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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2010 2:30am-3:00am PST

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, and he showed me the way of round. he introduced me to many union laborers, especially johnson. i go around with him to picket lines, and he never stops. after 19 years, and he is still supporting all the union issues. recently, there was passage of the hunters point b development. he is going to build 10,000 homes for san franciscans. we have lots of police officers, firemen, school teaches living outside of our city, and they can come back home. i urge your commission to
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reappoint him so that he can finish his job and continue the leadership he has been doing for the last 31 years. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much. next speaker please. >> [inaudible] supervisor campos: if you could speak into the microphone, please. >> terry collins. i'm here to say to you if it was not for leroy king, i would probably be dead or in jail. he is like a mentor. he is like an idol to me. basically, if he was not on the commission, a lot of people tell me they would not even listen because he is like an idol, a person who had the most history. we find people from brazil, washington, d.c., and everybody listening to this commission
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board, so it is extremely important for him to be there because he basically is the foundation because he has been there so long, and he came there for a purpose. when he came back, he basically told us that he was going to fight. in a film or, as you know, he was struggling against [inaudible] supervisor campos: supervisor, did you have a question? supervisor mar: i was just going to say that if it were not for kpoo radio and all of you, i probably would not be here as well, but i learned so much about city politics from your many decades of activism. it raises the level of awareness in my consciousness about what he has done for you
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and all of our community, so thank you for expressing that, mr. collins. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker please. >> good morning. my name is john spencer. i am a small business owner and president of the african- american business club. i can think of only one elected person or appointed person who has consistently come to my business to ask how things are going, to work on the solutions to problems, and then follow up on those solutions. without a connection to mr. king, i would feel but city hall - will be 1,000 miles away. i urge you to support his reappointment, and we should start a "mr. king for mayor" movement. >> i support leroy king. he is a community leader. he is supported by all communities, especially the
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asian-american community. he is a living legend. supervisor campos: next speaker please. >> keith jackson, for the record. i only can save the added time of need like this when you have a hard time finding someone who wants to serve the community and serve the city and county of san francisco, you have somebody like mr. keene and serve 30- something years and who continuously wants to serve and help the people here with great admiration to him and to others, i think that reappointment for mr. kane is a great need to san francisco, and especially to the redevelopment commission, so thank you. supervisor campos: thank you, sir. next speaker. >> good morning. my name is john scott. i am a resident and business owner in san francisco.
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i have been working in san francisco since 1992, and one of the very first people i met was mr. king. through all these years, i have found him to be one of the most responsible people that i have ever met anywhere. he has truly been a help for me, someone to admire, and when we needed a leader, he has always stood up and then a leader. when we needed someone to bring clarity and focus and strength to a situation, i found him to be a man to be just -- to do just that -- bring clarity, focus, and strength. when we needed someone to be the glue to hold something together, to bring diverging fox together so that we can actually move forward and make a difference, he has been that man has well, so with that, i think we cannot ask for anyone better to continue to be part of the san francisco redevelopment agency.
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thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning, supervisor campos, a supervisor mar. i am a businessman on fillmore street. i had known mr. king in the last 10 years, and i'm here because i wanted to show my support for him. our community's lack of leadership, but where you find leadership is in the character and the essence of people like mr. keane. you go on a saturday in farmer's market on fillmore, and you see him there. every issue and every thing that you have, he will listen in whenever he can, and that is what leadership is. what you have is a person with
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death and integrity and commitment, and he does things out of fairness -- what you have in mr. king is a person with depth and integrity and commitment. i'm here to ask your support for his reappointment. thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. i am a native sentences in, and i would not be here this morning without mr. king's leadership and commitment -- i am a native san franciscan. i just want to say his commitment and voice has been very important.
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his institutional knowledge of the redevelopment agency as well as longstanding knowledge of the entire city continues to be a very important vehicle and guidance for all of us, so i want to urge you to confirm his appointments and to thank you for this opportunity and thank you for the opportunity to recognize his many achievements. >> we wanted to come here and recommend mr. kane -- king's real woman. most of the development you see now is a real response to his work and his leadership and coming out there to do some stuff to help people get jobs, help people run a business, just
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help people, and get all the tools they needed to do to become part of san francisco. mr. king provided that leadership and all the things that needed to be in place. the economic development is such that the economic development driven things are in the bayview hunters point district, and most of that is responsible for the leadership of mr. keene and the people he gathered around him to make this happen -- the leadership of mr. king. people who needed jobs and training, and we attribute everything and we have to his leadership and those he surrounded himself with. we beg you to please reappoint him. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker please. >> good morning.
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i came here in 1940. i want to tell you the whole story, when it was segregated from black, chinese, everybody. i have known leroy for 60 years, as the movement of freedom and justice. by went to march with him and martin luther king when they came here, but i want to tell you one thing that is great about him. it does not matter if you are black, chinese, mexican, right here in western addition, we organized, and then he wanted the chinese and japanese. they were too short to be on the police commission, so we organized an got dr. martin luther king to come to san francisco, and that is when it
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turned. he is a great man, a great fighter, and we have come a long way. we have got a long way to go, but our dream is still alive. i want everybody to look around. [inaudible] this is the dream. they did not believe that 40 years ago. they called us names. i do not want to use the words. every time i fill out an application to be a policeman -- i am emotional. this is serious. i have lived it, and if he has lived it. that is why i came to recognize that he is a good man. there is no more like him, and we should all take into
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consideration and keep this man because he is a beautiful guy. supervisor campos: thank you very much, and thank you for the historical perspective as well. thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning, supervisors. nice to see you. i'm the director of mission housing development corp. i came here to support the godfather, and i mean that in a very good way, not the hollywood way. folks my age, and i'm not a youngster any more, can still call lee roy keen our mentor -- leroy king our mentor. many within city government, elected positions and so on were mentor by leroy kane -- by leroy king, and he is the one who gave
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us the strength to continue with the fight that started many years ago, and we appreciate him. we are so happy he is being reappointed, and i know the board of supervisors will confirm him. we need him there. he is a san francisco treasure. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker please. good morning. >> those are tough act to follow, but if i could say for myself, when i grow up, i want to be just like mr. king. he is one of those monarchs not only in our community, and not only in san francisco, but just in history in this whole country. i am honored and humbled to just be able to be part of his circle that he has mentor, and now i am executive director ed [inaudible]
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community center, and i still call him for advising, and he still shoots it to me straight. i know it is a lost art in our community with the old hand school the young hand, so i am appreciative to be part of this history, to be part of his livelihood and be less with his presence, but at the end of the day, i want to say that to be put back on the commission, that is not even hear that question. we are just here for a formality, so i'm here to thank him for my life and my son in our community at large. thank you guys for listening. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker please. >> good morning, supervisors. i am born and raised here in san francisco.
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i am here in support of the reappointment of commissioner king. find a small business owner -- i'm a small business owner in sentences could. when we were having problems, we reached out to the commissioner to help us work through the city and get our theater back up and running. on behalf of all the artists in the filipino-american community, we highly urge the reappointment of mr. king. supervisor campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak on this item? if so, please come up. that includes anyone now in the overflow room. please come forward. good morning. >> [inaudible] i'm here in an odd way, like many people were here on the
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21st of september. a roomful of people speaking on behalf of a project, on behalf of an individual they considered a leader in their community, they trusted, whose resources they utilize, and i'm here to say that despite my appreciation for the work of commissioner king and the role he played in our community, must stand in opposition. i believe if you were to listen to the audio from the september 21 commission meeting, you will hear as well the difference between an icon in the community, a hero to many people, and the role of an individual should play as a commissioner. there is a deep difference between being an important leader in a community and as the commissioner himself said, being an advocate, and being someone who is there to render a fair point of view, be a finder of
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fact. that, i think, is the key to a successful commission. it is more than just being a representative. it is being someone who can hear all sides, make irresponsible view, and come to a decision without utilizing that decision -- make a responsible view, and come to a decision without utilizing the decision to punish those with an opposing view, that will not take matters that are decades in the past and bring them up to the present to punish people for things they have done. even though those things turned out to be good for the city. i say in conclusion, commissions are something different than being an icon. they have a responsibility to be fair to all san franciscans. i believe commissioner king showed he was not capable of
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doing that on september 21. supervisor campos: thank you. is there any member of the public who would like to speak to has not spoken? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, any comments? supervisor mar. supervisor mar: i would like to move the reappointment of commissioner lee roy king -- leroy king. supervisor campos: let me make a very brief comment about some of the remarks that were made, especially the last one. as i indicated the first time i said anything about my view of this reappointment, i do not know that i would agree on everything and every vote the commissioner or for that matter any commissioner has taken on a number of commissions. the reality is that there are some times when we have differences of opinion. but we have a responsibility to
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look at the reappointment as a whole. i think that testimony illustrates in my view, as a whole, there's simply no basis i can think of at this point to oppose this reappointment, and i will be happy to cast my vote in support of commissioner king today. supervisor alioto-pier. supervisor alioto-pier: thank you very much. i'm sorry i'm late. i stuck my head in theory it is leroy heer -- i stuck my head in. is leroy here? you handsome boy. commissioner, just want to say my history with mr. kane goes
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back to the time when i was a very young girl, back to the 1970's, and mr. king was one of my grandfathers best friends. it was always leroy and walter johnson. i cannot tell you how excited i am to be able to support your re-nomination to the redevelopment commission. you are a san franciscan through and through. i love you dearly, and i am very excited to see you here this morning and to be able to cast my vote in support of you. supervisor mar: thank you for those comments. i just wanted to also acknowledge the important points that were made. my expectation also of commissioners is that if we disagree on issues, we will struggle through them as
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colleagues with respect, and i will review that september 21 meeting and take a look, but my expectation is that through the decades of struggle, that commissioner king has led and in part of different movements, he is a product of our movement. i know if we disagree on different issues, we will continue to struggle through them as organizers, as advocates, as leaders. my expectation also is that people on commissions will be bold and courageous and take stands and not just be there to represent specific interest but will think creatively for better solutions for our communities. i know that mr. king has done that, but if we disagree, let's struggle through things, but i am also supportive of the reappointment for another decade for mr. leroy king. thank you. supervisor campos: we have a
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motion to confirm the reappointment. can we take that without objection? thank you. congratulations. [applause] again, thank you, commissioner, for continuing to desire to serve the city and county of san francisco. it is greatly appreciated. please call item 1. >> item 1, ordinance amending the san francisco administrative code regarding medical cannabis task force membership howlers and duties. supervisor campos: this -- membership, powers, and duties. supervisor campos: this is an amendment to legislation that i introduced and the board subsequently passed. it tries to incorporate or respond to some of the concerns that were raised at the time in terms of changing the makeup of the san francisco medical cannabis task force. i know about a couple of
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supervisors raised those issues, and the amendments reflect the advice and guidance of the task force itself in terms of trying to understand how we could enhance their effectiveness. the last substantive amendment on page four of the item is an amendment that would provide a task force with the ability to make recommendations in the event that california state proposition 19 is approved by the voters. we want to make it clear that in the event that that happens, that we want to be able to get advice and guidance from this task force. any comments or questions? supervisor alioto-pier. supervisor alioto-pier: thank you.
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i'm honestly curious why we are going through 13 to 15. has there been an exorbitant amount of interest? them -- supervisor campos: i think at that time, the discussion said place at the board of supervisors, there was about increasing the number at least one, but perhaps more, and 15 is the recommendation that comes from the task force, based on the work they have done up to this point, in terms of some of the gaps that they see in in terms of the expertise and knowledge and experience of the task force itself. supervisor mar: it seems that the additional two positions are specifically members with expertise in areas that currently are not on the task force. is that right? let me just what that this --
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let me just look at this. the two additional positions include a person with a background providing medical cannabis to permitted medical cannabis dispensaries, and the 15th is a license or accredited health care practitioner practicing in the city with a background in medical cannabis and familiarity with the laws and regulations governing medical cannabis, so my understanding is those two new positions are to add to the 13 existing members. supervisor campos: that is correct. with that, why don't we open up to public comment? if members of the public would like to speak on this item, please come forward. you each have two minutes. >> good afternoon. i'm happy that this is before you. what we are looking at here it is equal representation, and i
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am really overjoyed that our community wants to add more community leadership and expertise. the task force supported my suggestions of accredited health care, professional. we do have some concerns for the patient movement a round of pricing for the recommendations, so there is a need to look at some of the research aspects of medical cannabis. i understand you have a very full agenda today, in closing, i would like to ask for all the patient advocates who are here in support of the additional seats to either stand for raise their hand. thank you, community. i hope that you will support our additional seats. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker please. >> good to see you again.
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today, i speak to you as both a patient advocate and a cultivator. it is redundant to say such a thing because historically, cultivators have worked closely with patients to run for housing, health, and safety, and to assure they receive medicine with a cannabis ratio suitable to their condition. though the patients' concerns are typically a top priority, right now, it is the cultivators that need your support more desperately than ever. for the first time thanks to all of you, we have a medical cannabis task force that will advise you on policy-related matters theory to the extraordinary to live in a city that offers this level of versus a patient. though we are grateful for their contributions, the cultivators on the task force that right now enjoy protection in that one is a dispenser in operator and the
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other falls into the non- permitted collective category under article 33. i am speaking to address the need for breadth. we, the people most exposed to harm, are voiceless. please help us by shepherding the good process you have the good sense to initiate. also, please support us in the creation of a 15th seed for a physician. thank you very much for everything you have done to support the medical canada's social justice causes. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, commissioners. i am here from hopenet, and i do feel the extra seats would help us achieve our goals, so i asked you please to support the 15 and give us the extra expertise that we need.
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thank you very much. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors. i am axis of love service for writer and member of the cultivation committee task force. i strongly support the addition of a third cultivation see. a large portion of the community is not being represented. one of the tip of the local division seats is represented by a dispensary owner who does not have the same risk level -- one of the cultivation seats. the addition of a third seat representing commercial cultivators would balance the interest of cultivators. thank you. supervisor campos: next speaker, mr. brown, though, giants, though, buster -- go, buster posey. >>