tv [untitled] November 2, 2010 4:30am-5:00am PST
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fair to discuss today -- that i was not prepared to discuss today, so, yes, that would be helpful. supervisor campos: why don't we left cathy say whatever she needs to say, and i will ask some questions. please come forward. and you for being here. >> [inaudible] that includes next door and the sanctuary, and we do have 534 beds. i have only been director since july 6. one thing i would like to say is i really believe there is a place for the shelter monitoring committee. [inaudible] i think there is a role there.
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i think we all want the same thing, and that is a clean, safe living environment, as impact and humane as it possibly can be when we are sheltering and housing 334 votes in one building and 200 in the other. i think we are all about the same thing. i would like to see that we have a more collaborative relationship and are working together in problem-solving. one of the questions you have asked, and i'm not sure if i am answering it, but i had just responded to three investigations from the shelter monitoring committee in the past month, and our dph -- that was me. many days, for over a week. not just, "the fix this year" and five minutes later, it is broken, but what can we do as far as long-term solutions? that is part of the corrective action report that i filed, and
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that is what i think we should be all about, long-term solutions. one of the questions i would like to make, and again, i was not prepared to be here today, but i do want to emphasize that the last case managers that are embedded in the shelter. we have tony, benefits advocacy, who is part of the team, who is actually embedded next door. we have a bilingual case manager who is embedded four days a week at sanctuary. we have another bilingual, spanish-speaking kansas manager who works 3.2 days at both sensory and next door. we have a mental health certified clinician who works one and a half days embedded next door, and another certified mental health specialists who is two and a half days next door. i think some of the information
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-- we need to be careful what kind of information is being disseminated. supervisor campos: thank you very much. again, we want to make sure you are provided an opportunity to respond to everything that is in the report, so i do not really expect you to provide anything substantive in response at this point, but just from my perspective, just to tell you, the things that jump out in the report that i would like to hear from hsa in the near future about -- on the issue of training, i think it is really important for us to get a sense from your perspective where department's compliance with the changing requirements are granted -- the training requirements are, in terms of the level of training provided to agency employees. i think that is a very important
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component of making sure we are operating as we're supposed to be. >> correct. when the changes were made back in may through this committee to training to be provided to the shelters, we were also in negotiation with a lawsuit filed against the city. the western region c advocacy project, which was finally approved by the courts on august 13. part of that lawsuit required more extensive training back hsa is to put in place. we got the changes to the shelter monitoring committee, and we have the lawsuit just kind of sitting for a while. training has been occurring, but the lawsuit now mandates that 100% of all shelters the are trained on a list of things,
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so we just met with our shelter directors yesterday to go over that list. we have to have the training started and in place by december 13, so that is what we are working with. supervisor campos: i appreciate that, but again, going back to the focus of the report, it focuses not on the lawsuit, but on what is already required under the code. >> right, and the losses strengthens what is already required under the code. -- the lawsuit strengthens what is already required under the code. supervisor campos: what i'm trying to understand is what is your level of compliance with respect to training provided under the code? >> i do not know whether -- where those numbers came from. supervisor campos: irrespective of whether those numbers are
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from midget accurate or not, i think we need to hear from you whether or not that is the case. i know you are working on this lawsuit, but this requirement has already been in place for quite some time. >> each quarter, all of the shelters are required to submit a quarterly report. what that quarterly report covers, along with my staff going out to monitor that agency, is the list of trains that occurred within the quarter. supervisor campos: i think that what i would say is what i expect to hear from your department is, "yes, we have trained our staff. we have trained 100% of our staff. we have trained" -- you know, whatever the percentage is --
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"and we have trained them on these things." it is hard to give the numbers on context. what does that mean in relation to the total number of employees you have? >> i can say with certainty that all of our shelters have trained their staff. it might not be 100%, and i cannot give you a percentage today, but those are things that come up here, and i do not want to respond from the hit -- supervisor campos: right, which is why i'm saying we do not expect a substantive response today, but we do want you to be able to come back and give us that response. if there is training, that is fine, but there is a difference between 100% compliance and a number that is much lower. >> right, but this extensive list here is evidence that training is occurring. supervisor campos: it defense on
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how you see it, right? if training is occurring for 15%, as they said, yes, training is occurring for 15%, but that also means it is not for 85%. on the issue of case management, i think that is another issue i would like to hear more about because at least the report talked about only 11 case managers for the population of 1134. again, i think it would be helpful to get the numbers from you can get a better sense of what the case load of these case managers actually is and what happens where there is no case manager available, and maybe just provide some clarity on that. i think that would be helpful. >> and if you want that today? supervisor campos: this is just about getting that information in the near future. and the same issue on
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transportation. if you could also address the issues raised. supervisor mar: and on the training, the information on the impact of the lawsuit settlement would be very helpful. i'm just noticing from the quarterly report that i guess there are 10 training areas under the standards of care that already exist, and cultural sensitivity is a critical one, so even just knowing the breakdown of whether cultural sensitivity is part of the training and which sites it is being done. i think it should be done at all and it has to be a tremendous priority within the system, and i would appreciate the information. i think this has been a productive hearing, that we need much information and much stronger accountability. supervisor campos: thank you very much. before we go to public comment, i want to say that i appreciate the agency being here. we want to make sure you are given the opportunity to respond
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and adequate time to do that, so we will schedule a follow-up hearing on this, but i do believe there are some really serious issues raised in this report that are extremely troubling, and i think that the sooner we can get to a response, i think the better. so thank you for being here. with that in mind, why don't we open up for public comment? if there is any member of the public who would like to speak, you each have two minutes. >> i apologize. i'm actually on the agenda on items seven, but i have to be in court at 4:00, so i did not know what to do. i will have to leave in 15 minutes. supervisor campos: let us finish this item, and we will try to get to you as soon as we can. thank you. first person on this item
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please. >> afternoon, rules committee. ♪ oh, i give my love to be here here, shelter there knowing that the rules committee is here to care hoping you will be to help every shelter where hoping you care know we know will always be there in one shelter everywhere and in view are beside this item, i know will care, and i hope you will become report aware here, sheltered there knowing that the rules committee can this city will care
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for a place to go, and i would like you to know i would like it to be very good i want shelter everywhere and if you are beside the shelter, and i know that you will care and you will be aware of the reports and feed their here sheltered there and everywhere shelter here there and with money and lots of love, will in -- won't you care ♪ >> thank you. next speaker please. of >> [inaudible] the shelter training manual is 10 chapters. as you might imagine, we have quite a bit of turnover with
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shelter staff. we have about 101 to 120 staff. all new hires before they enter the door get four hours of training orientation. in addition to that, we also do a rich training schedule that includes cultural sensitivity, trans gender sensitivity, crucial conversations, sexual harassment, etc. the one weakness we are working on is mandating the training. we do a pretty good job the first year, but after that, getting and mandating it. i also want to i alsohsa -- i also want to say that hsa does come annually to inspect the training manual. thank you very much. >> thank you.
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director of the coalition on homelessness. i think what you are hearing in the report is that our collective efforts to transform shelters into places where all persons are treated with dignity and respect and where human rights are embraced and where they are launching pads into permanent housing is still in process. there is a lot of hard work being done. collective work on all sides. homeless people are working hard to transform the shelters, and shelter providers are working hard. i just wanted to cover two things in particular. one is around the intent of the shelter monitoring committee, to ensure that shelters are meeting the standards of care. if not, the legislation calls for the department of public health to do an investigation and levy a fine if they are not in compliance. the hope is that no fine would ever be levered -- levied against the shelter, that they would take corrective action and back it would not get to that place, but unfortunately, this
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tail end of the process has proven to be the most problematic. dph has never found a site to be out of compliance, and that is not a problem if the shelters have taken corrective action, but that is not totally clear. one of the things you have in front of you is a response from information requests to get at the methodology, and i think it becomes very clear that they actually do not have a methodology, that they are simply talking to shelter staff, that they are not gathering information from residents, so that is an area i would call for a look at said that there is some established methodology. second, i wanted to talk to the bit about vacant shelter beds and the fact that the city is continually not given information that we know it has. we know they know what beds are empty, and for political reasons, they are not giving that information, so i wanted to call that out because that is something that would be very
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hopeful that we need to move forward. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker please. >> good afternoon. i am a shelter advocate and a member of the shelter monitoring committee. i have been on the committee for a year now, and i wanted to bring it back to the purpose of the committee. as a member, two things that need to be corrected or taking care of, i really want to see us all working together to identify perhaps resources that we need. it is clear maybe we need more training. maybe we need more tokens. i really want to get away from who is to blame, whose fault it is. the shelter, the client, is hsa providing? but focusing on what the issue
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is, does the facility need improvement? how will we get those improvements met? how will we get it funded? do we need to talk to clients? talk to more staff? what is the methodology? i did not really know, but i think we need to focus on that we are here to identify some needs that are being unmatched -- unmet. supervisor campos: thank you very much. any member of the public that would like to speak on this item? please come forward. >> i want to submit these documents. i feel like you are getting the disney version of what is happening in these shelters systems. i just feel that -- i'm also going to start off with joyce from and their organization. they do an internal survey of the clients, so the idea that she does not have any idea regarding what is happening in the shelter system i do not
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think this is very genuine assessment. and i think over the information is very thorough and complete, i just feel like we have not had enough dialogue regarding the other issues that should be necessary in the shelter system such as wraparound services and other things. heart of it is in the document that i gave you. the other thing is i just feel there is -- i guess this document just says a lot because we have -- the shelter committee is required to go to the homeless coordinating board to submit a report, and it is rare that they ever really call on them. i'm trying to remember if they ever even talk about this quarterly report. simon share. and then, it goes back to the
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10-year implementation plan, and we should be reviewing that and figure out how we should modify the shelter system, but they are doing well, but i still feel like they are dragging behind. the other thing, too, that is not mentioned is the shelter monitoring committee now has four vacancies. some of the people that came on board just did not even want to show up and do their job. the document says a lot, so hopefully you will look at it. supervisor campos: thank you very much. any other member of the public? seeing none, public comment is closed. we will reagendize this item. i want to thank everyone for coming out. one thing that definitely jumps out to me is the fact that there are very limited resources that the committee has. because this is a board of
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supervisors' committee, i do think we have an obligation as a board to make sure that we look at this issue and reexamine the issue and decide whether or not there are additional legislative changes that should be made because i do believe that this report is extremely useful, without passing judgment on some of the numbers. i look forward to hearing from the department, but some very serious issues have been raised, and i do not think it is fair to the population that uses our shelter system that reports keep coming out, there seems to be no addressing the issue of resolving those issues, at least not to this supervisor's satisfaction at this point, but we look forward to hearing from folks. i know that we heard from one individual who has a court appearance, so i'm wondering if we could take item seven just for that purpose, to give this
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individual the opportunity to make a statement. if we could make a motion to continue item if you want to the call of the chair, if we could do that without objection. >> item 7, a hearing to consider appointing one member, a term ending july 1, 2014, to the entertainment commission. there is one seat and 16 applicants. supervisor campos: if you could just make your statement, to give you an opportunity to make sure you make your court appearance. >> i'm applying for this seat because i would love to be part of the entertainment commission. i have a police background and previously served two terms on the immigrant rights commission.
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i'm an attorney practicing immigration law, and i would like to say that there's a lot of great work done already by the entertainment commission. a lot of it focused on the older generation, the clubs and the entertainment life of adults. as a mother of three children, i have been very actively involved in the lives of my own children and involving them in the is it as early as from three months old. i think there is a music program in the city. i strongly believe, not just my opinion, but also based on the various research that has been done, the early music education for children is essential for their future success. i currently volunteer and give free advice on various entertainment issues to a few
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organizations. one of them is united humanitarian mission, which i serve on, and also children's musical theater. my friend has a franchise whereby volunteer my time. i believe that children should be -- programs in the city should be such that schools have -- take the kids for entertainment purposes, but each entertainment event, such as taking them to a museum should involve some educational component in them because that is what raises the component, which a lot of public schools are suffering with. i would like to do two things. one is to promote programs for
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children to education for children and to make sure as a processional with my legal experience to make sure that the laws of the city are not violated and we continue having a great city with lots of different if containment have and is available and make sure that we do not upset the neighbors and various other organizations that might be affected by violation. thank you so much. do you have any questions for me? supervisor campos: no questions. thank you very much. if we could now go back to item 6. >> item 6, motion confirming the appointments of harry kim, steven jin lee, allen okamoto, and natividad ramirez to the san francisco location appeals board.
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supervisor campos: thank you. if we could now hear from the nominees, if we could begin with harry kim. if any of them is here, please come forward. >> my name is steven lee. i'm here to ask you to please confirm me, my reappointment for the relocation of appeals for. this board was formed in 1967 and of his total fund in the city's administrative code, chapter 24b. -- and now is codified in the
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city's administrative code. we are here to give the grievance, and i think i am very qualified because i have been on the board for the past two years. i have an m.b.a. degree. my bs degree is in civil engineering. i work for the department of transportation california and also work for the federal government. i am very active in civic activity, and sit on the board
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of appeals for the water department. i am with citizens to work with the police department on central station. i am very much involved with community activity. i was the primary person for the association for the whole united states, and i have been living in san francisco with my wife, and i do speak chinese, mandarin and cantonese. please confirm my appointment. supervisor campos: thank you very much. next. is this ms. ramirez? >> good afternoon.
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thank you very much for giving me the pleasure for being here. i just sent you my introductory letter, letting you know what i am all about. i am a great service to the city and county of san francisco. i am a native san franciscan. i am bilingual, and in my past, have been very involved in assisting the citizens here in any way i can. i feel that by having the honor of serving on this commission, that i will be able to fulfil the duties under this commission. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much. is mr. harry kim here? how about allen okamoto? is there any member of the public who would like to speak on this item? please come forward. thank you for your patience. >> and i'm here to speak on
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behalf of ms. ramirez. i have known nati for 25 years and worked with her on the police department in administrative, criminal, and regulatory matters. i do not think you could find a better choice. she has a tremendous passion for her work, and she will serve the citizens of san francisco very well. i urge her reappointment. supervisor campos: thank you, captain. >> i am here also in support of nati ramirez. i think she would be an exemplary member for the commission, and i have also worked for over 25 years in the d a's office, more closely when she worked with me on the consumer protection unit, handling consumer complaints and mediating them. i want to say in terms of her incredible, hard-working, compassionate energy, not only for doing communityut
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