco. >> good morning. san francisco police department. what is before us this morning is actually a pre-existing licensed business. the business is currently licensed and operated. what is before us today is what we call a formal premise expansion, and they are trying to add to the premises approximately a back space of 12 feet by 24 feet. it is completely enclosed and some fruit. i would also point out that the premises has done significant innovation. i would even say that it sets the standard for many of our premises in san francisco. the entire place has been renovated to address noise issues and limit impact on the community. we are recommending this for
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approval. their hours of operation are 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily -- 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. daily. i would point out that there are some letters of protest, which will ultimately get resolved at the abc if the petitioners do not result in -- withdraw in advance of that. we recommend the following conditions -- condition one, no noise shall the allowable beyond the area of the control licensee. the petition shall not make structure changes in the premise and interior without prior written approval from the department. condition three, the sale of alcoholic beverages of -- for offset premises consumption is strictly for have it. consumption of on sell alcohol beverages shall be restricted to the conference of the premises. there shall be no consumption of alcoholic beverages on the sidewalk area in front of or adjacent to the premises. four, loitering, defined as standing idly about, lingering aimlessly without lawful business, is prohibited on any
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side will for property adjacent to the premises under control of the licensee. all doors and windows shall be kept closed at all times during the operation of the premises except in case of an emergency and to permit deliveries, said your is not to consist solely of screen or ventilated doors. with these conditions, we recommend the license for approval, or i should say the premises expansion. supervisor chu: thank you. some of the conditions that existed with the existing premise would also apply to the space? >> absolutely. supervisor chu: just a quick question for you -- it looks like in the material we have before us, there were three police calls from february. can you describe the nature of those calls and whether some of the issues we set forth in conditions have addressed those issues? >> correct. one condition was a miscellaneous call, so i have no specific details. another was a suspicious person.
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the last one was 8 threats case. the good news is i was looking for noise complaints, and we had no record of that. supervisor chu: with some of the existing cases with noises, it is not within the complaints that were called in, but for the other issues, with those the issues that would be followed up by abc? >> correct, and suspicious persons one, our loitering would address that, putting more onus on the licensee. the licensee is here if you have questions for him, and he does support these conditions. supervisor chu: thank you. are there any other questions from the committee? why don't we open this item up for public comment? are there any members of the public who wish to speak on item 1? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> thank you. this is in my district, and i would like to make a motion to send this item forward with
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recommendation for approval facility conditions that have been described by [inaudible] supervisor chu: great. any objections? without objection. item two, please. >> hearing to consider the issuance of a tight 48 on-sale general public premises look a license to luisa hanson for delays bar, located at 2241 chestnut street, will serve the convenience of the people of the city and county of san francisco. supervisor chu: thank you. i understand this is an item you are requesting we continue. >> correct. it will need conditional use authorization from the planning department, so we ask that it be set to the call of the chair. supervisor chu: why don't we open this item up? it needs to receive additional approval, but are there any members of the public who wish to speak on item two at this time? again, the item will be before the committee again in the future. seeing none, public comment is
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closed. can we continue this to the call of the chair? without objection. item three please. >> item 3, a resolution authorizing the recreation and park department to accept a gift of equipment and furnishings valued at $155,013 from the san francisco parks trust gear up campaign to be used at hamilton recreation center, midtown terrace playground, harvey milk center for the recreational arts, sunnyside conservatory, sunnyside clubhouse, and other recreation and park department facilities. supervisor chu: thank you. we have the general manager before us. i want to say congratulations to you on a wonderful event that scare growth. we saw lots of kids and lots of families there. >> it was a terrific event, and the rain did not scare everyone away. this is the first of two give resolutions before you. this one was a kid from san francisco parks trust in the
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amount of $155,000, and this was really significant in our eyes. the parks trust supported us, and as you know, through our 2000 and 2008 parks funds, we have been able to renovate a number of facilities, but they did not contemplate putting anything in those facilities. we are extremely challenged with respect to materials and supplies to deliver quality and effective programming. during the last budget season, we pointed out that based on our current budget, the average, we have 25 full-service recreation centers, each one given approximately $16,000 in materials and supplies, and the national recreation and parks standards, so we are operating at a significant deficit, and the parks trust has done a fabulous job in raising money for a number of our facilities. we have actually got a few others in this packet has a
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gift, for example, of $11,000 worth of six equipment for the mission that center, and it is a terrific gift, and we ask that you accept it -- if equipment for the mission rec center. supervisor chu: is anyone here speaking from the parks trust? >> the san francisco parts trust had a conflict this morning, so i'm speaking on their behalf. supervisor chu: great, thank you. are there any members of the public who wish to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. motion to approve? without objection. thank you. thank you very much. item four plays. >> item four, resolution authorizing the san francisco department of public health to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $25,331 from the university of california, san francisco, to fund the screening, a brief intervention, and referral to
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treatment project and to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds for period of september 30, 2009, through september 29, 2010. >> good morning. i'm a physician with the san francisco department of public health and an investigator on the grant. i will be speaking a few words about it this morning. sbir stands for screening, a brief intervention, and referral to trigger projects. it was found that if officials took a few minutes to speak with patients about alcohol and drug use, it had an impact on their level of drinking and drug use, a positive impact, so actually internationally, this has been recognized, and grants have been awarded to sites to teach this technique, and such a grant was awarded to us, to ucsf, to teach
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residents who are training at san francisco general hospital. my focus has actually been around teaching the referral to treatment, which involves city programs specifically. the grant has become a platform to teach not just residents about substance use but also attending social workers, nurses, and it has become a platform to not only teach, but also changed attitudes, and i think whenever we bring teaching to our clinical services, we enhance those services on a number levels. so there you go. supervisor chu: thank you for your presentation. i just wanted to clarify, the grant would provide for 10% funding for existing positions on your staff, which would involve not creating any new positions? >> that is right.
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i am that senior physician. supervisor chu: thank you. are there any members of the public who wish to speak on the item? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a motion to move the adam forward with recommendations. without objection. thank you very much. item five, please. >> item 5, resolution authorizing the san francisco recreation and park department to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of $165,000 to support the san francisco recreation and park department's you still wish to program for october 1, 2010, through october 1, 2015 -- recreation and park department's youth stewardship program. >> good morning, supervisors. in the brand manager for the recreation and parks capital division -- i'm the brand manager -- find the -- i'm teh
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he grant manager. the program is fully funded by gifts and grants. last year, they served 635 students who contributed 2710 hours of habitat restoration in 9 of our recreation and park natural areas. 20 classes participated in this program, which involves three to five visits to our parks. the following schools participated -- betsy carmichael, bryant elementary, e.r. taylor, guadalupe elementary, west portal, and the bay area gifted home schoolers. parts that received this benefit included bayview hill,buena
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vista, flynn canyon, corona heights, online park, the late park, and pine ridge. in closing, i would like to recommend that the committee make a recommendation to the board of supervisors to accept and expend this grant. supervisor chu: thank you very much. any questions from the committee? why don't we open this item up for public comment? are there members of the public who wish to speak on item 5? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> [inaudible] supervisor chu: we have a motion to move the item forward with recommendation to the full board. without objection. thank you very much. next, call item 6 please. >> item 6, resolution authorizing the director of the department of public works to apply, accept, and expend a grant in the amount of up to but
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not to exceed $350,000 from the solid waste disposal cleanup site trust fund for cleanup of illegal dumping sites in san francisco. supervisor chu: thank you very much. i think we have a representative from the department of public works. >> good morning. the cal recycled grant before you would allow the city to target 25 chronic in legal dumping sites in the southeast portion of the city -- chronic illegal dumping sites in the southeast portion of the city. it would allow us mitigation and clean up as well as public out reach -- out reach -- outreach. the 25 sites were chosen on the criteria of public access, visibility to thoroughfare and proximity to residential homes. the goal of the program has been to improve livability and the
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health and safety conditions for those neighborhoods through these efforts. we will evaluate daly site data to determine which combination mitigation efforts are most effective, and this information could be applied to our overall illegal dumping activities -- we will evaluate daily site data. supervisor chu: thank you for your quick presentation. you spoke about 25 hot spots, and i know they are in the appendix d c u. the utilize any of the data collected by 311 that typically has folks call in about illegal dumping, or is it primarily due to the experience of your dpw folks going out there and picking up after illegal dumping? >> it is my experience that [inaudible] were used in coming up with a list. they were sent out to gather the data and determine which were
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the most appropriate sites to gather the data. we will have someone here soon to talk about the information and how exactly they identify these 25 sites, but these are the most chronic sites in that area that they felt would benefit the most from this activity at this time. supervisor chu: should we wait for mohammad to get here? we could pass through for another item first, but i have questions about what specifically would be some of the strategies that would be used for the hot spots. >> i think it might make sense to wait for muhammed, since he was intimately involved in the decision. supervisor avalos: just a question on -- it looks like all these are in district 10. i would not at all say that there is a huge problem in district 10 with illegal dumping. certainly there is. are there any size with there is a great deal of illegal dumping
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happening elsewhere that is also as high as any of these spots? >> i think that i would have to defer to mohammad on that as well, but i want to point out that as we move forward to this grant, if the application is granted, and we have determined that our efforts are effective, it would be within these original 25 sites, we may, through approval from cal recycled, switch to a different site if it is proven that we need to concentrate activities in other areas. supervisor avalos: so then, it is likely there are other places in san francisco that have an equal amount of dumping that occurred is then any of these sites? >> i would want to defer to mohammed -- supervisor avalos: i actually would support [inaudible]
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about whether the plan is to look at specifically this neighborhood, it sounds like it is to pilot similar programs throughout the city. >> right, and some of the activities that would be going on would be assessing the illegal dumping materials that are out there, so understanding what is being illegally dump in the first place, and that should help direct some of our activities on our reach -- on outreach materials. we would be issuing flyers, doing public service announcements to help the community understand the services that are available and general understanding about illegal dumping and the applicable rules and regulations around that. also, we would be doing cleanup
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activities in those sites. we would also be installing signs that would be visible from various locations, stating what the maximum penalty is for illegal dumping, and then, there would probably also involve some stakeouts so that we can catch the folks in the action of illegal dumping and then also allow for investigation to determine the source of the illegal dump materials. supervisor chu: ok, thank you. if we could pass this item on into a little bit later on in the agenda -- until a little bit later on in the agenda. why don't we go on to the next item? i'm going to call an item out of order because i think this one might be easy to get through. please call item e please. -- item 8, please.
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>> item 8, resolution authorizing the san francisco police department to except as gifts from kki productions in 2007 honda accord with mileage of 33,681 valued at $15,571.44, and he 2008 toyota corolla s- type with mileage of 32,518, valued at $15,667.86. these automobiles will be placed into the general fleet of vehicles assigned to the san francisco police apartment. supervisor chu: thank you very much. >> i'm assigned to the sfpd ples unit, which stands for police law enforcement services. we work closely with the film commission regarding any filming that occurs in san francisco outside of any news-related items, and all our items fall
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outside of the san francisco administrative code. in january of this year, the san francisco police department entered into productions with kki productions for filming that would occur within san francisco involving san francisco police officers. an agreement was reached between the film commission through the city attorney's office and kki productions. i believe you have a copy of that agreement in front of you. exhibit d, subsection -- i believe is 10, part of the agreement is that two vehicles would be give to the san francisco police apartment and will fall under the general fleet for the sfpd. filming has concluded, and we are trying to fulfil this agreement. supervisor chu: 90, and the type of vehicle that has been gifted -- is this for general use, is this a police officer vehicle? what kind of vehicle is it?
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>> vehicles are described before you. 2007 honda and 2008 toyota. they would become the property of the police apartment and more than likely would be used in an undercover capacity because they do not have any markings of a traditional sfpd vehicle. they would be used in undercover operations whether a sign to the bottom detail, narcotics detail, gang task force, or any similar unit. supervisor chu: ok, are there any members of the public who wish to speak on this item? we have one individual. >> walter paulson. ♪ a sun goes up
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a car goes by thank you for your gift thank you for your gift today hitching a ride with two cars by our side ♪ supervisor chu: thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on this item? seeing none, we are going to close public comment. supervisor dufty: before i make the motion to approve, i want to commend sergeant helen, who i have had the privilege of working with many years, and i would imagine these automobiles might be used as decoys for auto theft. because they are unfortunately very popular vehicles for those types of crimes. with that said, i would like to make a motion to send this item for which -- forward to the
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board for recommendation. supervisor chu: thank you. i have also had a honda that has been stolen. we will send that forward with a recommendation. just a quick question -- whether or not the dpw representative has arrived? not yet. why don't we go on? we had a couple of questions. we had previously called item six. we have spent some time talking about the 25 identified sites. just a quick question for mohammad. i know you have been working on the issue of illegal dumping. the question for some of us has been why these 25 sites were
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chosen specifically. they all seem to be concentrated in a specific area. is there something about these -- killer sites that lend themselves to a pilot as opposed to other places around the city? >> good morning, supervisors. yes, these 25 sites are sites that receive dumping on a very frequent basis. sometimes weekly, sometimes twice a week. they are located in district 10. we believe when people, mostly contractors and others, on their way is to the dumps choose to go in to district 10, particularly from the industrial area, so it has become a habit to look for areas. supervisor avalos: just trying to think about how we are looking at a pilot program, but it seems there is a lot of
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commercial industrial dumping going on, which is a huge problem. in other parts of the city, we probably do not have the same kind of dumping that goes on, say the commercial and industrial type of dumping. how do you see this as being something we could extend to other parts let them of the department is currently in process of launching and illegal dumping campaign to make residents and businesses aware of how to get rid of a lot of items that they would love to discard. the campaign would involve extensive outreach by the agency, where we have several -- a high percentage of people that do not have any garbage service. we would find those people, and let them know that they do need to start
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