tv [untitled] November 3, 2010 2:00am-2:30am PST
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anect thesourcese neigorhoodbrillianfure. we do we will feope. - we willfeel . supersor chiuank u. xt speaker am here talk on is. i am a third-generation san ancisco. iha been inorth fo over 1ar myparentsand o ve enie hat he surbs offer,a i decidtoaisemy children in san francisco particarlyorth beach beuse wen walk to worki ca walk my kids to schoo i
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cawa home tosee at lunch,and itas beena hriving commutyfr us to raie our kids i i ameto askouto kp four moumnd keing lies in rth beach. -- ask u tokeep the foar momentum an kee families in north beh. eia lot foprtunity or renue to bgeneted there. weantoake su ourtax dollars are being put to go use anthat the government is provingsees or ur families a we know hat needeecauseght no if you go to barnes nobleon any given y, theare sor cizend w isabilities nging out in t café because barnes & ble has betteramenities tha liary does. it has wheehairaccesan clnreroom
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rely is rean orto stay there. the no quiet ace. tis not,elace r m s withme and rd oks. theres noplace f us browse and enjoy beintogeer. ow there was arogram that ouus tothe ibraryery ee pbably about 100 kids nannies moms. eyou gather ever thursday we sries plays the uitar in instments until last cember -- read sespy the guitar andinstrumen until lastecber, butbarhyme me end. wen ty haveo abanth librynd godown stree youribrary i not serving the coity. we eally needto have a
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counity lra ttis going to serve my kids and allo the other kids and amilies that u e fromnor beach histic pservationis a goo thing,but it o ve broad public support. lakinghis librawill e a narrow guppeop t will noserve thesechildren who desee b able to come their liarand have progms. its ota nor beach its areal neighborhoodwre re families are raising their families. -- raing their chen thank you. > yes, iil do that. whjis this worki
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basically a pieof cement that has people par on it. --paront. hat i undeta i that the an comssiohas not passedhe e i opin that oumake this not storic and i hope ou actually tart tearing i down befohe>x cafinish. what willi their decision the wi a whole boardf supervisors, -ity make their decision, therwill ba wlenew board osupervisors. i is real mportt go aad this w, and let thapower play happen, and i do notnow. you must ef that pele a angry out
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there. kping and historic ds a lot of cost. taayers want it nowandwe games to stop. -- wet e games to s survisorhiu: hank you. ello, supervisors. you hav so mare to to the people he toda so i wille re quick. i am aormer esidentoa g, afoer a direor of her,ai have been on departmentcommittee. i havesed thisrary in north beachor a least 45 ye i cano loer se it becae of the accessibily of it. i would like y o build a new liy. i wo like you expandthe
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playground on e currtsite. north beach sees a rger anmo accessible brary. thank you my name ista, and i am the esidenof community organization omerchants d members. asmoh,wumously voted, our boardof 2it ve rarethawe et unanimous but weunanimouslyvod to oppose landmarkingof the liary,andon a lighter no vaoumember of ouroa volueerethemseesa candidates forlandmarki because they oughey were older and bett looking nd on thatote, i urge to plse nolandrk this [laughter]
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the childreneading is the key to noedge, and knowledge is th key to success, and weee to dea with that and address tat an like i said we have people who are willingto bee rked forou. ank you very much. -- to be ndmarked ou thank youery much >>llo, supervisors. im a doctor whohas livedi or and have two cildren the. want toreiterate at we ove living in noh h, an w loveo libra. othingagainst theibra. trying to dea h a vy ifficult situation tall you to istake a el tr the library to looat the contions weret, and someone mentioned bars & noble,se tt scome e factoibra d auay criebecause i do not feel it is agood library g toorto s and re and think about
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what you are gog et tis otservin that anymore andi, too, whereonlinean g to theesk and ck i -- a itoo, go on ndo tohe desk and pick i. i ct af to subsize rnes & amo. we have given them so uch money,ev in their caé so of a penal tohangut here, becsea ccola chiok ant to gin my eighborhoodand a partof t and t buildingiactuay thou waofen soone menoned lanark status and enpi realizow contenous is is,d you actually ke a field tripi e buiing it is da itsdank.
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ebathrmrea looks like seri kille lives there. children do ot li to go down ere. i ho haty lisn to e neighborhood on this andeg mang a ving libra. thank you. --nd aimake a living library. ank you. speisorhiu: ank you. my son has snt his wle fe i life --i noh beach, and as amotheanworkg- ass peon, i urge y no to let market library. it is a lily multi-cultural neighborhood, using spaces in e blicuiings and in neighborhoods such as this deservesn up-to-date libra hills theds inhe community. please do look to the neighborhood. -- liary the needs of he communi
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>> thank you. i work fofriends ofthe library, a nkeverybody justut has bee said i want to dd anoteof thanks t all of thesemomday, because ere is a school w day, anihavgot one of the children withe,so have a littore of an unrstanding whatt takes to come pubc meeting and wait with their kids, and the moms ha onet again d n andagain. -- have done itagain anai anagai hey des it, and, again,i want to anyou for paying attention to all of the public cotand to think people coming speciallytheparents toave been magnificent coat -- and tothank peoe r comi. sally the parentsw have enmagnificenfor coming. supervisorhiu: next speaker.
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>> my name s -- a i almost 10. > my me is nd i am 10. >> it is not go the way it is. tnkou be more space to have thgs orgiz. do you not wantmore space to look w thgiants won? doot let t library did ndmarks. thank you. --glanarke. thk you. supervor cu: beformo pele come upi want to ad some names. [reading names]
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theunor the san francisco public we haitten a er ich trito se you i otnoif youave go thbut here ar several copies. you can look that i ndmag ofhe libry. ibrarian hav wor in every single bch. here may beome that that hav word in,but as oa few years o, everyone, nd ts ise worst bui he applon building but f inhe sm. sk would you be landmarng if you ive mat? you wld have to completely destroy thbuilding - if you andmked it
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you would have to completely destroy the building. why would youldmarklb that could not be used as a brary? admittedly it would be good if the new library, whatever form it took, ould be much larger an e one that is planned. if t were going to happen, tha is something that should have started a0.5 years ago to lamarkhisilding if ty real tught it wasbeautiful and worthy of historical landmarking. that really would have been the time to start ndmaed in it. to come in india and - that rally would have been the time startlandmag it. comeinin the e -- please lethem ha a try suisorhiu: 8 if we cohave ourexpo
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laue --ha y. upervisors my n s . am curlyhe poein esidee of the fends of the public library a the memberf a brigade. ihave na poem in suort ofhenew liary in north beach. i have been a rede onorth beach f5 . it i cled the" wthere be building newortheach liy? the mobationof every s oa sold to delirizaon of all thewe arcoed -- evy scrap demilitarization of l that we
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are compos of hathe dawom of a movie h ñ or a muum a public libraryi t o holyp ofsocietha can beroced. d enteri the librar with hmomr dad wi 50 years at remeer thatent sne otheos important his her life, and a libry unscwssiurbrainand opens aunfhe ture f your note the form of urwn m ulds the futu fo oun form f yourin s is a pahat on n liary withits spial ty of stillness, w felswow --t is a
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spathaon ara provides. [l] clo sto, afire erage. ha -elishnt backwards? whatyou nnet ogoogle what only et when e silence of thelibra is i command, o eeanothee in northbch more and adtso ve si o the silence, findi o tt you are onhe way. y aaywaed o ryall les andover life's truths and w, you have foyou can do thnew library. [applause] >w.
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go afteoon,supervisors. i wishcould do poetry. i canno sing, b i can shout. nolandmaing the rth ach brar and ause i a chdwhen the lib wasrand-newmy rothers ansisters, my neighbors have live i my small little seein north beac ats compsed ofne block aw whowas the he oh ye fred, e principal of the largest elemenry schl in saancir principlesals --erincipals. aof us werekids who lived on tat one.
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stre we alntedogo tothe north ach library, but it was too all already, in t 1950's, anthere not a chiren's section, n was the tnage son n fac some of theatrons were so conrned aboutibein a quiet lry that ey tried oshoo away,so we ner eltthatevn 1960's d 9' hathabrary was co. it welcomi n? o. n eugh ofeservices are coecd with the recreation and park departmwhich i think this plfos a
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wonderfucoltion soha drenheirparent can use both. [ell] so need o at -- supervisochiu: matter of principle,anou identify urself? -- madam incipal, canou iden myself? >> i am -- upervisor chiu:hank yo thank you,ndi uld just emi membe otublic thatwe do have atwo-minut rule tt we neetodhere o. thank you. >> i am vice president of e library commission, and the library wants to do a good job r the communy, s to make surehat we can prove the library service that each community needs we have held exhaustivemtings that go back many years.
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t is ieresng that the whole question of historic preservation neverraised at th beginning it as one of t earlr speakermentioned. the vast mority of people that i ha heard speak at these meetingsand the vast ajorit that have were today, are people who really wa touse the library and they are not trying to clean that there is so technicalities here hey are not tryi t claim thathere is s echnicality here. it aatteowtoerve e blic bes an new planwhichhasbeen woed on extensivelby relyood people studat eve stage bye brary cosion does a butul job n an area whe spacis reay,really tight. interestg than 15 or 20 years o, thisamquestionwas debated and the planners in the library areaof that time wanted
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tout anew branch onthe trying, and some people in the community opposed it, so nothing apped let'not have another one of the ations. thats justot a good solution. this board osupervisors is sharp ennd forwardlooking enghot to wa tt of an outme. thk you. survisor chiu: thank you. nexear, pleas > my me is june. i am a former presidentof a p, but iam epresein fries hoat --joe maggio 6hjpaygr we he reth 10 natures hereand iwilpass it on in ddition i am brig ore than 0 the reacquired thiseekend
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te eighood is overwhelminglyfaof is new oject. we do want t lked, an i think youhavard all of he od reaso s pleas do not live market -- ndrk it supervisor iu nexspke please. weare for thdesigtion o the rth beac branch. we recognize that the current library isnotseing the eds of the communit however environmental reviewngoing, we a not convced this is mutually exclusive. it heedermined nd eligib f tationa register historic places by he plaindertme- hasbeen etmined a eligible. -- etermid igib. i impoant to undend it
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will not be the building in cre con s fraco heritage has oposedumbeo alrnativeshat would me the needs of the counity and th the future of the ar as explained in o comnts on the eir, we haverose a belowgroundaitio and an addition the north. neither of which he been considered in detail in their despit e statemof city staff eviously the northndion alteative was onsidered rly on itheproce butrejected and not brought forward for detailed consideonth ei. iour viewthis aring is to determine e eligibility othe library and t do awayit alrnates. as we he stated all along
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