tv [untitled] November 3, 2010 2:30pm-3:00pm PST
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motion for disclosure. >> this is related to the lease of a portion of the sfpuc harry tracy water treatment plant. chair avalos: the last motion was to not disclose, and we will take that with note -- without objection. supervisor avalos -- mirkarimi: and then there was the other. secretary: that completes our agenda.
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>> [roll call] >> item #2, approval of minutes. >> minutes are approved. >> item #3, public comment on executive session. item>> all right, are we ready? >> i move that we reconvene an open session. >> any discussion? all those in favor? >> aye. >> i moved to disclose that we approve a settlement with mama francheski's as stated in the agenda. >> any discussion? >> i do not think you would have to vote on this. i think that i4a1a of the
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agenda -- >> i would also like to disclose item 4a1b, recommending a settlement between the city and county of san francisco and regal stones regarding the oil spill on november 7, 2002. passed on to the board of supervisors. >> thank you. a item 6a, the use of cell phones, pagers, and similar sound producing electronic items are prohibited at this meeting. the chair might order the removal from the meeting room anyone using a similar sound producing electronic device. please be advised that a amber of the public has up to three minutes to make up to -- to make pertinent comments unless the commission adopts a shorter time
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period. item sevena, director support. -- report. >> midafternoon, commissioners. our executive director has taken a furlough day. she is now out in long beach to attend the the maria shriver women's conference. i am pinch hitting today. october is shaping up to be a very memorable month for the port and the city. we have seen the biggest and best athlete in years. the first port in california, one of only and fall in the world, to have structural power for cruise ships. a few other achievements to mention. i would be remiss in not congratulating the san francisco giants for their victory against the phillies. the port played host to a successful national league
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championship series. now millions of viewers will be focused on the port and the ball park, which is the only park in the world that has two ferry terminals. we're offering hearty congratulations to our good tenants, the giants. we hope that they really mess with texas. that starts tomorrow. the sentences to maritime park association celebrated the 60th celebration of the jubilee fundraiser. the association is really an unsung treasurer of san francisco, as far as i am concerned. thrilled to be here professionally, the museum of fasciation is a very special place. the dinner was a very festive affair. in spite of the weather and the
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world series playoff games being played at the same time. monique one and maritime heritage award. introduced by tim lazarists. monique was honored on behalf of the port for bringing maritime history to life through education preservation. i also learned that our commission president is an excellent cheerleader. you had to be there. it was great. next on the hit parade, october 13, the american planning association announced the designation of the ferry building as one of the 10 great public places for 2010 under their great place in america program. they celebrated the building for its iconic status as one of the
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nation's most elegant and beautifully restored public buildings. supervisor of chiu, the deputy -- supervisor chiu, the port executive director, and the chief operating officer of the very building were on hand to accept the award. you will see the signs that discuss this award and throughout the building this month. congratulations to all with that. the hits just keep on coming, like we hoped the giants will do tomorrow. last tuesday we had an eye -- we had a spectacular groundbreaking. i did not see any broken ground, but i did see someone coming out of the water. the exploreratorium, the internationally acclaimed museum, celebrating the future home of pier 15 and 17. continuing the embarcadero
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project at the fair deal -- fair building that began. around the waterfront did doubles the exhibit space, doubling the number of classrooms, tripling the capacity for teacher development. developed in two phases. a 9 acre campus. a 10 minute walk from the ferry building. congratulations to all. a number of people on staff have put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this project. very exciting. two more items, the last one was put on the agenda by monique. i glanced at it briefly, then i read it and it is quite a remarkable achievement.
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last sunday was world polio day. last sunday thousands from around the country came to san francisco to mark the rotary 25 year fight to eradicate polio. the events culminated in a dramatic fashion when the ferry building was resounding with the pledge to end polio now. other structures around the world -- around the world carry the same message, including the sydney opera house. earlier that day, thousands of rotarians walked from united to the ferry building to signify this effort they have undertaken. i did not realize this and i am sorry to take your time on this, but it is fascinating. rotary has raised $900 million and is nearing its goal of
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raising an additional $200 million for the challenge goal in the bill gates foundation. rotary has immunize more than 2 billion children, reducing " the amount of polio cases by 99%. these are just remarkable statistics. on behalf of all of us, i learned a little bit of something today and i hope that everyone else did as well. two more items, leslie, almost last, the patrol opened in san francisco as the celebration of the harry birches project, a former port commission president. the reception will feature the director of the harry bridges projects, showing his 10th anniversary film but excerpts of
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his one-man play. the life of thomas paine. last but not least, a reminder that due to a lack of a quorum and the fact that most of support staff will be celebrating the world series victory, the november 9 meeting has been cancelled and the next meeting will be on december 14. that concludes the report. >> commissioner? >> is there any public comment on the executive director report? ok, next item. >> item 8a, authorization to expand $15,200 in grant funding from the department of boating and waterways of abandoned watercraft abatement fund for removal of abandoned waterfront. 8b, accepting the first quarter contract in report for fiscal
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year 2011 for july 1, 2010 through september 30, 2010 reporting period. >> so moved. >> public comment on either of these items? commissioners, and the questions? all those in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? ok. did i ask for public comment? >> yes. >> item 9a, informational presentation and proposed adoption of the 2010 building code, incorporating the 2010 california building code and conditions for a green building design and review of energy systems. the >> good afternoon. commissioners? i am here to present information on the proposed adoption of the 2010 port of san francisco building code.
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at the current code addition from 2008 adopted the 2007 building code standards for building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. the state has adopted a new code. a 2010 building code that will be effective on january 1, 2011. when that is effective, they will appeal the 2007 building code standards that we have adopted. as a result of that, we need to adopt a new 2010 port building code, adopting the building code standard for that title 24 california board of regulations status pertinent to the port specific locations with
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topographical conditions. it will also conclude -- include our administrative procedures. so that we are able to process and permit applications and appeal to building code decisions. this includes a building code with a goal -- a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 20% below the 1990 levels by the year 2012. as stated in resolution 158-02 in the city's 2004 climate action plan. we will have a water conservation regulation, construction debris management regulations, and commercial ratings efficiencies concluded in the building code
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requirements. they will all be very similar to the san francisco building code requirements, which are more stringent than the state. the state pretty much addresses only new construction. we will include remodeling and construction that is not new. the schedule, we are working out at right now. engineering staff is meeting with our environmental specialists currently and we plan to have a final draft posted to the public from november 15 through november 30. with a request to be adopted by the effective date of
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