tv [untitled] November 3, 2010 1:30am-2:00am PST
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accessible and state buildinis by replacing theoutdated and ifficient brancbrary th newuiings, and i haveee ins business for plu year m professional standint, tre is no basis foeepi thatlibry, ven we wereo o an esion e itoesot meet the progic needs for e community. t onlynowb i neras to come, wchs what we need o keepooking at-tn generas come wch is whate needto k lking t. ihave bee essedwith the llaboratioof our sister department, recation and park, anthliary. rarelyoes e commuty have an oppornitycreatea severe vision in a very dense environment, so we needtoake ntageof that-- oppounity to cate cicssion. keepin theassisng libra will not e dequate serv commu itduces ace, a eanding
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e existing library mpac key reeaal ptfuncons --imptsey ecatio an art fus. w' veroud of our track cord wit hisrical renoons. only icaseswhere the community saw the needfor nw,lge arywas aw buig de wehavereceived merous historic presertion ards. we are voud of ne library ourorke pre buildis. ave seral of those and ou ceury-oldarthat st celebted 1eaast year,ndwithhe opening e parksi lry nvite you aendtsatday, we e vated sixmid- century o libry buildings. e exisng buildin not micayfe, and it sefully ideattot s ofontemporbrary and ineeng with egoals of he branbrary
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imovemen ogram, wchs safe acibings. e library commiionendorsed the new site. i urge u to ejec ndmaing the ein nor beach iary,as doing so will impede ourprogress was realizing isn toward a stef the a library for northea. ha you very much. supervisorchiu: thankyou, and i see the generalgerof reandpark department o if i coulask him to step up. >> good afterno. i nted ec just a feel the comments tha the city brarian made an ffercple of our own fr ats perspecte.
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luis talked artnerships uoften as fast as ty agencies to workethe coaborate an idti eficienciesnd torely engage t community as onecity ther than a sar drtmentand ts in particular is a projecwhe that haseen done in my view,effectively wel i wanto celebtend compliment e ary and our project manager'staff on incrediblecollaboraon. trd leg of that prtnership and i think the speake befe me have taed abouan ensive public meeting process and great community coaboration. if you lookbehind m you will sea lotpeople committed to and enged in the process karen talked about the eighborod s talked
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abouit one of the denst neighborhoods in the country andhe talkeabout ho woelly lacki a in open space that particular neighborhood but we have an incredible oortu to add 12,000are feetoppace r this neighboood. s wi increaseourpart se by -- our park side b 20 iincrses the sizeof the childrs ay area and ads new featus for o kids. frankl i replaces a deriorat playground-- t replaces deteriorated pygroun eipnt it crees a ha onsi he oth. it pvis very significtly vbility -- gnificantl improved vibility and safet.
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connects all of the park features and ees pentsnd aff to ve much clearer li of sighin the top playgroun and the children's playground than curly exists out there. we are in the usiness state park and ware ten asketo doitand our needsanplans outr capity. haheoortuni to levage millionsofdolla undeproposition 84. thiswa ojec not include in e2008parks fund, sowe oornitylerage thatoneyowto do somethin very sctacular it reay is a isionary pojt, and would eurage yoto do alyou cato suppt it. peisor maxwell: did you say it wou increasethe layground 20%? >> yes,t increases e overall rk size by 20%, whic
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abou12,000quare et. supervisor maxwe: you would ha moneytcontinue the plans you have for augmenting the playground? it would not just he library woulsi there, and the rest of it wouot be ableo e do at all? >> we have an applicaon in wthhe staks deparent derrosition 8 e a in here w criteria fotherantapplition for e granselfane think thatased density se incomelevel and bad on some objectiv emrical cria tthis scos very high --this park scesery hi. we are anxiously awtio hearfromhat, but there is adtional rou of funding ev if for some reasonwe we nosectedin thisirst rod. it is ourintent, our dream to see this --
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o u have aplan c? >> fyou give me a ew mines i can come up with e. [laughter] supervis maxwell:you w to remodel the olibrary a have t triangle as o spa would you have a much ope space as you will when you coiguris >> no, my unrstaingis that undee existing design we are ab to expand --ne of t alternates is to pand e exng ibrarywhichrests in aeducon of he cldren' playgroundso you have a net change hereof 16 square feet. if t plan thathe library coissionnd eation a commission ave apov at has bped in partrsp withe communit my understandis that add 12quare feof open space. ifwe expd th existi lib, weld end up reducingthesize of the
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children'play areay over 00que fe. survisoraxwell: so you ve less open space e wi t and go? >>the tria haspen sce. ssubject to the inrpretation aut wha he utility of that open spaces. > was going say that te triangle can provide certai kis this, s a playground t community exprsed a lot of concerns abt alaygroundon e lean pn in an envital view rightn woulexpand into the chile's playground, ssentlly reducing e space we h supeisor maxwell: t, so te tre ll is cle to the sreet, so the conce wld be thathepygunuld clor the stet-- the triales clos thesee so the concern wld thathe pygrounwod
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rtunitto spe, and obviouslythere re strongly heldlis both sides of . st askfor people'srespect as we go thugh the plic comment. [eadi na yocould lineuponh le-hand side. wo lsasifhe is ne, asis our pil practice -- if you re disabled pof h a yng child feelree to also in the line at this time. letme coinueo read a uple mors. [ea am] whyo't we srt wit. every eaker ha
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up to two nutes. thank yo > 'enelop clark, a si of russnll thenohach liary also sees the eastern and northern slopes ofrussian hill, so we are ry muchinterested in this. isuort he new brary. i asathe disappointed when i went to thlandmark commsion tointhat tseavorf amaing the ol lra fel that they hado ligaon to cnsider theaccal pes he librarythe they simply t it was someone el's problem. but hedesig the new library oes ined bring i into t 21stntury and serve the neighborod so ch more. i hopetatouil not plan
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ma he libra. ifeel its unfortethat there are peleso attachedo but i fee we cnobe so sentimental about that with other betampl of that yle of library in t community. ithi oofimpoan parts isitr the osing r narrowg ofas reetwch wogi he ark and libra the ace toork with. newlibry degni ink, is extremely surprising though a trying to library was rentedhe chillier -- a triangur library was rather peciar, but aer studyin plan, i gh he funcality waally exceptional. supersor chiu:anyou. s iivual speakers fh, y c startwaing up so
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ca mo through the line. 'm freelan writer and editor havelived inwo bs of libor 1 yea and i ha beeinard to the tewh it could be enovated and im itrobablygras a brarin the 1950's whenwe we jt tain bout books ioeserve so we now. to e. he first is i have been involved in e processsince the begiin i ve gone all the meetis. i'm not affiliat the organization,ut i ve bee stf rofessionaan peon rea with the outcom and i he pressed withthe fact that theroce has managed to lea us to the soluonto a ry compcad problem. you kn what all e factors are. one that s not eenmentioned the chain link fen coved wini glories ha
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currently makes up oneide of the children's playgrou is also whe a lot opeople urinate. the are l nds things that ave to be calculated into the equaon tha thi hav beenan we byhe peo involved. thatbringsme to my second point,hich is thathis ehab able library represents the decratic pcesst itsbe. it hasbeen open nt lly paicipatyandvery impressive as ras ur city goveme awowith all e varis agciescooring. thi a inallyfrommyoi ofvit argumes in fav ofldmarking are mtly political a tetical. focus oadesirenotto offe ceai people and constuencies ao hor others. he argumainstwhen marking thebuilng are subsntive. we need alibry that wos. that peoplcaacall use.
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illy, the new ibrary plan hathe advantagof kpi the old y ensealy usedas it i whi the w libryouldebuilt, which other an have t enabled us d thank you. >good afteoon. te san francisco pts trust is heisca sponsore nds ofjoe magg plound, anbeen woinfor the past fi years onvarious improvement oj -- thean fisco arks trust. were in historic ndmarking, a we feel confident all the various tionve bn ll explored within the commu andhe pa and commuty would best seed by revating and creating anew library. k u. > good afteron.
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'a proudsuppte f our renovated liary asl as a renovated library for the wle n ancisco's syst. i'm aski youlease noto ecommendlandrk stas fo the north beach branch. new or ovatfctio libries have be ppi u alover san francisco. north beach libry isot funl. nnot be made a-cpliant e xisting bg is on ark prt any expansion would me prtycurrently used s a acse would b reded. demolion of the old building and nsuctif aew one on the trying to would e north h sidents incas ontuous park spe d larger unctiol 8-- ada- ompliantibrary
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residesorthbeach deserve atus s sidents al over th city deserve a d bry. thank you. >>i e-mailed -- i e-ailed you. it cnot e e u have ers andcldn and compon o ada n despe t, irge you to consider ternate of peserng a historic blding. justdo not hinkatwe have to tdownbuig. y e have to tear wn meinjusto make something ne we all wt anew library. ankyou, yes,i vea supporter. lots of bs willeea ther w not only e city's historic preservation commiion commended the bung be prve but i hea tinfr tplanni commission say this was a hisric ndmark not all historiclamarks
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obslhe support. ceqa hasnoteven finishir evw, ande library neve even prente aquate rnates to demoon in the t place. isaw them here for first me. te nortbchlibraryis a perfect candidate for rehabilitation and remodeling. y no t is ough room to cate additi space theocce ball got enovated but nobodyusedat. no usest evy time igo s pcallempty a coup o cldren'sparso hink tis sometng to exore. therisegus offseth has tanlaina cizen ha been orced into eminent domai upvisomaell, you even uprted tlan to me open spaceand i thinkwe to abide byr ws. acitizeost ppeyin
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orfor s to haveopen space. therereotpo onote. he tanguop is too small aommodate t projec a three-story il othis amnt o space would be equirediorder fit into liar plse sport t landmking of these aries. l's work toget to keep community dings out of lafi ere moretn one ado a new library. ank you. >>ood afternoon peisors. li abo alock and have fromhe libra -- block lf frothe liary the only thi agree with that was said by a city employeei that tibry does very good enovation. ou e hereo cidewhet our liary desers historic preserti. u art ta on
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master plan. it appears that the cit employees have s much invested in the pe hat theristher wo tm. by the way, helibra not have apareruntil march of 2008 whenrent and rli th theib-- w rec dn park -- wherec andpark ized that e ibrary had almost unlimit funds, they seizheroct from evopers,ndybece partners,nd heriangle lot became an part of the l. one of thehings that is al upsetting - this s a ground. its noa pa-- par you canook athe sis at areout the. inthe packet you got, yonly t one f the pe opinions.
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i do n blameyouifoudo waadll of his, ut se do becauseit isn expe opinion. thats whai k you are suosedo beonsiring whether the ary ally derves historic preservation. the first ste saythe buildioulde oa cal rogram along with the sen other brahes. it moreintegri tha any ofheoth alicae braries. thk you. supeisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. supervisors, good aeron. i am ecutiirector ofe oun sth ans bua kers eitakeoäde wdä
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reserved applon wooor libraries whenev possib aiduously, but they haal needs eeto t on behalf of the commu here we shouhonorstoric preservationhere possible, but wemusave ouelves the lexibilitto ass t nee ofhe community whethey come ard, and thats wh is going on iis itanc i asked yot to ote ifa of thehistoricpresertion of this library -- i ask yo >> i'm bo nt. i cotoous a erson with the disalitya as a sing pant, urging youo ow any commenti to designate isnor beach brch libry. i urge you to actuallyecmend agait itto urgeyou lleagues not onlyto actively say "know,o trecommended
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--o,dot recommend it" he isoo much invested towards a park, aplaygroua liary that meets the eds o e community. yohaorememr, recrea ace wa takenaway in the 1950's fo thisibrary. this would be an attempt to return some tt eation land hereig now ose who are poticay connectre tryingo push eir estima fm a1950'pecte to orr the civil gh o access -- plus their esthetic pusiresthetics. ty are ying ush heir elings ioutwi t needs of kidsmies seniors,
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peopleth disilies. itst fair. it is not right. it is not e nfrancisco wa yoshould recommend active against t designation othe noach liary. thanyou. rvisorhiu: nt speaker ea. >> i thinkall redentsould be ae go to acim library, and i they makea n library,here should be elevators for disabled pple and r cl's plac -- i think resides shou be able to go to acleanlibry. ifyou have kids,o youwant themlayiinouseand ruing in a dirtlibrar thank ou. --do you wanthem aying in our senate dyou wanthem aying inaenica running inirty libry? thankou. i'm asidentoforth each, ai aa library
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