tv [untitled] November 2, 2010 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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2010 port of san francisco building code. at the current code addition from 2008 adopted the 2007 building code standards for building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. the state has adopted a new code. a 2010 building code that will be effective on january 1, 2011. when that is effective, they will appeal the 2007 building code standards that we have adopted. as a result of that, we need to adopt a new 2010 port building code, adopting the building code standard for that title 24 california board of regulations status pertinent to the port
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specific locations with topographical conditions. it will also conclude -- include our administrative procedures. so that we are able to process and permit applications and appeal to building code decisions. this includes a building code with a goal -- a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 20% below the 1990 levels by the year 2012. as stated in resolution 158-02 in the city's 2004 climate action plan. we will have a water conservation regulation, construction debris management regulations, and commercial
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ratings efficiencies concluded in the building code requirements. they will all be very similar to the san francisco building code requirements, which are more stringent than the state. the state pretty much addresses only new construction. we will include remodeling and construction that is not new. the schedule, we are working out at right now. engineering staff is meeting with our environmental specialists currently and we plan to have a final draft posted to the public from november 15 through november 30. with a request to be adopted by
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the effective date of january, 2011. in summary, the 2010 court building code will adopt that california building standards code with specific administrative procedures and design requirements, as well as technical aspects considered necessary for the marine environment and maritime operations, as well as new regulations for conservation, the green building, and energy efficiency. we will also include a procedure that will allow for timely, cost-effective processing of reviewing solar energy building applications for the encouragement of photovotaic systems in that port property. questions? >> questions on this item?
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public comment on this item? ok, thank you for the information. >> great. >> item 10a, requesting approval between the rapid that transit district and the city and county to the port for a term of six to six years for the installation and maintenance of security barriers on and under the ferry plaza barring censuring the agreements of the very plaza limited partnership equity office partnership under golden gate bridge highway transportation districts for use of the property currently under agreement to each. >> good afternoon. i am with planning and development at the port and am here to talk to you about the barbarian project and cooperative agreement. i have been part of the team that has worked on this project for the past four years. to give you some background, in 2005 we installed barriers on
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the ferry plaza of platform north and south of the facility. in 2006 they approached the port and stakeholders to enhance them. that is to say they had a proposal to enhance service barriers and install marine carriers. last year, the area stakeholders approved the design and layout of the barriers concept. since that time, we have been working with bart to come up with an agreement to accommodate these barriers. bart will be responsible for any repairs or damage is required because of the project or issues that arise. to achieve this, prior to construction, bart will lead to finalize agreements with area tenants. we request that we not move forward with this agreement,
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going forward, until those agreements are in place. bart is also required to provide support with an engineering assessment. the board will need to review this assessment for accuracy. bart will not be able to move forward with the project until the fort has proved -- approved the assessment. bart has agreed to take on repairs themselves, the full cost. bart has also agreed to submit to the port a building agreement for the surface barriers and marine barriers. the port has already provided the building comments. bart has not submitted a permit -- a building permit for the marine barriers to date, but for the surface barriers, bart has provided the terminations.
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bcdc has approved the approval concept. design and layout will not infringe upon the tax on the plaza. in addition, the building permit requires the provision of a construction plan and schedule for the barriers. staff has already provided comments on this to make sure that the construction has limited impact on area stakeholders. after construction, bart will be responsible for maintaining the barriers. the ports, under the agreement, will not be responsible for maintaining the areas where the barriers will be installed. dictating the future, what we have agreed on is that the port undertakes a project on the platform that requires the relocation of a barrier to maintain the circle they are creating around the facility,
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the port will have to pay for that relocation. if the port undertakes a project that requires additional barriers, or if there is an act of god or some sort of catastrophe that makes it so that barred needs to add additional barriers to maintain their circle on the platform, bart will have to pay for those additional barriers. both relocation and additional barriers will be processed in the same way in the sense that they will have to submit a building permit, sequel determination will have to be made, bcdc determination will be required, and we will maintain access on the platform. we have additionally determined that there should be no fee for this project as is being pursued to protect the public and harbor assets in addition to facilities on the platforms. there will be no harbour fees
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except for the relocation fees associated with this project. the agreement term as the secretary mentioned is 66 years. bart will have an option to renew at that time. any laws applicable at that time may bear out that option. the agreement includes all of the required city provisions for construction and operating property in the city of san francisco. i am now available for any questions you have about this project. there is a part staff representative in the audience in case that there are questions i cannot ask -- answer. >> so moved. >> any public comment? and the other questions, commissioners? refresh my memory, this was presented how long ago? >> 2006.
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>> it has gone through many iterations. >> we are approving this the day, but it still awaits pending final design from bark? or there is still more steps to go before lamentation? >> the design and layout have been approved in concept. the steps that need to be taken for it to forward is agreement with various stakeholders. after that it will go to the board of supervisors. and then it will go for the executive director's signature. great. all those in favor? any opposed? ok, resolution 10-71 is approved. >> 11a, requesting approval of a short-term lease for office
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space located at 541 cesar chavez, pier 80, and a portion of 366. with the mothballed -- modified direct schedule for the combined value of market rate rent. >> of good afternoon, commissioners. i am here to give you a brief presentation on what the item as read by the commission secretary. followed by a brief presentation from the director of the mayor's film office. and tricia harkins, the producer for whom productions my favorite location for filming. in recent years there has been a steady decline in san francisco and generally in california in the fuel industry.
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based on the wanted them to come to their locations. the net result is that the city has specifically lost the money usually generated in to the local economy. fortunately, hbo, doing business on multiple productions has committed to film in san francisco. the film is entitled hemingway and kill warned the residents -- still filmed in san francisco. production is currently a tentative. they are an office tenant in
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good standing. engaging in several leases, several locations at a modified rent schedule, the networks that would result would be the port. these are proximate depending on the start date and end date. the port will receive about $57,000 per month, or $230,000 for the term of the lease. plus, service valued at $350,000, the total would be called would not be expanding any of its own resources the benefit from these leases because of with awareness of its
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discounted rates i noted. at this time i would like to introduce susanna robins to make a brief presentation. >> the port has been working with the production company to find space for them. a great office space and potential for using the building, just when a production company needs. it would help to draw other productions here in the future. they do not even need to shoot this in san francisco. the film takes place in the
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past. all over the world. what he can do with these buildings issued the world in san francisco. this takes place in idaho, spain, and other european countries. he is shooting the whole thing here. much of it will be built into the production stages on the set. a big draw for other productions to come see, to come to a similar thing. we're also very excited about the local jobs. we want to provide more jobs for local residents in san francisco. it should bring 230 local jobs to an industry that has seen diminishing productions over the past five years, rejecting a significant amount of money into the local economy.
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the cooperation of the port in revitalizing green jobs and revenue to the city is really appreciated. it will also shine a light on san francisco and the port as partners to those that want to make films here. we are hoping for other productions to see how the city agencies of san francisco help us go smoothly, drawing more productions hopefully to the city. it is my understanding that phil kaufman has multiple projects lined up with hbo and if this goes smoothly and he has a successful production, he will bring the other productions here. he has expressed an interest in doing that and that is why we are asking for this today. >> thank you. >> the to have any questions for me? >> we will have another speaker.
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thank you. >> thank you. so, on behalf of philip kaufman, peter kaufman, an hbo, i would like to thank the president and the commissioner here today for allowing us to be here and take this item on the agenda. i am thrilled to report that we will be feet -- shooting our feature film here. it stars nicole kidman and clive owen. we are shooting the world in san francisco. it has such distinction, not many places in the country can beat finland, key west, china. it is the whole world. our plan is to shoot entirely in seven to skill. 95% to 98% will be from san francisco in terms of casting crew.
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labor and residents. we have already hired many of the people in preproduction work is already in a way. speaking in terms of services, we are looking forward to partnering with the port for various promotional opportunities. some of the things i can tell you i have been working with, things that we can do, in addition to certain film credits and thank you credits in the movie, which has a very long life, hbo has a viewership of approximately 30 million. the average for a feature film is 10 million. right there you will get lots of coverage. in addition to that, we are going to work with the court to produce various, celebratory
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behind-the-scenes footage of the port of san francisco. there is a program called hbo buzz, it will start being on other films coming out where they highlight the behind-the- scenes for a feature movie. in addition to that, we have professional still photographers that will take photographs of the port, which we will provide for you, as well as moving footage of the port. opportunities to have links to various web sites. the average viewer hit on the hbo web site as 10 million for a feature of this size. there are many promotional opportunities there. the campaign would start in 2011. i am here to answer any
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questions might have. >> commissioners, can i answer any questions you might have? i have a couple of thoughts. there may be more suggestions that some of our properties undergoing development might be featured, using some of his credit as a public relations, so i want to offer that comment. i know that we will hear some public comment first. >> very good. >> i have one card. >> thank you, commissioners.
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thank you, staff, for allowing me to speak this afternoon. in the executive vice president and chief marketing officer for the visitors bureau. working on behalf of the destination of stamford cisco, as the chairman notes often, if given the chance to speak for three minutes, i will often go for three hours. instead of me doing my own speaking, i have reached out to some of my colleagues and counterparts in other cities and i will let their words speak for me. before that i want to invite each of you to take a copy of today's usa today, which might be up there are ready for you. specifically the front of the life section, which relates the important role the city plays as the key character in the film, for you to read it for leisure. an interesting look at the focus on the economic impact of
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a film made in a city. at the seattle convention visitors bureau, you may know that sleepless in seattle was filmed there 18 years ago. do you see or track any quantifiable impact from sleepless in seattle? here was his answer, he had no quantifiable he could tell us it was huge for seattle. 18 years later we still get plenty of travel stories with the word sleepless. the impact has less than in foreign markets particularly. notably in china. it is still a huge driver of interest in the region. they're working with chinese
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tore operators to update packages for 2011. we are very grateful that the producers did not go with sleepless in san francisco. [laughter] michael bloomberg, the name of new york city, had this comment about filling in new york city. the entertainment industry's greatest contribution to the city is to make the image of an idea of new york a living, thrilling presence in the minds of people grumble world. few cities have been celebrated as widely and memorably on screen as new york. in that the industry can be seen as a priceless marketing tool for the city. further propelling its economy, prosperity, and vitality. from the visitors' bureau prospective, we think that moving ahead will not just be a short-term boom during production, but a long-term
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boon. >> thank you. any other public comment on this item? any others? all right. i kind of wanted to echo thoughts on the ability is for the deerow port and commission to try to attract more business in a measurable way. and the economy. to the real-estate department, twice per year at the next program perhaps looking to see if we are of pricing ourselves, looking at more competitive cities to see where we stand. it is a great opportunity.
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not just for the rent, but for all the things that go along with being on television. i know that i have heard that the original hawaii 5-0 television show was stimulated by the chamber of commerce, as well as they watch -- baywatch. i think we are all familiar with hawaii tourism. san francisco still has that opportunity. i am in support of this short- term lease. any other questions, commissioners? >> thank you for bringing this opportunity to san francisco and stimulating our local economy. and if you need any extras, we are available. [laughter] >> extra commissioners.
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all of those in favor? any opposed? resolution 10-72 is approved. >> item number 12, new business. >> commissioners, anything that i can bring back to monique when she gets back? >> i want to clarify. are we officially cancelling the official tentative meeting in november? >> yes. >> amy knows better than i do. >> we were supposed to do it on november 18. but the room was not available. that special meeting is not going happen. >> we have nothing major? >> nothing so far. unless something comes up. >> ok. next item. >> public comment. >> any public comment? >> ok. >> ok.
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