tv [untitled] November 3, 2010 9:30pm-10:00pm PST
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thank you. i have no speaker cards. roll call, please. secretary: [reading roll] that is five ayes. vice president mendoza: we have an action item. a reading a recommendation from the superintendent. thank you. >> ok, i'm here to enter any questions you may have about williams. ok, that the board of education
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of the san francisco unified school district accepts the report from the independent auditors for the williams oversight visits for school year 2010-2011 of the district's thirty deciles 13 school was based on the 2009 api. vice president mendoza: i do not have any speaker cards. commissioner wynns? commissioner wynns: i actually found these reports interesting, particularly the moving up and down. thankfully, more moved up and moved down -- than moved down, but i am wondering about monitoring this process. do we give feedback to the state?
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it seems to me that the difference between good and poor is very small. there are very small numbers of things, not all of them are not very important. from reading these, it seems to me that after doing this for a few years that we ought to be getting some feedback on that process, and i would like to hear that feedback from you and from the people who are doing the assessmentqa. it seems that the final readings are -- instead of giving us an idea about how we are doing. to have the right forum to get feedback. >> i have participated in the
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facility for four years. the report that you have is from a man who does inspecting of the 30 williams schools, and they go out in teams and inspect all of the other schools. the state has never asked to explain or justify anything that we are doing, but i can tell by going out year after year that we make improvements in our process, and i can also tell you that the schools seem to be clear -- cleaner in just more inviting in a better place for our students to study -- cleaner and just more inviting and a better place for our students to study. what will happen is that you do not get any feedback until
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things have really deteriorated and broken down. but this is something that all of the other district schools do with their county superintendents. it is a whole county function, and we do it this way. >> i am not suggesting that we do not want to do this. on the contrary. i agree that this has been a positive thing. what i am asking is do we think it is as good as we can do? is it actually useful in the way that it is set up? and is there any way for us to give feedback or get feedback? so what i am asking is a little deeper question than the general usefulness. >> i can certainly have someone answer your questions, but i
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think it is a good question. commissioner wynns: if we could just ask him. vice president mendoza: commissioner fewer? commissioner fewer: what kind of questions or the conversations right now. if that is ok with the chair. vice president mendoza: we will add this to our building and grounds agenda. any other questions for the board? superintended? seeing none, roll call, please. secretary: [reading roll]
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that is five ayes. vice president mendoza: thank you. item m is discussion of other educational issues. we have nine tonight. item -- we havwe none tonight. item n, we have nine tonight. roll call, please. secretary: [reading roll} thank you. vice president mendoza: item p is severed for speakers and
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immediate action. item w-7, commissioner norton or commissioner wynns? >> i was hoping that you could address a question that was brought up in public comments with regard to this item. >> good evening, commissioners. i am the chief facilities officer. for those of you may not remember, at a child care center housed in a former elementary school, we started this school year and move to the child care center out into a brand-new building -- and moved to the child care center out into a brand-new building, which was specifically for the needs of
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the child care center. in every way, it was completely wonderful, a facility designed and play and for the needs of those, and as with all new buildings, there is a certain break-in and de-bugging period, and there is a need to respond to the needs of the users of they have begun to occupy this space. some of the concerns that were expressed, quite frankly, are a difference of opinion between how we -- how the previous people used the building and the new people use it. to make the building in every way work for the people who use them, because if we do not, then we are not effectively providing the kind of support that we need to do, but i would assure you in every way the building is
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wonderful. it is beautiful, and it is a really exciting place for children to be. we are proud of it, and those things which are a concern, and i will ask the woman to resubmit her list -- the need to make the school the appropriate place to be, we're going to take care of it. vice president mendoza: thank you, and it sounds like many of them were cg issues, which is a priority of ours. we appreciate your looking into that. any other comments? >> one of the things i was wondering about was the issue of the awnings, then not being a place for the children to wait for the bus in the rain. what do we usually do about that? not all of our schools have covered places for the kids to wait, right? >> excuse me. this is actually a difference in
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the design of the new building. a regular building. you walk up the steps, and you go in the front door. this building is a series of classrooms with an exterior arcade, and the doors of the rooms exit to the outside and are covered, and, yes, the path from the school down to the street is not covered in the rain, as are most of our paths in most of our schools throughout the district, so to the extent we can mitigate and solve the problem to the satisfaction of the people but are concerned, we will do that. to some extent, the building is not going to be redesigned and reconstructed, so there are times in california when one has to have an umbrella, and there is a slipping hazards, and if there is a need to be concerned about safety, we're going to
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take care of it. vice president mendoza: if there are no other questions, roll call, please. secretary: [reading roll] that is five ayes. vice president mendoza: thank you. k-8. >> my question about k-8 was more about what our direction is set. it has gotten some media attention. it is clearly a place where children are learning.
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i am wondering at what point, this is a school -- i would like to know what are our plans to address some of those issues. >> my name is mary richards, again, executive director of the high school team. to answer your question explicitly, they were officially brought in when the policy was authorized three years ago. this is the fourth year of the official policy. in the policy, there is a comprehensive practice. i can talk about those, all of
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the components. they are extremely comprehensive. one of those also state that the superintendent show establish a system of data collection necessary to about the way the effectiveness -- the superintending shall establish a system of data collection. to evaluate the effectiveness. as i said, there is explicit language in here. i can provide it for you. i can read it now. ok. >> it sounds like what we are
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doing is we are undertaking a comprehensive evaluation. >> absolutely, and the number one part of that process, too, is the practices, including the amount of revenue generated from various public and private institutions, which is a critical factor, so there will be a review of that and other budget areas. >> if this is too deep, i can talk to you about it off-line. are we looking at the achievement vs selling investment ratio? -- achievement versus investment ratio? where we investing in other schools?
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what have we seen in terms of the achievement track record, and what conclusions can we draw from that? how we end up with that kind of analysis? >> i would expect so, but i think the superintendent can explain that. >> via we apologize. -- i would like to apologize. i would like to request that we move this so the we have the opportunity to speak with mary on exactly what this would be to see if this is an appropriate position. if possible, we'd like to take this off-line and review it with you. president kim: can you identify what you want to do with it? >> remove it. vice president mendoza: deputy
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superintendent? >> yes, all of our schools are engaging in a process of looking at how it influences student achievement. this is no different. all of the schools are looking at the data. and we had a notion of progress, where we had lots of participation. we will have more as the year goes on. whether or not the scores are a true measure of achievement. we have been very clear that it is a measure of student achievement. we are looking at student achievement. we're looking at what those indicators are, setting goals,
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and the structure and not only professional development but what happens to meet those goals, as well, so it is a big question, and we really do appreciate it. vice president mendoza: thank you. commissioner wynns. commissioner wynns: my questions are budget questions. what i want, and i do not expect to know it this evening, we're going to get that when we get the evaluation, so you will get that in three or four months. if it is a lot of work to say to do it now -- but what i would like to know is to see all of the money that we are spending. i need to know about the small school differential. these kinds of dollars that come
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mainly from restricted funds or unrestricted funds, i just do not have a sense of that, in addition, an evaluation as was just referred to about the valuation of the whole initiative, it will also include a financial assessment, -- not all of the money is identified by looking at the school budget. i need to know how much that is so i can get a sense of how much this applies. we know that the whole idea is to serve small groups of students in a different way, so
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that needs to be part of our assessment. we're doing that in our data free environment right now. i need more data, and i need some of it to be financial. thank you. >> services will have to be delayed, and i am also curious why we are doing this six weeks- eight weeks into the school year. are we looking to hire these positions, or are we finding the continuation of these positions? and i want to welcome mr. alexander. >> thank you, commissioners.
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i can respond to that, but just briefly, we do very much welcome the questions around evaluation and data, the media report that commissioner norton referred to. it had some big inaccuracies in them, and i have never seen the numbers that commissioner wynns asked for. i think that would be very helpful. and our dropout rate is really less than the district average. i say we do welcome -- the data review is good for all of us, and we welcome it, but in terms of this resolution, this is very similar to the resolution that you all approved last year and
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the year before that, into -- and to pull it right now would be disruptive. the rfp process under another superintendent, -- these are not district positions for these services, and they are essential services to our innovative way of providing support to students, and they essentially pay for part of it themselves, so they are doing part of it now. to answer your question specifically, they are being employed by the nonprofits to pay that portion, so we would respectfully request the while we will definitely do all evaluations, we not pull the
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item around the consultants. >> madam chair, if the board is so inclined, the job and do the job description, that is another option that you of available to you, as well. >> and also wanted to suggest that we could call this item for the december curriculum committee, because i think that we have also had another, so we would also like to hear from them, too, and is there another? it would be great to have those schools for the curriculum meeting. vice president mendoza: deputy
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superintendent? >> we can work together to provide a more comprehensive report for the board, but since it does have your attention right now, i did want to clarify in terms of the state budget, the ssd's equivalent level of sight based resources they would otherwise get if they were not, with the exception of funding of up to 7 professional development days, so that really is the most significant resources difference in terms of funding versus one that was exactly the same type of school but was not designated. i just want to make that point, and that we can provide more
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comprehensive report after the meeting. vice president mendoza: commissioner wynns? commissioner wynns: et there used to be a small school differential, not just in small schools for design, because they basically did not have enough students to provide for a principal. that is the base funding. we give that to every school. they would have enough funding. we have some way of teasing that out? we used to call it a small school support, but now we just call it the base funding, so we do not have any way of finding out what that is on a per pupil allocations? >> we do. your respective of the number of
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students or the size of the school -- irrespective of the number of students or the size of the school. it is not differentiated for a small school versus a large school. it is the same amount commissioner wynns: . -- it is the same amount. commissioner wynns: i do not know how to -- i understand that we cannot any longer just say that there is a differential, so i would like to try to figure that out, just by may be looking at how many schools we have. i understand it they are not all small schools by design. i want to make that clear. not that we have created a new small school, just that we have schools that are small. to figure out what the specific costs of that may be. vice president mendoza: ok,
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thank you. cobbing scum interested on voting on this contingent upon your review, .-- colleagues, interested on voting on this contingent upon your review, so roll call, please. secretary: [reading roll] that is five ayes. vice president mendoza: k-12. right, so this is -- since you pulled it, i do have a comment. i do not want to see retroactive resolutions, and the explanation for this once again is funny not available before the date of service.
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if we do not have the funding, we cannot have the school. i want to be very, very clear about retroactive resolutions, so if there are any other comments on that? >> thank you, commissioners. we have actually revise the way we proceed, and i apologize for that. reviewing all of the budgets -- vice president mendoza: excuse me, could you identify yourself? >> i am sorry. i am -- the contract was written for a 29 -- 2009-2010 was not right. that more money be contract it, that was not done, pa and it
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basically for the bill for the entire year. this is an attempt to note -- to repay them for the academic year last year. commissioner wynns: now i am concerned about that, because that makes it a lot worse, so that makes a potentially totally wrong. >> exactly, and that is definitely my fault. there were actually two resolutions that were drafted before this particular board meeting, and this one accidentally made it, so there was one that explained it thoroughly, and i would be happy to provide that to you. commissioner wynns: i hate to say this, because this is retroactive, but this should be brought back. i am not willing to vote for something that is inaccurate. we are putting in the record, and that situation that we owe the money from last year, it can be a contract for this year, but
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it has to say that this is money that we owe them for last year, and this is a different contract. >> it is not necessarily new, but we felt there were other ways to rectify that in the past, and this was our attempt to try our best. >> whether it was a k resolution, i am not sure how it was done, but this is my attempt. this is current, and this is just funds used in the past. now, part of the reason why i thought this was going to be ok is that we have 18 months to use those funds. we do have the academic year, so, technically, this is still current according to the california department of ed
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