tv [untitled] November 3, 2010 4:00am-4:30am PST
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thre mmbso th audience whoht b the her oifcoe thosonsors o lislati myclleg the br fsurvio, odto eaewisperc mirkaimi,deid h ths a piece oflegislation that we introdc coupe o months ago and infact it's workg on for a f months now. and i can ll you, having rkedn a numberpiecsof legislation, tt - ithnk at the way that we hav approached the dfting f this leslation is unprecedented in terms of a level o insiness thaw had, wi respect the dient ayers. not on whin th city government but ao within the
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industry and within te community. om t very beginninge hae indicated that becau ofhe compxity of the issesthat are involved earopet suggestions and i in fct he made aumber of changes along e way based on the inputof a nuer of idiviuals, beginning with theeah director, but also the department of planning, the puic hlth dertmentnd number of stakeolers. this legilatn ca oe cause of the work of a numer of communi orgzations and communityeaderswho hae, fromhe very beginning of looking at this issue, planning on thepart ofthe city. if i maywithou belabring the point,ecause i know we have a game that we all want t watch,'d le toidntify thosindividuals who arn' he. chese progressive assoation,ndw wheeve numbseniosanyoung
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people had to eavewh ha been ing here for a number of hours, who wanted to come here and exess the need to move quickly on ths legislation. the calirnia urses associatio the cahedal hill ighbor community houing partnership, and oters that are also a part ofthe coalition fohealthplanni in terms of hy this gislionis nee, ion't want to belabor wh has een saidbefore, when it was frst intrucedthe bod, arnd heah re planing thatas bnd by individuals li the chaiom, prviser mawel who hadone aot of great wo on this. havealso assembly member tom d rom ourprspecti we believe hathis adds to tha work and i builds pon what has alrey been accomlishedeag th
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caly a healthare maser thuhi have repeaey saithat this legislation transcendsan indivial project, my experience is thathen it comes toealth care planning, left out are te peope that probably have the greatest need. and we certain is se that throughout the city. and we see by the representation of who's he that imct is the case nine, like district 11 like district 1e distrct the, where tt kind of planing has not fully an appropriatelyaddressed e needs of tseommunities. anthat'shyhese folks are he. i also want tooi ottat the was -- ithe cue of this process, here have been a number of things that have been saidnd manl a number of ths at wilbeaiabout th legislation a kowtha a mber omeetingshavebeen had anu have a letter that's ae october 29, 2010,
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from the ospital council of northern and cenalcaifonia d think that -- i hik at ev though i have aoof respt r the idividuals wo repreent e counciano ve been working with us,i am quitedisappointed with the content of the letter because i do thi tt it pvidea ot misinormation. and ink it's impoant to sethe eordstraight th notion thatsomehow we scheduled this heari on veer 1 so hatwe oud minimize publ inputo make re ta ithappened when peopere not paying attentiois someing th quite frankly i think that -- i think it's bea t council toake th assertion. we havefollod this gislativprocess in an open, transparenand inclus way. d we have met repeaedly with them and we have actually taken a t of their input and a lot of t changes that we ave de ae a rflection of the our real inerest i makin adsed asucasossibles ae
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notion th somehow -- coer areddresseas much as possie. the notionhasomeho this willreve existing hositals from wheree building think complelymisinforms he puic abo the subtanceof this legislatn. to thecontrary, by creang heth servce master plant isur intent actually expedite these pojects. because right now these projects, as the plnnig commission iicatedare be viewed as, being looked at i vam aum. eriso way toknow for sure i an individual project is actually consstewth the nes of the city if aaste plan outlihat ose needs are, that creates a road mp that tee institutis can llow to more expeditiously get eir projectsaproe. it's actually meinthat willave the oosie affect -- effect. likewise, there's a notio that someho the alignment of
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responsibilities is misguided, is in terms of e aencies that a involved,fom e ginning what ts legiation has tried to do reate betterommunicationetween the planninepament and the health deparment. something that unfortuna has t haened tothe level that is needed and tht is what this legislation does the plnincontext, whichis legally where we hae the authitto take action but itdoes so in way that corporates the advice an exrtise of tealth rtment anso i know that e hospital counl has a specific role to play. they representore than 18 hospitals andheir goalas stated in theirebsite is to represent the best interests of their members. weecnize that and res that what our jobi to epeset e st interests of san franciscans and to the extent that those ierests are aine members,e will be on te same
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ge. t where those interests of thosemembers are nt otecting e interestsof san ancisco ans, we hae a responsibity- san franciscanhave sponsibility to o what we were eleed to do, which is t make sure that alan fran a --sanfranciscans ave access health care. e final poini will make is that, and i ill han out this aeviedersio o the legislation ctually, soe copies, and i knwthat there are copies that ill be made available toembersf the public, hat incroates a number of changesthare actuallyadin response o me of the issues th hve come up. in tis og egislaive practicehat s icluded number o hearin atthe planning commission d at the alhommissio simply biefly hgh slight tha on pages -- opage --
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four, e defnition ofmedica itution has be eplce with the definition of medicl use tmiroressenially -- ent exis in a planning code, there are other changes onag sevand nine tat ke that change, to mak tha consisnt. and en the are some specific chages ha are ad in resposeto some suggesti fromhe plainarment. anweant tomaesure t we highlght thoseto make sure that people kno hat we we listening to what the planig commission wassayin. one of the things thatcame up was the edto increasethe thshold tha rigges whn this gislation is appied to a spcfic proect and we ae n tis ameded esion the chgendha the resholfrom 6,000 occupied squa feet to 10,00gross square feet which is what the
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aning partment reended. we also head tat they ha a concn about eing o specific abo what wa included in the master plan, which is why we we trying to bancthat concern with the need to makeure thtcertain componts were ilud,by adding language that esseia roides flexibityo that whatever is requred is dne to the exent feasible,togivethat flexily to the lanning pamean h otheoint th ce up was thessuef consistecy detmition.e that has to be with the planning deparment. however we agre, as 've eviously noted, that the health darent shouldave --tmsthae arole i the consistency deternation. is for thatean that fo any aplcations thatappear to be on theirface consistent
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with the needs f e iy, with the heah care nds of e city, woulbe consultion whhe health department, which we believe is important. andinw tt here hasbeen discsionbout lonit's going to take tofinalize his plan and you know, if thre's a ne tgo beyond e 12 months tat is current pied r by t legislaio -- prescribed for by the legislation, the gislation alwshegey to see an exteon, to make sure tat you have he flexibiityto o that. so wit thi will onclude my remarksnd simply say that we lievehat we have ben as transparent as iclusive a we can b,as anyone can e in is process. feel thatt's me to moe forwd. we have a numb o community mes who ve beewaiti fois action to hapen for quite some time. and i hope tatthe comittee
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k you vry much.ibe. mmissior maxwelo an you for behe. comments? >>hank you. john ram with the planning partme. i want to thank superviser campos for wokig withy staff on thiissue. thiss an imortantiece o gslatio i will reiterate what t superviser saiabou h planning commission'concerns about their decision making process for medical uses. theyave ve frequentl d athey feel ty are making theseecisio outside of aeal conetf planning for med kayecal ca in the city --meica care i the city. with tht e planning commission didndeed vote to commd aproval oftis gislion. an did sowithfour recommended changes. noi willlso say tat the supeis, i think, as he as said, has tried to addressan
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of tse changes. but justto tell you wat those wereiwilljustrun oe change wastha andths is clearly wh the suervisor was just talking about is wo reviews projects o consistency wi tpoe master pla cause of the nature o the plan, which is largely arod cal care. we were hopinghere wa a way gallto hav thedepament of public alth be in the lead on that, to make tat recommendation to thplanning commission and to the department i would ho tre would still that iotally undstanhe legal advi that the survisor metioned. but we're hopi that the is a way that the health dertmentanake that determination and make that commendationo us. commissioner maxwell: rig now it would reswith you. >> with the planning departnt, that's corct the secd issue wasalso ferenced the urvis which s e level of eta about the conen of te pan that were the legisaion.
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ouhoas to fankyhae less dail in the leislaion and had recommended a process whereby we established theconents in moredetail through a process. it's not dissimilar towha we do whewe srt neighoood process. weit dn and say, what should thecope be of tha project? of thaprocess? and so, our recommendation nd the panning commission's remmendation have been -- have ls detail n e legislatnand deeloed that tail as we tart tnning ocess. the thd issud do with e actual ct ofprearing th pla hesuseque e.r. that uld probably be require althoughheer it's an ei.r or not would rely on the spess it of te plan. thimk i'be hapy o deil it is, e moreitmore triggersomething ese? if it's less etaied-- >> that's correct. because ofhe nature of an
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i. whatit wuld -- it all dependonwhat t pla lel of environmental review is nde ving said that, we kowom recent hry wit ticycle plan a touing develpment thath tyesof broad ciwi plans are riig tohe l of requirina fu e.r. and thereis a fary sutaial cost assocte th that. commsioner maxwell: as well. ok. and the finalssue i a fairly minor technil int-- back to at, whatre youyingitdosr if is etied it's expensive, if i's br it's exive t's eese >>art o t is about the regulatoryrequirement. commissioneraxwe: wlts broad or specific. >> corect. and eninallyhe fina issue is simply a detailed ise on languagandthe plan relative to coss refereing ctionsof t weopwe canork on tse tails wi you in the nefe hloy ortnm
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webieve that consideng afting theheth care services masterlan, we would need to take intoconsidetion at chine hosptal has the - prided to certain sevices o the chinese immig popution ichinetown,for instancer quite some time, at iwould also take into francis has played in terms of servinlow come communities. so we lieve fomtalking to the doctor that hi legislatio -- language allows for that role th these institutio have playedn ese communities i ecidig whathe needs of he city are and deciding hetherr not any secific pject is consistent with those needs. and so iust edto make sure thawehigit that because i think that's a vry importt coderation as wee trying ohink about
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what this mast p look like. presidt chiu: i want to thank you for including t aguag ound the sesent. yohapd name w spitals thaar im stct ne ow hslaguewi obviouere ara mberf fferenasssmes. gog be onofhe factos that's ilud in ti. buther ray -wats themecasm by whic planning bance various aiurgent sessments d thvaou competg nees? i'snof othgs fit of a, esidenchiu, werewe coniue an remain open in terms o nalizi this language or including any aditional language that you or any supervisethink would be necessa to dress any abouindualcts. thway that legislation is afted, you actuall cannot
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expressly ideify a prjc, buwercognize that there is are concerned about hat we we wa to maure at accounfor the very uque leha they havepa i k oisi th vil's inheetail,f usstern seve oks s teirblto mak e thee dermins. but te way tha mte the aningdartwn ga ie tualhalt jes, carenaysut tt fa ioties r as indiviu pojectsbe lnn recog that anni kexis t reallcome -
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cmissior maell:ou're saying tt the anys would have aea been done? and at they wos lk atnalysis base nit ig.le. thexisfor nsce, inancea clor ere the mary care physci gh e doct w point ot tt gi that neepriary cre physiia everhere ii ci sucpjectrepective icame d ob go trough exdionst deteation. beuse on i fe you wod look at a master pn that llyou, w do need primary care physicians, so plannig itself wld not necessarily know that that the case, bt they will have a astr pla that will te them,ys,you kn, thissothinatwe need and thefore you go through an expedited consistency determinaon and soa'sone examp the same tingwith, you know, h.i.v. services. it may be that thereis a need for more serices in some pas
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of the cit dso may depending on what is propsd, that sometng consideration for them so that's the idea ow is would work in terms of the role that historic institutions p,i think that t idea would thathe mastr lan would outline wh it ishat ty're providing, what it i tha is needed in those neighborhoods to theextenttha a future project is consistenwi at, i think that it woulde something tat is more c cut. if there's specific ua, though, that you think would stngthen this, w thoughthat you think wou strengen ts, we want to workityou toake su t esidenchiu: if your staff ulemaimeo i let different stakeholders know hopefully gefebackn that, that would be grea. grea. thank yo
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commission maxwell: any ic comme? why don't we on this u to the bli icomme othis tem if th's pulic commnt i'm sure- yes, yes, i havecarsha were given to me hat i ust realizei le i my office as i was rushed ito -- commissioner maxwell: u know what? here a some cards item six >> if ay actuallyere's actual -- there are a er of people wh waned to peak linda eean of them boni --deanne. >> good afteroon.
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commissioner maxwell: just one second. he has the rest of theards so 'll callingoff or me t u cansilsandp. safrancisco and texas. can >> good afternoo suriors. m amembr o thchinese progressive sociation. i'm also atudent a local high sool i li inthe etisrt. i'm in suppoohe health care services master plan cause i beliehathereis hethervices insa francisco and i think tatt master plawill fix tha it wilalsoelp se wh ce the most n will coritepositivelytothe f. cmunties as a ole. althare isum rig anthmaster plan will car out that righto itsigest poteial. i sncerely hopeouill vote in support of the mast plarn. -- master plan. >> good erouervis
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i'm a member of e chinee ogive association. i amdent at owell h scho a cuent ive i theunset itrict. fight againslocal injuices. i'm suppoe heal re service master pl the ähealth ca serce maser plan wi iden gaps in sevice and willelmeet the alth needofll commuties i the ci. i d an incient whenm grandma had hu herself andmy d and uncle brough heto the chinatwn ostal u becae they lacked the righ deme sheasent to hower, becausehey 't speak englis my au was was needed orse wouldstay at the hoital t wholeay more transltion sevices ae needed and the haltare plea vote in supportf is master p francisc thank you. >> thakyou. i knowhawe hava number o gh school students tat need get back doing their
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homework ann. sam lee. >> gdferoo supeors i'm a membr o thchinese progssesoitio eama luteer -- i' a volueein aouth program. we cpaign fohealt care ad ucation issues. i am isupport of the healt care services master plan health-related development should be sed on the neeof all residents san ransco. thpa ofsanf gh nowoutheast san francisco is a pa of san frccowit ma low iome d eoe of coloonly havtw major hospitals while thcheride s many more. the masterlawil ensre thathe needy wget the services they deserve. thank you. i strogy encourage avoe in support of the master pln because heal serces eed to befithe entiretyofa
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francisco insteaof making gabetweethe wat anh workg class biger. it's twe had a plafor san thank you. i'm a meer of e chinese progressive sociatn. i'm a high school student a i support e eat care services master plan [inaudible] the prolem is tha convsation tendstomaximize -- [inaubl rtrnide ofsanracis, t onlywo hosptal inhe southern side. thre areore peoplliving i souersafrancisco. also, anotr unortunate ting is that theaea wheei ive
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in lacksli,elone in shorttopemoetime on the pory sthis wll alchangefterealh care icesmus appy. [iudible]tha you forgivig meime ha myopnio i ask yoto suprt the mas . prsident chiu: tnkyou. y. michel. good aftrnoon. myame is jimmy i'm a youth leader athe chinese progresive association. yout movement of usticeam organizin utmofcuses onissuesin hethare and educaonha fes low income and immigrant communities. i'm in spport fhe eath because i lieve tha san francisco needs to cosider the re ohealth care in the
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tys a whole. it simply mkessense sa cisceelop eqitable quality heltharciywide. the health care seriesmaste planill identify gs in services meca clufer underserd areas and roide recommeations on how health care in these areas cabe developed. is helps impve access to health care sevicesforsa anciscans tywi andn mpves the quality of alth care in sa francisco. woing over theummeron a caaign to help save the spit, i earned hat services are j ispportion in different rts ofhe city, particularly in the southeastern part of san francisc most notable is the fact that the ar10 hospils in e hern part osanfrancisco, ereas there are only two hospitals in the soueast. ese two hospils r st. ke'sostaand s.f. general whichoth receivea plegget la opatien daily. this facalone cearl demonstrates the need f a master lan san francisco need to be
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thinkg strategically to serve e neds othpeple soorheoo of sa francisco,e neelit te il and s tt there e peop out there eed. san francisco needsto accounble totsesidents. it's time that san francisco had a plan a vision of healy sanrancis that proides awful itsesidens and t just a select few. thanyou. president chiu: thak yo lie, lee,aex emy. ame isiclle. i'm a member f cp.a. a of catow and a iarsie
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