tv [untitled] November 4, 2010 11:00am-11:30am PST
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my mother was one of six children where they regularly visited treasure island. supervisor alioto-, your family might have spoken about that. my father was an immigrant from china. he was invited by the government because he was a graduate of the naval academy. they made a visit to treasure island in 1955 and that is where he met my mother's family. in 1959, he got married to my mother. i speak in appointment of linda richardson. i take note that it is important to have resident input. it sounds like there is enough resident in put and there will be a seat reserved for a resident. i have known her for at least a decade. she is a broad coalition builder. she has professional expertise
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and personal attributes of listening to people and being thoughtful and methodical, and moving things forward. it is important that the project not be stalled because of appointment concerns. i think treasure island will bring back economic vitality to the city in terms of recreation, housing, and opportunity for small business. linder richardson has served on the small business commission. our commission looks at the diversity and economic opportunity for women. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you, commissioner. next speaker? >> my name is kathy. i am the director of hunters point senior services. i am here to speak on behalf of linda richardson. i have worked with her for many years. she is a great leader. she has integrity. she has expertise and
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experience. what i would say if she is a coalition builder. it is very contentious in bayview hunters point. she is one of the people that polls people together. you have to compromise sometimes. that makes people unhappy on both ends, but it gets the job done. she has been willing to listen to everybody and move the agenda for. when we talk about the shipyard being a rush job, that is 12 years. that is a long time. we need to push things forward. we need to have development. she does that well. she has passion. she would be the only african- american on this commission. she would represent everyone. the other thing i know about her is she has a special spot for people who are homeless. there is energy around helping homeless people in san francisco. she would be a great advocate for them. i support her, and going
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forward. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. let me read a few more names for speakers. [reading names] go ahead, sir. >> good afternoon. my name is frank williams. i am here to support linda richardson. i want to speak on some of the things that have not been mentioned today. ms. richardson shows great leadership and has been an advocate and in the community for the past 20 years. she knows how to touch people. she is one of the chosen few who walks through communities, who actually stops people.
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she is out there. she has her sleeves rolled up. she knows how to talk to the youth. she knows what is important as far as community building. i am here to support her and her being a part of this project would be great for treasure island. we know the population of treasure island. we have women who have multiple children. we have single-parent thing going on. we have different organizations there. when we break down homelessness and other categories, alcohol and drugs, etc., lender richardson knows how to touch people. she listens to people. she is a good person for this position. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker? >> good morning. my name is martin. i am here to support linda
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richardson. as you will see today, she has a wide variety of people that are supporting her. they are going to talk about a lot of things that i could probably say, but i am just going to talk about her passion for the people of san francisco, and her passion for the community people. sometimes, you can have all of the expertise in the world, but if your heart is not in it, if you are not really looking to take care of the people and make decisions that will be best for all of san francisco, it has been my dealing with her, and i have seen her in difficult situations where you have two opposing sides, and i have always seen her come forward with one thing. what is best for all san francisco? i believe that a person in this position has to have that type of compassion and that type of knowledge to make the right
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decision. the people that are on this commission will make decisions that will ultimately affect all san francisco and some -- san franciscans. linda richardson as somebody who will make the right decision. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. welcome to the labor council. >> thank you, supervisors. i am the executive director of the san francisco labor council. i can see there is a lot of talent in reappointment and appointments that have been put forward. i am pleased. i am pleased to the mayor's office has said there will be a resident appointment foreshore. -- for sure. that being said, we have worked
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hard with linda richardson. larry del carlo has been a fixture in the housing community. from the point of organized labor, we really want to have the support of larry mazzola jr. he serves on the executive committee. he is a senior officer. i know the skills it takes and what is needed to do to run an organization like that with those budgets. we need someone from organized labor to represent us. i urge the appointment to move forward. supervisor campos: thank you, sir. next speaker? >> thank you. good to see you wall. you have some outstanding candidates here. i have known four of them for a long time. i am sold, i don't really know
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larry mazzola, but i know joe mazzola. all of these people do outstanding work. it is essential that a resident be on there. i stepped out to call a friend of mine. you'll probably hear his name. i told him to get an application in immediately. the young man has a family out there. that is essential. i don't think that is a good reason to hold these people up. some of these people have such a great experience. one of the things we have got to keep going in our commissions is that we keep continuity of people who have been on there, and some people have a connection to the history of this city, who has been disenfranchised, who needs help, who is in the most serious condition, and what problems do we need to tackle first.
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larry is interesting. he talked about urban renewal. i was invited to the mission to ask whether or not i think they should allow redevelopment of urban renewal come -- to come to the mission. i told them i cannot -- i told them in no uncertain terms that i cannot use now, and i love the mission district on saturday morning. we can make that happen for treasure island. approve these people. let's get a resident on there. let's make treasure island happen. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker, please? >> i will echo. i am here speaking on behalf of
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linda richardson. god said, "my people perish for lack of knowledge." mr. richardson has been blessed by god in my eyes as a voice from far away that has been given the education and the spirit of international affairs tied to africa, which is a vital point of connecting with this part of the world. dealing with homelessness, as i served as a board member, i know -- she knows how to deal with first class, second class,
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and no class, which is of vital point of our economy today. we need to support mrs. richardson right away because with the recent election across the nation, that will affect san francisco, we need to move forward as a city for individuals that know how to work on the state, federal, and the local and international levels. this will be very critical to fund the the city -- to fund the city and county of san francisco. it is not what you know. it is who you know. "can you pick the phone up and call and be there? thank you very much. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> mr. chairman, rules committee
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members, i am a senior pastor in bayview hunters point. i am representing the tabernacle community development group. i am also representing african- americans. there are ministers in bay view -- bayview. i am representing today linda richardson and larry del carlo and joe mazzola. these are outstanding personalities. if you notice the people who spoke in reference to linda -- this city is known for its diversity. it is concerned about -- i think
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that gradualism won't work. these people are qualified. we have no time to waste. we finished a very divisive election in the country. it is time now to move forward. i believe this committee has the ability to do that. i urge you to move forward quickly. ms. richardson stepped up. we dealt with the toxic waste situation out there. there were various diseases from the toxic waste. she was a champion in pushing that forward. a variety of things were negative for the community. now we have one of the greatest developments there. linda richardson was part of that. thank you very much. supervisor campos: thank you.
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next speaker, please. >> good morning. my name is john. i am with the electrical workers local 6. i don't think anyone should be held up. one comment was made about the transition in the mayor's office. if that is the only thing you will say to hold them up on, that is no good. the mayor's office a short they will have a seat for a resident of the island. i think that can be dealt with in the full board if it is an issue. lastly, i want to state my support of larry mazzola jr. he brings a skill sets that is not duplicated with the other candidates. comments were made about local hire and those discussions going forward. part of that conversation has to
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be bought affordable housing stock for working families. you have a spot where you can address that in large numbers. moving forward, that need to be done. working families need someone who will push for them. larry mazzola will be one of those people. his experience working with people from the mission housing corporation, they will be able to help him formulate that argument and move this thing forward. i say, move all of these people forward. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is kevin. i am assistant business manager with electrical local 6. i just want to say that i believe with the current list of nominees, there is absolutely
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everything covered, as far as height, bulk, open space, inclusion rehousing, there are certainly areas of expertise within every candidate that is in front of you today. i nolan richardson. my experience with her has been on the civil service commission. i have known her to be very fair and consistent over the years. i would like to draw your attention to one thing that has yet to be raised, to my knowledge. as far as infrastructure on ti, i know as a representative of city employees that the grid is woefully under-sized. the grid -- i know the waste water facilities are out there. there is one tiny sewer plant. this is not an attractive topic. how to get water on and off?
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open space, a unit counts, unit make up, and larry mazzola jr. is situated on the plumbing side. he has experience as it relates to utilities and infrastructure. i think that is what larry mazzola jr. brings to fully round out the list of candidates. thank you for your time. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning. my name is al williams. i am here as a citizen and the president of the san francisco african-american historical and cultural society. i would like to make two brief points. one is that a number of people have referenced the time this process has taken. i would encourage you to move these nominations for work. you have an excellent group here. a number of people have
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mentioned the time. my good friend in the back stall and i were pointed to the citizens committee on the shipyard by the mayor back in 1988. these things have been going on for 20 years. the second thing i would like to say is i came in initially to speak in support of linda richardson. i certainly do that. she is a wonderful candidate. i discovered when i walked in the room that there are other people who are excellent candidates. people not only represent technical diversity, but also ethnic diversity and gender diversity from all of the communities. you have an excellent pool. a final note i would suggest is a number of years ago, someone used the analogy of breakfast to talk about differences between involvement and commitment.
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the thing about breakfast, the chicken was involved, but the pig was committed. what i think you have here today is you have a number of people who are committed. all of these people are truly committed. they have been at this for a long time and they deserve your support. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm a president of the janitors local 87 here in san francisco. i am the secretary treasurer of the labor council. i am here to speak on behalf of larry mazzola and larry del carlo. one of the greatest things about our city is treasure island. our kids are always thinking about peter pan. the new projects will be developed. the community will be changing.
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my mom as a community organizer in los angeles and that is my background. i agree with the other brother who spoke this morning. there has always been a community there. he is right. with the diversity of the new commissioners that have been proposed, and the perspectives of larry mazzola and larry del carlo, they will bring a different tone to the conversations about how our treasure island will be developed and how important it is. for linda richardson, i have not matter until this morning, but i would probably vote for her, given this region given the wonderful references. i am here -- given the wonderful references. i am here to urge your support to approve your support for larry del carlo and larry mazzola. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. thank you.
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i am here to speak in support of mr. mazzola and del carlo. it is really simple. larry mazzola has been working with the community. he is good friends with everybody. in my opinion, he will be one of the best candidates for this particular thing. mr. del carlo, i have known him for a long time. both of them together have quite a bit of experience. we talk about community. you know? they know about community. we are involved in so much community. that is about all i have to say.
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i support them. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you very much. next speaker? if there is any other member of the public who has not spoken, please come forward. >> commissioners, i am the director of anthropology. i was an original member of the treasure wrote island advisor committee, serving from 1991 until 1994. i had the pleasure of suing the navy back in 1995 for cleanup. i have had a long time with this process. we funded people working on the project from the very beginning and i am glad to see it moving forward. i am not here to speak on any individual. he. i respect all of them who have been nominated. i am rising to express a general concern about the process, this
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process, and redevelopment commissions, generally speaking. these commissions wield tremendous power. there is a lack of meaningful competency criteria for selection. these appointments can transcend the administration's that. them. you have no meaningful criteria for judging performance. they are more often popularity parties than they are real performance reviews. with no disrespect to any city commissioner or the commissioners themselves, they shield project from accountability. the shield elected officials from the responsibility and accountability that are rightfully theirs. we need policy discussions in the city about the status of the commission, about the purpose of the commission, and about the commissioners themselves. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker, please?
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>> good afternoon. my name is ruth. i have no comments on the individuals before you. as a group, they possess many of the qualifications spelled out in the treasure island development authority board bylaws. that is fantastic. i'm looking toward the future and how we can put together a process where we can select the board as a team that possesses all the qualifications we need for a project of this magnitude. the bylaws try to also say -- and other disciplines relevant to the reuse of the base. one thing that gets forgotten is the board has two recent to be. one is to serve as the redevelopment agency under california law. the second one is to serve as the trustee under the trust act. we keep forgetting about the need to have people serve on the
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board to understand and respect the public trust doctrine, and who are committed to working closely with the commission on the development of this project. that is one thing i see as missing. sustainability. one of the former members of the board had a broad view of the entire range of what constitutes sustainability, including water management, waste water, sewage, as well as climate protection, not just energy and those kinds of things. also, we forget the major asset are naturally occurring ecosystems. it would be great to have someone who knows something about ecological restoration. transportation can make or break the project. we need people who know about what to transit -- water transit and the aspects we will have to address. parking policy is a big one.
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there are other things i would like to see in the future. thank you. supervisor campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public would like to speak? public comment is closed. i have a question. just a quick question about the appointment of an island resident. my understanding is there has been a request for input or applications from the island. is there a vacancy right now that appointment would go to? my understanding is there is no vacancy. >> correct. there is the understanding that the incumbent would vacate that seat. all of the positions to serve at the pleasure of the mayor.
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they are term, but they serve at the pleasure of the mayor. supervisor campos: even though there is no vacancy, the commitment from the mayor's office is that you would -- >> we would create a vacancy. supervisor campos: has there been reconsideration to appointing the resident already serving on that seek right now? >> certainly, mr. stevens can apply for that seat and would be considered. he has good experience sitting on the title board of these past years. supervisor campos: supervisor mar? supervisor mar: linda richardson is a new appointment. which seat as she replacing? what board member is she replacing? >> i cannot remember. she is a city official as defined in the bylaws. she sat on hrc.
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she is officially sitting on the board. her appointment took effect immediately. she resigned from hrc. she is a title board member, similar to the other incumbents. that same process -- she would follow the same process as the incumbent title board members. supervisor mar: she would continue to serve unless rejected. >> correct. supervisor campos: thank you to the members of the public who have spoken and to all of the applicants for being here. colleagues, we're going to figure out how we should proceed. let me say that, from my perspective, i do wish that this had been done differently, that the mayor's office had, in
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fact, submitted an entire package that included a resident of the island. i will be honest with you. if we were talking about a major project in my neighborhood, where i live, and there was a body of this type that was providing governments and oversight of that project, and a resident was not to be included on that body, i think there would be a lot of problems. i would feel this respected as a resident by that. i don't think that it is enough that, after the fact, after these names have come forward, that somehow they are going to go back and ask for residents to think about being on the body. i don't think that is how we should work. i am disappointed by that.
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