tv [untitled] November 3, 2010 3:30am-4:00am PST
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wiing todo .t people are > with gards to or beach, i want to tankeryonw cou oday. te indiduals on ot ides of th iss and i idped longime thinking about it. the question i whether we sou n to mark lra. we are goingtohavefther nvsaon the isaneir a other issurnoappropate to csidetoday the histori reservion mme deteis t eigh megs. there were three separa ves. we two hat invol t o-her
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vteargi. iis clear there is a legitimateuestion aut whether y see landmain weaviv nous feedbackfrom architectural storians, and those fom e counity. ey poin ou that ofthe sen branch iars icad twn 51 and1969,t nor each library is least presend and lckinin characteriscsof that partular yle. i certainlysupport isric rsevaonheit is mrid. ere peserving sx lbraries fo future getions, and i suor tseenovatns io not thinkwehould checramet,because i
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hinkiceapens destions re m.ebuildiat have th ishyi will otsuo lanarking he no beach ibry, an skhat we no aprovlandmarking tthe full bod of supervisors >i wanto thankeveryo i am vy suorve of much mrefunctiona libraries for the people of north beach and chitown, ani seetat accessibily astica i pport ebuilding mornm, ut i placed the value offensive an acceptable -- placed e value of the acceptable, autional
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i puthe usefulness of buildings abov the landmarking of the buildings. i also wanto say e testimony fm a ot of my colleaguesnd famies and pares and teacrs and from fncisco middle school are ry influential on my decision as well, and think ts ise best yforward for a ommunity that has needed a much etr lirary and a rk as wl. itnk t oortunity to unify the park in a much ore useful useof space is one of our oa as well. >> i think there were no betterexamplesi might be connced maybe had merit to
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ndk, but e there are btter examples, and i am a aries, and two are uilt, and they amazing. they have outsideplas ere people c ead. it is muchbetter andmuch more futional. two libraries re cpleted. you should seet. it is amazing. i thin the north beac rea dese a newliary. ey deserveo ha an ang building soth can be roudo soing. i wi be pportive o peisor chu a supvisor mar. a lot of you childreni will b .uoryou and whayou
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withoutobjecti, so move. [applause madam clerk, wi you ead items fur and item five togetr. >> an item to changthe lk of property. tem number ive, dinance coending zoningm of property at 222, second strt. >>we have the business i frt of us. we hav items four and five red, d we wiltaa three-ine beak befewe continue. thank you. islocate atthe southwest corner o oward stree
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an estg rkin ot -- destroy >> yu said youegoing read bout t parking lo and what else? > a surface parkinglot a a loading dock > its 22 -- >> 2stories. > a story building, or ofi usage, retail spce, d a grou loor space that would be accessle to the public therequests aor a ning map andthe general pn to reclassi teht forhe distct tis-chae wouldaffect a relativelysmallarea off in t westerpoio run-- portio
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wat mak this consistenis the height lmi hey grte aroval recommendeapoval o he zonng map e ommission scifically said this affeca lavely small portion of the properties nd would make theheigh uniform to hesite. the posed site islso compible wh othersin the vicinity,and iisconsisten withhplan to focus o intense velopmen particularon empyment issues that can takeadntage o ransitnd oer ervices. this lus my presentat and i am available f questions. hey areea to give of brief presenti. any er s eporting?
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ty wer designe at 150-foot height tese weredemolished. they assembled theparce and goa building aroe. this will alw us to bui a betr design. e site.afcts portioofng we would request ou voo recommend approval ofheig an. >> ould afternoon. iam ka. amresident francisc i am pased tob hat and also giansand. r a allows we have work fr th roct
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wetinki fills bs it one the last remaining laesites in town. it will rovide or$15 million itwill house abo 170 worker an provide $4.5 mon we think this an imptant project. we have worked to ce up wi whate hink isthe best solution we wo oref providing a bettedi. thank you for r time. >> cos ryef. our oicis located of block romsecond street. we havebeeniis neigorhood abou 10ea. whe we first movedin w ere adcent obogs. the neighborhoofelt much safe
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eoplwere ot anbout ng eay and even. in addition tohaving anffice loca in that area, we al ndme with buildings is asrong isueed emand for.o lokin additio servicesthatcre bs. e understandhe neighboood and feelhis is of benefit o everyone. >> how arehings going? >> it is oing ok. tere is alot of uncertainty, >> good evni, supvisers, prident chiu. ever sce io n the construconndustr aut 10 years o, i've o around townkit rking los
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ilngs thatave rking also. isot is special,i's a wide lot whichs more attact toav tenns. it is very aacentt nbay teal. commeial evironment at thespeople will be isilcreaob houenreusy mo shake. whicmakes renrendusy and we areefitelin favor of this project. ank yo >>good evening. i'm chf estimatowi i've bee working withhelast four yearsn isparticular worked wthem o55,i'v
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worked on560 so know his area. what i c speak to i he nur ofoh e into be d. we're goinaveugy15 union workers n tison ak o300 the budng is goingo hold 1,700 people. so it ad a loto jobs to this ara. e ot hiky speak to s i'm a lead accredted professional. the ildi'soio go o e ad golsandard that's what weanto to ild. i urge youo approve ths. thank you. >> hi, mname isjustn. wore wicurman and wakefield in sanfncco it'sd to s you again i kn it's en a loay for you so i'll beqik e city. we resct a lot o the technology -- represent lot city and t bay area. they are lookg fo large oo sce an lead accreditation and this
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offershaanis blding g isajor pat wld othr ins kepth twitte insfrancisco, to keep the sal force i san francisco. so i urge you to accptthis exnsion and welook orwad toilng cing up in r city. go gints. mmissioner maxwell: y mo? alright. publicomme, ic comen come on up. you ow what's going on. come o p. >> my names tom. i'm a rsident at246 n t and anwn o one f 885 resintial nitswitin twocksfteproposed i o f over ,0 sides,uneds ofrking fs, with over 40-plus childn and over 00 cir vi within 10etof th proposed office toer.
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mostf eneighbors recognize that there will be a ofice towebuilt thecorer o 2nd and arket that is what ts site is zoned for. t we ected ws to built on ts roperty. lding biding a ress th rusand eguaons that have enpu i place after thoughtful crual by e ar of supervisors-- cnsideraion anthe bod ofsperisors and others on howhis nehborod shoulbe developed and h bngs shouldbut. t what wha currntly under yoururr view r unde your examination a buildig llskings or he trieffecfbuding excepons,n bk ad height second street nsie
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dince. anthroghoutthiswhoe ocess of lanning delohe have bee almosminiinputs frm he sidents of thineighoood. eplnnng departnt in its velopment of t e.i.r. d and theuildingdevelo, inpu until thdraftei.rwas put intace, did not ask or any for tis cmmssionoslw downhis rocess. this building is not goin to going to bbuilt year. we a that you slowdown his ocess and ve the reiden -- tl the nin eatmen gback a ge the ve inputito thbuiling.o thk you. coissionr tnk
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yo >> my na isronzalez. i'm awnerat199 montgo, looking directly t withr with te amdmets. to be brie would like to see the paing lot dvoped into a much betr project the e ghborhd is improvinwi trasbay an othedeloen a so i support his ameme for better prect an he wy, go gats cois maxwewhy on two minutes? >>harealrog afr thanks project that's going o an ofce bldig b contt. there is no excuseor anningeparenand th delope.
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basically ignorig the neigor you can belie it? we hroughissectio 39 repoi went throughhe coitns on this proec. there's reil a ope space tre's n e wor of en space is open on thead weeken ad th eveng, where it c be usedy residents itea a5: r :. this one ther is no guarante. e anngepart n't suouedy newhusingaly they have new husing appove onawor whichs stto thwest of is fulsoe, the phone compay covrsion and direlycross the street onecond street -2nd street. its surrnd yewous and apoednew ouig. is is gog to be an offce building in the middle f it. anthedeeloperaskedfor everytng. eysk or a height increaseey asked fo four exceio, theyd oa
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solar ane evaluation which alwetilding tcast more ads on 2nd street. they asked aexeption f sk for aexceptionor bulk theysked-hey hav n 18-1 ou cannotbuild more dense buildinghan 18-1 and theyere askingthe lastit. at some point someone is going to he say, youhav to fit intothatresidential neighbohoodndomeo nee go ck and coitions have tomakea residencesactas a frinly in a neighborhood. saesieal surrounding itand we ave too manythe projects ight w in the nehho. egard eveybo. coisson maxwell: an you. we reresehe oet
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i justanto point o for the record hat the neigorhoonxwas exhaustive discussed in he i.botin he original draft i.r. an esponse o comments that you heard just a momentgo. this is a c-3-oofice district. there's no question that thre are resints ithis area but there is also no queston ha e stiche drivng force bend jos ad office growth i sa francisc one of h eare spakers said thisis an office site. this has been an office site for thlast 2years. it deservesacssa prim velopment site thadoes no spond tthe event grwi eds for ice and jobs in san ancisco. it a sne towfromte new transbay terminal it's terfect pace for ofce space a ithink that's why the planning commission approvedt and we're he asfoursppor on ese amdmts. thk u.
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>> my name is edie. an i a resident at 6 nd reetnd owna nomiium in that builing. this building isadjacent to the proposed project blding. i'm he to opps h project primarily because the proosed e.i.r. ha miaacterizethe nehborhood. the neighborhood has a 8 esidential unis, whichwe built wiwolocksof this ect sie 2000. anoer 300 rential unis eeroedtobebilt and my othe objection to his is tt in te proposee.i.r., the spnso of the project-- sposo of the project ha iled to include a public project.
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residenal nure of this area dands apublic ealth suppmentn ee.i. many recent development ojectsn our neighborod included aealth impact sessnt for expl tetrinityplaza, thefulloe deelopment and e lynnon hildistrict -- lincn hill distric e health impact assessmenof the ..a.can prediadverse health a environmental impacts anoffer oposast improve h outcomes for sidents, especially seniors and hidre n conclusion, sed on iwoud pleaseafordthe prect. coison m: the annes ullike t spk ts oject peas comefowa. you. i not alawyror a architectbui do live su of mket d i ayt all afteron, i'ms envious t people in your
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speech who had s much put mu nput intothe wastewate prects and i reali tiss prive and it's ve dfrent and i dorealiwha a difficuljoyou have onthe boar king thesedecisions but i hope before you decide you willalk aroun our neighborhoodsee that peple live there now, s our neighborhood. and we love ving there. emy office uidings all arounds,or oe thig. and all i wouldask is tha you ask the velopers to go back to theirarcitec a cme up with a buiing that mees te just because you're g, y ld not be allowed to xed l ecriteria. you. commsier maxwell: thank any rther pubic comen seeing noethnubc d iket ask e aning depament to come up. scbeis thisa-- couldou senti nighbooo
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ist what ind neigorhoods it? how lo he ese plans been on theoos? yocnust gohrough a lile bitf at we'vehe >>ety. cehea is envioned aan ieemi a riety of ss including higher density reintial ensioned sincethe adoption of t downtown plan as el, it's the locus and focus of employmt,otwithin t citynd theregio. and bot o these -- for bot types of landue, theipre oiteens d cisioe
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commisioneraxll: well, we will continue thistem fora but lie the surisor innds o in us n thoseof you who would likeocommen may anthose ouwhwould keo meback, yomay come back and comment aswell yes. was tryingowait or daid. you ca i was waiting fothe sosor. i was givi himanoouny to ce hea comme. e's a doo oening rih er ank you fooini us. continue ts item f a wek.
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wevewe are going o e blic comme and we wi probably have ubcmen agnet week. >>hnk you,mada chai thank you for giving me the opunity to asshe land use commiee. aually ve numr of mersthcommity who have ben waitnor uie someimand i wol begi my re-assess yourecision to contue this embecause quite frankly is is an item atas beenbefehe board and before heciti government iandi ite someime. ha i oa ä te at gn naue ansome of thedmnta y pca ntinuas quir, t we ueranfrom ity tea. ifac soh thid, 'd to
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