tv [untitled] November 3, 2010 6:00am-6:30am PST
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moved a sond. are there any communications? i hav no communications. >> wto recoize i understand there are some students from the- school for juve offde. to thank youfor being here today. >> items 1-18 comprise the cnst agenda. hey will ctedupon by single wilcallvote. >> would anyone like toseve y ofhe its? >> 610. - .
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>>this has beean educational process for . young peopl corra ouabilit activists. wehah coersations with miche'obam'sstafor the et's ve campan. w takg inspiratio anstreng omenerations ofur leadeand food actistsneighborhood leaders, people who are maing quitableood environments. also the generaon of wisdom that comes o of our mmunities has been ining. is inspiring to work wit
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fd stice vist if we pass thi day and move this fward in sa francisco therare ny o issues f addressing a more equitable food environment. is is somethinghat cang o in he eironment. there are other cities at are ma ware part of a memen ha ismong orward an gea fo justicendinteresting an equitablefon garments - and addressi iequible od envonme. activists like the stheast of fd acce clitionnd food guardis us th thisis arvalss.
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i o repeatcouple pec o statiscs. obesity in our nation srowi at staggering te o in fivepeople in the united statesoamerica. aboutal of tpotionis overwgh or children n n ancisco, caamican chilen tino chen, two or three tmes higr. itsts$900 miion yearin health-carecosts and st prodtivity in our country and in e 2 billion hatwe spent. i alsoant to recognizesome
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orgazaons thaha scusse thisand he educate some of us. i wod like to think supervisor alosuperviso cs apsint chui for osponsori this. also ha-working staffathe dertme of blic hlth. the corporate accountability grou the food guardians from he utheast food acss worki group, the californiaenter foreahadvocacy the americaneart association, the richmond distcteighborhood center a theetic help
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etwork and heresident o e american public health asociation, o othege inheountry. also ucsf rsearchers o have orngn this. also a grouof pediaicia o ha bn amazing they are tly cni ctors. he doors omcoective ao the n frcisco u ool strict is a mel of improving our improvements wher held -- iming ourhea
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th change wouldnot have bn whoutthparents an leaders inour school district. i wolike to thank e nt cla couy supervisor r courage in n. we wld not ave uo mrgve anust. iwodliketo gr by sang th ts is a modest ordinance thaiseay getting the restaurant industry to meet basicntritio stanrds for ouldre an famili -- wouldik towp up there is a rious crisisof childhood obity whis an epidemicn our atnbut emergi movemewit our cmmunitiesere ndithinthe
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ntion rethe first step rward. id tolook a ther issues holding restauran and corporations angornment accotae. ir commiee, we went hro a numbeof amendments make this tter no mende to carify ngua theirst one ison page 6 which is simplydded to clafy ha his is o regula speech or advertising. this is nobanthepracticeo tyin toyso kids -- kids' meals. the third is at we ave removed the whole grains reiremt thaedi
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als thelast amendment s that it gives a one-year phase-in for this ordan iwepass this inan rancisco so the last day would be cembert, 21. i would like to urge my colleagues to kee tactism of o gss roots oio and passed thi day -- pass is tay. >> can we ta those amendmes witht jen? t are apted. >>thank you, mr. predent. wod ke toake a oue of minutes antalk about this. this willrobay be st timet represena swg vote. i wanto ta amomenand
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think supervisormarc. hecommentsrecogne all of ttakelders. i wanto ankhim as coeague is a ry gracious and thoughtful author. he issomeewho endeavorsto t andiste peopa he gives yo what i wo ikeo y allesp in ro to change and come a sition. i would like to say to t advocas who haorkehard othis iss that uillos a grealeadern this at the d of supervisors. i wolike to ank survisor mar forvisiting oph school wh me. -- i woulde to sa to the ads o ve work hard ts ise ad the
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grt leader ithisn theboard of survisors. for , houghthat thwa an azing pulation to sit and talkith. se aret ge girls who ret focusof a lot of marketing from he fooseice inst. ese e wonat he grow up quickly andtake respoibility and to think dely abo the future that eyheirchildren would have whenialkeinthe room, i was not surehow n an terested theulbe inhe su the associationetween yng people and fast food s so stngat thoht iwoul the dismissive audience. there are people w are dismissive aut his. there are issues thatme a a time when you ha the public support. hlth access was one the issues. for me, his mis meof the suice determin system e golngadge. -- detrent systemon
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gold gate bridge. they have aopio a to a myopic view of this issue whether this is a city or a arent tt ose wh cld east. thss are nobancedn this equation. there is a ormoamounof moytt is spent to market, advertise, andsecthe menu whicwi beeao customers particular you people. thugh woith my colleags and meetingith aocates o see hat $1.2 billioineas ing so to children under 12 withtoys and this repsents on in ve chen othat agethat are ting at the restaurant. the $360 milli spent on toys, th is morethan t iss of goodarenting i wou theirst to
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confessed at even we sa in the today, thisas ot just mcdonn's that was the h in theot sea -- this was otjust a monald'sth as in the hot seat. i want to these youngwometo eel empowered in the oces of talking aboutthis gisln and king bout it. therlity is tt there is t instant dismissal of this legiation and this approh. when sat in a room with the people suprtinthis legislation hese arepeople that a fighting the good gh these are iividuals that are workg in theutheast igorods to ha faers ets atre akin the thatake place in the castro and many other partsof theity where more protists is
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availae. ey trying convince markets tohave reproduce and morchoices in them. -- ese are iividlsha ar wog in he soust neighborods to ha fme marks thahave mor oduce availae. while wehav added salad anwhilthe a movement cr a ntl kihe at high sool, when we e done voting on this issue, weave responsilityt as well. i thinkthat whasupervis mar, he ard president, upervor avas,supervisor campos weav fhtina
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david d golih situation. they are pangattentio nheconversationtodaythese young women said that itis grea have appllices but we a basill dipping em insugar to eat them. his is a ontradicti as to why you vebeen abett set you gesome nutrionut of it -- utbutter so ha at least you some nuion out oft? i wasconed aut the timing of this legislation and did t wanitobe subjecto dicule. e a going to ve up forward with something. in tmso agn, is there was an ttle bit t muchoc geing votes an not the public at large.
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mang eopletnk about this issue not just with the context of whether toys wi be fe within aerin type of al brther as a society we ve to movebeyon where we are. hile we are advancing so nyifferentars suc as technology, we hav reay retrogressed as it relates to food. i believth thetrywill kenotofäo' isyä osn'm theyarentotftwibl o se uon saä a iggeissue. wa t encourage thesemaj
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akeholdeact now. in't wan waitr th firs so eor tar ugtterlyby the iusy tryitoedge and t whathapp i think thc taka bold move hersay, younow at you needo tin aut the haifou canmaet--hi about the factn ket whole watprocts an s. hnbeen a incentives tsiustry to th. ithink thatthislon in sm ropriateeight is a step to sa yee do ingsdnt -- thinthat tsslio in aalaprate i a .
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>>can you please call item 20 25, 26. tes are ireference o the bonds responding the earthquake. >22,coor$8 cre rligation bond for t department oblic wks the his comssiofr the cessay rai a seismic improvemenorde bter epare san fracofor jor eahquake ornatural disas. item u25 isthe isan of genalonds n toexcd ä 12 milon tem 26, earthe safety and emgreonse bonds cane haal ll voe? >> ye.
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ogram an amento thennual sary. >> same house saml. the motion pass >> im 23, ornae authorizing e adul probatio ment to retrctively cend expd a gran amou ofia thound ars from the offe o ice or fund undetond ance a sta >>wead wt though was a veobt isssion that has advancedthis withouany controy. the rtant ingto know is thatwe arepilotingworeentry court systems fothos who a formallyncarceratea yet being able get what ismore of aspeciaze anemed to more effeive syema adjudisysm with services th can final tackle the recidivismran
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san frcisc is arr granf $50000 o lasfrom aromatelytwo-ve years. this similaro a gra that s beeniven thcivil court. wope at tyare efctive reduci and mitigating thoseoffenrsho inclined proneo reat their offee. i have traled twice to sacramento to meet with the department of corrections in tryingto bbyith thepuic defender and others. we are really lobbying for these grants so that san francisco would be the lot centero what reentry court loo like. san francisco this will become a permanen fixre of our
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system. atis what i'exciteabout. thank you. >> thankou, coeagues. can we do this ite house same call? wit bjtion. >>it 24 resolution ringwith the human seice agencies declaration of emergency toodifthe contract between the city andounty of san franciscand hamto family senate to provide emergency elevor rairs to e familshelter in the amount of $180,000. same hous me call. the motion passes. >> item27, a resotion apovinthe city aouy of san fransco 2010 gra application for the ute states deptmenofhousing and urbadeveloent continuum of care programs. >> same ouse same all? thsoluonsapted.
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aye. no9. > the motion passes. item 29. > ordinance amendingthe said his t ennmental ce pealing the cuen secons and adopan unused secons or e gradl reductionnd overall number of passenger vehicles d light duty trucks in the city's vehicle fleet by 0. >> ro-call ote. >> aye. >> aye >> a. >> aye. > aye >> >ay
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